Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
1764 replies and 43 files omitted.
>>80632"That sure sounds bad." Iron's ears droop, a bit worried.
>>80634"Was this the only piece of information you found?"
>>80636"I do not know much about liches, other than that they are bad news for us. They are known to command entire armies of powerful undead, and can raise new undead with no issue."
>>80637Silver levitates out the other book he picked up. "There was other book by him. Note spoke about how he made ghasts by accident."
>>80638She takes the first book and stuffs it with her hoof under his wing, making a clinking noise as she does so.
"He made the monsters
unintentionally?" she says, as she takes the second booklet
>>80638Iron is a bit scared. "Well, let us hope we do not have that on our hooves."
>>80640Her wing"So... do you know exactly what he was trying to do? What his plan was?"
she flips through the pages
>>80642"I do not know for sure. If I were to guess, he was looking for immortality. Otherwise, there would be far more than just few ghasts here if he was looking for power."
>>80643"i really hope he failed."
>>80643>>80644"How many ghasts do you think are down here?"
More clinking as she places away the second booklet
>>80644"If he succeeded, then we can only hope he left for Dread League, and did not decide to stay."
>>80645"...Did you grab other soul jars, Skies?"
>>80645"im not sure. it could be quite a few."
>>80646"Soul Jars? No... I think you and Ash got those"
>>80647"Well, Dark Star, I think that this set of catacombs may just be a worthwhile use of my day"
>>80648First the sound of glass breaking, then an interest in Curwhinny's books, now the same clinking sounds the jars in Silver's bags made? The look on Silver's face suggests he does not believe her.
Should I make a Sense Motive check here? >>80649You can, yes"Count all of them. Don't you two have all of them?"
>>80648"im glad to have you along."
[1d20+3 = 16]>>80650Sense Motive: "There were other jars, in other room. You asked me about them."
She rubs her head against him
>>80652"I haven't been to any room besides this one"
Sense motive result: her statement about not taking jars with souls in them was not false, but it most certainly wasn't true
>>80653Silver's concerned about the mixed messages he's receiving. "Skies? Can you do me huge favor, and open your bags, so we may put this behind us?"
>>80654"Bag? I don't have any bags on me"
Silver can see with his eyes that this is true, as she is naked
>>80655Silver would probably not have asked that if I knew that."Then what is making noise?"
>>80656"Hard to say. Don't you have jars on you?"
>>80657Silver thinks some more. "...Your wings."
>>80660"He is implying that Skies is hiding something. I would not why she could be hiding though." Iron shrugs.
>>80660"Just...give me second here, Star."
>>80659"Yes. Your wings. They are bulged outwards. Unfold them, please."
>>80663She does not comply with his request. What she
does offer instead is this admission:
"Alright, I may have winged a few alchemical jars. Who knows what they contain, but they may be worth a few bits on some market. I did not take any 'soul' jars. What value would I have with with some random dead pony's soul? And it's not like you all aren't looting as well. I see that rifle on you looks exactly like a military model, and both you and Ash are taking the soul jars. I admit I'm still befundled as to what you want to do with those"
Sorry I'm late to the party.
What's going on?
>>80666Oh hai, Satan! We're exploring the catacombs again
>>80666Some details include 4 appearing small ghasts that ran away from us after seeing us, Ash and Silver carrying soul jars to free their souls, and Skies trying to pass unnoticed with some alchemical jars.
>>80665Silver remembers the jars of alchemical substances in one of the rooms. Hearing this puts his mind at ease. "If that was case, you could have just told us." Still, Silver casually trots towards the room that still had soul jars in it to check. "It is not like we would have looked down on you for it."
>>80666We're exploring the catacombs, Skies is pilfering jars of alchemical substances, and you are there too. Oh, and so is Ash, but she's AFK right now. >>80668Again? Damn it
>>80667Oh boy
>>80670Not the jars!!!!
What are the jars exactly?
>>80670>>80668Well, don't mind me. I'll be AFK too for a bit, but will follow Star, first priority, if not him, then Silver. Be right back.
Alright, I can play again now.
>>80674Welcome back. The ghasts ran away into the right corridor and Skies tried to take some alchemical jars, or at least she testifies this.
>>80675Anything important happen?
Pretend sister Ash stepped outside to put the jars in a sunny but sheltered spot, and then spent several minutes praying while I was gone.
She returns to the catacombs.
>>80670“... Thank you for your understanding”
The second room is indeed there, I think it had a door that has since been opened
>>80677>sunny but shelteredPick one
>>80668“Dark Star, sweetie, do you have a bag I could borrow? Preferably a large one?”
[Read more] >>80679I mean somewhere right at the door of the house, preferably where they wouldn't get rained on.
Then again, last I knew it wasn't going to rain today, so she just leaves them outside in a neat pile, setting them on a piece of fabric.
>>80679"How much do you think you will get for those?"
>>80677Silver calls out from a second room, similar to the previous one where they picked up the first set of jars. "Sister Ash, could you help me with jars in this room?"
>>80682"There's more?"
Sister Ash follows suit, repeating the process from earlier.
>>80683"This should be it." Silver joins her, though he is limited by the jars he already has that he was distracted from delivering.
>>80684Sister Ash joins the rest of the party as soon as she's finished with the jars.
>>80685Silver does so as well. "I believe that is all of those. Now, group said something about exploring right tunnel...which had four small ghasts. Or, perhaps they were not ghasts, but something similar. I do not know."
Sister Ash first goes to inspect the Sarcophagus she was told about earlier.
>>80683There are at least another dozen soul jars in the second room, and a growling sound from this room's 'well.' This room is essentially identical to the last one
>>80681That may be possible..
>>80680Well, I would think everypony has one, because the alternative to having a saddle bag is to either not carry anything, only carry it on a belt or jacket, or try to store it on or in the pony body
>>80684"What do you think that guy was trying to do with all of this?"
>>80682"If you are asking because you want a cut, I will pay you"
[Read more] >>80687This room is a little different. The sarcophagus seems to have belonged to a mummified noble of the Sonambula region
>>80688Dark Star opens his saddle bag
"I think it'll all fit."
>>80690She takes the bag from him, and gives him a wicked smile
"It's kind of big, so it will be kind of tight"
>>80688>in the pony bodyGiggity."Like I said, I do not know. My guess would be immortality, but it could be any of dozen reasons.
"You do not have to give cut of what you have found. I am curious for myself if I find any to sell on my own."
>>80688Sister Ash stops by the well on her way.
"... Does anypony have a torch?" She asks
>>80689I was just about to ask if it was from Sonambula.
"... Pfft, no respect.." She chides as she eyes the broken lid
Sister Ash takes a few minutes arranging the pieces, and casts Mending to seal them together.
>>80691Dark Star has a look of realization on his face
"oh fuck. thats to much."
>>80693"You do not need to look down there. There are three ghasts. I do not recommend sticking your face into well. It stinks to high Tartarus."
>>80693This is successful, and the sarcophagus returns to its position. It's relatively ornate, probably has some value to it, and appears to date from the Middle Kingdom era
>>80695"Hehehe, your bag is more than big enough Dark Star. I am just kidding"
>>80692"Tell you what. Why don't you help me find things, and I can sell them for you."
Back>>80697>>80695Iron snickers at the display.
Well... I missed quite a lot.
>>80696"It's precisely because they're down there that I cannot ignore them." She replies
Sister Ash looks for something wooden/flammable
>>80700Unfortunately, it does not immediately appear that there is anything flamable around. There is decayed wood, and an intense enough search would be reasonably likely to reveal lamp oil, but there isn't
that much around
>>80701She rubs his body against his
>>80697Sister Ash seems satisfied with her handiwork, and dusts the sarcophagus off, before giving a silent prayer and returning to her business.
Is there anything wooden/fammable lying about here?
>>80699Eh, not really. Skies tried to hide some alchemical compounds inside jars and is now carrying them with Star as well as offering pay to Silver if he finds more. Apart from that, Ash repaired the sarcophagus and Onyx is
or was here.
>>80697"You know where to sell these things?"
>>80700"I do not even know how we can put them to rest, without shooting them from outside well."
[1d20+6 = 15]>>80702Decayed wood will work.
Sister Ash focuses on the wood for a few seconds and ignites it with her ability.
Then she slowly levitates the wood down into the well.
Rolling a touch attatch to try to set one on fire.
>>80704I'm here, there's just not much for me to do.
>>8070615 DC reflex to about catching fire, btw.
>>80707Help me find wood for torches.
>>80706Lucky"Are you sure that amount of wood is enough to hurt the ghasts down there?" Iron cocks his head.
>>80707Same >>80702Dark Star kisses her on the cheek
[1d20+3 = 14]>>80705"Oh I know"
>>80706"RAAAAAAH!" it lets off an unholy cry
>>80707"Hey there, big guy"
Says the skinny, azure white pegasus
[Read more] [1d20+6 = 20]>>80710"I only need to hit them once.." she replies through gritted teeth as she focuses
>>80712She attempts to light another one
[1d20 = 7]>>80712>>80713"I guess it worked..." Iron starts searching for wood to help Ash.
[1d20+6 = 11]>>80714Let's try that again (cuz it's not like they can fight back)
>>80712Silver thinks a bit on this. "...When you sell these things I find, go ahead and take 15% of what you get for them for yourself. Consider it seller's fee."
[1d20+6 = 24]>>80716".. Slippery one..." Ash grunts in frustration as she attempts to light the third creature
>>80720None other than Blue Skies, representing the Black Hooves party.
>>80719Okay, now that Ash has set alight the third creature, she takes out a moderately-sized rock from her sack, and bludgeons them all until they stop moving.
>>80719And she does the same thing in the other well, however long it takes.
".. No soul left behind.."
>>80725Iron watches this intently. "So that was why the vehicles exploded back at the docks. It was you."
>>80711"Hehehe, don't tease me Dark Star. Just promise you will give me more later. I will have to head back eventually, if briefly. I am on working hours and my employer does not tolerate disobedience. But they will understand"
>>80722>moderately sizedthe only place she could have gotten that would be from the pile of rocks that fell in the tunnel shortly after the fork
>>80717She looks at him, and her eyes narrow
"Offer accepted"
>>80724Don't worry, there will be things here to kill you soon enough
[Read more] >>80727"Ah... I was wondering what happened. I began to wonder if they had the most illogical alarm system yet created."
>>80729Silver seems fairly pleased with this, and offers her a hoofshake to seal the deal.
>>80729Well, one as big as a sling bullet will do.
She just keeps beating and burning them until they're properly reposed.
>>80728So did that whole 'exploding trucks' thing not happen? Nevertheless, you did set things on fire right now, and nothing else would do that without any fire like that anyway.>>80730Iron chuckles. "What alarm makes the ground shake?"
>>80726Hello there!
>>80729Well that's not very nice
>>80732Sister Ash finishes reposing all of the undead and sets them alight to cremate.
Then she rejoins the party, lighting up the cavern with her magical armor as she enters the area.
>>80737"Are you sure there are no other 'soul' jars in that well you set alight?" Iron cocks his head.
This is difficult, though not impossible. Clubbing them with wood probably would have done the same quicker
>>80731With her smile and glowing eyes, she extends out her hoof, and shakes
>>80734"You'd better"
>>80737With two rooms cleared, Ash can see that there are... more rooms
[Read more] >>80739With more jars and ghouls?
>>80741Pretty sure they're glowing with greed and mischeviousness.
>>80741Like, emanating light? No
>>80740Spot check, listen check, specify which room
>>80743Okie dokie.Silver offers an awkward, semi-concerned smile in return.
[1d20+5 = 23][1d20+5 = 11]>>80743Idk which room to specify, so she just enters the first chamber she sees.
Caleb remains by her side, ever vigilant.
>>80745Iron follows Ash on her quest to torch the wells.
>>80748"Just waiting for something interesting to happen"
>>80736"Who pulled you out of the trunk?"
>>80749"I wish ponies wouldn't wish for such things. It never goes well."
>>80750"Not you. thanks for nothing"
>>80745The door to the first room is entirely boarded up by wood.
The door to the second room is... well, it looks like the wood has been shaken and dislodged, though it clearly once existed
There are no hostiles
immediately>>80744"Shall we go examine more rooms?"
[1d20+5 = 10][1d20+5 = 18]>>80753Sister Ash put her year to the door of the first room and listens more closely, her dog mimicking her movements, like some kind of cartoon sidekick.
>>80753"Yea lets go."
>>80752"well you know, i didnt want to hurt you."
>>80753Silver nods, lighting up his horn so they least have
some light while they search.
>>80756Iron is close behind. "I should be able to break down the boards if you need to, unless you plan to set it on fire."
>>80757>>80758Alright, that was the first two rooms on the left. There was a third room on the left, as well as at least two more that can be seen further down the hall which Ash has already taken an interest in, and is listening in to. There is another hallways, smaller, that branches off on the right on the opposite side of the third room
>>80756Growling. Slightly distant
>>80760Silver turns to his new pegasus companion. "Sister Ash has those two doors down there, so how about we take this other hallway, see if there is anything interesting."
[1d20+5 = 15][1d20+5 = 11]>>80759>>80760"... There's something behind here... Possibly trapped for some time.." Sister Ash says after a few seconds.
"It would be safer to investigate with the rest of the party. For now, I'd like to check that one." She says, pointing a hoof towards the damaged door, and walking in its direction.
She draws closer to the doorway and listens down the hall.
>>80762>Further down the hallwayIt would be safe to say that the monsters spotted earlier have not come close. It would not be safe to say that they ceased existing
>>80761"We can"
As they go further down, the see a hallway that spans at least 30 feet and into a larger room. This room is unique from every single other room in the entire catacombs: it has natural light coming in. The time is near noon
>>80764Sister Ash takes her chances and slowly proceeds into the room, Caleb moving in front of her, moving defensively.
The light from their armor illuminates the space 60 feet ahead.
>>80755You pass for now. Would you like to roll again?
>>80765It looks much the same as the first two. Except... there is
some wood covering the well
She can hear growling
>>80764"Wow, this one is not as terrible as the last few rooms."
>>80768And thus we are going to die.
>>80768Big yellow eyes glow at the end of the hall
>>80769"You want to look around?"
It's almost like an open area
>>80764Silver looks up to see if the well is above him.
>>80768Just had to push your luck... >>80767Growling from the well, orfrom the room?
[1d20+7 = 18]>>80768YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE OYNX
>>80773"Yea, ill take a look around."
Spot check
>>80775"And that is why. What do you see?"
I ready my hoofgun... as useless as it is.
>>80773>>80775Did I say "big pair of yellow eyes"? My apologies. Two more pairs of yellow eyes open, for three pairs total. Onyx may want to ask the assistance of some others
>>80776It comes from the Hallway Ash has been working on. In fact, Ash, is closer to the eyes than Onyx. It appears there was something down that hallway after all
>>80777Full description for Silver and Dark Star shortly
>>80781>>80776Iron, being next to her, sees the three pairs of eyes. "We may want to back away, Ash."
[1d20+6 = 15]>>80781Fuck.
Ash takes a step back and readies her club with the Total Defense standard action, Caleb does the same.
What does it look like?
Also, may as well make a lore check to identify it (free action).
>>80781"Is this place a tunnel straight to Tartarus or something?"
>>80781But onyx was following the stallion gang™
[1d20+6 = 23]>>80782Sister Ash is already retreating.
"Th-that shield may be helpful right now.." she stutters
>>80786Iron retreats with her, albeit slower due to his heavy armor.
>>80787Sister Ash just gets behind him to use his shield as cover, Caleb looking around it, ready to AoO anything that passes the shield.
Sister Ash starts muttering something in Druidic.
>>80786"I do not think it will be that useful right now, unless I become bait for those things."
>>80788Iron, following her movements, sets his shield up as full cover in front of Ash.
>>80777>>80774>>80774Silver can see when he enters this room that there is indeed an opening at the top of the room. It's kind of a vault shape, maybe 20 feet tall at the tallest. There is an opening that... yes, seems like a well opening. Immediately beneath it is an opening that looks like an actual well, so that placing a pale down it may result in drawing up actual water, assuming of course, that is what is down there. On the far side of the room, away from where the hallway entered, is a raised stone... thing. Looks like an altar or something. There are a few items of fabric hanging up on the walls. These are entirely faded, so who could say what they once had on them. The walls are very big granite bricks. On the left side, and closer to where the three entered, is a few things. First, a skeleton. This one has more fur on it than the others, and has a part of a jacket with more modern clothing on it. It is smaller than any skeleton seen thus far, more foal sized. It's fur looks ripped. Both of it's rear legs seem to be broken, and it looks like it was facing towards the wall. The wall itself is also note worthy, as it looks like several bricks on the wall have been dislodged by unknown forces, one of which seems to have a cavity behind it. Besides the small skeleton are two things. A rifle, although it looks like a toy, and in its hooves, a locket
>>80786>>80785>>80784Roll for initiative
[Read more] [1d20+3 = 4][1d20 = 19]>>80789"I can't leave until those shamblers are reposed.." sister Ash stutters as she tries to find conviction
Then she returns to her chant
>>80791The one with the bonus is Caleb
>>80794"Alright, I will hold." Iron prepares himself, shield in tow.
>>80791>>80774"i've seen enough. we need to find out what happend to that Bastard Curwhinny. and if hes still alive we need to smoke him."
>>80791Silver hangs his head, offering a silent prayer for the dead foal. He trots up to it to take a look at the locket. Perhaps there's something left to show who might have owned it at one point.
[1d20+6 = 19]>>80792>>80793>>80794When it steps into to the light, they see what it is: A skeleton with tiny amounts of scale and furs, with animated yellow eyes. A very large quadruped with a horned head, a head with fangs, and a head with carnivorous teeth
>>80797"I agree. Let us see what we can find here, then we shall meet up with others."
[1d20+6 = 8]>>80799Rolling knowledge (free action) to identify the creature
>>80802This is what I get for being impatient and Rolling twice...
>>80803Eh, it's okay. You'll not suffer the brunt of it if you either stay behind the shield or run away.
>>80799Can i roll a listen check to hear the skeleton?
>>80800"the only thing i saw was the foal..."
>>80805Silver points to the apparent cavity behind the loose bricks. "Check behind there."
Shimmer wins first move
>>80798>>80797The locket contains the image of a mare, is made of silver on silver chain, and seems to be very old, with the image on the inside being painted
Search of jacket pockets?
>>80803Yes it is
>>80805Go ahead and try
[Read more] >>80806The cavity absolutely looks like it could have had something in it. Actually... it does, although it looks empty in part. There is a book
[1d20+3 = 19]>>80807I guess I better go all out with Scorching Ray. And there is three of them? Target the only closest to Iron and Ash so they can have a slight chance of surviving.
[1d20-1 = -15]>>80807Might as well.Search: Silver rummages through the pockets of the jacket to see if he can find anything of value.
>>80809Skellies should have lower AC than those ghasts with 21 AC.
>>80808Dark Star picks up the book
[1d20+5 = 20]>>80809"RAH!"
Hit. Rolling reflex save
>>80810Copper pellets, a letter, a receipt, really deteriorated candy
>>80812Good enough to hear
something>>80813Thick, with humble leather bindings
[Read more] >>80809I believe it takes half damage, so roll damage
sh's turn
>>80814"What is this?" Silver takes a look at both the letter and the receipt.
>>80814>>80816"Did you guys hear that? what was that noise?"
>>80815Just checking, how many monsters are visible?
>>80818Oh... so that's 4 damage dealt... That sucks.
[1d20+3 = 14]>>80817Listen: "Noise?" He perks his ears up to see if he can hear any more.
>>80820No, 8. He only rolled half as many dice as she should have.
>>80822Ah, nevermind. It's ok damage I suppose.
>>80819Ash's turn
"Little Alabaster, be safe and have fun on your uncle's farm this summer. Don't give them too much hassle while we are in Canterlot, or else we'll have to come down there, and you know your father will not like that. Try to be safe when playing around the forests and the lake. And be very careful when trying to hunt with that air rifle you got last Hearth's Warming: you could shoot your eye out.
Love, Bridle Mason
Receipt: three saltwater taffies and two pieces of gum purchased at the Nortside candy store for 30 cents, dated June 18, 939
>>80821Like a roar from the other hallway
[Read more] >>80824He makes a mental note to either set fire to the foal's remains or to find a good time to bury them. As for the roar...
>>80817>>80824"Star, Skies, get behind me. We will go see what is matter." Silver readies his rifle and grabs his tower shield for the first time since buying it, using it as cover as he slowly makes his way back towards the other hallway.
[1d20+4 = 24]>>80824Sister Ash takes another 5 foot step back behind Iron, still fighting defensively behind cover.
She handles Caleb as a move action, commanding him to take the Total Defense action, and guard her.
She attempts to Telekinetically bludgeon the monster with her flaming torch/club.
Attack roll, defensive fighting penalty already taken into account.
[1d20+4 = 21]>>80826Wow
Rolling to confirm threat
>>80826Nice one! Roll that confirm!
>>80827This one's in the bag with these rolls.
>>80827>>80827Hit right in one of the heads. Roll double damage
[2d10+1 = 11]>>80827Confirmed.
Rolling damage for a critical from a greatclub, plus 2 fire damage.
>>80831Should have been 12 damage, but I mistyped.
>>80832No, I rolled 2d10.
>>80833Huh, don't you do double damage when critting? So if you roll 12 damage, you do 22 damage, only doubling the club damage itself.
[1d20+10 = 13]
The skeleton gives a roar - with no throat nor lungs
It charges directly for the nearest target, and tries to bite down with its jaw