Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79000>checked>Dark Star has declined to have sexOnly so we can continue in the story, im a fucking hero
To be honest though, does anyone know what I'm doing? Do I even know what I'm doing?
>>79003You should sleep. You need a minimum of 8 hours rest to recover Arcane spells.
>>79003I think you were doing the thing. Not the one thing, but the other thing. The thing that we talked about, but not too long ago. The thing that you mentioned doing that everyone knows but you, yet you are the only one to know.
Am I talking nonsense yet?
>>79006Are you telling me we AREN'T getting paid for almost dying and getting ghost aids?
>>79008We've yet to suffer enough from the ghoul AIDS.
>>79000>Iron is dissapointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreamsPoor boi, he only wants pucci.
>>79008lolno, you didn't stop it. You ran like hell because undead are pretty tough without preparations.
>>79006>>79008How much did they say they were paying you anyway?
>>79012Fuck if I know
>>79011Oh look who's grown a little big for their....
horseshoes?>>79009Yay suffering
>>79012I wasn't around for that. In terms of loot...I mean, we did get a Luna Nova rifle that we can probably sell for a decent amount, once we get it cleaned up. Silver's taking the other one for himself, though.
>>79008Not any more than usual. And we only get paid if we clear it all out. And we got beat by only 6 creatures. How many are down there do you want to guess? 30?
>>79012I wasn't told.
>>79015W0t? You wanna go? I clock your face off.
Let me finish Ash's quest so we can join up for the job, I guess >>79016>>79017Make sure you get your effort's worth. Wouldn't want them to short-change you on it.
>>79003That's what makes you dangerous
>>79002Lie you definitely could have RPed that before we started anything, especially if Ash starts earlier
>>79018He says, like it's a thing to be done in 30 minutes without any kind of help or resources
>>79019I think Spark has ranks in appraise, right?
>>79018I'll bash ye mum in you undersized horse
Thanks, we could use the help >>79018I mean, the quarry job would probably be a lot simpler and a lot faster to complete, so...>>79019And how much would be our effort's worth? Silver's kinda spent a decent amount of Bits on this thing, so...
>>79022You need to pump up those numbers, bro.
I'm not even sure, actually, if we could even get ammo for these things. They take special rounds with magic charges in them, and they're only issued to Special Forces. Blue Skies is probably the only pony the party knows who can actually buy ammo for it, maybe Dark Star (ironically). >>79025I never said or implied that
>>79024They are "apprentices" of the waterfront gang, yes
>>79022I actually find it amusing how the guns of the soldiers are paperweights
>>79028It's a normal Bolt-Action rifle, and basically a Lee Enfield SMLE. If I got the wrong name it was because I was posting from a phone at a restaurant and couldn't verify the name
[Read more] >>79024Foals cannot be property.
The only thing Sister Ash disdains more than ponies who'd sell foals are ponies who think it's acceptable to buy them.
>>79028A lot.
It's a broad job description. You could count it as several jobs.
>>79031The normal bolt-action for Equestria is the Lavender Rifle, issued to all branches of the Equestrian military. The Luna Nova is the experimental magic-enhanced bolt-action rifle issued to Special Forces and Mage Divisions.
>>79031ok so going from 7 to 9 what gunz are available to me now?
>>79035The Carbine is the important one
>>79036Coolio. I'll wait for Ash to wake up and see which foal will she try to take back first, just in case she needs some muscle.
>>79036Good to know, ill pick one up next chance i get.
>>79037Ash would wake up fairly early, wanting a few minutes to prepare herself before prayers.
>>79036What if the character has 10 strength. Can he/she use bolt action rifles?
>>79032I sure hope so.
>>79031I take it, then, it's just a normal Lavender rifle with nothing particularly interesting about it?
>>79041You wouldn't be able to tell unless you could Detect Magick.
>>79042Well, a Detect Magick spell was used not 10 feet from where it stood, so I'd assume there's nothing magical about it.
>>79039Which is exactly what she does, unless obstructed in some way.
She takes a few minutes to wrestle her beautiful flowing mane into the religious habit, taking some time to recite the basic elements of magick as she does.
>>79044I'll take that as my cue to wake up as well.Iron wakes up. He feels somewhat refreshed even after the night's events. He cracks his neck to the side. He figures that Ash would want to stay a bit more in the abbey so putting the armor now would be a bad idea. He decides to look for the dining room for some grub, only having his leather belt, with Redclaw's memento in it, equipped. Maybe one could make a necklace out of that water bison Redclaw had with him, to remind himself not to cower from a fair fight next time.
>>79045Sister Ash prepares her hairdo quite early (before sunrise) and continues out of her room to go greet all of the nuns before prayers.
>>79044I take it not the 6:00 AM cleric language mass?
>>79041No, it’s just an entirely ordinary, entirely mundane .303 Bolt Action rifle with an affixed 6 inch bayonet and loaded with 3 or 8 entirely mundane non-special bullets - a 9 pound slender paperweight which mere mortals, in their boundless folly, thought could give them power over Nature and Creature.
>>79045They are not preparing food
yet in the kitchen
[Read more] >>79047Iron grumbles. Well, maybe someone here can do a little necklace from the water bison he has. He looks for anyone who seems proficient with that sort of thing in the abbey to kill time.
Since everyone's getting up...After having slept soundly through the night, Silver gets up to start his morning routine, something he hasn't been able to do since before the war: a quick shower, breakfast involving one can of beans, some of his newly-purchased whiskey, and water from the tap, 20 push-ups, and a quick smoke.
>>79047In that case, anything Silver's ever said about his rifle being a Luna Nova is now officially non-canon and has been made unreal. >>79048Well... there are nuns
>>79049He can take a shower before Onyx. I’m less sure about whether he can cook those beans. There are no Fascists around to criticize him for smoking, so he can light up a smoke in his room. It really didn’t smell right anyways
>>79047>cleric languageAre they speaking Celestial? I actually wanted to include that as one of my chosen languages.
And yes, I had intended for her to attend the mass.
>>79050Iron shrugs mentally, maybe one of them can do a little crafting. He pokes one of the nuns.
>>79050While he smokes, he pulls out the Lavender rifle he took from the body of the one EDF corpse to take a closer look at the weapon, checking for any sort of damage that would make it inoperable.
>>79050Does Dark Star have any Dreams?
>>79054Roll Die
>>79053Depending on which rifle, the rifle of the first soldier (Prim Poppy I think) is entirely functional, if needing a cleaning. The rifle of the second soldier also functions, but had minor damage when dropped, most importantly causing the bayonet to bend
>>79052"Oh uh... Hello there" She is polite, if unsure
>>79051It's a language that was widely spoken by one prominent tribe in particular at the time of the sister's ascensions. The language of the Celestials was translated to this language so that the common ponies could hear the words of the Celestials, and it became the language of the Clergy. The merging and migration of tribes, besides linguistic drift, has caused the language to go extinct outside of its use in the clergy
[Read more] >>79055"Hello." He pulls out the water bison. "Do you think you can make a necklace out of this and some string? It is very important to me and I want to see it at all times."
>>79055So, can I speak it if I choose Celestial?
Sister Ash politely greets each of her sisters as she arrives early for the mass, giving quick appologiee for the ordeal of the previous night.
>>79055It's the first one.Satisfied, he grabs it (ever mindful of the sharp bayonet), puts on his saddlebags, and heads out the door of his room.
"I suppose I have things I need to do, if we are to return to crypts." After stamping out his cigarette on the cold hard concrete, he makes his way back towards the sporting goods store he visited on the previous day.
>>79056Uh.... Pleasant. I can't imagine what pleasant Dark Star dreams would look like, except for some reason I see him as John Wayne shooting griffons
>>79058She may not enter already knowing it
>>79057"Hello," She looks at the water buffalo. "Oh, a nice wood carving you have there. I guess I could ask sister Thyme if she could make this into a necklace for you"
>>79059It takes some time, but he gets there
[Read more] >>79060"I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you." Iron ponders. "Do you know if she is available at the moment?"
>>79060How about a blowjob from Skies while he shoots some changeling scum, the whole Black Hooves party cheering him on?
Or just memories of his brother, IDK >>79060Hes pretty blue pilled on the Griffion Question. So He would be shooting Ziggers.
>>79060Can she learn it at some point in the story?
I'll select Terran in place of it then.
How does the mass go?
>>79060You know, it just occurred to me that I don't know of many rifles that use .303 ammunition naturally.Silver greets the shopkeeper once he steps in. "Hello again. I was hoping I could get some service for this rifle today, and some ammunition."
>>79061"A small amount of time before early services, yes. Let me take you to her"
Sister Thyme is a nice little brown earth pony.
"I think so. Do you want something glued to the top, or a hole drilled through it?"
>>79062>BrotherThat would be a
bad dream probably
>>79065I assure you it's more common under the circumstances"Alright"
Happy Hunting inspects the rifle
"This is... a military rifle I see"
He cycles the bolt, tests the firing pin, removes the barrel and so forth
"It seems to be somewhat rusted and un-cleaned, but generally functioning. The wood is a bit stained, though I don't know if you care. hat kind of service do you want?"
>>79064Sung in part, spoken in part. Literally everypony except for Ash knows the prayers, so she is left as the lone pony in the room not able to follow along. It involves kneeling, standing, and sitting at various intervals, besides burning of incense. Sundew is yet again the Priestess for the morning mass
>>79063In fairness, because New Mareland now rules over more griffons than its own pony citizens, they have to play nice with the griffons as well... Besides having very large, very scary griffin allies. But shooting Zebras... He can gun down menacing Zebra pirates en mass, though they present enough danger to earn a thrill
[Read more] >>79066"I want it drilled, but I do not want to hurt the carving too much. If the hole has to be too big, I would rather take this 'glue' you speak of." Iron smiles. "Thank you for your service, by the way. I do not think you are asked many times about making necklaces."
>>79066Sister Ash follows along, observantly.
So what languages can I pick from?
>>79066Probably so. I'm just more familiar with .30-06, .308, and 7.62mm.Silver is very much glad that his inspection wasn't too terribly off, considering his general lack of expertise with firearms. "I would like it cleaned, if it pleases you. If it is not too much more difficult, having unstained stock would also be nice, but it is not necessary."
>>79066"i came to Chew ass and shoot bubble gum."
>>79067"We can have a narrow hole drilled through near the top. You're welcome, I try to teach some of the orphans how to work with wood and make crafts so they can learn skills and develop cutie marks, should that be their talent. I can do this one after Mass"
>>79068Um... I don't know. With regards to the Cleric language, she can certainly learn individual words and rote memorize prayers in a few hours depending on how much. To learn an entire language including grammar would be time consuming, although not literally impossibleShe is able to pick up the times at which the kneeling occurs, at two points in the mass, one towards the beginning, another shortly after the middle
>>79069"Well.... yes, we can clean the barrel. We can apply a varnish to the wood as well. It will take some time to dry, but less than an hour"
>>79070"Yarr! We didn't come for Bubblegum. We came for your mares. Now give em' to us, for I won't be askin' again" Says Black Mane, the dread pirate of the Eastern seas, who sends forth his hench zebras.
[Read more] >>79073"I doubt some of the colts like just crafting things. Maybe some of them want to show their strength rather than their finesse." Something stood out from that sentence though. "Mass? What is that?"
>>79073Out of the languages that I'm allowed to pick, which would be the most useful for studying clergy and interacting with extraplanar beings?
I've already got Sylvan as a bonus. I wanted a planar-based language.
Sister Ash participates to the best of her ability throughout the rest of the mass.
>>79074"You'd be surprised what colts like to do. Whether it's strength, finesse, speed, each pony has their special talent and their special place in society.
It's a religious ceremony. This is just an earlier one"
>>79076Iron seems to understand. "Is there something I can do while I wait for this event to end here?"
>>79070"More like shoot ass.">>79073He nods. "I would like this."
>>79073Dark Star pulls out a minigun
"not today you Zigger filth"
He Fires on the zebra henchmen
>>79077"Well what do you want to do?"
>>79075I just.... I don't know, I'm trying to think of this in terms of the my little pony world
>>79079>minigunMaybe, but that is a gun that would be introduced 20 years after the year of the setting
>>79078"Alright, we can do it"
[Read more] >>79080Iron purses his lips. "I actually have no idea." Iron ponders for a bit. "Do you have the map of this city available here? I feel like I may need it for later. I keep getting lost in all the concrete."
>>79080I'll pick my languages later then.
Sister Ash prays throughout the ceremony. By the end, she would have prepared her spells list.
>>79080Well, there is "Pony" Latin, for Ash. And there is the Gatling Gun for Dark Star."How much do you require for this service, might I ask?"
>>79083"Counting the varnish? 10 bits"
>>79081"Why yes, we can get a map for you" She goes through some other rooms
>>79082It is so
>>79080well one of those browning crank guns then
>>79084Iron follows Thyme along, not wanting her to walk so much back and forth for him.
>>79084Silver is even more relieved that it's a cheap price. He puts 10 Bits from his bags onto the counter. "And how much for ammo for this weapon, might I ask?"
>>79085"One bit a clip"
>>79086She leads him to a location where she eventually pulls out a folded paper
"Here you go. A map of Baltimare"
>>79085He mows down the Zebras with impunity
>>79089Arrows can't possibly be as expensive as bullets.
Also, I think I might be ready to turn in for the night.
Goodnight everyone.
>>79090"I thank you, miss Thyme." He bows lightly then takes out 230 bits from his person and hands it over to her. "You have been of great help."
>>79092Suffice it to say, she is utterly stunned
"I'll have your necklace ready in only a couple hours. Thank you"
And should probably decline to accept the gift, but that can be tedious >>79093Iron nods. He then takes the map and studies it for any interesting spots near the abbey. He doesn't want the same incident happening like yesterday. "I can take the map with me, right?"
>>79090I'll assume that was meant for Silver and not for Dark Star.He puts down 10 more Bits. "Then I will take 10 clips of ammunition."
>>79091As it turns out, they're just over twice as expensive.Also goodnight. I think the closest language you're looking for in Ash's case would just be Latin, as that is a thing in this universe. >>79090Dark Star Takes aim at the captain
"Ready to die you watermelon loving fuck?"
>>79095"Yes of course"
I don't know what is 'interesting' and which incident
>>79096"Alright then"
>>79097"Does a Zebra ever truly live?" he asks, and raises his sword
>>79098Incident: Getting lost in the city and couldn't find Ash for a while.Iron decides to search some sort of fighting arena, maybe he can tussle for a bit with someone his size. That should more than enough time for this mass to end.
>>79098With that, Silver is satisfied. "I will be back in one hour, for rifle and ammunition. Thank you for this excellent service."
>>79100If that's in the city, it's not printed directly onto the map
>>79101"You are welcome"
>>79102Iron grumbles some more. Guess he needs to find it himself. What's with these ponies and their lack of fighting spirit? There should be a place where to put up hooves in battle. With that objective in mind, the map and his belt, he exits the abbey to seek it.
>>79104He explodes into a rain of watermelon parts, some of which seem to go all the way back to Zebrica
>>79103And thus he leaves the abbey
>>79102He steps out of the store, looking for something to do for an hour. Among the first thing that comes to his mind, as he checks his map, is to see if there's a nearby Museum of History he might be able to visit, and learn a bit about the history and culture of the region.
>>79106Hmmm... I want to say yes
[1d20-1 = -10]>>79105He rubs his eyes. Iron hopes the townsfolk know of any place to fight. He decides to ask any ponies who have no ties with this abbey about a place to fight unarmed between ponies.
>>79107Well, I'll take that as a yes.He checks on the quickest route to the museum before heading his way there.
>>79108They tell him that this is illegal, but underground fights for money do sometimes happen
>>79109West town, on main street, not far past city hall
[1d20-1 = -14]>>79111Iron is dumbfounded. Illegal, really? Wow, no wonder they can't punch to save their damn life. He tries some more to see if he can find someplace to punch some people.
>>79111Silver looks at the building before him. It's not really a building he would normally consider visiting, but seeing as he's fairly lost as to the history of the region he decides it would be a good idea to start learning.
>>79112There is one place...
>>79113This building is white granite with great columns on the front entrance, a Neo-Classical style
>>79110And yet... there are still so many more out there
>>79114He's definetly interested about this place now, but he tries to see how far it is from the abbey just in case.
>>79115reee it's a popular style for government buildings and this one has neither the green vaulted roof nor a dome
>>79117Well, I would assume he would wake up at some point
>>7911615 minute walk probably
>>79118Iron takes it and goes to the place marked.
>>79118Alright. what does he see when he wakes up?
>>79118I know, but as Silver is somepony who is generally unfamiliar with government buildings...Once inside, he takes a look at the nearest sign to figure out where everything is.
Iron now has replaced the vulnerable flaw with weak will since he just can't stop from following mare's advances sometimes.
>>79122*replace weak will with poor reflexes
>>79120He awakes when he hears a door close. He sees across towards a window on the other side of the room
>>79121What kind of history is he looking for?
>>79119It's a bar not unlike the Watering hole. When he asks, he says they sometimes have fights in a back room
>>79124He makes sure to check the bar's name and then proceeds to enter and look for this back room's entrance.
>>79124He looks primarily for Early Equestrian history, around the time of the unification of Equestria.
>>79126A number of exhibits are available. By and large this concern the situation between the tribes as described in the Hearths Warming
>>79125The Derringer Dale. A door in the back near the restrooms
>>79127He enters this back door, seeing that there's no one to stop or guard this entrance.
>>79128This one leads into a court yard. The plants have few leaves on them and there is no activity in the Courtyard
>>79129No pony asks him any questions, though some seem to look
>>79130Iron disregard the weird looks and looks for any sort of fighting activity here.
>>79127It's not exactly what he was looking for, but he takes an interest in the story of the Three Tribes. It was not something that was really taught in detail in Severyana, during his school days.
>>79132As per the history, the ponies previously lived further to the North, and were segregated by race. They lived together uneasily in an arrangement of mutual exchange. It was not until after the Windigo crisis and the migration south that they learned to live as one. This was the foundation of Equestria and Harmony
>>79131Yep. Already two ponies boxing. A large crowd gathers around them
>>79133>boxingIron, not wanting to be kicked out due to any breaking of the rules, decides to look for the pony responsible for setting up the fights for a possible match and how this fight rules work.
>>79133He gains a better understanding of Harmony from this.
Next, he looks for exhibits related to the indigenous ponies of the region.
>>79134"You both start at the sound of the whistle, and then you punch each other until one of you can't take it" says a sketchy Earth Pony
>>79135the particular region of Baltimare was inhabited by a tribe of Earth Ponies known as the Chincoteague. The consensus opinion is that these and a few other tribes of Southern Equestria migrated here centuries before the advance of the main Equestrian tribes, although a minority believes that these ponies were actually a very early vanguard of the migration of the Earth Ponies in the Windigo crisis, who settled after their ship wrecked there
>>79130is there a bathroom in the hotel room?
>>79136Iron shrugs. He expects some foul play from the opponents but thinks he can manage. He asks to sign him up to the next available fight if possible.
>>79136He looks at the exhibits to get a better idea of the culture of the Chincoteague, and what kinds of nearby settlements they created.
>>79137Yes, behind him near the door
>>79138"We can place you up next"
>>79139A woodland tribe, they would build permanent settlements and grow crops, living in huts crusted from sticks and logs
>>79140Iron agrees with this proposition. He tries to see who is the next opponent that could fight him.
>>79140He wonders if there are any of these ponies left in Equestria.
To round off his history lesson, he takes a look at the time period between Equestria's expansion south and the current era.
>>79141The door of the bathroom opens and... It's none other than the pegasus pony, with a freshly washed coat and mane that has been largely. She looks a little surprise
>>79142A very muscular Diamond Dog is up next
>>79143While Equestria has always been a multicultural nation, many specific locales have at times been dominated by specific races, and East Equestria has in large part been more earth pony centered. Hence, the Earth Pony tribe was the first to come down there, planting crops that grow in warmer environments, and settling in the forests. Mage Meadow Brook and her folk were among these. South East Equestria was not significantly inhabited by Equestrians in large part because of the menace of Dragons in the very nearby Badlands, Manticores, and other forest creatures, not to mention diseases. But as time passed, Equestrians became more able to handle these threats, and moved South. The Chincoteague, for their part, variously made war, tried to establish themselves, or were assimilated, until eventually Duke Berrydew deported them to another region. As for the area of Baltimare, it became more developed in large part thanks to its position by the Celestial Sea. It was easy to trade with Fillydelphia or Manehattan, and after Meananderly Polo, trade was opened up with Griffonia, including eventually the Griffon Empire and the settlement of the Dominion of New Mareland. Baltimare became involved in the Triangular trade with Zebrica as well, and merchants flourished in Baltimare. Though it was the seat of a Duke, free merchants succeeded as well, and it took hold to become one of Equestria's great cities, a center of resource trade between the South East, the Northeast, and Griffonia and Zebrica at times. It industrialized as well, although it never had the advantages that cities further North had, and became similar to the other urban centers
[Read more] >>79144Iron attempts to size up the dog's strength and dexterity, see how strong and fast he is.
Tell me if I have to roll something >>79144"oh hey. i was about to take a shower."
>>79145>RollYes. I don't know what, but roll
>>79146"You can do that, I am getting out"
>>79147"To bad,i would have loved to take one with you."
>>79148This guy's a total bitch
>>79150Her look of... well, dread, has been replaced with a warmer smile
"It's difficult to have a coat that is too well washed"
>>79152>very muscular>a total bitchIron is unsure of his own perception, but he did ask for a fair fight. He awaits for the fistfight to start.
>>79155Welcome to low rolls galore!
>>79152"yea thats true, Why did you have a dreadful look on your face?"
>>79144Silver starts to see why Baltimare has so many large ports and dockyards. He also sees why New Mareland chose this as their initial invasion site. Though, he is curious, as he passes by Meadow Brook's exhibit, why a mage was among the Earth Ponies.
[1d20+7 = 9][1d20+7 = 23]>>79155>>79153Maybe I forgot to mention this but.... contenders cannot wear armor
He punches quickly, with each paw. He's fought in this manner before
>>79158"I was afraid I had worn out my welcome..."
>>79158Actually, the first point of invasion was Saltmane a few hundred miles south. Baltimare was the last hold out.She was a skilled user of healing magic and earth pony alchemy
[Read more] >>79159"You Could never do that."
Dark Star gives her a hug
>>79159Okay then.Silver remembers that the pony at the potions shop he visited was an earth pony. He finds it interesting that earth ponies can utilize their talents in that way.
[1d20+4 = 16]>>79159>>79160I didn't bring it with me so it's good.Iron, trying to test out the diamond dog's ability to avoid his blows, goes for a very hard punch, taking +7 from his bonus hit chance to his damage.
Will you take into account the superior unarmed strike feat I picked up last thread. If so, I use a 1d6 instead of 1d3 for damage die.
Also need to highlight I have unarmed focus and specialization. >>79162"I Do. you make me Happy, i Haven't felt Happy in a long time."
[1d20+7 = 19][1d20+7 = 27]>>79163Knowledge of the land means knowledge of plant life and minerals. For what else is earth but the Keystone of matter, and what else is Chemistry but the study of matter?
>>79164No Tome of Battle, and don't listen to anything that particular player says
Iron hits, you can roll damage
Also, i hope it didn't need to be said, but no guantlets. Nonlethal damage exclusively
While the damage iron did has not yet been calculated, it most likely isn't enough to knock him out, so... He punches back
>>79165An ear moves
"D'aww, I'm glad to hear that. Mostly I just bring misery to communists and griffons."
[Read more] [1d3+6 = 7][1d20+7 = 17]>>79166Rolling to confirm a threat, and for damage on the On-paw
[1d3+4 = 7]>>79167The Diamond Dog's off paw does a perfect upper cut on Iron, doing double damage
>>79168Okay, what is the math behind that?That's a lot of damage on that Diamond dog
Math time
Iron has +5 damage increase from his STR modifier, +2 with unarmed specialization and +7 from power attack. It equals to 14.
Still, he seems to be kicking my ass. That's like more than 16 damage to me already. Rolling next post.
[1d20+4 = 19]
Iron goes for the same hit like last time, see if he lands it. Of course it's non-lethal.
[1d20+7 = 11][1d20+7 = 15]>>7917428 damage actually. 7, 7, and 14 from a crit
The diamond dog is bleeding and clearly suffering, but he tries once once
>>79171"D'aww, do you really like my work in snuffing out traitors and subversives?"
>>79172Well, sure as shit lands
[Read more] [1d3+4 = 7]>>79175At least the off-paw lands
>>79175"Yea i gotta say im a pretty big fan."
[1d20+7 = 11]>>79177Her wings raise up in excitement
Sense motive
>>79178She Senses he is being Genuine
>>79178>>79179She nuzzles him
"You say you need a shower?"
>>79180"yea, i like to take one every time i get the chance."
[1d20+6 = 11]>>79176>>79175This is going to be a clutch. If I miss, I lose. I say it now. 7 HP remaining, hoping I don't spill my spaghetti in this fight.Iron, feeling a bit more confident with his punches landing true, punches non-lethally a bit lighter this time, going for +5 instead of +7 sacrificed from hit chance. Iron is nervous. If he misses the punch, he'll lose.
>>79182Need to confirm he's hit before I roll damage.
>>79182>>79183The diamond dog manages to dodge out of the way of Iron's punch. very lucky, because he knew damned well that he couldn't afford even a weaken punch from the Earth Pony
>>79184Shit, I'm done for. Good fight, doggo.
[1d20+7 = 10][1d20+7 = 13]>>79184>>79185With the last of his stamina, he throws two more punches
[1d3+4 = 5]>>79185>>79186One of his punches - the punch with his very lucky off-paw - lands
Iron has suffered 35 damage thus far
>>79181For a moment, she thinks she is talking about taking down traitors or subversives. Then she realizes he is talking about a shower
"Well... we have one back here"
[1d20+7 = 27]>>791872 HP leftIron thanks the gods that the dog missed one of his punches to grant him a shot of beating him. He will not let it go to waste. Iron sacrifices +4 of his hit bonus chance and strikes with the last of his might at the dog non-lethally.
[1d20+7 = 24]>>79189Well... Rolling to confirm threat
[1d20+7 = 9][1d3+10 = 11]>>79189Iron takes the chance to strike again non-lethally for good measure.
>>79191Ah, shit. Hope I knocked out the doggo.
>>79191>>79191Okay. That you cannot do. You cannot strike again for good measure in the same round
>>79194Nevermind, didn't see the confirm you made. It's 22 damage.
>>79192There is a shower at the end of the room, fairly large with pink granite flooring. There is also a large tub. Remember that this is a reasonably upperclass and fancy hotel room, even if it isn't quite a suite
>>79195Confirmed. Iron punches the Diamond Dog right in the temple, knocking him out instantly
>>79197Iron rejoices in his victory, knowing it was pure luck that he won the battle today. He checks to see if the dog combatant is okay. He gained his respect from that battle of hooves... or whatever this dog has for hooves.
Wait. The Diamond Dog's on-paw should have landed and hit Iron in the last round as well. Iron should have lost that. Oh well
>>79198Well... He's on the ground
>>79196>>79195>>79197Remind me not to hoof fight iron.
>>79197Dark Star looks impressed
"How long before you have to go to work?"
>>79199Don't know if you did it on purpose or not. I'll take the victory for Iron's prideIron looks to the crowd around him, seeing the reaction from them.