Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
1764 replies and 41 files omitted.
>>79408Considering the norm for most quadrupedal mammals is estrus...
>>79406Dark Star Reaches down and kisses her
Should i make some rolls? >>79410Her muzzle has moved fare away, but when he moves her muzzle to hers, she is persuaded to come closer. She accepts the kiss, although she seems to have a tear in her eye.
She grabs him again, not wanting to let go
You can roll if you want to
>>79409Tbh, I like of like the estrus motif in clop pieces.
>>79410When you get the chance, ask her when her estrus period is, or roll appraise to sense via hormones or whatever.
>>79410Roll 1d20 for conception.
It'll be between 20 and 60% chance, depending on what GM rules for equine anatomy.
>>79412>Tbh, I like of like the estrus motif in clop pieces.I agree with this sentiment.
Also, potentially stupid question: if I throw a flask of oil as a splash weapon at an opponent, then ignite it, does it deal 1d3 damage for two rounds like if I were to ignite it from the ground, or does it deal 1d6 damage for two rounds like if I had used Alchemist's Fire?
>>79413Dark Star ejaculates, presumably inside of her,
“Oh! Oooh!”
She grabs him with all the strength of her muscles
>>79415Avoiding being lit on fire by a non-supernatural is a 15 DC reflex save; some creatures and spells have Abilities that raise the DC. You take 1d6 damage every turn you're on fire, and can attempt to extinguish the flames every round with another reflex save.
>OilJust buy alchemist fire.
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Alchemist%27s_Fire>>79413If that was a conception roll, you wouldn't know the results of it anyway.
Rangers get Detect Pregnancy as a 1st level spell though.
>>79417Shoot, I worded that improperly..
So, apparently I can't say de-b-i-l-itations because e-b-i-l autocorrects as faggy on this site. Apparently I'm missing something, because I have no idea why it does that.
>>79425Yeah, I delet.
>>79426Old jokes we have on here, like European style football is changed. Let me try:
Gay marriage
>>79417But what's cheaper? Because a flask of oil is pretty damn cheap.
TBH, me asking this is probably just a consequence of me having played way too much Dragon's Dogma. There's a lot of crazy things you can do with DE-B-I-LITATIONS in that game, especially revolving around Tarring and Dousing.>>79433Just for relentlessly trying to choke the thread with meta posting, all prices on whatever-oil are tippled and made equal to the highest cost
>>79434Yeah, sorry about that. Genuinely didn't mean to.
>>79433Well, you can do pretty much anything you can imagine. It's role-playing.
I think that throwing the oil and lighting it would probably be separate actions though, and the lighting part might incur AoO.
Considering that you'd need to throw a lot of oil to create the effect you desired (and be able to light it), alchemist fire might be better.
>not having a supernatural touch attackKirin masterrace.
>>79437We've got mordern weaponry too, so buy dynamite/grenades.
What just happened here? I missed some funny stuff?
Last meta post for a while, because I don't want to piss off the GM any more than I have done so already.>>79439At this rate, I'd almost say it would be worth it to have two separate threads: one for the game, one for meta discussion.I don't think Silver has the capability to buy explosives right now. I mean, I'm fairly certain something like that would be heavily restricted.
>>79440>tl;dr e-b-i-l without the dashes autocorrects as faggy, and it makes trying to type de-b-i-litations difficult >>79441You mean you couldn't write dfaggyitations on your device? Peculiar.
>>79442Oh, I see. Well, just let it there as a reminder not to use it later.
>>79441Well, if bullets are on sale, gunpowder must be available too.
*Sweeps the orphanage*
>>79444Iron keeps looking for the restaurant on his map. He should remember the address Cauldron gave him yesterday.
>>79423I take it Dark Star dirtied the pretty pure Pegasus pony?
>>79447She forces her mane against him, and pulls against him in an almost sucking fashion - expanding deep inside her while clamping down nearer his base, as her body tries to draw his seed closer to her womb
*Does laundry*
*Helps assemble breakfast*
*Prays for garden*
>>79450"Fucking indeed"
At the moment of ecstasy, her wings spread out to touch each side of the shower. She now folds them back in, as Dark Star either remains on her or dismounts
>>79452he dismounts after about a minute or so
>>79453She gives him her mischievous smile, and puts her tail down. Her mane is entirely wet
"I need to dry off now after getting so wet."
She opens the door of the shower to leave it
>>79451I'm considering this list for today:
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic
Animal Trick
1st level:
Lesser Vigor
Enrage Animal
2nd level:
Heat Metal
Chill Metal
Luminous Armor
Call Lighting
I'd modify it quite a bit if I anticipated the day to include undead-hunting, but technically Sister Ash would have no way to know of that...
[Read more] >>79455Seems we'll be okay on any quest we may go, either the foals or the undead.
Of course, you didn't specialize on it, but it should be enough. >>79455Particularly, this list would be helpful if fending off ponies, not anything else.
Downdraft and Cloudburst won't help at all indoors or underground. I only prepared Cloudburst to buff Call Lightning.
>>79454What was the weather going to be today?
Luminous Armor is just funky Barkskin, but I wanted to try a Sanctified spell.
[1d20+12 = 24]>>79457Actually,I don't think I rolled Survival up until today.
Rolling to predict the weather for s number of days.
>>79454Dark Star proceeds to take the shower that he came in here to do
>>79454"you looked like you had a good time."
>>79459The complementary soap and coat wash have been opened before, but at least it's there. Dark Star can now smell like Lavender
>>79460"You've given a pleasant start to my morning"
As she wipes a towel over her
>>79461"im Glad to have Brought you some joy."
>>79456Well, as a class feature, I can burn any of those for a summoning spell. I kind of wanted to diversify things a bit though. Try some sanctified spells; develope her faith/practice a bit; experiment with different kinds of spells, etc.
Heat/Chill Metal won't be useful for anything but disabling weapons though: My AC is 10, so I'd rather avoid being shot at. Downdraft is to knock flying enemies down without outright killing them.
>>79463Oh, sounds like you have a plan for today. When the GM finishes his business and Iron can move again, he will go to a particular potion shop, heal these wounds up and come back to the abbey, so don't move a muscle from the abbey for now.
>>79462“Anytime you are feeling generous, you can come to me, or in me”
>>79466She gives him a wink through the glass panels, and leaves out the bathroom door
>>79467Dark Star steps out of the Shower and drys off
>>79464Sister Ash would wait a while to see if he comes back. She's content doing service at the orphanage, because that was the original reason she came to the city.
She helps the nuns wherever she can. She's particularly eager the make sure the foals she brought back are fine, so she checks on them.
Pic unrelated
>>79468He does indeed smell like Lavender, and feels surprisingly silky and smooth
>>79470He walks out of the bathroom
>>79471Alright, and what does he do next?
>>79472"im going down to the tavern to see if the rest of the Stallion Gang is there. want to Come with me?"
>>79475Be ready for him. He will go to you shortly.
>>79473“Well... keeping tabs on them would be good. I guess I can go this morning”
Dark Star waits for Blue to get ready then they go to the east side tavern
>>79464Iron is able to go to the desired location
>>79469Much of the early activity is centered around trying to reintegrate the foals that had been lost. A certain unicorn colt wants hugs, a cream colored Pegasus is not allowed to leave her room until she has completed writing the same long prayer 500 times, after which she may leave her room for the exclusive purpose of going to the bathroom, and if she completes another 500 copies after that, she may have food brought to her. Some foals play with other foals, and they prepare for class. There is breakfast in the central hall, and s certain unicorn colt wants hugs
>>79480She organizes papers into briefcases, and moves around two jars that he recalls seeing his first night there, and then follows Dark Star our the door to the tavern
[Read more] >>79481Well, here's the restaurant. Iron hopes Cauldron is in here. He tries to enter it, but not before seeing its name to jot it down for later.
>>79481Sister Ash gives hugs to whoever asks for it(or looks like they could use it), and helps the other Sisters set up breakfast.
She makes sure all the foals she brought back are adequately comfortable.
>>79481Along the way Dark Star glances at her stomach and smiles
>>79483Well, one of the foals is under house arrest...
The small colt likes hugs. Two of the older colts seem happy enough to be back, and even thank Ash, while two fillies seem to need the emotional support, and it kind of looks like a brown unicorn colt wants Ash to be his mother...
>>79484She still has a slender barrel, with an almost fluffy azure white coat
>>79488He still smiles knowing what could happen
>>79488Ash spends quite a bit of time tending to each foal individually. Giving them all the attention they deserve.
She passes by the pegasus cream-colored filly's (what's her name?) room momentarily, but allows her to finish her first stack before she can speak to her.
>>79490This is by and large successful, as the fillies seem reassured by her tender presence, although it does have the unexpected complication of a foal becoming stuck in her mane like a pine cone.
As she passes by the room, sister Rosemary has this to say: “I don’t think Abby Willows will be allowed to talk to anypony anytime soon”
>>79489She gives him a sort of strange smile back
>>79491Does Iron manage to get the name of the restaurant and enter it or does he have to wait because I'm desyncing with the others?
>>79491Would she be done with the first stack by the afternoon-ish, at the rate she's going?
Sister Ash requests that she have a word with Abby as soon as she can.
Sister Ash goes about her day, helping with chores and whatnot. She pays no mind to the foals nesting in her mane, so long as they do their share of the chores and prepare for their classes.
>>79491Are we at the tavern yet?
>>79492setting up that scene is a lot of mental energy>>79493>Abby“I guess even prisoners are allowed visitors...”
>nesting foals“The colt says he’s Bridged Clearly of Seaward Shoals. He’s only barely old enough to begin classes, and we don’t believe he can read or write. He hasn’t really been socialized well with the other foals or really any adults. You are the first one to pay him much attention.”
[Read more] It's half past midnight for me, so I think I'm going to peace out.
Goodnight, Anons.
>>79494I think the GM is waiting for Onyx, Spark, and I to all be on at the same time.
>>79496night fren
>>79495Dark Star walks over to Glimmering Glass
>>79500"Yea, can i get a water? has Spark and Oynx shown up?"
>>79501“That you may”
He pours a simple glass of water, and who knows with onyx and shimmer, although probably yes
>>79502"What About Silver is he around?"
Iron wonders how Cauldron's brother would look like. He expects him to be a little weaker than him due to his focus on potion making and not fighting ponies, so he believes he, at most, is average strength wise but is either intelligent or wise enough if he can make potions for a living.
If you need to sleep, you only need to state it, GM
>>79501>>79502>>79503I mean, we did let Glass know where we were going. Or at least, I thought.
Welp, I suspect that the GM has gone to bed so I am doing that too. Goodnight to you all.
I'm ready but will have to phonepost for the time being. Expect slow response time.
>>79505>Onyx, Silver and Spark have left the bar to go to some specified locationI was watching Ben-hur last night while feeling guilty about not doing job applications. I'll back-read some time
>>79510Sister Ash is helping out at the orphanage while she waits for Iron; doing chores and taking care of the foals. I should also note that she's been asking for descriptions of the foals who are still missing as well as their names, lest she see one of them in the city.
Caleb is training himself as an emotional support animal, patiently letting the foals pet him.
>>79513Unfortunately, the gang doesn't know that. All they know is that Ash is a nun, a kirin, she has a jungle native serving as her bodyguard, and she's looking for lost foals.
Why were they looking for her again?
>>79515They're wondering if she would join them when they head back to the crypts underneath Curwhinny farm, to help heal the party and provide some much-needed support and/or guidance.
>>79517What/who is Seaward Shoals?
>>79518It’s a city. Do you remember the episode “Pony Point of View”? The mane six go there to sail
>>79517Yeah, she would probably help them if they requested it; despite having her own priorities, reposing the undead is a cause she would be willing to offer up her service upon favorable request.
Also, I'm deciding my spell list for the day.
Thinking about it, it makes no sense for Sister Ash to prepare call Lightning 3 days in a row. She considers her spells to be a religious practice, not an asset in combat. I've diversified her spell list with the mentality that she would choose different spells each day, unless she had a particular plan for them (which she doesn't).
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic
Animal Trick
1st level:
Regenerate Light Wounds (2x)
Enrage Animal
Animal Friendship
2nd level:
Regenerate Moderate Wounds
Chill Metal
Luminous Armor
Hammer Of Righteousness
Remove Disease
>Tfw creeping cold has a 25 gp material component, so can't use it. [Read more] Don't know how much longer I'll be on. I need to leave for a trip at 3:15, and I don't know when exactly I'll be able to get back on, but it should be sometime before 6.>>79523And I imagine if she asked for the group's help in finding and saving the lost foals, they would gladly agree to do so.
Also, in the future, if an ally offered her the necessary material components for a spell when she required it, could Ash cast the spell without breaking her Vow of Poverty/Vow of Ascetism/whatever Vow it is?
>>79523Roger that. If you want I can buy the component for you for tomorrow if Iron pesters Ash enough.
>>79518>>79522>>79521Basically everything is wrong with these 3 posts.
>>79523>No sense to prepare Call lightning 3 days in a rowI think she's on notice that this place is kind of dangerous
>>79523>Can't use spell because of a componentWhat [Read more] >>79526I still remember the plot of the episode somewhat.
>>79524Spoilered for non-core meta.Yes. That is permissible.It's kind of gay using the rest of the party's money though. The description also suggests the option of paying an amount of XP as a replacement for costly components.The limitation to spell costly components is supposed to part of the drawback, in exchange for what's basically a second set of class features.Not that I actually have it though. I'm just following the creed.>>79525Don't try to buy her things. She really would not like it the same way a normal woman would.
>>79526I've seen the episode. I just forgot the name because I was only paying half attention. It was a brainfart.
>this place is kind of dangerousShe didn't come to the city with intent to harm ponies. She still has offensive spells though.
>WhatI'm really trying to own this no-wealth-no-treasure gig. The material component for creeping cold is a piece of pottery worth 25 gp. I'm only preparing spells without costly components.
[Read more] >>79529
Ash can't tell Iron what to do! He'll carry her on his back for miles if he feels like it!
It's going to be hard for him not to coddle Ash. I'll see what I can do
I need to step out for a bit. BBL.
>>79534Alright. The GM will take some time to get ready for GMing himself.
As it turns out, the trip did not take nearly as long as I anticipated.
>>79538Yeah, I'm ready whenever.
>>79539Coolio. GM may need a lot more time due to external life pressures, so be at the ready.
Well, I returned to my laptop just now, so that's good.
>>79541I can be available for the next couple hours.
>>79542It's very probable that the GM will be available at around 10-12 PM, aka at night, maybe even a bit of morning. Let's hope that it doesn't interfere with others' schedules. Now I have to leave the laptop again, maybe for about 30 minutes. Iron will be at the restaurant and see how Cauldron is faring as well as obtain some potions from his brother. He also wants to know the name of the restaurant for further visits. See you a little later.
>>79495"Every foal is unique. Some have d-different needs than others..." Sister Ash replies, her left eye twitching a bit as her mane is pulled the wrong way.
>>79545I have no clue. I think we're all waiting on the GM. And maybe also Spark, if he's here.
>>79547Dark Star Drinks his water
>>79548She looks at him with mild annoyance
"They aren't here"
>>79547At what point in the day could Sister Ash visit Abby?
>>79549"Yea, Do you want a drink?"
>>79550Is she going to wait until Abby is finished with her first set of prayers and ambush her on the way back to the bathroom, wait until dinner, try to talk the sisters into letting her in
now, make up some excuse for going in like wanting to search the dresser again, try to break into the second story dorm room from the window.... Really this question depends more on Ash
>>79552She'll wait until Abby's done with her first stack before she asks the Sisters if she can speak with her.
>>79553Well, if it takes one half minute to do one prayer, she'll be done in a little over 4 hours
>>79555That's around noon-ish, she'll see her then.
I'm here to stab things when required. Otherwise, what's going on?
>>79557"Mr.Glass,one cotton candy maretini."
>>79547I am back and ready. I will be cleaning up my room for a bit, so I'll be a little late on my responses.
>>79561Well then, as far as I remember, the gang was going to head up to the potions shop, followed by the Cathedral. Both of which are places only Silver knows where to head to, so...Silver looks out towards the exit to the tavern. "Come on, then. All of my stuff is gathered already. We should head to potions shop."
>>79563Spark follows right behind.
"Did you picture fighting monsters when you first arrived in this city?"
>>79560"We can... I... Don't think we have that"
Also I think Silver and Spark are leaving the tavern
>>79564>>79566Silver starts on his way out of the tavern, towards the potions shop from yesterday. "Hmm. I will admit, it is change from what I had fought over past few years. Not sure if it is good or bad change yet."
>>79565>>79566Wait so are they there or what?
>>79565"Get her a Strawberry one then."
[1d20+3 = 22]
Rolling to do dishes.
>>79570"Aha! I've finally got the hang of this."
Okay, let's figure this out immediately.
How are we going to assemble the party?
>>79580I'll join up with you in the abbey, that's for sure.
>>79580This really shouldn't take that long.
What are we going to do?
>>79584Perhaps thereaplace where they could meet Iron along the way?
>>79584No time to be mopey about bad party management, Silverboi. We want results, not self-deprication.
I think that's how it's spelled Fuck Me
>>79578We'll get em' next time
>>79572The location Cauldron gave was in the south eastern part of town, a little ways away. It's a one story brown-tiled building with a large roof on and an empty grass lot to its left. The name on it is simply "Ulonri." You get the impression that they just opened
>>79585It could be why the GM is setting up the scene so tightly. Maybe he's trying to join up with the others in that restaurant. Or maybe I'm going to be ambushed and berated by Cauldron and his goons, who knows?
>>79587Eh, I'm not that good at it.
>>79588u looking for a fight, horncolt? i can kick ur flank with one hoof tied behind mah back
>>79574Dark Star Hoofs it to Blue
>>79589Iron nods, then proceeds to enter said restaurant. Hope she knows where his brother is.
>>79590We would do more damage to ourselves most likely with these dice.
>>79594I continue to blame Atlas
>>79594Oh right, you missed the fight with the dog. It was close but I managed.
I didn't forget your kindness for that save, GM >>79591"I'm not supposed to be drinking before work"
She drinks the whole thing in basically one swallow
>>79593When he enters, he can smell roasted vegetables. He is immediately greeted by a Zebra with a blacker than normal coloration.
"Welcome to Ulonri. Would you like a table?"
>>79597Iron smiles. "I would like that, thank you."
>>79597"i wont tell if you dont."
"Well since the stallion gang isnt here, i was thinking of paying Father Maren another visit, maybe i can convince him to help with the zombies."
Because Spark hasn't replied yet...>>79564>>79566>>79567Silver continues to lead the group to the potions shop.
>>79598"then let me seat you." The interior is mostly normal for an Equestrian location, with a high ceiling. The walls, tables, and seats are largely of a darker wood, and are decorated with what have to be a number of Zebrican cultural items, like rugs and a few tapestries. One seems to present a battle of Zebra warriors defeating... Equestrian Infantry? Anyways, you have a menu before you. Breakfast items include spiced and boiled yams, fried plantains, stew, and so forth. The waiter who comes by is a relatively attractive blue-eyed zebra with a white dominated set of stripes. "What can I get for you?"
Assuming Iron is literate. Which I probably shouldn't assume. If that is not the case, the waiter explains this instead of Iron reading it>>79600And when he gets there, the pony asks "How may I help you?"
>>79599"You can do that"
[Read more] >>79601Well, class wise, he is. Let's go that he can"I would like to order some fried plantains please and some water." Iron pauses. "Say, is Black Cauldron in here? I need to speak with her about some personal inquiries pertaining about his brother's business."
>>79602"Oh, so you know my sister. She'd probably stop by in the early morning. If she isn't here she should be within the next half hour. And we'll have your water right out"
Just an FYI for the GM if he doesn't know, Spark gave him 500 Bits at the tavern before they left. In case you were wondering.>>79601Silver speaks to his comrades, before heading up to the counter. "You two should browse, get good idea of what you need." When he turns to the shopkeeper, he starts listing off a few potions he needs: 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds, 2 potions of Magic Weapon, 2 potions of Shield of Faith (+2), and 2 potions of Hide From Undead.
>>79606"400 bits"
>>79604"What business would I have at a Celestial Church?"
>>79605The one at the door was intended to be male, and the waiter a female... I guess I didn't make that clear >>79607"thats fine,ill go there alone. ill miss you though."
>>79607He sets down four coin pouches, each with 100 Bits in them. "This will cover cost."
>>79607Fuck. Let me change what it was said.Iron nods. "I see. I can wait for her. I am Iron, pleased to meet you." Iron curtly bows. "Do you know if her brother is here too or is he absent as well?"
>>79608"I have business to attend to... Should we meet somewhere?"
>>79611He waits for the potions, and for Spark and Onyx to make their own purchases.
Is Spark and Onyx still here, or did they leave? >>79612Onyx isn't making purchases
>>79612Sorry. I'm back.
"Is that everything we need?"
>>79611"how about we meet here, later?"
>>79610"Pleased to meet you as well. I am Blanche. Her brother is Obere, he was the one you met at the door"
>>79604Damn it, I should have had her say "You didn't want to come after we came back to the room last night"
>>79615"How much later?"
>>79616Iron smiles. "I see. I suppose Obere will be busy for the time being." He shrugs. "Well, I will wait for the food, then." A scratch on his chin. He sees how many people are currently eating at the other tables.
>>79617"Off to find a kirin and a jungle native then. If this was a small town, it wouldn't be a problem, but there is a lot of ground to cover here."
>>79618Some, though by no means at all crowded. Bare in mind that it is very early hours, and not lunch or dinner
>>79620Iron nods. "Maybe not so busy, then," he mumbles. He waits for either his food or Cauldron to show it or herself.
>>79619"Yes, but given circumstances, I would say we do not have many places to have to look. There are only so many places kirin nun would be." Silver grabs his new potions, offers his thanks to the shopkeeper, and motions for the gang to follow as he steps out of the shop. "Come. We go to Cathedral. Father Maren there might have guidance for dealing with undead. And who knows, perhaps they know of this kirin we seek."