Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
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>>148927Well, if ever cannot speak to her, he will just have to cuddle her.
>>148928I guess it will have to do, Iron reluctantly muttered, not too satisfied and quite unsure if she'd even appreciate it.
Nevertheless, he soon got out of bed in order to further press his body against Sands', all too eager to get her to feel better with his warm body.
>>148929And so, she feels his body press against his, and he likewise, sm feels her soft fur along his body.
>>148930Despite knowing Sands was there, Iron felt the everlasting hug dig against his desperate soul, failing to notice just about anything of the unicorn mare's mood. Did she really appreciate his attempts? Does she know why he's doing it? Did he really matter to her?
To think he'd ask such a question after she risked her life for him...
>>148931She is, if nothing else, comforted. The tears have stopped, and she peacefully enters his embrace
>>148932Iron's breathing became a little heavier, feeling rather impotent at his wimpy way to reassure Sands in such a fashion, but nevertheless continued on, hoping his hug reached out to her heart and undo the pain in her soul.
>>148934[1d20+1 = 10]<Socially inept stallion tries to touch the heart of a mare in need. Surely it'll go
swell. >>148935He’s made some okay progress. But he may need to talk about his feelings.
>>148883Spark continues near the bushes.
>>148940Does Spark enter into the park itself?
>>148941Yes. That should work with the goal to draw out the changelings in possible pursuit.
>>148942Spark goes into the park, and walks along its gravel path. The grass is still snow covered, and the trees have lost their leaves.
>>148944In front of Spark, on the far side and to his right, a mare in a jacket walks a dog. To his left, on the sidewalk, a stallion walks hurriedly pushing a foal along, both in practical fur-lined coats. Behind Spark, on the far side, a stallion in a raincoat looks down and rushes past, while a brown stallion with no clothing casually walks by the park path.
>>148945Spark walks along for a while.
>>148946Spark pretty quickly reaches the end of the small park. There is no statue nor fountain, but there is a playground set covered in snow. On every side save behind him are residential buildings two stories tall, with multifamily apartments.
>>148947Can Spark tell if he is being followed?
>>148948No pony
is on the park walkway. Whether anyone is on the sidewalk walking around the single-block park is another question.
>>148936How would I even do that? Iron pessimistically questioned, almost feeling he was about to sabotage himself if he were to blindly just blurt out his feelings.
Nevertheless, he kept his hold on Sands with a rather obvious desire to make her feel better... only without any clear focus or path to actually give her what she desires.
>>148949Spark peaks around to the sidewalk.
>>148950She eases herself, falling into Iron's embrace, although perhaps needing a bit more petting or mane stroking
>>148955Iron was all too happy to oblige, sliding his forelegs along her mane while his hindlegs softly tried to lay back down on the bed, thinking the cuddle might just work out after all.
>>148956Her mane is tangled in places, and much messier than it had been the morning before. But there's still a pleasant softness in the long hair.
>>148957Thus, Iron made combing it back to its silky smooth mane with his hooves his current mission, tenderly providing some much needed affection in the meantime while he softly relaxed himself in the whole embracing Sands thing.
>>148958Sands must have eased into it, as Iron can hear her making sounds a bit like the purring of a cat.
>>148959Iron exhaled softly in relief, thankful he was able to pull Sands out from the pit of despair for a moment how he knew best, yet deep down knew this wasn't exactly going to solve the unicorn's problems with her validation... or at least he thought it didn't...
>>148960Iron is in a better position than he was minutes before. But Iron cannot end the petting and the holding, lest the purring stop.
>>148961Iron couldn't help but feel slightly stuck because of this, causing him to blink softly: He wasn't going to be stuck in place for the rest of the day, was he?
...I should really be getting ready to finish that war... he mumbled to his mind.
>>148962He who rides a tiger, is afraid to dismount
purr, purr >>148963Starting to feel a tad awkward over continuing to lay down on the bed when there were more pressing matters, figured now would be a good time to open his yap. "I see your wounds are getting better," he hesitantly offered, continuing his mane stroking session.
>>148964She opens her eyes, and tilts her head up closer towards him
“A bit.”
>>148965"I am eager to see you without them," Iron awkwardly replied in turn, giving her a small, genuine yet apprehensive smile.
>>148966With her back turned to him, only with the most awkward of head movements can she see him behind her.
"That's nice of you to say" she says
>>148967Iron let out a single, dry chuckle out of his mouth at the answer, having already run out of things to say but feeling it wasn't really good enough.
>>148968As she moves her head back to attempt to make eye contact, her horn accidently jabs Iron on the underside of his muzzle.
>>148969Iron didn't really mind the jab but moved his muzzle away to let Sands properly finish her head turning regardless. In all honesty, he had no clue if anything he was doing right now was really helping or not, but he wasn't going to run away like so many other times with Cauldron.
>>148970Now all Iron has to do, is to break through that soft fur. Talk to her. Connect to her. Say all of the things he wants to say. Ask all of the questions he wants to ask.
>>148971Seconds ticked by, as Iron stared at the unicorn mare in utter silence for an uncomfortable amount of seconds while he tried to scrounge up something to start their conversation... only to find himself stuck with his mouth slightly open while staring at Sands.
>>148972White Sands, still lying facing the opposite way, speaks
“How long have you been here? In Baltimare, I mean.”
What will happen in the park? Hopefully I will find out soon.
>>148953I think we left off here.
>>148953The stallion with the foal continues walking away and down the sidewalk, while behind Spark, the brown stallion turns the corner, going now the same direction Spark is. The stallion on the other side of the road behind Spark continues down another block.