>>148033These are fair points to bring up, and truth be told I didn't come here necessarily to pitch an idea; the reason for posting the OP was more along the lines of hashing out general questions like these, but as one can see the thread's gotten massively derailed before, and that's something that a topic like this was broached in the effort of hoping to avoid.
>If someone argued "jews did nothing wrong" and then kicked my ass in tekken to "prove it" what would that actually prove?It would prove that both parties had honor and were willing to stand up for their name, even though they risked humiliation, or even in their case injury or death to stand by it, not necessarily whatever either parties thought of a given situation. In fact a lot of the slander that triggered challenges of a duel, at least in the South during the 19th century (not necessarily the Wild West), was unsubstantial towards whether or not it was fair game to fight over; and in many cases this was resolved before the duel was carried out by kin or close friends of the challengers that talked about it and tried to sate both persons' sense of dignity; and even when it came to an actual fight, after weeks or months of negotiation, the vast majority of the time it did not end in fatality, only about a fifth of the time did it do that, the vast majority of other times shots were purposely either fired into the air or at an appendage.
The South, furthermore, wouldn't have put up a fight in the Civil War unless there was a code of honor that they strictly had adhered to during that time; Bobby Lee, among the shrewdest of generals of Dixie, has been famously quoted to have believed more in the ideals of the North, but that he was bound by a sense of honor to fight for the South. When Hitler signed a treaty to settle his disputes with France's military, he had been congratulated as restoring the honor of Germany in the same train car as the first world war armistice in Compiègne.
So I could've been clearer in the OP. This isn't supposed to be attempting to solve problems of determining who's right or who's wrong, this is more about avoiding unnecessary tongue-lashings and for those on the board to act civil in discussion, because that tends to be how ideas get hashed out, rather than calling someone else a bad name. Imagine if your CPU queried RAM and got called a faggot or worse every once in a while; at best the computer's capability of getting something done would be tarnished, and that's a more generous example, because computers are cold and humans warm or even hotheaded. Likewise Germany would never have pulled itself out of the Weimar era and became one of the world's most respected fighting forces had it not cared about a sense of honor and everyone was busy slandering their Aryan neighbors all the time.
4chan's unspoken rules of days past, and those written on this website as well have exhibited an influence by a little book called Fight Club, where men that needed to blow off steam would go into the basement of a rundown bar and fight it out once in a while, and that wasn't due to any particular slight or insult. Those rules being "the first and second rules of fight club are not to talk about fight club," and that whole book was written based on a brotherly code of honor that has thus been alluded to. An attempt is being made to tap into a more primal instinct here, as in the West there's a crisis of honor as we speak, and this seemed like it could be a good place to start remedying that. I'm certainly okay with being wrong, but I am most certainly
not okay with being insulted.
But at this point, I think it would be more valuable to just go the empirical route, and see if it works out. At worst we've wasted a couple minutes or hours trying something new, and at best if someone's got a new idea that they're trying to pitch or get feedback on they don't get called a faggot over and over again as a crutch in case their challengers don't have a substantial argument. It's rooted in self-depracating irony; fun is something that must most certainly be had every once in a while, but to talk about serious topics and have "faggot" in the thread a thousand times over is simply unbecoming at best. I am one to believe that we deserve better; whether this is the way to achieve those ends or not matters little.