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>>140828Her mouth, in gritted teeth, starts to relax, as she moves her hooves down. She is silent for a number of seconds after Silver asks his question. Then she moves her wings forward under the sweater, and her hooves meet her wings.
"Hail Chrysalis"
Roll Initiative >>140831>>140829The alleged mare pushes a pistol out from under her sweater with her wings to her hooves, and aims it at Silver.
One more element to consider:
[1d20+2 = 15] >>140830>>140831She gets the drop on Silver, firing at him
>>140834>>140831She misses her first shot. Private Sleetfall, standing there with his rifle, fires a shot at her
[1d20+1 = 16] >>140835>>140831His shot hits her, spraying a pattern of purplish blood across the counter
[2d8 = 10] >>140831>>140836She stumbles backwards from the shot, and fires again
[1d20-2 = 11] >>140831>>140838She misses in her dazed state.
After putting his flashlight down to pick up his gun, Silver fumbled. But he is ready now.
Silver's turn
>>140839[1d20+4 = 19] [1d20+4 = 19][1d20+4 = 6] [1d20+4 = 11]Silver fires a short burst from his SMG point blank at the changeling.
Tattattattat >>140840Two firm hits in the chest and a third ambiguously goes through the outer edge of the sweater. Still standing, the green engulfs her to show a changeling drone, who collapses to the ground.
>>140841Silver isn't entirely sure it's possible for changelings, but just in case, he checks for a pulse.
>>140842Silver can't feel a pulse. Sleetfall, however, has his own method, stabbing the changeling in the neck with his bayonet.
"Insidious little crossdressing fuckers, aren't they?"
>>140843Silver internally cringes at the display of brutality, but says nothing of it.
"I was even going to let him live unharmed if he just surrendered..."
He coughs a little, and wipes his mouth clear of blood.
"...fuck, I will be glad when Vale is clear of these roaches."
>>140844"Unharmed?! Do they do the same for us?"
He looks up and back to Silver
"Well, let's make sure the back is clear, and move back to headquarters. Nightfall will be coming soon."
>>140845"No, but it is easier to find where they have taken replaced ponies when they are alive to say so."
He readies his SMG.
"Good idea. We should also do quick check of equipment, see if anything is damaged."
>>140846He is silent for a moment, then answers
There is a door to the left of the counter, with a rifle next to it
>>140847Silver focuses his magic around the door handle, and opens the door from a distance.
>>140848The door is opened. There is a single low light, and through the open door Silver can see some meters, a couple switch boards, and a pair of tables.
A few droplets of blue blood lead off to the left
>>140849Silver silently points out the trail of blood to Sleetfall, and hobbles forward to take a position leaning against the wall next to the door.
Cautiously, he tries to peak around the corner.
>>140850There, in the left most corner, is a medium-blue pony stallion, looks like a unicorn, sitting and leaning over. His forehooves are tight together, and it looks like he is holding something in, perhaps cloth. His chest visible rises and lowers, and he makes a low wheezing sound. He moves his eyes up to look at Silver, gritting his teeth in a wince
>>140851Silver winces at the sight of the wounded, disguised changeling. He doesn't advance any further.
"We got you really good, huh?"
>>140852The thing looks up at silver, with wide pupils and green eyes. It doesn't say anything, only wheezes out and stares at Silver with that pained grimace.
>>140853"Listen, I am Platoon Sergeant Silver Sword. Now, I do not know about you, but I do not want any more death and violence here, and I am almost certain you do not want to die here today either. I think we can help each other."
>>140855The creature just sits there, still looking at Silver, and still wheezing in pain.
>>140857"Can you understand what I am saying?"
>>140858It moves its head a little higher, but does not respond
>>140859Silver raises an eyebrow at this gesture, not knowing what it means.
"This is not going to work if you can not understand. Nod if you understand what I am saying."
He turns to Sleetfall.
"Does anypony in platoon speak or write Changeling?"
>>140863"Hmm...alright. Here is what I am thinking. I will try to get close to him, appear like I am not going to hurt him, and see if I can not keep him from bleeding out. After, we will try to escort him to base as prisoner until we can decide on what to do with him. Think you can watch my back?"
>>140864"That, I can."
He cycles the bolt in his rifle.
The creature's ears go up
>>140865Silver sighs, and trots slowly into the room with the changeling, SMG held in his magic. He slowly sets it down on the ground in front of him, dims his horn, and keeps his hooves in full view of the changeling so he knows he's not trying to pull any funny business.
>>140866As Silver moves closer to the creature, Silver can see under and to the right of the uniform the creature is holding to its torso, the creature's ace-up-the-sleeve, and the last card it has to play: it is holding an Equestrian fragmentation grenade under its foreleg. It's hard to tell if the pin is or is not in.
>>140930Silver stops right where he is, trying to appear as unthreatening as he can be. He points to the grenade, and speaks calmly.
"Please, you do not have to do that. Just...give it here, nice and slowly. I promise, I will not hurt you."
>>140931The creature turns its ears and eyes to Silver. It's eyes are very wide. It has made no movement on the grenade
Roll intelligence
>>140933>>140931The grenade
could require constant pressure on the handle to keep from detonating
>>140934Silver gulps, a little nervous at his situation. He takes a small step cautuously towards the changeling.
"Not going to hurt you...do not detonate grenade..."
>>140935At least there is no movement on the grenade. The creature continues breathing heavily, ears tilted towards Silver and eyes wide
>>140936Silver takes another step, trying to convey as non-threatening body language as he can.
"Just like that, nice and calm..."
>>140939The creature lets Silver close the distance without opposition. Silver is now within five feet of the creature
>>140940Silver smiles at the creature. He points to the grenade, then makes a motion with his hoof as if he was receiving something.
"Now, just...carefully, give me the grenade. It will be okay."