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>>129477“What would you choose?” He asks
>>129478"I personally would choose something simple, but you mentioned Daring Do one. Would that be your choice?"
>>129479Mala looks back at the Daring Do chest
"You say it is nothing like adventuring... when I was young I liked the travel brochure because it showed jungles and high mountains, and I imagined it was like Zebrica and old Hyenia. Like what I saw in the motion picture. But my dad said no, Kaftaristan is plains and hills and semi-deserts where the rain does not fall for half a year. He says it is nothing like that.... but to me it still kind of represented what it meant to be a gnoll. To be out there where you belonged, and not a stranger in a city. Here I see a pony running through the jungle in what I think is supposed to be Equestria, and you tell me ponies will go out and find monsters and fight them... It is a pony doing what I wanted to as a cub. And if it really is nothing like that, then I can look at the chest and think I do it for real. I want this one."
>>129481If Mala was a pony, I'd use somepony.>>129480Silver looks over at Mala, and smiles.
"Then that is one we will get."
>>129484Mala taps his paw on the chest, his soft pads bouncing off with only a light "thud."
>>129485"Need anything else, or should we find associate to help us purchase what we picked?"
>>129486"I suppose a few wash towels and bedsheets, but this is most of it"
>>129487"I know we can get those at other store, actually."
>>129489Silver nods, and goes to find an associate to help him.
>>129490The associate recognizes Silver from earlier the same day, and trots over eager to help him. He keeps a slight distance from Mala and occasionally glances over at him
>>129491While trying to assure him that Mala is just another friendly customer with Silver, he asks for his help in buying everything he and Mala picked out.
>>129492He scrunches a little at Silver’s implied accusation of impoliteness, but makes no response. He rings up the purchases and helps Silver carry the items to the cart, as does Mala. Mala shows that he has power in his back.
>>129493"Wow! You are strong, Mala!"
>>129494Mala holds his tail high, and wags it. All of the items are in the cart
>>129495Silver hitches himself to the cart, and heads for the other store to buy a bedspread, towels for Mala, and gloves for Jubilosa.
>>129496More of a walk, but Silver makes it. Going inside, he finds a number of items, including bedspreads, towels, and even gloves made for griffins
>>129497Silver looks to Mala for what he wants, with regards to the bedspreads and towels.
>>129498For towels, white will do
"Well, you said if it were you, you would get something simple. So.... the simple sheets"
Mala points towards a set of brown sheets
>>129499"If you are sure. I am not one who will be using sheets."
>>129500Mala picks up the set of sheets
"This one"
>>129501Silver nods, and heads for the gloves section.
>>129502Some different styles. Some fancier, some agricultural, some industrial. Some waterproof and some not. Brown leather, black, denim... Some are made for extended claws
>>129503Hmm...Silver looks for anything that's fancy yet sturdy, and made for extended claws.
>>129504White leather, and black leather gloves. Each have what resembles a sun symbol on them
>>129505He grabs a pair of each.
One last thing to look at: toothbrushes.
>>129506At first he sees a number of pony tooth brushes. There are none for Griffins. However, he finds one made for Diamond Dogs
>>129507Silver wonders first how griffons clean their beaks, then what a diamond dog's teeth look like. He picks a couple pony ones up, one for him and one for Khoi, and looks to Mala.
"Random question: are your teeth anything at all like diamond dog teeth?"
>>129508He tilts his head
"I don't think we had any in the..." He pauses for longer than normal, even for him
>>129509Silver compares a diamong dog one and a pony one to see what the difference between them is.
>>129510The pony version has a flatter head and shorter bristles, as well as a hook for a shoe to catch on. he diamond dog version has a thinner head and longer bristles, with a thinner handle. Basically, the diamond dog version is made for incisors and paws
>>129511He decides to get one for Mala, just in case. They don't happen to have any toothpaste, do they?
>>129512There is some toothpaste, Maybe it's wartime austerity, but the selection of toothpaste is lower, varying based mostly on the bleach content (for whitening)
>>129513Silver picks some with as little bleach as possible, preferably none, and then goes up front to pay for the stuff he got.
>>129514It's perhaps 20 or so bits, mostly because of the gloves. Mala is set, and so is Silver
>>129515He pays for them, and heads home with Mala and his purchased items.
>>129516Silver makes it back as the sun lowers on the horizon. Mala helps bring the items up the stairs and inside. Khoi and Jubilosa are waiting inside
>>129517Silver smiles at the kirin and the griffon as he enters. He greets them on his way up helping to carry stuff upstairs into the empty bedroom.
>>129518Jubilosa comes up, slightly stumbling. She smiles
Khoi walks up a little more slowly behind her, and nods to Silver.
Mala walks on past, up the stairs
>>129519Silver looks at Jubilosa's haphazard walk.
"Had little bit too much to drink?"
>>129520"I haven't had too much at all! I just started..."
>>129521Silver just shrugs, and continues to help Mala carry and then put together his new furniture in his room. He looks at the gnoll during.
"Oh, if you are going to become my partner, it would be good idea to get you some proper armor and equipment. I will take you shopping when I am free tomorrow."
>>129522"I haven't really had much armor... maybe some leather. But I saw what you were wearing. That would be good. I would really like to see what the ponies have"
He sounds a bit happier as he carries the things upstairs, and into the room
Ready to get back to the doggos?
>>129524The Priest said he was willing to answer questions
>>129525"I heard the others talk about a spirit showing a sign when I approached the forest. Do you have any more insight to what it could mean?"
>>129526"There are many spirits and many signs. I don't know enough to give any specific answer. But I can tell you this. The natural world you see is not much separated from the spiritual. Almost everything has some spiritual counterpart, or spiritual side to it. And that is what they must have seen - the spiritual counterpart showing itself. It was what the sign said that must have been interesting."