Along the shores of Baltimare Harbor, in the halls of old 33 Hoebuck, our heroes have discovered a dark secret. What started as a mundane mission to stop illegal immigrant smuggling has uncovered something far more horrific - a cult from Griffonia. The party has successfully challenged and defeated many of the cultists and hired criminals, but in the process, has nearly died themselves. Now, low on health, they must both recover and put an end to the evils in 33 Hoebuck once and for all - before it puts an end to them first.
Way up north, in the Iron Range of Whinnysota, the ponies their inquire into exact who or what is damaging so many machines. Investigating and following leads, they may unveil the faults and problems of the Haysabi Iron Mine, and gain favor with Changeling authorities.
Damn it, I missed 123,000
1710 replies and 20 files omitted.
>>123151"Well not in
one charge, of course." Brie says as though the pony isn't grasping his meaning. "Three of them. 2 at 20lbs, and 1 at 50. You have those, yes?"
>>123152“Well... that’s about 200 sticks...”
He digs deeper into the igloo
"Oh, and enough fuse to make the detonation somewhat delayed. A minute each should do fine."
>>123154He comes out with around six or so packs of nine sticks. It’s not clear exactly how much explosive he’s holding, and it’s certainly not three sets either
>>123154“Let me grab some pre-mixed AMFO”
He goes back in
>>123155"I assume the fuses are summarily bundled together? This seems suited otherwise."
>>123157“.... Here”
He gives Brie two smaller white bags and a bigger one
“Yes, these should have fuses. And what doesn’t have a fuse will detonate when other explosives next to it are detonated”
>>123158"Marvelous. Thank you Mr. Peter, do forget our exchange, it will likely be less consequential if you do." Brie turns to Zu Lang. "I think I'm suited. I'll need to coordinate with my associates, and I'll also need a bit of an inkling of which direction we would do to set off in,... not all of us are capable of flight, but rest assured," he says patting the bundle of explosives ||seriously hoping its not like 19th-century dynamite|| "This will do nicely." ^_^
>>123159“These better not be used against our mine or forces”
Zu Lang says, almost through his teeth
“If they are getting to our mine and to the town, they must cross through these local woods, even if they do not use a base anywhere near here. In any case, you may do well to take some of
our soldiers with you. They know something of the area.”
>>123160"Sir, you wound me, suggesting I would betray your hospitality - not to mention the Queen's good graces - with shenanigens. No, these will be put to good use on whoever plagues you."
He deliberately doesn't respond to the offer of assistance.
>>123161“Very well. Be on.”
He directs a gendarme soldier over towards Brie, however
>>123162Brie rolls his eyes and proceeds to lead(?) back toward Onyx, Sparks(?), and the 4 lings (both adults and jungetiere). He seems quite chipper, carrying a pile of high explosives.
>>123163And so he does. It’s a pretty big load, surely helped by a companion carrying most of it. Saltpeter waves bye
>>123163Onyx looks up to the returning bat
>>123165Laden with dynamite. "Don't worry, I've got a plan!" he shouts, his eyes barely peeking over the pile of explosives he's carrying.
>>123166Few more dangerous phrases exist than “I’ve got a plan”
>>123167And this one is no exception
>>123166"Oh celestia is this how I'm going to die?"
>>123168>>123169Yes. Yes it is, little pony
>>123170Alright. So, Brie is going to rig the explosives at a ratio of 2 - 2 - 5. As he does this, he will have gathered everyone involved and will explain (in his not-so-sufficient explanation manner) that he will be carrying the 50lbs charge, and that 2 others should carry one (or both?) of the 20 lbs charges. The objective is for him to fly up to a great height and then glide, surveying the forest to attempt to ascertain the location of the insurgents. Throughout this explanation he would lament that they have no communication, but whatever. Assuming Onyx doesn't want to carry any explosives (an educated guess) he would then ask Fun and Seb to each carry one of them. The objective would be to either A., blow the fuck out of the insurgents, B. blow the fuck out of their resources, or C. blow up any essential roads, landscape, or essential travel lines, with the intent of crippling the insurgents' ability to engage in shenanigens. As he is detailing this he emphasizes "This will be a bit of an on-site interpretive mission, so feel free to get creative. Also, if you can, try to gather heads to bring back." in his usually nonchalant way of communicating grim things as though detailing groceries to be acquired.
Each charge should have about a 1 minute fuse to it, so that should he decide to light a fuse and then drop it from altitude, or should someone else decide to set a fuse and then run, they won't(?) get blowed up too
>>123171>>123172And so, the creatures what to do when they locate the insurgents.
Locating them... That's the matter that remains
>>123173I'm confused. I issued that as, not a directive, but an indication of what Brie had concocted.
>>123174Well, I assume he communicated at least
part of that to Seb and Fun. The "hold this" part. But now Brie may go to the next step in his plan
>>123175Yes, thats true, but the plan involves Onyx' participation too. Its not JUST a bombing run after all
Not to mention, Sparks has been unrepresented so far. Where's he at?
It's also a stabbing run. Onyx is good for that
Any actions for Brie before Onyx comes back? (talking to other creatures or otherwise?)
>>123177Spark talked to Zu Lang himself, who directed him towards a prisoner who was suspected of sabotaging his machine. Spark talked to him, and now has the prisoner in chains before a Lieutenant outside of the mine
>>123178At this point, all thats left is refining the plan and making sure everypony knows what to expect,... which is either Brie coming back with recon (he is a rogue after all) or blowing shit up.
Are there ponies tonight?
>>123188Hello Spark pony! Did you read what happened in the thread last night?
>>123189Something about Brie blowing something up.
>>123191Not yet, but all in good time
>>123192It might actualloy work with my plan.
>>123193Does Spark have any actions to declare?
>>123195I think I will wait until everyone is ready to play again. My actions are going to determine the fate of the prisoner rather quickly, because if I play around, the guards would call it out and return him to the cell.
>>123196Too bad there are never ponies when I can play.
>>123211It's okay, little pony, You'll have an opportunity soon enough
Lets do this thing yeah!!!!!!
>>123218Kek, that's a cute drawing
Adrian Cloudburster finds himself in Baltimare on midday, his train arriving one half hour late. Exitting the train car, he finds ceiling of vaulted square panels recessed into the roof with golden color, a tile flooring with checkered and swastika patterns, and a newsstand further on. There are a number of ponies walking about, some lazily, some standing still, waiting no doubt for an arriving train, and some pegasus in business outfit running towards the platform, presumably to catch his train.
Where does Adrian want to go now?
>>123217Hi Spark Pony!
>>123219I jump over the crowd and fly to my train
>>123220Well, his train has just arrived.
It's a stainless steel Pullman coach car pulled by a not quite so modern 4-6-4 steam locomotive, the steam of the idling train slowly bathing the platform in a thin mist
>>123219I'm going to think up a new character to join him.
>>123221I settle into the train car, brashly pushing past people so I can find a spot to sit, being tired from getting here
>>123223I mean I fling myself off the train and fly out, stretching my wings after such a long ride
"home sweet home" I say as I take flight, rising above the station
>>123224I head towards my best friends house, sunny rays. smiling in the cool breeze
>>123222waits patiently>>123223D'aww
>>123224This is rather difficult to do
inside the station, as it is still an enclosed space. Nevertheless the ceilings are 20 feet high or higher, making flight indoors possible, though Adrian annoys a mare whose black hat almost flies off as he nearly grazes her. Stepping down to go through brass trimmed revolving doors, Adrian exits onto a stone landing at the top of many steps that lead down to the street level - Ionic columns to either side giving a neoclassical build to Baltimare Union Station.
Taking off from the steps, adrian soars higher over Baltimare. It is not a city of many high rises, though the insurance building and the offices of the Tall Sails Shipping company do indeed tower twenty or so floors above the ground level. Far more numerous are smaller buildings with shops on the ground level and apartments above. So too are their rows of townhouses to the west, and tenements to the east. In the north and in the east, the brick walls of factories, mills, and smoke stacks break the monotony, and further east - perhaps out of sight - Adrian may catch a glimpse of a mast of two of a ship in harbor
>>123225Further south, and a bit west, the urban sprawl gives way to smaller lots of individual houses. Some, older and colonial in origin. Some, cheap shotgun shacks made more recently
>>123226I head towards the the smaller houses where my bestie for life lives <3
>>123227Navigating across streets not quite familiar enough to be comited to memory, over a School house, a tan stucco sided post office, past a lot selling automobiles, and past the gleaming dome of a Temple of Boreas, Adrian finds the location.
Down a street carved in the new grid patterned style, until he comes upon one running diagonally too it. An older street. And past so many little pink houses of a singe story, Adrian comes upon a triangular lot with a willow tree in the fore, and a white, colonial style two story house, with a raises porch, as is typical of that style
>>123228I land on the porch and clear my throat before I begin banging on the front door in a panic
>>123229Sunny rushes to the door and opens it.
"What? Where?"
>>123230*prances past her laughing*
"gotcha again!"
>>123229A stallion walking his dog, a reddish collie, stands still and looks over for a moment from the side walk. After three seconds pause, he turns his head away and trots away. Quickly
>>123231"Why do you always do that? One of these days it won't be a laughing matter."
She pouts a little.
>>123234*he baps her gently on the nose*
"I'm sorry I just love how quickly you rush to my defense. Keep it up and one day I'll be in your debt from your amazing magical power!"
>>123235She blushes.
"I wouldn't call my magic amazing. But thanks. Do you want to come in?"
>>123234Sunny Rays can feel it now. A dark wind blows across the horizon, bringing with it a future of godlessness, where the gods of old and their worship are swept away, and with them, their awe and justice
>>123235For a winter’s day, the weather is fairly pleasant. In the 60’s
>>123237I sit in her living room and stretch my wings
"So how have you been Sunny? I missed you" :3
>>123238The wooden floor makes a "knock" with each clop of the hoof across it, and Adrian Cloudburster makes his way to a floral patterned love seat to sit. The living room is a bit warmer than the outside, owing to a fire in the fireplace
>>123237She shivers.
>>123238"I missed you too. I have been having a really bad feeling lately. I can't quite put a hoof on it though."
>>123239well thank god for the fire in the fireplace that's on fire
>>123240"Oh? what kind of feeling?"
>>123241"It's hard to explain. Like Celestia's warmth is gone from ponies' hearts. Everything seems a bit darker than before."
>>123242Oh, it's been souring for a decade now. The revitalization that flowed out from Ponyville and filled much of the rest of Equestria - or the planet, for that matter - did not penetrate so far here. Like light blotted out by a dense thorn bush.
>>123242Adrian gets a bit worried, he likes to tease sunny but he trusts her with these sort of things. Her knowledge of the divine was unmatched in his opinion.
"What can we do?"
>>123244"I'm not sure. I guess I will just do what I can to keep the spirit of Celestia alive in my heart and share that with ponies."
She shakes off her sadness.
"I don't want to dwell on it though. You are here now and that is making my day that much brighter. What have you been up to?"
>>123245"went north and got into fights mostly, won some sweet prize money. Oh and I got you something"
He digs in his saddle bag and produces a book of divine hymns for celestia
>>123246"Oh thank you Adrian!"
She eagerly looks through the book.
"It's perfect."
She gives him a hug.
"You are the best."
>>123247"you're welcome~"
"I hadn't seen it in your collection and I figured you'd like it"
>>123247"Hey what's say we head to the church and ask if anyone needs some help? maybe that'll make you feel better from all this darkness talk"
>>123249"Yeah. Sounds like a good idea."
She jumps up and heads to the door.
>>123250*walks behind her with a small grin on his face, glancing at her flank*
>>123249>>123250>>123251Past more little pink houses, along a grid line street that cuts through older streets, and past a new elementary school, there stands in a lot truncated by a newly constructed bowling alley a church. Made of darker stone covered by a white marble on the front, and with rectangular support that protrudes from an otherwise mostly rectangular structure. A rectangular stone bell tower stands up from above the vaulted slate roof. The building looks older, much older, than what has built up around it, like something from the old Equestria
>>123251Sly. You can get her after the adventure. Wouldn't want to ruin the GM's fun.She is oblivious to the looks, for now.
>>123252Sunny heads to the church door.
>>123253No no, let's see where this goesOpenning the door, there is no pony inside at the moment, put so many rows of pews before a central altar, and another row to the left, and the right, with a door further behind. The ceiling has a vaulted design, and the floor is covered in white marble
>>123253Adrian walks in beside her, brushing against her flank
"Wow empty today I see, should we look for someone?"
int 9 >>123255She blushes a bit, but shakes off the brushing.
"Sure. Let's check inside first."
She attempts to open the door.
>>123255>>123256The door opens easily.
From the door in the back of the church, a somewhat older stallion - a white unicron - walks out, wearing a vest of white, black and trimmed in gold. Sunny Rays recognizes the Stallion as Father Caldera
"Oh, nice to see you Sunny Rays. You brought a friend?"
>>123257"Good to see you too, Father. This is Arian. The colt I have been friends with since I was a little filly."
"wow I didn't know he was your father"
>>123258*cough* >_>
He reaches out a hoof towards Adrian, holding it up high enough it seems as if he may pat, rather than shake the hoof of, Adrian
"Well nice to meet you, Adrian. Your friend here has been a very good pony"
>>123259*pat pat*
>>123261He lowers his hoof an now shakes Adrian's hoof
"We don't get too many ponies this time of week. What brings you here?"
>>123259She giggles.
>>123262"I have been feeling bad, Father. I need to do more for the Church. Ponies just don't have the light of Celestia in their hearts anymore."
>>123263He goes silent for a moment, and looks at Sunny Rays. Then he nods his head
"Yes, I know. Over in the city center a church was vandalised today. They broke the windows and spray painted the walls. It's terrible what hatred has been stoked up. And even among my own herd I fear for one of them. Gambling debts may get to him..."
>>123262>>123264"surely there's a way to help? we can't just give in to despair" :c
>>123265"Stay strong, and fight against the darkness. There are many ways to help, and many who need help"
>>123266"Oh yes. Not all ponies have great strength of will. Some fall into vice. Addiction even. And they borrow money from less than ethical types"
>>123268>>123267"Yeah! maybe we can lead him back to the light!"
Adrian ruffles Sunny's mane
>>123268>>123269"Oh it's uh..."
He looks around, down then up and around and back to Sunny Rays again, and sighs
"I guess I may as well tell you. All the wrong ponies know anyways, and his habit is well known in the community. Three Leaf Clover. He's a good pony inside. He knows he needs to kick the habit. But he's already ensnared deep in debts"