Welcome back to Occupied Equestria
Dark Star, Silver, Iron, and Midnight continue their investigation and hopefully, the take down of a group of organized criminals who have taken up operations at an old fortress on the sea shore. They have already rescued a number of creatures and persuaded them to join in their efforts. Now, they most hope that they can strike with enough force, and quickly enough, to destroy the evil that has taken up residence there.
Up in the North, the ponies are waking up, ready for a new day
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Brie swats at a bug in a gesture that strangely resembles a face-hoof
>>117313Kerr jumps up
He moves to the other side of the cart
>>117257A second Changeling comes out and watches Brie and the cart, while the first reviews the papers. The first then calls the second to look at the papers, says something to him, and later both nod
He says to Brie
"I see... you're the one they called us about.
You have special instructions"
He hoofs him a sealed note
>>117317"Splendid!" he exclaims opening the note.
I hope its not in wechselbalg,... Brie can't read >>117312
I'm not going to get into the argument as I'm not involved here, but I want to say that I really love your characters, and I appreciate the work you've put into them for both us and the game. I know we don't give you nearly enough appreciation for it, so I just wanted to tell you.
>>117318There is more to the note, but this much is pertinent:
Brie is invited to meet an individual at the Iron Mine outside of Haysabi
The note includes directions
*hugs the floofster*
>>117320When you hug the floofster, the floofster also hugs you.
*hugs the GM*
>>117320Brie gets Fun, and they go back to the cart. "Word of our venture precedes us. We have been given an assignment."
He translates the same for the benefit of Kerr, Wesley, Seb, and Fun >>117322"Oh joy, this oughta be good"
>>117323"It says we're supposed to meet somepony, so I'm assuming its a kill mission." Brie says with enthusiasm.
"... But I always assume its a kill mission." He says with a wink.
>>117325>>117324"Well... Maybe this will be good. I see no point in delaying"
>>117326"Splendid!" Brie doesn't miss a beat and slightly rudely pushes Fun back to the front. where they both don the harnesses and disembark.
>>117322>>117324>>117325>>117326What follows is a synopsis of the letter's contents, if not a perfect transcript:
"Steel Otis is a Pony collaborator who used the opportunity of the Liberation of Equestria to rise from being a simple forepony of the Marion Mining Company, to being the Overseer of Taconite production for most of the Haysabi region of Whinnysota. He is aided by the Changeling head of Equine Resources for the Haysabi Taconite mines, a drone called "Fang Zu Lang." For most of the time that the mines have been operating, they have fallen behind in production and requested a more than normal share of equipment. This has been variously blamed on Pony sabotage and heavy rains, but deeper in Winter it is evident that that is not the cause. Otis is suspected of corruption, either selling the Iron himself, or worse, of treason by siphoning ore and materials for the partisans. Zulang, likewise, is believed to be guilty of corruption, and taking bribes to allow the continuation of non-productive behavior.
Your assignment is to collect evidence of said disobedient behavior, and then make an example of the guilty parties
Hail Chrysalis!"
>>117328Brie doesn't share this with the party yet
Don't worry, he will, but he's intent on getting there first
>>117330>>117331Oooooh, Onyx ain't gonna like you.
>>117333Oh hush, I'm just eager to get there before too long. We'll have plenty of time to status
>>117334Also, Sparks should be on this venture too, though we haven't heard from him
>>117327Fun is shoved to the front, a little unsettled, and they go off. It's a road going North of Whinnyapolis, but also not as far West. Fields become barer grasslands, and the layers of snow and frost become thicker
>>117336As they get started, Brie says to Fun "Entschuldigen Sie meine Begeisterung, aber genau so sorgen wir - und ich meine Sie und ich - dafür, dass die Königin glücklich ist."
>>117337He nods with a sort of concerned look
"Was auch immer mich davon abhält, erschossen zu werden"
>>117338"Ihre Hilfe wird bei dieser Mission besonders nützlich sein. Wir sollen Korruption und Betrug gegen den Hive untersuchen, und ich bin nicht gut daran gewöhnt, wie die Dinge auf dieser Seite der Mauer funktionieren."
>>117340Then why pet her mane before immediately leaving her in two sentences to go talk to a different female. Why bother in the first place. Why make me think you were going that direction
>>117339"Ich war noch nie ein Anführer oder hinter einem Schreibtisch ... Aber ich werde versuchen, Ihnen zu helfen"
>>117341"Ich bitte Sie nicht, ein Anführer zu sein oder hinter einem Schreibtisch zu dienen. Etwas ist faul und die Königin schickt uns, um nachzuforschen. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Königin diese Mission als Test angeboten hat."
*waiting paladin and rock noises*
>>117342"Ich kenne deine Absichten nicht, aber ich kenne meine. Ich werde es auch sehen, dass wir gehen"
>>117343What'cha waitin' on?
Uh... what's the matter?
>>117347"Meine Absicht ist es, die dargelegte Aufgabe zu erfüllen. Davon profitieren alle Beteiligten, auch Sie und Seb. Die Augen der Königin sind auf uns gerichtet, und ich beabsichtige, sie dafür zu befriedigen, dass sie uns dazu bestimmt hat. Es hilft allen."
>>117352"So sei es. Beenden wir diese Aufgabe. Ich kann nicht ewig im Schnee leben und ich möchte nicht erschossen werden"
>>117351>>117346Do you think that the Blue Skies character is not likable? Do you think that she is not a pony you can share a proper bond with?
>>117353"Mach dir keine Sorgen. Wenn du erschossen wirst, werden wir ALLE erschossen, und ich habe DIESE Scheiße nicht." Brie chuckles.
>>117354“Gut zu wissen”
They go forward even further. At least some of the coniferous trees have returned. The cart passes over a a stone bridge. On the other side is a wood and wrought iron rail bridge. On the otherwise in good shape bridge, some of the track ties seem broken in half, including a few falling down and held in place only by their connection to the rails
>>117357Spot check. Can the cart make it across the bridge?
Secondary check. Can Brie and Fun successfully pull it across?
[1d20-2 = 8][1d20-2 = 0] Eyeing the bridge, Brie says "Es sollte uns gut gehen"
>>117358Yes and no
>>117361They nod, and proceed to pass over the stone pedestrian bridge
>>117354I intended to add that Fun "has a reserved fear"
>>117362Well, hopefully we don't die
>>117365They do not die crossing the bridge
On the other side is forest, and past that a town, labelled as "Blackwood" on the sign. The houses are mostly wooden and triangular roofed in a similar design, often treated a greyish color. Off in the distance, over the tree line, the end of a machine pokes up
>>117370Not seeing any signs for a/the Iron Mine, Brie says to Fun "Ich denke, wir sollten in die Stadt fahren und versuchen, die Eisenmine ausfindig zu machen. Es wurde in der Notiz von der Königin angegeben."
>>117382>>117383>>117384How's everyone today? Its not my situation, but I'm hoping that enough was discussed that everyone has a better appreciation of where one another are coming from, to the degree that we can continue.