Welcome back to Occupied Equestria
Dark Star, Silver, Iron, and Midnight continue their investigation and hopefully, the take down of a group of organized criminals who have taken up operations at an old fortress on the sea shore. They have already rescued a number of creatures and persuaded them to join in their efforts. Now, they most hope that they can strike with enough force, and quickly enough, to destroy the evil that has taken up residence there.
Up in the North, the ponies are waking up, ready for a new day
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>>117249Onyx chuckles as her gallops back to the cart, ruffling the colt's mane as he sits down.
>>117253>>117252Ah travel montages, gotta love them.
>>117263*colt is indeed excite*
It’s a bit weird being in there with a dark brown Earth Pony who isn’t quite familiar though. He wants to take up an entire seat
>>117264Onyx stares down the earth pony, having never seen him before.
"And who exactly are you?"
>>117265The pony is lying across the seat on the other side. He has a large, white cloth tightly wrapped around his barrel. He lifts his head up, and looks at Onyx. His blue eyes go wide, and he turns his head around the other way
>>117266"Hey! If you're gonna ride in this wagon, I wanna answer to my question."
Onyx walks around to the direction the unknown pony turned.
>>117267The wagon is arranged as two seats facing each other in a little compartment. It is physically impossible for Onyx to go around
>>117268Hmm, then Onyx puts a hoof on the pony's shoulder "gently"
>>117269The head pokes up, and he turns around yet again, hooves facing Onyx
>>117270"I asked, who are you?"
His eyes narrow, as he hopes he doesn't have to throw this pony out.
>>117271He blinks. No response
The colt is kind of confused and a little afraid by the tense situation
>>117272Onyx seems purely baffled now
"Can... Can you even understand me?"
He looks over to Ruby and notes the colt's reaction, relieved that at least he isn't imagining this.
>>117273He sits up now, but he is still silent
>>117275Hello Floofster
>>117274"Come on! Respond! Flick your ears, twitch your muzzle, tap your hoof for Celestia's sake!"
>>117276He is uncomfortable, and has his lips pulled back in such an expression
>>117275Hello floofster
>>117277"Well? Do something before I throw you in a snowdrift for being a stowaway."
Onyx taps a hoof impatiently.
>>117278He seems confused, and certainly unresponsive
>>117278"Oh for fuck's sake, let him sleep! He's still too injured to pull the cart." Brie's voice emanates oddly from the front of the cart.
>>117280"Huh? Oh, it's you."
Onyx pats the lil ling.
>>117281"But who the Tartarus is it?!"
>>117281Kek>>117282The colt is pet, closing his eyes, and pressing his head up to the hoof
>>117283Onyx pets him more, still casting a glare at the stallion before he lies on the floor hoping that this trip goes well.
>>117282Onyx hears a bit of muffled Changeling-speak from the front, and he cart stops for a moment. Moments later, Brie's face appears in the window.
"That's Seb. He was gonna muscle through and pull the cart, but I could tell he's not in condition. Don't wrinkle my suit btw."
>>117285"Oh. Wait, what suit?"
Onyx looks for any protrusions of a suit from under his body wondering what the bat is on about now.
>>117286"You'd better not be sitting on it, I'm gonna need the documents in it when we get to this next checkpoint!"
>>117287"Grrrrrr, fine"
Onyx stands up, making sure he wasn't lying on the suit
>>117290Speaking of whichBrie's gaze turns and looks uncomprehendingly to the colt who has joined the party. Then looks at Kerr and Wesley (who should be obvious, cuz the fancy suits), and then back to the colt. Putting on a slightly exaggerated grin he says to the colt. "Why hello there. Who might you be?"
>>117291Since GM hasn't respondedOnyx pats the colt on the back
"This is Ruby, he's interested in seeing more parts of Equestria. Especially Canterlot, so I decided to bring him along and show him around."
>>117292Howdy edgy boi
>>117292Haroa fren
>>117293Brie looks to Ruby and extends a hoof. "Well hello Ruby. You've chosen a rather auspicious time and group to venture the world with but sit tight, you probably won't die!" he says, sincerely cheerful.
>>117291“Oh, hello! Are you one of the ponies that saved my brother and Dawson? I’m sorry we didn’t really meet before but mighty fine thing you did helpin’ these fellows here rescue my brother and all, and Dawson and his wife Rose, real good family friends. Nice to meet you, by the way, my name is Harrowed Holler but folks just call me Ruby on account of my shinny red coat here lookin’ like a Ruby. This fine young man here volunteered to take me to the Canterlot Palace. My folks didn’t really want me to go, with my oldest brother gone and all, but given that things aren’t really safe here they let me go ahead.”
>>117294“I like not dying!”
>>117293*colt is pat*
>>117296"I'm glad you like not dying, so let's keep it that way"
>>117296Brie cheerfully replies "No! I was asleep." he smiles, as though he just described an accomplishment. "We'll try to keep it that way."
>>117295EEEEEEEEEEEEEE >>117297>>117298The smile fades slowly from his mouth, but he says nothing
>>117299Brie turns to Wesley and Kerr. "Jungetiere, ich brauche für jeden von euch ein Wurfmesser. Sie haben noch 2 Stück" then turns to Ruby and says "Do you have any weapons? Do you know how to use these?" he asks, holding up one of the throwing knives.
>>117299He pets the colt again
"Don't worry, I'll take care of ya."
>>117300Shitty translations aside, -1 knife from both Kerr and Wesley would leave each with 2, and 2 for Brie as well, while also giving 2 to Ruby.
Ruby looks a little uncomfortable at the the language, but answers
“Well sure, I know how to cut things. I was in junior scouts”
>>117301He smiles a little more, as Onyx knocks part of his mane down over his eyes
“Well sure, you’re big enough to fight anything. Even fought a bear and won. Changelings too!”
>>117303"Heh, yeah. I guess I am pretty good. Just stay away from trouble and we'll be fine."
>>117303"These aren't just for cutting, though they'll work fine enough for that. These are balanced for throwing so that you can strike at an opponent without being up close. Try to keep them hidden, because an opponent won't see you as a threat if you appear unarmed. Then, when they're full of confidence, you can stick them in the face!" Brie conveys with perhaps a bit too much disclosure. "If you want, I'll show you more as we travel." Then, turning to Onyx, flashes a wide-eyed expression for just a moment, before heading back to the front of the cart.
I don't know if this exchange is occurring while the Changelings are examining their papers, or if this is occurring somewhere in mid-transit, but it could work either way.
>>117305Onyx narrows his eyes
"Don't pick on anything bigger than ya, and don't get under my hooves in a fight"
>>117308Calling back from his departure "The best combat stance is a scared face! They'll think you're helpless!"
Ruby’s mouth hangs open, and his eyes are wide
“... Woah. Can you show me?!”
>>117308“Okay, I’ll try not to mister”
>>117309*pulls out notepad, and writes with a pencil in his mouth*
>>117310"Good, then you'll be fine. And now, we wait."