This board has vidya, this board has gaymes, but this board doesn't have any active paranormal threads as far as I can tell.
>Post Paranormal experiences!
>Post spooky pictures so that people don't forget this thread exists if you don't have any of those!
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>>107202In the woods, at night on certain days, specially before natural disasters you can see big shadows walking around and staring at the sky.
Also for an entire week there was a road covered in smashed frog corpses, it was like a carpet of dead frogs, despite that being a really calm road, you would hardly see cars passing by. The frogs didn't seem to rot because it did not ever smell bad, i guess there was a new frog carpet every day; One day all the frogs disappeared, even thought i never saw anyone cleaning.
>>107207Is this something you've seen yourself, or just something you've heard about?
>>107321It's stuff i have experienced; Since i was little my mom has been into the ocult so i guess i have some kind of afinity for this stuff.
>>107435So you think that entities are impacting your life? Do you think it's direct or indirect?
>>108100Nah, thats just schizo talk
I found those things interesting to see but stuff like that has no effects on you.
I mean, i could elaborate further, only way for something to affect you is for you to be on a weakened state to start with. And even then you would have to be really unlucky for It to happen.
Plus a bunch of "bad things" arent actually External forces but self impossed obstacles..
>>112502>The Catman of Greenockkek, the shopping trolley always gets me in that pic
>be last night doing a /nightwalk/
>it happens to be misty this particular night
>on my way over and towards some ponies that i visit sometimes
>reminds me of another night i went walking in the mist
>remember seeing a big black wolf in this field on that foggy night
>approaching the place i saw that motherfucker
>it's fucking there again in the same exact place as before
>it's walking alongside me just like the last time i saw it at the same exact distance as before (about 8 ft/2.5m)
>walking at the same exact pace as me like it did before
>it walks without a sound like a cat
>it stops about halfway through the field just like it did before
>except this time it didn't lay down in the field it just watched me walk away
>come back later at twilight
>it's not there anymore
>i wasn't scared nor did i feel in danger, i only felt nervous after i got away from it
This thing was HUGE it's tail was the same length as my leg, it was blacker than black, just solid black, it looked exactly what a wolf looks like, it wasn't any fox or dog, if it was a fox it wouldn't have been that big and a dog would have been a lot noisier, I've seen dogs at night before and they would have been making more noise, if i was to give a estimate to it's body weight it would weigh over 2x as much as me. (140lbs/64kg)
So did i see a werewolf /vx/?
[Read more] >>132054Congratulations, you most likely saw a british cryptid, few people reported seeing large wolf past few years.
>>132055Yeah it was weird as fuck, i didn't get the 'ghost' vibe from it, nor did i feel threatened by it, i've walked through those fields countless times in the night, the next time i go in the mist i'll take a camera or phone with me but now i can wholeheartedly say it only comes in the fog.
It was walking side by side with me not coming towards me but walking adjacent me, the only thing between me and it was wire but i 100% guarantee you it could have jumped that if it wanted to, i have the theory that it was going for sheep or lambs since there are those in the them fields.
>>132057Almost exactly like it, the tail is just fluffier and it was closer to the ground like it had sneak mode on, but the visibility was poor so i don't know if it knew i could see it or not, when i first saw that wolf it instantly reminded me of that video.
>>132058Interesting, there are also reports (which were later confirmed) that there are some big wild cats living in the north of England, so hey why not wolves too?
>>132059It's in the red is where saw him.
Images deleted at user's request >>132060There was a similar creature roaming in north-western Poland, called "Pomórnik", mostly attacked rabbits, goats, gooses, poultry and other birds.
>>132061Yeah there is a lot of game like that around there.
>>132064Actually recalling something i saw what looked to have been a big pile of bird feathers but no sign of the bird about 2 weeks ago as i was coming back in the morning after another /nightwalk/ i walked through this field and didn't see any feathers at nighttime (i would have seen the feathers as it was a clear night)
Anyways i would rather be killed by this thing than a nigger or Muslim.
Images deleted at user's request >>132065Maybe it prefers the taste of colorful folk...
>>132066Maybe that's why it has more or less left me alone, one thing i did on a full moon was howl in the fields where the ponies were and they were scared like i'd never seen them be before and wouldn't come near me until twilight begun, so maybe they've seen/heard it or whatever.
>>132067Heh, be careful so it won't sound like a mating call for a wolf.
Personally, I want to go to Congo and catch one of the J'ba fofi )big ass spiders).
Cool pet.
>>132070I hate spiders, why do you want a nigger-killing spider? to protect you from the darkies?
>>132071Hmm never thought about that in this manner.
>>132072[YouTube] black wolf sighting [Embed]i just found this video which pretty much was exactly like what happened to me (the wolf is running alongside the car at the same pace as it)
>>132074(You) would have been thinking differently if it was walking alongside you in the midnight mist.
It was dark dark so i couldn't appreciate the "majestic" beauty of the situation i guess.
>>132075Hey that's nature for ya.
>>132054>>132073Sounds like you're cursed anglo.
>>132077What makes you say that germ?
>>132078These Phantom Wolves are often associated with witches. have you pissed off a magical ladies recently?
>>132079I'm not really around women often but i am the anon in
>>131613 →the magick thread.
>>132079also the last time i saw the wolf was in may
>>132080>>132081Hmmmmm. Did happen before or after this demon business?
>>132083Well there goes that theory. let me consult Heinrich Himmler's ghost.
>>132084Plus i haven't had any significant haunting's since then.
>>132085Did it seem corporeal to you?
>>132086Nope, it just felt like i was looking at a black black bastard, i know the difference since i consider myself magically gifted.
I wouldn't worry about it, wolves don't go after people unless if they're starving. They're generally peaceful unless provoked like in
>>132057It's hard to gauge the size but it's at least twice the size and maybe four times the weight of that dog which looks to be a Siberian Husky. I couldn't tell if the dog was fully grown or not. Having a walking stick wouldn't be a bad idea.
Also depending on how familiar they are with people wolves don't typically approach people, so it's possible you were downwind and it couldn't spot you. It's easy for them to not see you.
>>132088Where i saw him was next to a road so i expect he's seen a couple of people before, i have been around Husky's before and you are right that it's bigger than one, if it was a dog then it's the biggest puppy I've seen so far.
This is probably the most surreal thing that has ever happened to me that i can think of.
I went out into the night to go see if this pony had returned but i encountered something completely out of this dimension, it's the only way i can describe it and the whole night was weird as fuck.
>Looking through the fields in the night
>As soon as i arrive my stomach tells me something is wrong
>Decide to ignore it this time
>Worst decision i ever made
>Reach the most remote part of the fields
>Begin hearing the most weirdest noises coming from the sky
>Sounds like the noises bats do but it lasted longer and was 10x louder
>Come out from a couple of trees on this path and see what i can only describe as a flying dot
>Think it's some sort of plane
>Kept walking on but i started to realize it was nothing close to a plane
>Way to close to the ground to be any type of plane or helicopter
>It kept moving around in a zig zag pattern and started switching colors from green being the most used one to red then white
>Sit behind this old stone wall and observe it's patterns
>Keeps doing the exact same thing
>Connect the dots in my head and remember that i have been working on a talisman of protection this week just passed
>What the fuck.jpg
>Decide it hasn't killed me yet so i can at least try walk away from this thing
>Begin to get some distance and all of a sudden the noise stops
>Turn around and it bailed out of existence
>I GTFO immediately
Spirits i can see
No but seriously does anyone have ANY idea just what this was?
I think it was something to do with my talisman since there is a lot of connections to it but i don't fucking know what it exactly was.
The moon was involved in this somehow as well, that bitch.
There is no way this was something human made, it was some sort of spirit and i know it is certain that it was out of the normal world.
I felt like i was in a extreme presence, kind of like how people describe big cat fear, like it was truly unrivaled in this world and i felt what Lovecraft described as feeling minuscule and pretty much like being a midget in a basket ball team.
The noise was the weirdest part about it, it had the echolocation sort of sound a bat makes and sort of mixed with a vacuum cleaner, i don't think i know of anything that sounds anywhere close to this did.
I wasn't hallucinating or experiencing any after effects and i felt more or less fine going out.
[Read more] I had a date with destiny itself.
The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes as well.