This board has vidya, this board has gaymes, but this board doesn't have any active paranormal threads as far as I can tell.
>Post Paranormal experiences!
>Post spooky pictures so that people don't forget this thread exists if you don't have any of those!
94 replies and 39 files omitted.
>>168666And I have satan's numbers. Shit.
>>168670I never thought they were Christian. Quotes seemed to indicate that their idea of God was non-denomenational/deistic. And I know the idea behind freemasonry being centered around the self as opposed to serving a Christian order. Really doesn't affect my feelings on the founders or scare me about freemasons. The fact it's so easy to actually join once you own property, and the fact almost every conspiracy about masonry ends up being about Jews and goys who simply use high society to network, tells me the issue is Jewry first and democratic government corruption second.
>>168547>>168552>>168558>>168636>plane lady freaking outNow the masonic police released body-cam about the incident. Why they would do that?
>Bodycam Footage Shows Fallout of "That Mother****** Is Not Real!" Woman's Meltdown>"DO NOT LET THAT PLANE LEAVE!" -- Bodycam footage released by the Dallas Fort Worth Airport Police Department shows the now-famous Tiffany Gomas, video of who went viral over her declaring "That mother****** is not real!" on an American Airlines flight in July, panicking over the Orlando-bound flight. As police escorted her from the airport she expressed concerned that the plane would "blow up." >>168715And......................
did it blow up?
>>168715Did the flight combust mid-takeoff or not?
TORboomer, I mean this with utmost sincerity: kill yourself. Stop breathing. Nail yourself to a cross. Drink a gallon of mace, be gay in Iran, let Oprah sit on your face.
>>168716It did not. People keep saying she was "right" when literally nothing remotely interesting happened to the plane. It's just being reposted
for the sake of contrarianism.
>>168552>the plane lady and the freemason that is not realNow it is getting into the psyop field, the woman that apologized by the incident might not be actually her.
>>168636>>168547>>169085Alternatively. The man doesn't know how to hide his fucking powerlevel, and schizolady had her freakout because of conditioning by the alex-jones-tier-slop she reads. My guess in regards to the news orgs, is that they aren't saying -anything- about the man because their higher-ups are afraid they could be implicated as being part of the freemasons if they say anything. By all accounts, freemasonry is actually a pretty neutral order, and just like most religions, it has it's share of bad eggs, but given that the man is in marketing, he could potentially have pull.
Hard to tell either way.
>>169144>and schizolady had her freakout because of conditioning by the alex-jones-tier-slop she readsIn that respect, Alex Jones is not schizoid at all and redpilled millions. In any case it is you who is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and talk like a good automaton.
>>169144>By all accounts, freemasonry is actually a pretty neutral order, and just like most religions, it has it's share of bad eggs, but given that the man is in marketing, he could potentially have pull.It looks like you know the inner works of the cult but you are being forthcoming neither honest. Shilling perhaps?
>>169164>Shilling perhaps?Oh yeah, he's totally being paid to shill on a site with less than 30 posts a day.
Fuck off back to /ptg/ or whatever shithole you can't from with your nonsense buzzwords. That's exactly the kind of bullshit this site was made to escape.
>>169167>Fuck off back to /ptg/ or whatever shithole you can't from with your nonsense buzzwords.You fuck off. Shilling is shilling, you like it to be called out or not.
>>169168He's not "shilling". He's just disagreeing with you. You just called him a shill because you didn't like what he said,just like all those toxic redditor and Facebook boomers who made /pol/ into a cesspool in 2017.
>>169170>You just called him a shill because you didn't like what he saidNope, you lack comprehension reading.
He said: "By all accounts, freemasonry is actually a pretty neutral order,"
Then he implied he knows what he is talking about while pretending he doesn't know. So, he attempted a defense of a satanic subversive cult with widely documented nefarious activities by claiming that is a "neutral order".
Then either you are retarded by saying that is not shilling, or you might be the same malicious faggot gaslighting non-stop.
>>169171That's not shilling. That's just an opinion you disagree with.
But by all accounts, if you have evidence that there are men sitting at cubicles being paid actual money to make a minimum number of posts on every day, making slide threads and installing bots, and making pointless baitposts to draw attention away from actual discussions, please do share. Make an infographic, or even a thread. We'll get to the bottom of these supposed shillposters.
>>169171>gaslightingHow is this "gaslighting"? I'm not trying to convince you that you're crazy. I'm calling you out for throwing buzzwords like "shill" left and right because that behavior is part of what ruined /pol/ and I won't let it ruin /mlpol/.
>>169172>That's not shilling. That's just an opinion you disagree with.An opinion based on what? It goes against every bit of evidence.
>>169174That's still just an opinion. You can have a bad opinion, even an uninformed opinion, without being a fucking shill.
Nobody is being paid to post here, ffs. If they were paid for it we'd have a lot more posts per day.
>>169173>I'm calling you out for throwing buzzwords like "shill" left and right because that behavior is part of what ruined /pol/ and I won't let it ruin /mlpol/Absurd. Calling a shill a shill is what made /pol/ great.
>>169176Then reserve that language for actual shills, when you find evidence to back it up.
You think he's being paid to make posts here, when he hasn't even chimed in on the conversation since last week? Are you really that retarded, or are you just being disingenuous?
>>169177>You think he's being paid to make posts hereI didn't fren. It is you who said it.
>>169179"Shills" refer to the actual organizations like shareblue, CTR, and JIDF who paid people to sit at a keyboard and make abhorrent posts to /pol/ all day. They made distracting bait threads and installed bots with redundant messages. I don't know if you're done 2016+ electionfag who never fully understood the severity of that word, but it is
not a term to just call anyone who disagrees with you on a particular topic. In 2017 when this board was made, /pol/ was a cesspool, not just because of the shills but the electionfags and Facebook tardswho just learned the word and decided to sling it on anyone who disagreed with them; one of the hottest topics at the time being criticism of his decision to bomb that Syrian airfield because of an alleged 'gas attack'. They shit up every conversation, and not only did they do the shill's work for them by shutting down conversations they also replied to bot threads without saging with nothing to say other than "shill".
It made the board impossible to enjoy, to learn from, to have conversations with nuance. That's why /mlpol/ was made.
>>169181No u, gtfo. Don't shit-up /mlpol/ like your kind shit-up /pol/.
>>169182>"Shills" refer to the actual organizations like shareblue, CTR, and JIDF who paid people to sit at a keyboard and make abhorrent posts to /pol/ all day.Wrong. Shilling is not an exclusive professional activity, it can be amateur.
>/mlpol/ historyDo you really think you have "tenure" over me? Facts are facts and shilling is shilling. Get over it.
>>169183>it can be amateur.That's just having a shit take. It's not the same as being a shill.
>shilling is shillingShilling is indeed shilling. I'm completely certain about what shilling is.
>Do you really think you have "tenure" over me?No, but I think you might've forgotten why this board exists in the first place. Was six years long enough for you to forget what it was like with /ptg/ calling you a shill all the time?
>>169184>Was six years long enough for you to forget what it was like with /ptg/ calling you a shill all the time?This is a small barn and it is not like anypony is calling shills for free. If an anon goes against the evidence then is clearly fair game and the shill label will stick.
>>169185>If an anon goes against the evidenceThat's not shilling, you fucking nigger. That's just being wrong.
>the shill label will stickMaybe to retards like you.
Btw, calling someone a "shill" doesn't ever "stick", because it's a Anonymous fucking imageboard. Actual shills use VPNs anyway, so calling them shills does nothing but give them a pay bonus for the reply.
>>169186>so calling them shills does nothing but give them a pay bonus for the reply.No bonuses needed. It looks like the theory of a anglo freemason participating in this board might have grounds after all.
>>169187I really don't give a shit. Just don't poison the well with nu/pol/ redditspeak by calling random posters "shills". We don't need that here.
>>169188Do you know where you are?
This IS /mlpol/ nigger, and not /mpl/.
>>169190What does that have to do with what I just said?
Actual, nevermind, it has everything to do with what I just said. Don't spew your nu/pol/ shit all over this board
because this is /mlpol/! That shit is beneath us.
>>169191>Don't spew your nu/pol/ shit all over this board because this is /mlpol/! That shit is beneath us.Freemasonry is up to /vx/ as attains to sorcery and demonic stuff.
>>169192Then have that argument. Go ahead and reply to his post with clever arguments that refute his claims by explaining your position about how it is not neutral, and demonstrate the Jewish influence behind it. Go ahead and do that.
But do not just call users "shills" for no reason other than that they disagree. We don't need that here.
>>169193>But do not just call users "shills" for no reason other than that they disagree. We don't need that here.You can be sure I will when shilling is detected. Disagreement is one thing, apologizers and defenders of the indefensible are a totally different matter.
>>169194That's still not shilling.
Call it that when you find evidence that shareblue is targeting us. Then we'll talk about the skills.
>>169195Nope if that anon ignores the evidence and, as you said, gives opinions. Then the shill labels is well deserved.
>>169197You're ignoring the evidence of the definition of a shill. You're ignoring the context it's supposed to be used in. You're ignoring the severity of the term and how excessive use of it relates to this site's history and the downfall of 4/pol/. You're ignoring the actual damage you're doing to this site's community by misusing the term. You're ignoring the opportunity to make a coherent and convincing argument by flinging ad homenim.
If you spent even one quarter of the time you spent arguing the necessity of the term "shill" on an actual argument to refute Anon's post, maybe people who read this thread might've actually been convinced by it; maybe you might've taught them something. But you did not do that, because you prefer ad homenim to actually arguments and you feel so sure of yourself in your petty meme-speak that you ignore how misusing terms like "shill" has eroded its meaning and encouraged other retards to say it whenever they fucking want.
>>169164>>169164>In that respect, Alex Jones is not schizoid at all and redpilled millions. In any case it is you who is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and talk like a good automaton.Reread my post next time, please. I was saying --the lady-- was schizoid, not Alex Jones. Alex Jones knows exactly what he's doing, but he's saving nobody but himself.
>It looks like you know the inner works of the cult but you are being forthcoming neither honest. Shilling perhaps?Nah. I've simply heard enough of the organization and have seen enough to not to assume that every human being in that organization is evil, or enabling evil. It's just like the churches of abrahamic religions, police departments, schools, businesses, etc.
Every group has it's branch that is complete shitheads. Just assuming everybody in a single group-order or job style is letting fear make your decisions for you.
Why did you need two different posts to reply to my single post?
>>169206I need to proofread before I post more often.I meant to say:
"Just assuming everybody in a single group-order or job-style --is evil-- is letting fear make your descisions for you."
Is it true that freemasons have a rite in which one curses their descendants who turn away from or act against the interests of the lodge? It would explain a lot if it were real.
>How masons curse themselves & their families (Unmasking Freemasonry - Selwyn Stevens) is the author of the book "Unmasking Freemasonry: Removing the Hoodwink"