Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
Shimmering Spark, Onyx Steel, and Brie Achtungsex now make the perilous crossing into the Changeling Lands. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares for his next big assignement, while Silver concludes his mentoring of traumatized foals. Much further away, Iron stands under jeweled nighttime skies, preparing his next move
1624 replies and 89 files omitted.
>>105209They can't change size, they'll be the giant mango. Hard to miss
>>105210I know, meaning that it's an easy target to sink those fangs in and slurp all of the 'mango' juice.
>>105211He's a bat, not a vampire
>>105210I mean... they can be a crate of mangos. Also don’t discount giant mangos
>>105213>>105214He prefers kiwis thank you
>>105215You'll have to roll bluff to convince of that one, chief.
>>105216>roll bluffNigga please
>>105217Of course there's an image for kiwis
>>105218Bullshit, you didn't convince me! Now show me a real statement!
>>105220A reminder of the culinary options
Okay, so I will not be fully available, and perhaps intermittently available tonight. Who wants to play?
I would
>EEEeeeefind out what
>eeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEthe changeling would say. We left off with 'I can't authorize this' "
Kidding aside, take ur time
>>105224>we can’t authorize thisBrie hasn’t gotten that far yet
“Why are you willing to work for Changelings?”
>>105226"Because appealing to Ponies has worked oh so well?"
>>105227“Have you ever worked with the Pony authorities, be they Equestrian or New Mareland?”
>>105229"You are incredibly boring. I'm not sure if you're aware of it. You know I'm telling the truth cuz I'm under a Geese. That was it I think? Geesa? No, I've never worked with any sort of pony authorities."
"There was a bat-pony on the train. He was part of the area law enforcement. I refrained from killing him and killed his opponents."
"Creedence Clearwater Revival or some such name as that. I placed a dagger in his thigh and he didn't blink," Brie says thoughtfully
>>105233"They were part of revolutionary faction #7. Apparently they though that Pinkie Pie was onboard." Brie says with a smirk.
>>105235"Their rifles unironically paid our way," Brie says, somehow referencing the carriage, in spite of the circumstances
>>105235>>105234>>105236“Who are your confederates here?”
"What I mean to say is, I killed several of them who stopped my train. I've killed others in the interim, bu those were the opponents you inquire of."
>>105237"Lets see. Wesley and Kerr are paramount, followed by Sparks (Shimmering). He's my unicorn companion. Then there's Onyx. I understand his reputation preceeds him." Brie says with a wink.
"Of course, we shall make all accommodations as necessary and desired by her imminence, but we
will be retaining our weapons." Brie assures pleasantly.
"Frag die jungetiere." Brie encourages.
>>105238“You’ve named a particular pony in the Baltimare Governate to be replaced... Tell me, what do
you have to offer her Majesty.”
“Es scheint, dass er ein Kollaborateur sein will”
“Er hat uns nicht getötet oder vergewaltigt”
>>105240Brie activates his disguise cloak to appear like the changeling in front of him.
"Well, I have a trick or two up my sleeve,"
"I have to say, this is a whole lot more "Where did you work after High School" and a whole lot less "I will eat your soul if you don't tell me what I want to hear!" I mean seriously." Brie scoffs.
>>105242He nods, but does not otherwise deviate from his direct tone and expression
“And what else?”
>>105243“It was assumed you understood that much before coming to us. You know the basics of who we are, and reinforcing it does not help us much. What we must know, and what we do not know, is who
you are, what you can do for us, and can we trust you. What you are proposing risks both the Hegemony’s international relations, and the lives of our Workers. We are asking you what we need to hear. If you feeling your soul eaten away slowly as you are entombed in a cocoon for longer than your natural life expectancy is not already impressed upon you as a distinct possibility should you displease us, then frankly we have no further use for you or this interview.”
>>105244"Well, you can shine a light in my eyes." Brie says dryly.
>>105245And now, he asks
“What were you expecting?”
>>105246"One or two drones independently seeking verification of my claims, as well as a thorough beating and maybe 2 weeks dungeon."
"Speaking of which, I rather expected to be spitting out teeth at this point."
>>105251"Not yet, but I will be every time I have to repeat myself."
>>105252If the creature can raise an eyebrow, it did
me repeat
myself. What do you have to offer when infiltrating the Baltimare area that we cannot get from a drone or worker?”
I’m out of the conference for the rest of the day
The last presentation was excellent, and a great way to end the half-day
>>105258That's great to hear, man! Got anything planned for your free half-of-the-day?
>>105259Well, I was
going to go visit a college friend I haven’t seen in a while... but he hasn’t messaged me back since Sunday, and in any event he still lives very far away
>>105260Well, whatever you do, I hope you have fun while doing it.
>>105261It sounds like you do not have any suggestions
I don't know what I would suggest for you to do.
>>105262I don't even really know what for I would be suggesting.
>>105258Ey, that's pretty nice.
Good thing you're having fun.
>>105260That sucks, man. I think. Not sure how eager you were to meet up with him.
So... does nopomy want to play today?
>>105267Does Spark have any actions to declare as he is lead into the den of evil?
>>105268He makes sure they don't confiscate Tipsy.
>>105269The guard stares at Spark for an extended period of time
>>105270Spark keeps Tipsy away from the guard.
>>105268>Den of evilOh joy, this should end great for the resident rock horse
>>105272Onyx is surrounded by a number of guards. They have ragged fur, often look kind of scrawny, wear brown or black formal uniforms, and curl up their bottom lips under the front of their muzzles in a curious manner
>>105273Onyx stays silent, hoping that this'll all be over soon.
And without him getting eated by a changeling.
>>105274>>105271Brie is taking a while. The guard starts to ask Onyx questions of his own:
“What did you come here for?”
>>105275"Cause I was dragged along by the bat, other than that I had no reason."
>>105276“What can you tell me about this bat?” He asks, in his strange accented voice
>>105277"Not much, he likes to keep to himself. My turn for a question: who in Tartarus are you?"
>>105266I announce my availability.
>>105266I'm always wanting to play.
>>105278He recoils back, offended at being spoken in that way.
He replies indignantly
“My name is Drohne Vierhundertfünfzig Von Schwarzgeflügelte Engel und Rachen, and I am an agent if the Hive’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs”
He does not end with “thank you very much,” but it is certainly implied in the way he answers
>>105279A wild Iron appears! I may get to Iron tonight
>>105281"The hive you say?"
Onyx's eyes narrow as the corners of his mouth twitch a bit in anger
>>105280That isn’t what you said earlier today
>>105282“Where do you think you are?” He replies
>>105283That is...not, what I said. I didn't say anything related to me wanting to play.
>>105283"I wasn't completely sure, so... Thank you for clarifying"
>>105281Ey, nice!
Last thing I recall is Pear saying politicians aren't humble or follow harmonic practices.
Kinda like Cauldron in a general sense. >>105285“What does the bat seek?” He continues
>>105287"Ask him, I was just told we were helping the foals."
>>105288A second guard - actually the same yellow one seen earlier, comes close, says “Schmuggler. Wir brauchen dich” and leaves... Onyx and Spark are briefly alone
>>105288"So... how's it going bartender? Think we can get out of this one alive?"
>>105290"I've been much better. As for getting out of here. Alive? Probably. Without severe damages? Not with the changelings. But, we'll find a way."
>>105292Be patient. GM is currently posting with phone most likely.
>>105280Okay, Silver can proceed. Say something nice
>>105296D’aww, thanks. *hugs the floofy pony*
I meant to Mint Marine or White Orchid >>105297Oh, right, that."You know, I really was not expecting to end up purchasing all of this." He looks back at all of the stuff he's hauling on his back. "I will give you both this: you knew what you wanted. Plenty of stuff that appeals to your particular interests."
>>105298White Orchid:
“Yeah, we knew what we wanted... we definitely didn’t just grab one if everything...”
>>105300Well, they arrive back at the orphanage
>>105301That they do. "Well...we're here." Silver holds his breath as he tries to maneuver himself and the mountain of stuff through the front door.
>>105302It's difficult to maneuver the tower of toys through the front door, and a random nun stares on in disbelief as it comes through
>>105303"Heheheh…" Silver continues to carefully fit through the doorway. "You two never really gave me answer on how, or where, you are going to store all of this."
>>105305"...Perhaps something could be worked out?" Silver gives the nun a pleading look, presumably on the colts' behalf.
>>105306The two little colts join in the assault, pressing down on the nun with combined arms... er, faces
"Oh, okay..."
They return to the large room, where a new chest is dragged in, and the toys are slowly poured in. Alongside another chest, where there are already a great many toys
>>105308Silver lets out a whistle while he assists in the efforts. "There sure is lot of toys here already. Did some ponies donate recently?"
>>105309"Yes... this deep blood-red stallion came by yesterday, and left some toys"
White orchid clings possessively to parts of a train set. A 2-6-4 Steam Locomotive, specifically.
Imagine how Silver knows that >>105310"Sounds like Dark Star. Unless there are other blood-red stallions in Baltimare I do not know about." He smiles at the vision of White Orchid. "It is nice having some possessions of your own, yes?"
>>105311"That might be him" she says
White orchid smiles as he looks at his loot
The nun adds,
"Normally the foals don't own their own toys. It's all communal property. We try to teach foals to share"
>>105312"He is friend of mine, and good pony, even if I do not completely agree with some of his more...political opinions." He looks again at White Orchid, feeling a little bit of pride welling up. "It is good to share, but it is also nice to be able to claim ownership to something. It gives you little bit of normalcy, like you can feel like you have control over something in your life."
>>105313After Silver says this, Mint Marine moves a step back, and White Orchid continues looking at the train set. The nun looks slightly upset, about to move a hoof forward, before White Orchid moves his eyes to make eye contact with Silver, and White Orchid responds to Silver:
"It does... It can be"
He gives a smile that is both sorrowful and grateful.
>>105314Silver's not sure if his heart is going to break or burst first. For the moment, he settles for a nod and a heartfelt smile. "I had fun today, you two. I hope someday soon we will be able to spend some more time together. Perhaps next time we will be able to make use of some of that stuff I bought you, huh?" He looks between the two colts.
>>105315White Orchid looks a little happier now. Somewhere in his expression, he gives off the sense that he intends to establish himself as a Barron of toys over his little fiefdom of cap guns, swords, and hats contained in the chest, lending them out to the other foals in exchange for popularity or favors. Mint Marine stands in silence as he always does, or nearly always does, having long learned how to minimize his presence. But for all that, he still wears a look of pain, almost torment
White Orchid:
“That would be nice”
>>105316The image that settles in his mind actually kinda amuses him. It's something that a normal colt would do, and as far as he's concerned, that's a good thing. Silver is still naturally worried for Mint Marine, and definitely hopes that he will start to heal soon, even if he has been left scared. He decides that, while perhaps there are others better suited to helping Mint recover from his trauma, he'll still try to be there for the little colt.
For now he leaves with a "goodbye" to the two colts, happy that he got to know them a bit better, at least.
>>105317Before he leaves, but after he exits the ear-range of the nun, Mint Marine charges forward with a last question,
“Do you really think I am a bad pony?”
>>105319Silver is...quite surprised by the question. Which is probably the point of him asking like this. "No, little one. I...I did not get to properly apologize for all of...that." Checking that they're still out of ear-shot of the nun, he continues. "I forgot where I was, and who I was talking to, and...honestly, I do get very passionate about these sort of things, and...I can not apologize enough for it. It was stupid.
I was stupid."
He gives Mint Marine a soft look. "Again, I do not believe you are bad pony, just like how I do not believe Dark Star is bad pony for believing almost exact same thing as you." He turns to Mint Marine and puts a hoof over his heart. "You are good pony, Mint Marine, who has been hurt very badly. And when ponies are hurt like that, they are capable of doing or believing bad or evil things. I know this myself. But that is not what ultimately matters. What matters is in here. In your heart. And in your heart, I see good pony, kind of pony that would make your grandmother proud."
He removes the hoof from over Mint's heart. "I know you are hurt. And I can understand if you would rather try to face it on your own. But you do not have to try to alone. There are ponies out here who do care for you and would try to do whatever they could to help you heal, and I would be glad to count myself among them. If you would let me."
>>105320The little pony’s ears droop for a moment, but slowly go back up. He seems speechless, much as he was before
>>105321Silver sits down to be more at eye-level with Mint Marine. "I would still like to see you again someday, and someday soon at that. I know you are wanting to see harbor, and while I may not be
expert swimmer, especially with this winter coat of mine, I would like to see you make use of that scuba equipment, and perhaps teach me more about wonders of marine life along way."
>>105322This gets a half-smile out of the sad, tired little pony
“... Maybe”
>>105323"Maybe next time you will also tell me about new kind of shark, too." Silver musses up Mint's mane playfully. "Take care, little one. I hope to see you soon."
>>105324He closes his eyes, and tilts his head up into the ruffling with a smile. When Silver ceases, Mint Marine says “see you”
>>105325Silver smiles at Mint before turning and leaving the orphanage. As he trots, he feels as if a weight has been lifted off his chest and shoulders. Like perhaps that things have the potential to be better, now, if not perfect. He will most certainly try to find an opportunity to make good on his claims, so that he may come back to the orphanage to spend time with the two colts he's gotten to know better.
For now, it's back to work for Silver.
>>105327D’aww, that’s sweet
Back to the Quarry, I presume?
>>105328You know it. Time to see if enough time has passed for the pump to do its work.
Okay, I have to sleep now
>>105345So, you want to continue, or do you need some time for yourself first?
>>105348I think it will still be a couple hours
>>105349That's fine. Take however much time you need. I'll wait.
>>105354Alright, so Silver is going to the Quarry
>>105358Precisely. He's going to check to see if the pump has done enough work for him to start.
>>105355>>105359Why did he go from "floof" to "floff" in one post?
Anyways, Silver returns to see that the water level has indeed dropped, as has the angle of the light
>>105360*shrugs*Now here's the question: has it dropped enough to prevent undead from hiding underneath its surface?
>>105363Hmm...good enough. I suppose it's time now. If anything's left crouching/legless, they'll be exposed by the pump by the time he's finished gathering the books Blue Skies needs.
Silver begins the process of re-equipping his armor and weapons he left in/by his cart, in particular he makes sure he's got his Lavender Rifle prepared for detonating the unexploded bomb in the quarry. He also grabs the fishing wire, the container of bait, and his Potions of Hide From Undead before positioning himself above the catacombs quarry exit.
Assuming it's been reopened, that is. >>105364Again, a small trail leads down into the quarry from the edge. To Silver's left, the quarry is deeper, and there is still some water. It leads up almost like an upside down wedding cake to higher levels, with the right side containing the entrance to the catacombs.
>>105365Hmm... Silver decides to do a test run with the sealed bait to see if he can keep it levitated with the fishing wire all the way from the entrance to the bomb by trotting along the trail.
>>105366I'm confused as to what exactly is being attempted here
>>105367Basically, he's seeing if he can levitate the bait on the fishing wire from the catacombs entrance all the way to the bomb.
>>105368If he climbs, trots, and wades all the way from the entrance to the bomb, then sure. That is not a straight-forward process, as it involves the risk of attracting creatures through the hole to the catacombs, and also any possible dangers unseen in the water
>>105369So, it'd simply be better to set up somewhere and drag the bait all the way.
>>105370Okay, I am
very confused by what you are suggesting? Are you suggesting he use his magic to try to extend out to levitate it? Are you suggesting he places the bait on a weighted fishing line exactly the same as if Silver were deep sea fishing for sturgeon, then sling it out on a fishing rod and reel it towards the direction of the bomb?
>>105371The first thing I was suggesting lines up to the former.
>>105372The bomb is across the quarry, and also closer towards Silver. At least 50 meters. His magic cannot extend that far
>>105373Okay, would that be within his abilities if he trotted alongside it?
>>105374The issue with that is that there are two "cake layers" where the elevation of the quarry goes up some feet, and that the last "layer" is partly submerged
>>105375It sounds like the only reasonable option would be to cast it out on the line and reel it back in.
>>105376I'm not sure that he bought a fishing rod, even as he bought fishing line. I guess there are other options
>>105377It wasn't originally the idea I had, but perhaps buying a suitable fishing rod would be a good idea.
>>105378However you want to approach it
>>105379Probably a good idea to go buy a fishing rod, then. Here's hoping it'll be worth less that 36 Bits, or that there's a fishing supplies store in Baltimare ran by a pony, because otherwise there's going to be a very insulted Griffon shopkeeper.
>>105380I'm going to assume this means that Silver goes back to the fishing shop
"Hallo" The white and gold griffin, with the scar running along his face, extends a claw in evident greetings
>>105382"Hello again, my friend. I was wondering if I could take look at selection of your fishing rods?"
>>105383He looks at Silver for a moment, narrowing eyebrows, before easing up
"Oh, yes. We have many fishing rod. What you want? Big fish, little fish? Sea? Lake?"
>>105384"Hmm. Probably small fish, on lake."
>>105386You're talking to someone who knows nothing about fishing. You're also talking to someone who's looking more for avoiding pissing this Griffon off than anything.
>>105386>>105388In other words, I don't know what is best for what Silver's looking for. All I'm looking for is that the rod, reel, and a hook all together costs less that 36 Bits.
>>105388>>105389The Griffin guides Silver through a set of fishing rods kept along a wall, often taking them off and demonstrating their actions. It quickly becomes apparent to Silver that even if the two had a language in common, Silver would not really understand how to buy fishing rods. After some time, Silver explains that he needs a rod that can cast fishing line a relatively long distance, but only needs to support the weight of small fish. The Griffin selects one for Silver that hopefully meets those two qualifications
>>105390Okay then, moment of truth: how much does it cost?
>>105393"And what would be price with reel and hook? Or is that including all?"
>>105394"Vith reel, hook, sinker, line, 25 bits"
>>105395Silver can, indeed, pay for all of that using coins.
>>105396Lucky Silver
(Assuming Silver does indeed buy it)
The griffin counts the coins given to him, then claws over the fishing materials in each of their several pieces - the rod, the reel, the line, the hook, and the weight
>>105397"Thank you. I will remember this store, if someone asks me where they can buy fishing supplies."
>>105398The griffin nods, pulling back his beak in what must be smiling
"Dank Jou!"
now Silver can return to the quarry with the goal of killing those undead..
>>105401First things first: upon arriving, Silver assembles the fishing rod.
This will certainly be new experience. >>105402It's a straightforward enough process, and soon the fishing rod is fully assembled
I have to sleep now... Is it my turn to say Bop?
>>105406Poor Shining.So, you still need a couple hours to be ready like yesterday, or are you ready now? Or do you not want to continue right now?
Okay, I am back from my week-long conference
Silver’s move>>105409Silver downs one of his two remaining Hide From Undead potions as he trots into position. He also eyes one of his bottles of whiskey on the way, but ultimately decides it's better to have a clear head than dulled nerves.
Two things: first, how did your conference go, and second, will casting the bait require some sort of roll, or is this going to be a freebee? >>105410It depends on how he “casts” it. If it’s with a fishing rod, then yes
It was mostly fun, almost like a little vacation