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837 838 948
I can't do it. Caring about MLP is suffering. Hasbro's going to keep on making it worse. People are waking up and seeing through the bullshit but nobody's doing anything about it. Nobody's willing to dox feminist doxers and report leftist criminals to the police. I've got a list of ideas to make "For Fun" because I have no job or life because my country is fucked and pozzed and already dead, and I can't bring myself to actually make any of it. I'm 25 years old and I feel like giving up on life. I held on and kept fighting and it never got better. I... never got better. I'm still just a beaten-down child waiting for his parents to burst in and tell him what to do.
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Don't all rush in at once.

I'm not giving up as in killing myself, I'm giving up on kidding myself. This is me, and I've got thirty more years to watch pirated shows and then die. Alone.
have children and contribute to the world you stupid piece of shit
/ub/ is almost never used. Just saw it, I'll read it later/
Hang in there anon. Do you have any skills or education? If not can you get a programming or welding cert or join the military?
841 877
I've felt the same and still do. Just diversify your media consuption. Pick and choose what you like, then compare it for quality. This should help when deciding to get obsessive over something, however if you feel like the fandom is nothing to your liking, then go ahead and disassociate yourself personally. You don't have to stop being a fan or anything, just distance yourself from what you don't like. You can be autistic with other things that are much more productive like woodworking. Anyways, don't ever feel like you can't move on, you can. Although there's no leaving the ride due to how infectious these ponies are, you can go ahead and stop being a brony. No one is stopping you. In fact, I suggest it.
And, afterwards you may feel some regret, maybe longing. It's good to remininisce. Never forget the good times. You can relive them. Especially if you have good friends. As I far as I see it, letting yourself become so despaired is only a choice of yours that you can stop right now.
This post has an underlying indicator of the social disease known as escapism. There's a lot that can be said about, but I feel it must be taken into heavy consideration before a thread must be made on it.
This. If you let yourself get autistic over things other people control you'll wind up being disappointed sooner or later.

Anyway, don't take the black pill. The white race will survive but it needs your help. Whether it's becoming a scholar, an entertainer, or a family man, you can contribute to society at large. It's about time, anyway. Remember that the Enemy wants you to be a depressed NEET who hides in his basement. Keep in mind this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO1mTELoj6o
With who, you stupid piece of shit? All the women in this country are brainless slutty blown-out thots with scarred vaginas, shallow spoilt-child personalities, and at least ten previous sexual partners each. I can't undo what 2 decades of social conditioning and bad parenting and feminist propaganda did to a woman during the first and likely-only conversation we'd ever have.
I always wanted to make youtube videos. I grew up watching funny ones. I want to be a family man, too. I want to have a wife and at least four kids, but hopefully more. I want to teach my kids how to sew and drive and fight and survive in the woods. I want my kids to admire me as they all become successful people in their own right and make their own families when the time is right. I want a massive thanksgiving family feast every year, loud and friendly and full of life. I want the life my parents were promised, but chose to shun because the television told them to.
How can I find a wife? How can I find one that's redpilled, or intelligent enough for me to redpill her? How can I find one that's loyal, and doesn't subscribe to feminist media or believe its lies?

I'm not asking for a perfect woman with an amazing body and a personality just like my favorite pony, I'm asking for a woman with some semblance of morality. Someone that hasn't been BLACKED, feministed, or demoralized and debased.
most women like that just need a good rodgering and a man to set them straight like their father should have. Find one that's decently attractive and as unused as possible, seduce her, take charge and become the authority figure in her life. Women need to be trained to be submissive like an animal, women don't really have political opinions they just use emotional reasoning and group awareness to decide what it is they're expected to believe and they believe that, if you're dominant and strict you can decide for her what that is.
Understood, I'll be on the lookout for a good one i can make better.

By the way, I feel good. I saw a self-unhelp video and stopped doing the dumb shit it told me to do. I stopped napping, sunbathed in my bedroom while gaming(leg still injured) and started doing creative things I care about and like doing.
as long as she's not fat or ugly you should be fine, women don't really have political opinions they're just overly sensitive to groupthink. Introduce her to your friends and provide for her, put your foot down if she believes in any bullshit.
no ones gonna make you watch it op. the show is just average now anyway. its been downhill since the second seeason. great precipice though.
File (hide): 6D62E150363889C11EF8D057F99573BE-4892144.mp4 (4.7 MB, Resolution:640x480 Length:00:01:04, korean pro gaymer.mp4) [play once] [loop]
korean pro gaymer.mp4
looks like they let a bunch of children make a cartoon about their OCs, looks quite gay and terrible. if this is the future of MLP this franchise well and truly fucked. Good Riddance.