What the Fuck is Sleep?
Im typing this at 5am
Please explain the term for the layhorse. I'm guessing polyphasic means sleeping at different times around the day like a cat. I'm like that but I wish I wasn't. Work and study don't go well with such a lifestyle, and I end up staying up too late every night.
>>721Basically sleeping for multiple times throughout the day to cut out the overall time spent asleep. For Example when i started the thread i went to have my "Core Sleep" (longest sleep period) and i just wike up from that.
>>719Is it efficient? Yes. Is it sustainable? Hell no.
If you want to be the most productive man on earth it's probably a good idea, but if you want to live a long life in relatively good health you should stay away from this.
The short naps only ever engage stage 1 sleep which is refreshing enough to the mind but never allows the body to properly regenerate. You should achieve REM stage of sleep roughly 28-30 times a week and an average full sleep cycle ending with REM lasts about 1,5 hours. You definitely don't ever want to wake up in other stages of sleep than 1st since that leaves you groggy for an extended period of time after waking up and makes it harder to actually get up. A good amount of sleep from health perspective is any multiple of 90 minutes + ~15-20 minutes to fall asleep.
So if you want to cut down on sleep with health still a priority a good nap lasts about an hour and a half.
>>719Siestas and segmented sleep are the healthiest types of polyphasic sleep, possibly even healthier than monophasic sleep.
>>719Because I get migraines if I try sleeping within eight hours of my last sleep, no matter if the last sleep was hours or merely 20 minutes.
>>719Because my sleep is fucked up.
Really fucked up...
>>751do what the guy from fight club did when the doctor told him he had sleeping problems. found a terrorist organisation and blow up some bank headqueartersm that will get you some good nights sleep.
>>723>The short naps only ever engage stage 1 sleepThis isn't true, anon. the naps are REM sleep.
You body skips straight into REM because it knows it won't get much sleep.
It's basically throwing your body into "survival mode".
But it still isn't sustainable. If you miss any of the naps, you get fucked up for weeks.
I've looked into it before, you're better off just grabbing a nap or two each day to cut sleep time down by 2-4 hours.
I sleep 10 hours a day and don't use an alarm clock. How bad am I fucking myself over?
Consuming (somewhat excessive amounts of) alcohol prior to, 'going to sleep,' or, 'passing out, suppresses the REM stage of sleep.
Drinking for, lets say, 3 days in a row, completely suppresses REM for that time.
The night after you stop drinking, going to sleep sober, causes your REM to come back and make up for, 'lost time,' thereby causing intense dreams, also known as, 'nightmares.'
Being a pony, mares are fine with me, but I like them white, not black - like a night-mare...
>>776Will it always be nightmares though? I fell like it would be fun to try these "intense dreams" but I don't want another dream about work.
>>774This is... unsurprising considering the body's capacity for adaptation. Still fits the sustainability vs efficiency dilemma though. I'm pretty certain that skipping anything other than stage 1 sleep is going to screw you over in the long term, and the scenario you outlined makes the whole system very risky but at least usable. It would be really cool if there was a study on the influence of polyphasic sleeping on the stress balance of the body; I'm pretty sure it'd fling you into nearly permanent stress response for as long as you keep it up.