A buff friend of mine recommended I get some natural supplement pills that supposedly "help the body produce testosterone".
Do those pills do anything good for the male body to make the body stronger and the mind more mature and less feminine, or is it a placebo?
Please ignore the caffeine pills in the pic, I know caffeine isn't good for you.
You don't need that shit. It's not worth the long-term damage to your endocrine system. Fucking with your hormones is dangerous business, as your entire body is a series of delicate chemical balances.
The best way to build testosterone is to exercise regularly. So long as you have two functioning gonads you'll have all the testosterone you need.
>he doesn't shoot up Ultra Male Vitality ™
>>6234>natural supplement pills that supposedly "help the body produce testosterone". >Vitamins, minerals and other stuff.If you eat shity crap for most (95%) meals you'll need some sort of supplement.
If your body is fucking up, you may need enough so it's actually absorbed.
Having the potential to make certain chemicals doesn't mean it will that's also based on genetics.
If you want buff body do the research and dangers.
>mind more mature You probably won't find mental enlightenment in the end of a Vitamin C bottle.
>Chemical balance in my brain is different am I gooderer now?If it works for you. If you like how you are, slow normal change is better.
If it's all working as it should you don't need supplements. The body has some specific ways of detecting stuff and self regulation.
If you want to give it a try to build muscle/whatever be cautious.
If you body didn't need to produce a specific thing it'll stop, if there's too much it'll stop. Ect. Depending on the system in general and if there are issues at play.