227 replies and 69 files omitted.
He needs to love us both now not just me... we are a family and that is my home
Why are you saying sorry for me to come back there ? I asked you to be kind and give me some respect.
For those who are just tuning in, what we have here is a case of a trapped lolcow/e-thot.
You see, a long time ago a lolcow was brought to the attention of our Football board of Broncos and Denver, wherein John Elway did reighn from on Mile High by the long forehead of Payton Manning.
But lo, a cringe of epic proportions would be foisted upon our Footballs, causing the whole gymnasium to need to be resorted by Football and,... eugh... Basketball.
This cringe goes by the name KittyStyles.
Ostensibly because Doggy Style had already been claimed of any notoriety, the worst - and I mean the WORST - of swedes was foisted upon, amidst a celebration of American and First Down. And after a long period of monitoring this Kitty Styles, several things became apparent.
1. Kittystyles was not Football, but neither did he athletic. So while not Football, he was not anti-Football such as those heathens from St. Louis.
2. He was fucking insane. Seriously, peruse the kittystyles threads. Check the shorter videos and audios. As one who was there, the smaller soundbites are emblematic of the larger ones.
3. Kitty had drawn unto him people who are just as batshit craycray as he be. Case in point, one Samantha Masters (it's actually Master, but rly, are YOU gonna call any crazy thot-whores who have nowhere else to go to uncensoredly chat with their deluded Simps, but a nazi horsewhispering Mongolian basketweaving forum of friendship, 'master'? Nor should you).
But I digress. So yes, this one festering cunt and another who is a festering ballsack have opted to whisper sweet nothings to one another ITT.
It would be a shame if it were filled with horsepussy.
Stop posting no one is reading it
Going back tomorrow no one is going on this again and I’m not getting an abortion I love him he loves me and he needs to do the right shit and be there for me I’ll listen to you and I’ll do what you need for your feelings 100% I’m not leaving never said I would I love you and don’t want to give up on you. Stop posting here no one is reading it I love you and I am coming home you need to not leave me by myself I cannot be alone. All I asked was to FaceTime until I arrive back home. Please just do that
Stop posting here this is my page and my life journal I will share my shit not you I’m going home to my house in Florida . . . I want no problems don’t tell me where to go what to vape DONT go on the website guys do not go on voice chat don’t talk to these people
Nah ... it isn’t this is life don’t post here and let us live and breathe I have to fly back in a few days and don’t need the stress my tits are getting big from the baby
>>17313The cringe was for you, your lovers, and the relationships among you people.
Thank you I appreciate these feedback comments
My lover is good he’s a good boy he didn’t do nuffin
He’s lovers are good : )
>>17315>he didn’t do nuffinAre you burning the coal again?
Lol no we are sleeping
My baby fell asleep with me :) I love him lol this is sickening shit right ? Maybe it is toxic love idk were too crazy in love it’s gross I can’t with his shit
Well Agnes give joe my regards lmfao
>>17323This is the first time I’ve posted in this thread and I’m only doing so to call you out for being a liar and a lunatic. You can’t help yourself but put your life on display for these people. That’s fine but I told you I don’t want my life on display and you disregard that wish to fulfill your insane reality tv fantasy needs. Confronted with you actually posting here and denying you did so just confirms you can’t be trusted and you need the help of a medical professional.
Liars have no place in my home.
Shut up retard lol you do this it starts over
Everyday you fight joe it starts over until you reach five days of non bipolar and acting like this it starts over
Not playing with you anymore until you reach five days of being normal the days start over you act like this it starts over you type here it starts over ... I’m not playing around anymore until you can function like a normal human and not do these things it starts over
No one reads what you write because it’s just stupid shit that’s bipolar skitzo shit
You act nuts you start over ...
you type it starts over and I will hang up on you until you can reach a level of being normal people don’t talk about you joe you are a paranoid skitzo ... do not wake me up with your bullshit get meds man you start this shit it starts over you act like that it starts over we do this everyday until you reach a level of normal for five days I come back when you are normal and you can’t do it you can’t last one day let alone five minutes
Normal shit five days clock starts now
No one knows what gaslighting is it’s not my fault you go on rages everyday tomorrow’s a new day kino
Answer the phone I can’t sleep now cuz of this shit
Jesus Christ man just one day of no masterbating no voicemails
No phone calls none of this crazy shit just be the fuck cool and chill man why can’t you just chill out
Why do you do things to upset people all day it’s not good
It’s fucking mean
Just answer the phone when you get home idk why you even work there the job sucks stop typing here or on there or places about who I’m with and where I’m moving I’m staying with my baby daddy and that shit is final. You need to shape up. Iill come back when you are in a sane mental state not when you do this shit everyday you gotta stop that insane shit.. masterbating phone and voicemails gotta stop and stop with the telling these people one thing bad wrapping one day and fucking me the next they don’t care to hear it no one does actually and you’re just making everyone look dumb when they know it’s going to go back and forth at least ten more times until it’s actually at a halt. I’m leaving today at 6 I rebooked it for Friday now at 2. just shut up I’m tired of it pussy pics and all this shit just chill the fuck out man you gotta learn to have a chill.
Becca drake -
(Continued thread )
do you have a phone number to contact you on Samantha?
I need to know if he has ever manipulated you abused you or physically mentally harmed you? If he sent you messages like the attached … if he put his hands on you… I need to know if he was abusive to you . I am pregnant with his child and need to know if there are patterns here. Please help.
Becka Drake
samantha master
Apr 29 at 8:22 AM
May I ask who is inquiring?
Hide original message
On Thu, Apr 29, 2021 at 12:40 AM samantha master <
[email protected]> wrote:
Hello is this Rebecca ?? You were married to joe at one point ???
>>17339>inverted crossesConfirmed, that hoe is demon possessed.
No shit it’s fuckin hilarious
Dude is such a bitch bro lmfao
>>17352>$402.10>not $420.69missed opportunity
also is $402 a lot for sex?
>>17353>also is $402 a lot for sex?Depends on what and where
In Eastern Europe a night with a 7/10, in the US apparently a mid 30 mentally ill hag and a child.
Shut the fuck up and stop you stupid mother fuckers
Stop fuckinf typing here you stupid mother fuckers
You fuxking cunts you type here I’ll fucking kill you
I told you not to type here you stupid son of a fuxking bitch
Shady mother fuckers
Call someone else you stupid fuxking cung
No one knows what the fuck a bag is why the fuck do you
Type her no one has a fuxking child go dsl
This bitch who fucks niggers instead she’s a trailer
Trash bitch who fucks
Nuggets and CSNT even answer the fucking question on weather or not the mother fuxker still owns the BW hike
Go on discord and be a fucking cunt you racist son of a birch hsg with child
32 cung ass blnigger sss
Type again mother fuxket do it you stupid cunti told you not to fuxking you where or call that or comes to me you son of birch
Stop fuckinf typing here or I’ll fuck up your entire fucking life
>>17398Its a pretty funny edit I'll give it that, but it ain't me Agnes
>>17409Just stop. I can't take it any longer.
>>17410Just stop using me as a scape goat for blame when other people post images here
Ugh stawp I can’t take it anymore
>>17461>>17463his hope and optimism=Gone
When I started this page, it was to document all crazy that she was producing, and the best part now, is she updates the crazy. I return every so often to ready the updates and laugh
I don’t think she’s been here actually in months
>>18488Be learning how to post on an image oars then kek
Did samy ever end up meeting mando?
>>13791I Miss Kitty styles, he was my favorite weed smoking schizophrenic
Hi this is Mando Aka Joe Wendork
>>20097Is that the girl from Dragon Quest 8
"Your boobs aren't the biggest but your nips are fantastic"
Why is this full of fucking PORN