As for the editing of posts, it could present an issue with people who are shitposting and then editing their posts, in my opinion.
Increasing the visible amounts of posts for stickies may or may not be possible. I'll link a developer to this thread.
>make pinned threads that get posted in move like normal threads
I think this already happens, I'll try it out. I don't think we'll ever get more than 3 stickies, so personally I don't think that this is very useful.
>increase the amount of visible threads per page to 10 or 15
I'll link a developer.
>readd the move to top or bottom arrows
You could just press the "home" or "end" keys on your keyboard
>create an official discord or similar chat software
My views on IRCs and Discords for chats are as follows: It simply fragments the userbase. Any post made on Discord or IRC is a post that could be made here on the image board. If we have a lot of users one day, I'd be up for it. That decision lies in the administrators though, I have no say in anything of this.
>add a picture only captcha
Already have one being implemented right now.
>add additional optional flags
This is really easy, I know because I've had my own board at one time. Up to the admins.
>add an autoban feature to pictures of people who have been banned in case of shitposting
Interesting proposal.
>make the archive easier to reach or perhaps just turn it into a board
Another excellent idea.