I've noticed this too every once in a while, but only in the past couple weeks.
>>3126Is it on every image you upload or just some specific images? And is it via phoneposting, or home network or VPN... Just trying to get info so I can try to reproduce error. Also have you tried different browser (just to cover that)
>>3126This is prettiest pony plushie I have ever seen. wow
>>3128Different dude, but for me it's mostly .gifs and when trying to upload multiple or large files (1.5mb+). This happens on both my computers with Firefox and IE, but oddly enough when I try with my mobile running Firefox it usually goes through just fine. This is all on the same wifi network, of course.
>>3128thanks pupper. it's every time I try to post with an image to mlpol net, 8ch net, and endchan xyz. I can post text without a problem.
using VPN, PC not phoneposting.
using new current versions of firefox. also happens in current versions of opera.
Incorrect string value: '\\xF0\\x9D\\x93\\xB7\\xF0\\x9D...' for column 'subject' at row 1
i cant post on the main board, when i try i get this error
Caught fatal error: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89 0x50 in /var/www/mlpol.net/inc/image.php on line 481
>>3174testpost to see if the file still causes an error
>>3174That particular error occurs when uploading certain PNG files. Save them as JPEGs to get around the issue