ITT: post any suggestions and issues you have with this sites programming.
Could we possibly change the "save as original filename" function so that it saves it to the last folder you saved something in? I don't know if I'm the only one with this issue or not, but it's been saving the pics to my main images folder: it defeats the purpose of convenience, since I have to
>*If I have to move it to my /mlpol/ folder every time I use that option*.
>>988Can we add PDFs like 4/tg/ has? It'd be useful for sharing literature and philosophy
I would like if link related solved first or got some explanation first.
>>988>>988The captcha was a good idea, especially since it can't be bypassed by shills buying passes.
>>994we kicked around the idea of adding Schlomo Train Tickets as 4chan passes early on
>buy pass for ungodly expensive shekels>get a beautiful star next to your name whenever you post>enables captcha for you>post cooldown of 5 hours>explicitly tell normal users not to buy it because its a shill trap >captcha
It was so comfy
>>1035Do you have to use it for replies?
>>1035It's only for OPs. You don't actually have to do it for replies
>>1035Sorry anon... We need these measures to keep weebshit bots from spamming...
>>1037This as well. We're attempting to make it as unobtrusive as we can.
>>1036>>1037Am I flagged as weebshit?
>>1039No, not at all. Try posting a reply without solving captcha
>>1039It's just there. You don't have to fill it in to post unless you are an OP
>>1041That's just rude! I like it. Keep doing that.
>>1042USER WAS GIVEN A CUPCAKE!! >>1035Captcha is only for new threads
Make stickies actually sticky in catalog. Also, make it possible to actually see replies to replied posts. Right now, I have to click on replies to see if they have replies as well. Plus, quick reply form shouldn't be stretching to fit the filename like it does now.
Is there a reason I can't post threads?
>>1124What sort of issues are you encountering while trying to post a thread?
>>1126The post thread button disappears when I press it. O_o
>>1127Strange that you have this issue. We have tested and works fine when we try to make posts. Have you tried another browser?
>>1128>on phoneNo, but I assume that's the problem tks n sorry
>>1129No worries. Always good to hear back from users about potential problems so we can improve the site. I will forward this to the dev team and they will look into it. Hopefully we can find a fix to your problem.
>>1129>>1130We have tried iOS (safari), Android (chrome), and Windows Phone (edge) and all were able to make new threads. So I am not sure what to suggest. If the problem persist on your end please let us know.
>>1131>BlackberryNot the first time I've had compatibility issues
On that note, properly updating indexes when? Sometimes the threads don't refresh with new posts for quite a while.
>>1135Could you go more into detail about the problem? Are threads not auto-updating, or is it a problem with the actual board index aka the front page?
>>1137Some kind of weird cache problem? Even when I hard refresh a thread, sometimes new posts just don't appear for several minutes, even though they show up on the main index.
>>1132Site works perfectly on my Blackberry Classic with BB10. The best thing about that phone is you can rename files.
>>1133the problem with flash is files can easly instal multiple types of malware. Plus most users are running a no script anyways. Don't get me wrong its a good idea but not a pratical one
>>1138What browser are you using? Try disabling any extensions that you may use, and seeing if the issue persists. Also: What OS are you using? and on what device?
A dice roller would be nice, good for CYOA threads
>>1140And here we have an idiot who knows absolutely nothing about flash, and has only read like two chrome-sponsored articles about "OH NO FLASH IS FULL OF SECURITY HOLES"
I have never seen a single .swf file with any virus. Popups, sure. Screamer, sure. Annoying tab-spam, granted. Embedded files (that were used as NES cartridge files and required specifically to be extracted with a .zip). But those don't pop up very often, and it's just a matter of a janitor sweeping it under the rug (just like, guess what, on /f/.)
And yet, /f/ is completely fine, and has been for the last what, ten fucking years? Must be completely infested with oh no bad viruses so much that no-one notices, right?
>>1141Oldass Firefox 43 on Windows 8.1, and I guess the only addons that could be fucking with it are uBlock Origin and NoScript. I'm not using PonyX or anything. I'll try without for a while, see if it does anything. The issue is pretty rare by itself.
>>1139Weird, that's what I'm running. And yeah, the site is fine other than that when I press 'New Thread', it disappears
>>1144More properly flash is a billion years old and dying, who cares?
>>988OP here. I made this thread with the same mindset I used to when I bothered meta-posting on 4/qa/, but does this thread count as a "general"? I realized that the topic was pretty broad..
>>1154There was a discussion in a thread yesterday that implies no one really knows what counts as a general
Could we possibly add thumbnails to .webm files? I think a lot of us prefer to know what we're clicking before we view it.
Could is there any way that this site could support .mp4 files? I get a lot of my /pol/ content from cripplechan, and it's kind of disappointing to get a "not a webm" error when I want to post videos from there.
If not, could anybody explain to me, like I'm an idiot, how to convert .mp4 files into .webm files? I'm almost sure there's a way.
Stickied posts don't stay on top in the catalog like it does on 4chan. Now, this is miniscule, but it slightly peeves me.
Idk if it's just me, but webms have been opening automatically whenever I enter a thread with one, and I've checked the options and toggled what looked to be the problem off and it still happens. if this isn't supposed to be happening, can you fix it/help me understand how to, if it's only on my end?
>>1435I quite like seeing the catalog in strict bump order myself.
Why do some of the threads say "???" as their page number? It's confusing, since that usually only happens when threads have been deleted.
>>1945are you the OP of said threads?
Could the file size limit be upped? 20mb usually only allows for a 3-4 minute webm, and most of the good political webms from 8/pol/ are 5+ minutes. It's a real pain in the ass having to break them down into multiple files.
Also, having a thumbnail for webms would be nice.
>>1957The size limit is now set to 40 mb. If that is not sufficient, try uploading videos of lower resolution
>>1958>>195940MB should do the trick. Thanks!
>>1960You should now be able to upload .pdf, .zip and .txt files
>>988I have issues with some images I try to upload being rejected and labeled "invalid images." This occurs when either there's too much transparency or if there's too much of the same color in the first few rows of pixels, starting in the top left corner and going left-to-right as far as I've noticed. This is annoying and makes me have to crop 5-10 pixels off the top of some of my images to get it to go through. I'll attach an example. I get this error all the time and it's getting annoying, is it a permanent thing or is it possible to fix?
>>1964The "invalid image" error message should occur if it isn't possible to get the image size (corrupted image?) or the image type isn't png, gif, jpeg or bmp.
Please upload an image that gets rejected to an external site ( or where ever) and we will look further into it.
>>1965Hmmm, it seems the non-cropped image was invalid to my image viewer on my laptop as well, but could be opened in GIMP. Maybe something glitched in the original download, but was fixed when I exported it properly in GIMP after cropping.
1) When viewing a thread google captcha is called even when no reply will be meade. Perhaps internet etiquette should make the reply fields hidden behind a [New Reply] link which then expands out and then calls captcha only when needed.
This would be simmilar to [New Thread] on the catalog page.
2) The text input box colour of the captcha verification is forced to black where as all the other fields properly allow the browser or theme settings to choose their own colours.
2) My dark theme has dark input backgrounds and white text, please let the theme allow the typed in text in Verification to be also decided by my theme.
The archive outta be visible on the top bar and/or homepage, so Anons will see it and remember to vote hallmark threads into the featured archive.
The "quick reply" boxes character-counter has been defective since the beginning. It always stays at 6000.
Caught fatal error: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89 0x50 in /var/www/ on line 481
I'm having trouble posting images. I get this message every time, even when I try to post different images. I've tried refreshing the page too. I've posted some of these images to the board before, so it must be a site issue.
Whatever happened to the link to ponyx?
>>3028It was removed months ago after the rogue mod - who made the ponyx feature - reset it to link to some other page. Evidently it was not a part of the site itself, but seperate
>>3029Can I have the link to it?
>>3030Here is a copy made by our developers >>3031Thanks, Lotus. You're the best.
How do I type in bold text and italics here?
When you attempt to post a pic that's already been posted to a thread, the error message should tell you where that pic is. That way, it'd make posting 5 pics at a time a lot more convenient, especially for porn threads.
Also, do something about the flag problem.
Not an issue, but I have a question about the Unique ID counter on the Home page.
While allowing for vpns, how precise is the number? I mean, if anon posts in 2 threads (hence having 2 separate thread IDs) does that count for 2 UID #s?
Tl;dr is the UID count relatively 1 to 1, or is it in some way expanded?
>pic unrelated
>>4104It is only counting unique ip hashes. So no matter how many boards or threads you have been posting in from the same ip it will only be counted once.
Is the message, "Please be in attendance on Sunday April 1st, 2018 12pm EST for a special Tea With Atlas. So special it'll ride the short bus the rest of it's life," going to be floating around all month? It's distracting, and I'm not sure if there's an option to disable it. works, does not. works, does not.
It looks like the api wasn't extended to the archive when it was added in. At the very least it appears that routing wasn't modified.
Some javascript on this site is killing my phone. If I had to guess, I'd say it's that scrolling marquee. What an eyesore too!
>>4111The json files are not copied to the archive so you are getting an 404 not found.
>>4119Not sure why your phone crashed. The scrolling marquee is purely css, and no js.
If you want to hide it you can add this to the
[Options] - User CSS
.example1 {
display:none !important;
>>4120Is there any chance that can be changed and the old threads can get their json generated?
>>4130I will add archiving of json, and look into making a script to recreate json files for those already archived. It might take a little time to make a script to recreate the json files for the already archived threads.
>sadly have some projects that has to take priority Please add optional OP tag attached to posts submitted by OP
>No page number in the catalog
Come on guys. I was just reading a huge thread when it 404'd. Would have bumped it but didnt know it was on the last page until scrolling all the way to the bottom.