If multiple images are posted and spoilered the spoilerimage overlaps and you cant target specific pictures
Anybody having the same problem?
also is there a way to spoiler specific pictures and not just all?
>>591Yes, there are some styling problem with spoiler images.
As well as the above, spoiler isn't specified in the thread's JSON file.
This makes it difficult to programmatically detect if images are spoilered, this issue is compounded because thumbnails aren't generated for spoilered images (which would make sense).
Ideally the "spoiler" boolean variable would be output in JSON, is it possible someone could look at this?
>>4250Admin/developer is it possible to get spoiler added to the JSON files or is that out of the question? It would be very useful.
>>4259I will look at it, and implement.
>>4259Sorry for the delay. Spoiler flag should now be present in the json files.
>>4261Very much appreciated Admin.