It is I, Pupper, and I am doing a complete rewrite of the code, and wanted to get some input from you dear Anons on what wishes you have. My hope is to make the site more robust and userfriendly, and succeed on both these goals (or at leas not make it worse).
But before I get too far into the new code I thought I'd open up for input on features and improvements you want to see. It is still early in development and it is therefor still easy to change things before I weer of into a wrong direction and paint me into a corner. I am not planning on changing the overall look or function of the site just improving on what we have.
If you got any ideas, suggestions, grievances or fun jokes I am happy to hear them all. Developing something without knowing what you guys want can easily end in sorrow, so I want to avoid that with this preemptive strike asking for what you want to see.
I am looking forward to your input and I will note it all down (in this thread) and us it as help when developing the new code. I am not sure when the new code will be complete so I can sadly not make any promises in that regard, but I can promise I have begun with the rewrite.
- Pupper
[Read more] 100 replies and 26 files omitted.
yo fam where be the git repo of ASPNetChan?
>>5058It Works Now, Thanks Pupper!
Did a small update:
>Added Pagination where you can browse previous posts while retaining the limit on how many replies to show [Last n Replies]
>The View all/normal view of thread will now show all replies without limiting to last 1000 replies
Please give feedback if there is any problems you encounter or changes you want to see.
While I generally am support of things being as user friendly as possible, I also appreciate there being a certain learning curve to using this site. It needn’t be too intuitive. The learning curve keeps normies at bay, and ensures that the site will only be used by those with enough patience and intelligence to figure out how it works. Like solving a puzzle in order to unlock a door. Not that I am against improving the site but this is omething that you might take into consideration.
>>5244There is something to be said for not making things too easy especially since most of our new arrivals cant even be sussed to read the OP of the very obvious newfag thread, which even when collapsed displays the policy page in a very obvious and deliberately labelled link.
Regarding JFIF files and user having problems uploading them. JFIF is supported and most likely reason for problem is that either the file is a different image format (that is unsupported) or that it is corrupted. You can try using Gimp or another editor to view image properties on the image you have trouble uploading to make sure it is an JPEG image. If it says JPEG and you still have trouble please use this thread or create another one on
>>>/qa/ to continue inquiring about it.
Going to do a little maintenance hopefully it won't take too long or affect site too much.
>>5243Awesome! Thank you so much Pupper, you are amazing!
>>5248Is there a way to randomize the order images show up in on Ponerpics?
The thread
>>>/mlpol/282598 → Anonfilly Thread - Playtime Edition, has currently 722 posts, it passed the bumping limit; however it is my understanding that it should bump either way in the /overboard/ view, but it is not happening.
>>5257The change I made was that only pinned threads will keep on bumping in /overboard/ after they pass bumplimit. This is because pinned threads are not at top of /overboard/ as they would be on their respective boards.
I see I have made an error somewhere along the way regarding the anchor links (not sure when I added the error that made anchor links break). But all should be good now and Top, Bottom and Post anchor links should work now. Sorry for the problems people have had using them, or more correctly trying to unsuccessfully use them.
>>5266Also fixed small bug with the (You) notification where the notifications were not cleared on load of page so all pages with (You)'s sent notification/notification sound on first "Update".
If you could implement the random image banners/christmas things to redirect or load with some specific url set, that would be nice. I see a cute one i want to save, but trying to save it just saves a completely random one.
>>5268The Christmas images are all fetched from Ponerpics (searched for Christmas). I would recommend getting them from there as the images used in lower right corner is made smaller and optimized for faster load so they are not the best quality. But I will look into adding an fixed url that can be used for the random images.
>>5268To help you out this is the IDs of all Christmas images currently rotating
790227, 829205, 1030862, 1032959, 1038260, 1048347, 1312170, 1325860, 1615607, 1646417, 1900421, 1903802, 1905123, 1905777, 1909946, 1916323, 1918405, 1918983, 1918985, 1919254, 1923778, 2219923, 2221924, 2226401, 2228917, 2231747, 2246454, 2268320, 2325734, 2424715, 6040450, 6043820
The videos now have the Picture-in-Picture feature.
Going to do a small update to the code and server today, so there might be a small amount of downtime at one point. Going to try to coordinate downtime with lull in posting, but wanted you all to know just in case.
Also as always report any errors you encounter after update, but hopefully I won't fuck up and there won't be any to report.
>>5451Update completed, hopefully no new bug were introduced. Let me know if any of you encounter any.
>>5455Aaaaand. Forgot to add Capcode.
>>5455I'm trying to post a pic in thread
>>>/mlpol/301871 → and I'm getting a "Not Found" message.
>>5457>>5458I found a workaround.
Posting pics without text will fail, but adding some letters, the post is successful.
>>5459I will look into this tomorrow (sadly need to go to sleep). Hopefully just a tiny thing I missed and forgot to test.
Sorry for the inconvenience but glad you found a workaround.
Any updates on how the new code is going?
>>6579If you refer to the rewrite this OP is about that has been completed and have been running on the site for a long time. If you refer to the cleanup of the new code (version 2 if you like) I'm not sure when that will be done, but it is going forward.
>>6580Whups, I was going to make another thread for that, but then I saw this one.