Give me the Shekels!
*Shit posting level 2 unlocked*
Thanks Gypsy Mod and thanks for the intellectual debate too :)
(User was given shekels)
>>1851The moderator comment on my post confirms this site is a Jewish conspiracy!
board war now!
>>1853And the comment on this thread confirms Australia is an Island full of shitposters
>mfw this kike just shut down a perfectly good thread
>mfw kike mods shoah our beautiful thread!!
>>1849could this not have gone in the dedicated flag thread?
The OP felt outraged at the ruthless display of (ironic?) jew RP and wanted to burn down the thread by himself. Thread reached the boiling point when a mod posted an Aryanne edit.
>>1858Yeah, fuck larping. I just hope these flags are temporary things here. I hate the ones on 4/pol/.
This is nice board. People should only be nice here. Today I will remind them.
>>1860This place is a bit TOO nice if you ask me. When people are actually trying to make some "depressed" guy feel better on an anonymous image board, they are being a bit too accepting.
>>1856I know what the fuck
>>1857I guess he chose not to?
See pic >>1859It's a forced flag placed on by moderators. It remains until the flag is removed by a moderator or until the poster stops posting from that IP
>>1860Apparently people are super triggered by that flag. Some powers are just too great
>>1861I'm not depressed, I was just bored and got triggered by the kikery. I have to sit in a chair for the next nine hours and those posts were making me crawl out of my skin.
What's depressing is that people are this triggered by a flag. It's a damned flag, and a flag everyone knew was a fake one at that. Jesus, this is the sort of behavior I expect out of leftists. I had much higher hopes for this board
>>1864One does not just simply put filthy kike hats on sacred memes.
>>1863I wasn't referring to you. There was a thread a while back where some guy bitched about his depression. On any other website he would have been told to stop being an attention seeking faggot, but for some reason people actually tried to "help" him here. Maybe im just an asshole, but I find stuff like that "too nice".
>>1864the irony about all this is a real jew or JIDF would never tell you he is a jew because this is exactly what would happen to him. all his arguments instantly become invalid.
We've gotten soft and sensitive.
Sadly I didn't get to save the images.
Mystic the unicorn was my favourite.
>>1866I saw that thread too. We are not tumblr. We should not give advice on mental illness. That said, Psychoanalysis is a jewish pseudoscience.
>>1870Some things are just too powerful
>>1868>>1869is it safe to say that the best thing to do in a situation like this is to ignore, report, and sage?
>>1865Really this.
It stopped being funny right there.
>>1874But she's so cute with her hat on...
(and slight variations of this) is the only hat Aryanne ever needs. Everything else is heresy.
When you can't laugh at yourself all is lost. Sacredness is just an excuse to oppress.