>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..
>Any archive of photos or stories?Dropbox (Photos):
>I'm a contributor.Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt, so you can have your green to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread:
>>148439 →
>>152654orangefilly best filly
>>152654Filly cuddles best cuddles
>>152658Gas the greens race war now!
>>152657At least up the saturation if you're gonna do that..
Those recolors look like Spics.
>>152654Yay, new bread and fresh air.
Why do I fucking love filly so much?
>>152690You don't though. Otherwise you would not have allowed pic related to exist.
>>152693No u, I didn't make that filly.
She's just going through a phase though, don't make fun of her!
>>152690Because she deserve to be loved
>>152695No U!
Even though you're a leaf.
>Be Filly
>It's Twilight's birthday.
>It's officially been a year since she brought you here and turned you into a filly.
>You only brought one thing with you.
>You decided to be a 'kind' lil filly like Twilight told you to be and decided to share a bit of what you brought.
>A quarter of a twenty five pound sugar free gummy bears bag.
>The other seventy five percent are for the other princesses.
>You're taking over Equestria, one fucked up royal toilet at a time!
>"Oh dear Celestia help me!" Twilight cries from the bathroom.
>She'll be there for a bit.
>Dumb cunt ate half of what you gave her.
Anyone try making a filly plush?
"Twilight, this is stupid."
>"Anon, shut up and sit still. I didn't spend the last eight hours of my day meticulously drawing these magical runes for you to ruin them with your little butt and lack of patience"
>how about your willingness?
>ever since Purple Smart decided that turning you into a filly was a good idea you have been her little test subject
"Whatever, lets just get this over with."
>There's a big box of cookies she left out that is calling your name, and she has yet to realize her error in doing so
>their chocolate goodness will be yours as soon as she fails at whatever spell she is attempting
>"Alright, now all I have to do is concentrate"
>Twilight closes her eyes and her horn proceeds to glow brightly
>the small mountains of books that had been piled up around the spell circle begin to rise and twist about at high speeds
>Pages start to fly out surrounding you inside your chalk drawn cookieless prison
>a few pages smack you in the face as they fly by and soon you are wrapped up in a vortex of horsewords
"Uh, Twilight is this supposed to be happening? Twilight? hello?!"
>you cant see or hear anything besides the white and black flashes of pages and words
>and with a sudden magical 'boom' it all starts to end
— meanwhile in our universe —
>you are anonymous
>and you are spending your Sunday evening on a Saudi Arabian Ice Hockey Forum beginning to read about the little green shit living in Equestria with Twiggy
>as far as your sundays go, this is exciting.
>oh look, there's someone posting green words!
>better call him a faggot and demand more
>as your fingers type out the words the web page begins replicating itself like an old windows error message after clicking "okay"
"what the fuck? this is some odd shit for a mobilefag"
>the pages continue replicating until they lift up out of your screen and begin to circle around you
"SHIT this is just like like the first part of the green!"
>exactly like the first part
>but you only own digital copies of books because you are a plebeian
>once you too are wrapped up in literal pop ups you feel yourself being lifted up and there is a sudden 'boom'
— back to the better universe we actually WANT to read about—
>your dizzy as fuck and feel like you have just been thrown out of a moving car
>you try to stand up but you lose your balance and fall flat on your ass
>fucking writefags they had to have something to do with this
>"well, that wasn't supposed to happen…"
>wait, who the fuck said that?
>you open your eyes and feel like your a lot closer to the ground than you normally are when you sit
>you try to make out where the voice came from and as your eyes focus you feel your heart skip a beat
>no fucking way.
"Twilight? Holy crap, is this real?"
>your dizziness leaves you completely and you try once more to stand up only to fall again
>you look down to your legs which have been replaced by pony legs
"Wait a second… I'm a fucking pony?!"
>that's not all you see when you look down though
"a girl pony!?"
>you roll to your side and try standing up on all fours
>this time you succeed is standing up
>congratulations! you've learned to stand up!
>another voice speaks up
>"Oh wow, whatever this stupid spell was supposed to do Twilight, you must have fucked it up to get this out of it"
>you turn you head to the direction of the second voice
>and look down
>yup, its the little green faggot.
>she looks up at you with her adorable green eyes
>and after a short moment of awkwardness of you looking at what you secretly wanted to be yourself she realizes what you are
>she quickly turns to Twilight and points a hoof at you
>"What the fuck Twilight why do they get to be an adult when I'm stuck being a filly?!"
>Twilight looks at her then to you then back to the filly then back to you
>you give her a wave with your hoof
>now its her turn to understand what shes done
>"Nope, I'm done with this for today. Magic is over, i'll figure it out tomorrow."
>Twilight quickly steps out of the room leaving it in a ramshackle mess of notes pages and books all strewn about leaving just you and… Anon? in the room
>she looks at you again with a scrunched up nose and puffed out chest
"That's really adorable"
>"this is some horseshit."
>she starts to circle you in examination like a knee high shark circling a boat
"what do you mean? This is awesome, and heck you got to be a human for a while when you first got here."
>her examination ends with her stopping in front of you
>"yeah, and I'm going to make Twilights life shit until she changes me back. But why are you so happy to be a she horse?"
"What, don't think there are any girls on the internet faggot?"
>"Not on the shitty board we're from."
>you try to hold back a grin and some of your long black mane covers your face
>you brush it aside
"yeah about that."
"I got off that ride in favor of a more comfy one."
>she looks at you confused as you get yourself down to eye level with her
"but since I'm here and were both mares. Wanna get sexual?"
>the filly gives you a deadpan stare
>"That's pretty gay fam."
"a little bit."
>"alright but we have to do it in Twilight's bed."
>>152690>Why do I love fucking filly so much?
>ywn be loved as the filly
Why live?
>>152714>Why do I love being fucked as the filly so much?
>>152716Two can play at that game.
>>152717Bring it on, you gay filly!
>>152718You're going to love the feeling of my clit against yours, you faggot.
>>152721Unf, well, that's a good thing because I like being on top! So it is (You) that will be loving my clit on yours!
>>152722Looking forward to it
>>152583 →Maybe we have to re>rape Condense. Maybe we have to suffer the consequences of our actions.
[ 1d100 = 48 ]
>>152706Not bad. Interesting idea
I wish for filly to pee in my mouth.
>>152737Something something you're a faggot and that shit's gay. Also having problems getting images to load right, not sure why.
>>152741Been getting that for a while, need to refresh some times for them to open properly
Apparently you need to stay in the page for it to not fail on first try or something
catalog is just a swarm of broken images unless i stay in the tab while it loads all of them, >image is example on how it ends here if left mid-load
Due to the presence of THC in my bloodstream tonight, I had the bright idea of trying to draw lewd filly.
However, it is important to note that I have drawn pony a total of maybe 5 times, and I have also never tried to draw lewd before, so this is about all I could come up with.
I tried
>>152743jesus christ, that's already better than any lewd ive ever fuckin made
pls moar
>>152744thanks, m8. That means a lot to me.
>>152743>buffalo filly wings
>>152743Cool, n-now draw a dick in her!
>>152749Das a leg for practice, methinks.
>>152749>>152751Yeah, it's on a sketchbook. I have the urge to draw tonight.
>>152743That's a noice lewd. Think you'll ever make a full version someday?
>>152706Holy shit I hope you continue this.
>>152750N-no homo, though
>>152757It's just some practice sketches, but I hope to do some more in the future…
>>152761Unf, how about a little ponut action? I don't think we even have any pics of that yet.
First for continuation.>>151696 →"Yeah, give me a second…"
>Reaching into your saddlebags, you find what you're looking for after a few minutes."Take a look."
>She takes a look at it, her expression remaining static.>"That doesn't surprise me…""What doesn't?"
>"That I'm wanted dead. I don't really remember-""Oh fuck. You're not telling me you have amnesia, are you?"
>"I-I don't know what that is…""Sorry, just start from the beginning of everything."
>"Alright… it was just about a year ago, or at least that's what I think. Ms. Thorn came into my room and told me that I was going to have a daddy again, said for me to get ready. She took me to the showers and started to scrub me down… some of it felt kind of funny, but I didn't want to make her angry so I stayed quiet. After she put a bow in my hair, she took me to the front office.""Go on…"
>"The stallion who was waiting for me didn't even look at me, he was just reading the newspaper. When he set it down, he just said one thing.">Be the pegasus.>Be flashback.>"The papers, don't tell me you're getting sloppy.">"Why of course not. The furnace is just-">"Useless. I'll do it myself, give them to me.">Ms. Bitterthorn carefully handed over a file.>You recognize your name on it, though you didn't hear it much anymore.>Always 'You' or 'Filly.'>None of that matters now though, you're sure this stallion will be a great father!>Trotting over to him, you nuzzle your face into his fur, trying to make a good first impression.>He recoils from your touch.>"Haven't you taught them not to do that?!">"S-sir you can't just-">"I do whatever the hell I want to with what we're paying you all. Come here…">He actually takes a look at your file.>"…Peanut Buttercup.">You feel yourself moving towards him almost in a daze, his horn glowing lightly.>"I need you to repeat after me.""O-okay…"
>"I do not matter.""I-I do not matter…"
>"Nothing I do will ever amount to anything and I shouldn't expect it to.">"I-I won't do…">"Say it correctly, dammit!">Taking the newspaper and rolling it up, he swats your bottom firmly, prompting a startled yelp."N-nothing I do w-will ever amount to anything, and I-I shouldn't expect it to…"
>"Good.">There was a bright flash and you were in a dark grey room.>"Extend your left wing.">Gulping, you do as you are told.>You bite into the satchel containing what little belongings you own to keep from screaming as you feel a crushing pain in your wing.>Now lying on the floor panting, you look up at the unicorn stallion with pleading eyes.>"My name is not important, but yours is even less so.">Producing a metal apparatus from somewhere on his person, you give out another small yelp as your internally mangled wing is given a small tag, reading simply '0094.'>Grinning at you as he ignites the manilla folder he holds in his magical grip, he leaves the room and shuts the door, the whirring of a lock clearly audible.>A small dog-bed, bowl of water, and bowl of dry oats materialize out of nowhere soon after.>Be the filly.>The poor pegasus in front of you has long sense broken down into tears at her explanation, her sobs making her words incomprehensible at this point.>Stroking her mane lightly you hold a hoof up to her lips, silencing her."Shh… take your time. I don't need to know it all at once."
>She gives you a small smile that melts your heart, however obviously forced.>"Y-you'll come back to visit me, won't you?">Input action.
Recap time.
https://pastebin.com/JReEqH6G [Embed](I may need to start creating a second paste soon, or use an alternative site, maybe github, as I am approaching the 512 KB limit)
>You are Anon Filly, a cute, green, psychically-endowed filly who used to be a human.>A few weeks ago, you were dragged into Equestria in your sleep, and since then, you've been getting into all sorts of shenanigans with Twilight and her family.>Right now, you're in a bit of a pickle, however.>Every time you wake up, it's still Monday, and Twilight is still hung over.>Even worse, you're not the only one in a time loop - Pinkie Pie seems to have joined you for the ride!^"So instead of saying it's a pickle, you could say you're in a doozie off a pickle barrel kumquat!">Pinkie, get out of my recap.^"Make me!">I'll put you in that time loop with Anon.^"But I already AM in that time loop…">Yes, and why do you think that is?
>>152763Some ponut action for you~
Damn, this was hard to draw
>>152772I need to practice on other parts of the body, and at different angles, but I think I'll save that for tomorrow.
>>152772My god Anon, you're a fuckin' gift from Filly Jesus.
>>152743>>152761>>152772That's pretty good, Anon. Hope you do more.
>>152772I swear, I was in no way aroused by this
>>152778You sure, Anon? Are you saying you
wouldn't want to have your filly ponut pounded? What are you, gay?
>>152782I would watch with lurid fascination while another filly got their ponut pounded, and make a farce of not liking or being intrigued by it. Xp
>>152783Well then, you could watch me, because
I'm getting my ponut pounded as the filly.
>>152784That would be degenerate
>totally isn't looking
>>152785just remember to keep a straight face and be holding a clipboard so you can say it''s for science.
All right, y’all know the drill.
Either fade in obscurity or list off items that are needed in the doc or Dropbox.
Sorry If I haven’t posted anything in the past couple days. I’ll try to get back on it. Though which one do you all want prioritized. Depressed, stranger-danger filly, or No Hablo Inglés filly?
>>152788No Hablo Ingles
Also, who wants to continue our write-athon?
>>152788You'll never be rid of me! I'll be baaaaaaaaack!
>>152767I'm sorry, I'll need to know the full story before that, my life might be in danger for saving your flank here. Any idea how many or who would be out wanting to kill you, or why?
[ 1d100 = 67 ]
>>152767>Implying I'll leave you[ 1d100 = 47 ]
>>152788Despite the fact that I love what you've done with my concept, I'd like to see more of Stranger Danger.
>>152814Oh, nice, thanks mate.
>>152789>You are filly>Some fucked up magic shit transported you to Pony land>You seem to be on the outskirts of Ponyville>With nothing else to do, you wander towards the settlement>All kinds of ponies are walking around you as you make your way through the town.>You need to figure out how you're gonna survive here.>Being a filly, you probably need a guardian to make it here, even though you're not really a child.>And what do you know, somepony came up to you to ask where your parents are.>Turns up, you don't have parents.>The community kidnaps you and puts you up for auction.>Not that kind of auction goddammit.>There are many ponies in ponyville who would like to take care of you.>But the one who eventually ends up as your guardian is..
>Mayor Mare.>She feels having a smiling filly on all of her campaign promotions will increase her ratings as well as community morale.>This effectively makes you Ponyville's new mascot.>Soon, you're attending meetings and events with your new horse mom and being privately tutored on politics, public speaking and economics.>There is also the media following you around everywhere you go and analyzing every message you send via the carrier pigeon network.>This is not really the life you envisioned when you dreamed of being the filly, but it has its perks.>Maybe it was time to change things up a bit and put your position to good use.
>As the now daughter of a semi-influential politician, various groups begin to take a keen interest in you.>One day while waiting in the schoolyard for your mother who you assume was kept late by extra paperwork, a bag was thrown over your head.>After a few minutes of struggling, you feel a pain in your head and black out.>You wake up in a dark room, the only illumination being a small torch on the wall.>"Look nice and pretty for the camera sweet thing, I need your ransom photo to look nice.">Confused, you look around to see a metal door opening and a large muscular stallion walk in, a mare trailing him with a camera.>He grins as the mare closes and locks the door behind her, setting down the camera and taking out a small black club.>The stallion takes the club and you begin to whimper as your small form is hit over and over again with the blunt wooden object.>The click of a camera can distinctly be heard.>"I've got it, leave the little shit in there. I think our order is here.">As the thin wooden door slams shut, you notice the glow of the torch once again through the tears in your eyes.>…
>Seeing the embers dance didnt help your bruises, but helped distract you from what was happening and the pain>No longer was this the Equestria you remembered, you needed to treat it more like if you were on Earth>Thus you couldnt be taking ponies kindness for granted, trust no one…>Though, Ponyville had been nice overall…>Okay, maybe some, but not ALL ponies>But you re sure going to be more picky on who you open yourself to>You try to think on some way out>But the room you re in doesnt even have any windows>Wait, you didnt hear any click from the door>Maybe they didnt lock it!>With renewed vigor you get up quickly and move to check>Well, not quite>As soon as you get on all fours your front leg gives way and you fall on your face>The way it bent meant that it was clearly broken>That answers why it doesnt hurt as much>Pain comes back fully as your focus is brought back to reality and your injuries>You definetly didnt took a moment to cry>Collecting yourself back up, you start making your way to the door>…
>As you hobble over to the door, you hear voices outside>"no way we're gonna reach her">"just break her legs! That'll teach her!">"no! we need her alive.">You shudder as you recoil from the door.>Though it was the only way of escape for you.>You decide to try play it smart.>You wait for at least six hours>The others should be asleep right now>So you push the door, which surprisingly gives in.>Idiots didn't lock it>Soon you see why, as a stallion snores in a chair right next to the door>They chose a shitty guard and you're surely going to take advantage of the situation>You sneak past the sleeping guard as you try to push open the door to outside.>It doesn't give..
>You manage to hobble your way next to the guard>As you suspected, a ring of keys sat on a hook on his belt>Using the utmost precision (and ignoring the pain in your legs), you manage to gently slide the ring off of his belt>It took many tries to get that door open>You didn't even bother putting the rings back on, they'd be coming for you before he woke up>So you just laid them on the flooor>The rest of the building was fairly deserted, with only the occasional pony walking down the hall>At one point you had to hide under a cardboard box in fear of being found>Eventually you found a door leading outside, into a metropolitan area
>Crying out into the now-dark area, you try to draw the attention of anypony who will listen.>However, none come.>As you slowly hobble down the street, you are almost run down by a carriage with the only comment being 'fucking kids these days'>You're not going to recieve any aide here…>Wait!>You do remember one thing, your guardian's phone number.>If you can just find out where you are and call her…>You trudge on painfully with renewed vigor.
>>152819>Most of the buildings around you are warehouses and stores that have long since closed for the night.>After a few blocks, you find a lone payphone.>You manage to fight through the pain of your broken arm (leg?) and pick up the receiver.>Silence. No dial tone. Nothing.>It has probably been out of service for years as you realize nobody (creature) uses payphones in this day and age.>The culmination of your pain and emotional stress reach a breaking point as you finally burst into tears.>"You look like you've seen better days, kid."
>You freeze on the spot>Even your tears seem to freeze>Slowly turning back to a hooded figure>The tip of a horn making itself known in the dim light>But most of the body is hidden, and all you can see is her bright purple eyes>Sure, she may seem friendly and she hasnt put a bag on your head yet>But it feels like the best time to use the new trust system>Which means "night + hooded pony = RUN FOR YOUR LIFE FILLY">You start to limp away, new tears forming in the panic, but her magic aura grabs your back leg>"Wait, I wont hurt you">Slowly she starts dragging you towards her, not giving you a chance to answer
>You claw the ground as she's dragging you backwards>She's not giving up with her strong magic grasp>You try your hardest to fight against the magical force>In the end however, you inevitably end up face to face to the purple wizard>It is Twilight Sparkle>You try to struggle away from her grasp but it is not effective>"No, please, I want to help you, I CAN help you, please.">Purple got you in a firm magical grasp so you've not really in a position to escape.>"I can figure out who's chasing you">"I can help you find safety again"
>You gasp in pain as your vision fades in and out>Or is that you blinking?>You can't really tell, you just feel extremely woozy; you'd have fallen over if you weren't being firmly held>A coppery taste in your mouth, swollen cheeks and possible loose teeth discourage a reply even if you could think of what to say>Twilight swears under her breath as she gives you a once-over>The grinding of teeth from her direction is quite audible>All sense of up and down is lost as you are jostled onto her back, fresh spasms of pain finally knocking your beleaguered form out>…
>>152820New starts here>You wake up with electricity flowing through your body>You cant hold back your screams as it only adds to your injuries>"YEA SHE S ALIVE, JUST STOP BOTHERING ME NOW">The same voice that foalnapped you shouts out>But you cant see who it is, with all the mist that formed on your eyes from waking up this way>Its definetly not Twilight though>The door is forcefully closed and you cringe with the headache that follows the bang>Wait was that a dream?>The escape did seem too easy…>The torch lights up once more and your eyes are drawn to it again>…
>>152817Velocifilly when?
>>152788No Hablo Ingles is the one with discord, right? I'd love more of that (especially with Fluttershy/Anon comfy)
"Come on Anon, just another two plates and you can go play" you said to your increasingly fatter filly, whose tummy grew closer to the floor every week
>She can't run away if she can't run
>>152787What's wrong with CalArts?
If filly had a job, what would it be?
>>152926I sort of see Anonfilly as Pinkies helper. I feel a high energy job is where she will be, that or working in the gift shop in Canterlot. I assume she will never grow up so I don't see her in a Big Pony job.
>>152926Foal prostitute.
She's self-employed
>Day 4563 in Equestria
>…I think. I don't know how long I was knocked out when book horse fucked up.
>TL:DR, Now a little filly, and an alicorn. Celestia dragged my green ass back to the castle.
>When Twilight fucks up, she REALLY fucks up.
>At the moment, I was sitting on a balcony, looking down on Canterlot.
>I wondered if hocking a loogie onto a guard was a crime, and if I could even pull it off from this height.
>Before too long, my pondering was interrupted by an audible gurgle from my stomach.
"Holy crap. How the fuck did I get hungry enough for that to happ… oh wait. Seems like it always happens to hungry ponies."
>Getting to my hooves, I stumble my way toward the castle kitchens.
>After a journey in which I only got accosted by overeager staff three times, I found myself right outside the kitchens.
>I considered how to operate the doorknob with hooves, since I had no intention of putting it in my mouth.
>Who knows what the hell could be on it?
>I reached for it, only for it to retreat away from me as the door opened.
>A very large, very blue alicorn paused in exiting the kitchens, a bowl of ice cream floating beside her.
>I stared. As did she.
>"Sisteeeeeer..! Why is there a little filly in the castle, and why is she an alicorn?"
>As Luna called for her sister, I found myself thankful I wasn't at ground zero for all-caps Canter-lock voice.
"Yo. Three pony moon. How ya been?"
>She paused, raising a brow before turning her head toward the ceiling.
>"…and why does she apparently know who I am?"
"I hate to break it to ya, Luna, but you're a princess. I think all of Equestria knows who you are."
>A flat look is turned in my direction.
>"Do not assume, just because you have attained alicornhood that you may address me so informally on our first meeting, young filly."
>I looked around, then beckoned her closer. As she obliged, I put a hoof over her leaned down neck.
"Like I've ever given two shits about that crap. Besides… we've met before, just not like this."
>She frowns, starting to open her mouth to object, only for me to put a hoof over it.
"Shh sh sh shh… Maybe the gala from a couple of years ago will jog your memory. It's a bit foggy, but I think I remember something about the taste of blueberries…"
>She blinks a couple of times before her face starts turning purple.
>"I… I don't… what? H-how..? Who..?"
"Blame Twilight. Got turned into this."
>Her eyes widen even more as I hear the tone of gold-shod hooves approaching.
>"Ahh, there you are. Sister, dear, I've got some wonderful news! Anonymous will be--"
>After blurting her response, she took off at a gallop before exploding into a puff of shadows.
>Her ice cream started to fall, only for it too to vanish into shadows.
>The princess of the sun stared in the direction of her sister's hasty departure.
>"Not exactly the way I planned on letting her know, but you can't win them all, I guess."
>She then turned her smile back on me.
>"And what were you two up to?"
"Ehh. Nothin', really. Just crossed paths."
>My stomach chose this moment to let out an even louder rumble.
>"Oho, that was a good one. Let's get you something to eat. Growing fillies need plenty of nutrition."
"Grown man, Celery!"
>Her hoof poked me right on the nose.
>My entire face felt like it was collapsing in on itself.
>Huh. So that's what it feels like.
>"Not anymore, Anonymous. Since you're not a human anymore, your dietary needs and tastes have likely changed a bit, so what better time than now for an impromptu lesson?"
>Oh fuck.
>I turn to awkwardly run away, only for her to preempt my escape by picking me up with her magic again.
>I cross my arms (…forelegs?) and grump as hard as I can.
"This is fucking bullshit."
>"Language, dearie. And yes, life isn't fair. Now let's get you some food."
>She deposits me on her back and strolls into the kitchen, a head of lettuce already floating toward a bowl as she goes.
>In an impressive display of magical dexterity, she chops up the lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, and onions all at the same time, while oil and vinegar are shaken into a salad dressing.
>In no time at all, I'm on a stool by a counter, with a bowl of salad in front of me.
"You really don't have to do this, you know."
>"Oh, but it's my pleasure!"
>She speared some of the leaves on a fork, then started floating it toward me.
"I can feed myself, dammit."
>She tisks and shakes her head.
>"Now now, you said it yourself, didn't you? Something about not wanting to eat like an animal? Well, until you learn to use your horn, you'll just have to deal with me feeding you."
"Like hell, I will."
>"Now, don't be like that. It's quite good. Open wide for the pegasus, Anon. It's coming in for a landing. Nyeowww…"
>She makes swooping motions with the fork.
>How degrading.
"That's pretty damn morbid, Celefblblfbfmf."
>She took the opportunity of my open mouth to stuff the forkful of salad in as I was talking.
>"Mmmm, now isn't that good? Yum yum."
>A glare was her reply.
>Though, after a bit of evaluation, it did taste okay.
>With a hmph, I idly chewed, then swallowed.
>She already had another forkful ready and waiting as she smiled expectantly at me.
"You'd better not be getting off on this or something weird."
>With that grumble, I begrudgingly accepted the next bite.
>"Nothing of the sort. Now, good fillies who finish everything get dessert."
>I made a mental note to get her back for this.
>…but I still finished the salad.
>Because hey. Dessert.
>>152943Thinking of shifting away from linear story here to a more episodic style, maybe. That way I can jump from story idea to story idea, without the slog through the slow bits between. Thoughts?
>>152945Episodic is the most efficient write method, and it'll mean less of a headache for you too.
>>152947Just as long as I don't work for Valve, right?
>>152971As long as the episodic content doesn't have an overarching plot that you wind up never resolving because you got bored of writing sequels, it'll be fine.
"Or maybe, just maybe, it's not unrelated. I don't think it's come to chance that the one day I do something completely fucked up is the one day I get time looped."
^"So what're you gonna do to break the loop? I thought you said you tried to make amends already."
"I'm not gonna make amends. I'm gonna do it again and accept the consequences for once."
^"Did you not face any consequences before? Seems a bit silly if you really did something THAT bad."
"I faced some, but nothing long term because the time loop erased everyone's memory."
^"So say you do it again, and it doesn't break the time loop. Then you'll have caused a pony to suffer a second time, and you'll still not suffer any long term consequences. Well, mostly. I'd know, and I'd probably not want to hang around with you anymore if you became a monster like that. But I don't think you are that bad, you just make a few mistakes sometimes, like everypony does. And right now, as your friend, I want to let you know that I think you're about to make a mistake. Do you value me as a friend, Nonny?"
Wait, shit, I didn't even see that there were responses in the previous thread that had higher rolls. Fuck it, I owe you guys one. How that will manifest, I'm not sure yet.
>>152978You're right, how about we discuss life with poetry before things loop again and I try something else?
[ 1d100 = 53 ]
>>152978>Hape pank then hold her in a toght snuggle session until the next loop, whisper in her ears "please dont leave me" while crying
Surely being told that by the most friendly pony in the world would make Anon rethink on his actions, well until the next voice took over that is
>>152978She has a a balloon, let's go search the everfree for that filly like we're meant to.
[ 1d100 = 20 ]
>>152983*Toght -> tight
Also finally a nice roll for myself, was starting to think that i should simply be the booster pad for others
>>152983>>152983You just got bantz'd by a scruffy.
>>152988Scruffies give love too
>>152943Cute stuff, I'm looking forward to more.
>>152988H-hugs are nice, like your dubs, checked
>>152990>Scruffies>Giving loveTaking in consideration this here Filly ptsd from its interactions with the janny from its older home, im not sure how she d deal with this
>>152926A cuddle therapist for pones, or a cuddleslut for hire.
>>152945Sure, if it means it'd feel easier for you.
>>152926Professional Milker.
With her mouth, of course. So the opposite of what Milky Way does.
>>152805It won't be forgotten. Although this one is a nice step away from strictly Twilight and abuse stuff for me, towards more interesting characters like Discord
Plus things are gonna start getting 'fun' real fast in both stories with me doing what I do best to fillies and seemingly normal characters
>>153014Fuck you, I lost my job.
>>153019That's a pretty SFW pic, it was only hidden for the punchline. Do you work for Mormons?
>>153023>>153021>>153014there are so many layers of joke destroying autism here it is not even funny
Sometimes you just have to say no. Fillies need to learn their place. And if she's unhappy with her doggy bed you can just tie her up outside in the yard.
>>153068Two starving Anonfillies prepare to battle to the death (2018, colorized)
>>152699>>153079Such drama
>"You were my sister Anon. I loved you!"
>>153079Shit, that's intense, I wonder who the booped would be?
>>153093Fuck, how will Anon ever recover?
>>153091>"From my point of view Twilight is evil!"
>>153113>"Suck it, faggot."
>>153124You should post all of your stuff on Derpibooru under a name, so that we can find all of your art. Why must you remain an unknown?
>>153147I dunno. it's just a bunch of filly pics, nothing much.
>>153172Your pics are very good tho. Even your sketches. Remaining nameless is an inconvenience for
the many people who enjoy your content but in the end I can understand it, being kinda the same way myself. You do you I guess.
>>153172I kind of like the idea that we got you all to ourselves.
(you need Jesus, anon. not appropriate.)
>>153172>just a bunch of filly pics, nothing much.Bullshit, you've got a great art style! I love the way you draw ponies.
However, only a couple of your images have been uploaded, and I feel like that's A mistake.
At the very least, give us a name to tag your art with when we upload them.
>>153189I have to agree. Either you're decent at cleaning images, or you're decent at drawing them. In either case, ur decent. Deal
>>153147God i wish that were me.
>>152978Pinkie's words make you quickly reflect on what you had just said. Did you really just decide you were going to make the same mistake again? Where the hell did that come from? You now feel even less in control of your life than you did before. Overcome by a sudden feeling of grief, you throw your hooves around your pink friend, shedding tears as you nuzzle your face into her chest fluff.
"Pinkie, please don't leave me. I- I've made a lot of mistakes, and I feel like I'm going to make a lot more. I feel like I'm a puppet in somepony's twisted game, and I don't know if I can be helped."
As you speak, Pinkie says nothing, merely stroking your mane with her hoof. When you finally go silent, she gives you a soft giggle and wipes away your tears, revealing to you her very bright and angelic smile.
^"You're silly, Nonny. Of course I'll never leave you. It's cause I know you'll never leave me.""But what if I do? What if one day, I just completely snap and betray all of my friends just because forces unknown have compelled me to? Not that I expect you to understand, but…"
^"But I do understand. And you still don't have to worry. Nonny, can you try to use your psychic powers for me?""Did I tell you about those? I don't remember… you know what, never mind, it doesn't matter. I can't. This stupid loop is blocking out my vision. All I get is static. I guess whoever put me in this situation doesn't want me cheating my way out of it."
She places her hooves on your temples.
^"Try now."You focus once more on your psychic powers, and for once, you get a single vision. You are sitting in the castle of the two sisters, meditating with a necklace around your neck. The necklace is a deep red and bears your cutie mark. For once, you recognize it for what it is: The Element of Loyalty, and you are its bearer.
^"This is your destiny. As long as you accept it, it will accept you, and help you when you're feeling weak."She then wraps her hooves around you, and for a brief moment, you feel as if you are being held by a guardian angel. You start to wonder whether Pinkie Pie was sent from the heavens to watch over you. She probably isn't, but damn if she doesn't feel like it. A few last words slip into your conscious ears as you drift off to sleep in her embrace:
^"If you need me again tomorrow, same time, same place. Hey, that rhymes!"You're not sure what it was supposed to rhyme with, but when you open your eyes again, you find yourself in your bed again.
>"Fuck me, remind me not to drink when I have research in the morning."
>>153192…Anonfilly…is the Element of Loyalty…
[ 1d100 = 54 ]
No update tonight. Have a mouse filly instead.
>>153193I'm gonna hazard a guess and say this is you as well?
Why did you stop playing the Sega Saturn?
>>153196Agreed. That was a gay choice.
>>153192"The master of my life is a pussy faggot who made me the element of loyalty and has in previous cases absolved all consequences for our negative actions, so I very much doubt I'll be able to hurt any of you."
[ 1d100 = 84 ]
>>153192Ok, I would've figured Laughter if anything.
anything. Or make new Elements, at least.
I won't roll, 'cause at this point, I don't even know what we're supposed to be doing.
where did you even dig them up
>>153202>>153203You know I made you guys the Element of Loyalty back when you were still in Canterlot, right?
>>153204I stumbled across it while browsing for porn. The art style looked familiar.
>>153205Doesn't really matter when, it's a poor choice, imo.
>>153203>>153207>Anonfilly>Laughter>Or making up whatever new elementPersonally i think using the elements harmony as is, is the best possible scenario, and loyalty is the one that fits filly the best as well
I swear i cant help but cringe whenever an writer tries to create a new element of harmony, either only for the main char of the green or its whole gang, just, no, make whatever but the elements are just those six, there s no element of autism.
Keep it up Reuben and go meet ponkonce more, also bring purpul
[ 1d100 = 33 ]
>>153209I would note that I based my decision partially on the associated pillars with each of the elements. Loyalty corresponds to Bravery, and my perception of the kind of pony Anon would be was cast when you guys decided to stand up to those bullies on your first day of school in Canterlot.
>>152788https://pastebin.com/AxZach57 [Embed]
>"There now, isn't that better?">"Glabba…flim flob">"Now now, no fussing. You're in no position.">There you were, standing outside the bedroom door tapping your leg like a rabbit as you waiting for this happy moment to evaporate.>Come on hurry up! Looking at your watch, if she'd be finished with her now. You might just have enough time to get the tea out and have some light conversation about both of your's day.>Well, your day. You mostly led these conversations.>And as for the dainty little sandwiches: To hell with them. There'd be no time.>"…and I'll just leave the shade open just a bit so you don't get afraid.">Making attempts at signaling her to 'hurry the hell up' your incessant tapping gets progressively louder and louder till you eventually let out a loud pouty stomp before stopping altogether.>Slolwy backing out of the room, Fluttershy gently shuts the door to the room. Before snapping a glare at you.>To which, shocked you. Afterall, what had you done to deserve such a look?>"You know things would go a lot smoother for her if you just showed just a little compassion for her.">You step back, shocked at the accusations."Her? Pssh, she's fine. And I DO care, I mean. Deviants don't particularly take poor little fillies to hospitals when they need help, do they?"
>She closed in as she pointed sharply at you with her anger.>Anger, and Fluttershy. Not two words you think of together very often, is it?>"They do, when they only care what others think of them.">Confused, you shrug."I don't know wha-"
>"Cheerilee told me what happened today.">That conniving little…>"And at first I didn't want to believe it.">She pokes at your chest as you fearful began making a step-by-step retre>at.>"But seeing that poor thing with those injuries. As well with how you've been acting and treating her, it became easy to believe.""I-I did, I m-mean I t-trie-"
>She pokes become more sharp and forceful as she continues to make her point.>"I mean, to think I had faith in you to be alone with her was obviously a mistake on my part too. As it seems like I can't.">Trust…you?>She doesn't trust you anymore?>No, no of course not. Just not with fillies.>Yes, she'll take care of it, and both of you will be back to having good times together.>But she seems, so –Angry¬– at you.>Well she’d have to forgive you. Cause, she wouldn’t give up on you.>Yeah, that’s right.>She wouldn’t, right?>Even if she did, you could always get it back.
>Ugh, morning. Ugh, your head.>Peaking your head out slight from the covers reveals the morning light that played with the specs of dust in the room. Adding an antique but beautiful glint to the new day.>You’d enjoy it.>If you didn’t have a headache.>And were a filly.>And were under the care of Discord.>Though, it couldn’t be all bad, you were now under the supervision of Fluttershy too seeing how whipped Discord is when under the gaze of Fluttershy.>Now that you had her. Maybe you could get closer to understanding the obscene language and getting out of this body.>But first, Morning rituals.>Alright, let's start the day.>What to do first?As much as how some of you'd like to have Flutters/Anon cuddles. Keep in mind, you are a stranger to her and some else's child to her as well. Seeing as people don't randomly cuddle with someone's lost child, you're all gonna have to 'work' for that.
>>153218Of fucking course I forget to namefag.
>>153218Sneak into her room and c-
>spoiler textWell, you're probably pretty hungry. Maybe try to get one of them to make you breakfast?
>>153231Do so annoyingly, but in a cute sort of way.
[ 1d100 = 76 ]
>>153192Leave a note for Pinkie and take the first train to Canterlot. Try not to get run over while sneaking onboard.
[ 1d100 = 94 ]
>>153207>Dash is autistic >Anon is autisticSeems like a perfect fit to me.
>>153210>Tfw the writefag exposes just how much he's reaching to try and hold the 'plot' together
>>153218First things first a shower/bath would probably be nice. See if you can grasp a loofah or a bar of soap with your teeth, take it to buttershy and see if she takes the hint.
[ 1d100 = 21 ]
now I wanna see Twiggles filling the filly's fillybits too
>>153402Perhaps, but in the context of it all, it's just another drop in the bucket…
If people are alive, good time RIGHT NOW to raid /pol/
The mods have been dead for almost 2 hours now.
>>153420Threads are starting to kill - mods woke up.
They were asleep nearly 3 hours straight, the dicks almost took over /pol/
>>153401>"Twilight, when I said I wanted mommy milk, I didn't mean it like this."
>>153430Nah, it'd sound more like "Hrrk, grrrrrrrrk…"
>>153192Ignoring Twilight for perhaps the fifth time in a row, you look around for some paper and something to write with. Not finding anything immediately, you decide to tear off a piece of your unfinished homework sheet. You probably won't need it where you're going.
Dear Pinkie,
Headed to Canterlot this loop to see if I can figure out what the hell's going on.
Lots of love,
You fold it up and bind it with a paperclip before passing it to Twilight.
"Do me a favor and give that to Pinkie Pie if you see her in the park today while you're out testing your flight spell. Be a good courier, and don't read it."
>"And since when am I your courier?""Since none of this matters anyway. I'm gonna be off to do something crazy, and will be back tomorrow when you wake up."
Without another word, you run out the door. You kind of wish you had gotten breakfast first, but you're not sure if you're going to have time, and it's not as if you can die from starvation anyway. Nonetheless, you make your way to the train station on an empty stomach. If it takes as much time to get to Canterlot as it did to make it to Ponyville, you figure you'll have an hour to mess around before time resets itself. Or it won't, because you'll have gone outside of some spell radius. Never hurts to try, right?
Unfortunately, you don't have any money for the train. As luck would have it, however, security is trash. There's just one guy whose job it is to make sure there aren't any stow aways, and he just left for donuts. Ponyville is too honest for him to give a shit about his job of keeping ponies honest. You sneak in through the back and take a seat. Luckily, you know that there's no one to check your ticket once you're already on the train.
After about 15 minutes of waiting, the train starts moving, and you're off in the general direction of Canterlot. You're not quite sure what your plan for this is, but you've got several hours to figure it out. Another ten minutes later, however, and you are no closer to figuring out a good plan. The closest you can think of is to bug Celestia about it and see if she can fix your problem, but you still aren't sure of how to grab an audience within an hour, or how to convince her of what's going on. Plus, it could possibly take over an hour for her to cast whatever spell she'd need to break your time loop, which would cause you to run out of time. You know nothing about how magic works, and you're just sort of winging this entire thing.
And as you contemplate all of this, a certain purple spook places her hooves around your eyes from behind, having completely sneaked up on you.
>"Oh Anon, guess who…"
>>153436"Purple, if you keep this up, I'm going to start reminding you about the CIA's meme warfare division from now until the end of time."
[ 1d100 = 77 ]
>>153437>Purple was their top shitposter
>>153436The mare of my dreams?
[ 1d100 = 23 ]
>>153443Look at the bright side: your roll added to my roll makes 100.
>>153432Twilight's gotta pull out of her mouth sometime.
And pop something else in.
>>153436Pennywise, is that you?
>>153436I give you one fucking job..
[ 1d100 = 49 ]
>>153436A Glow-In-The-Dark CIA Nigger?
[ 1d100 = 96 ]
>>153459>>153496I feel bad for you.
>>153560Anon should be proud: not only is he large enough to have Filly literally be wrapped around his dick, but he's got an erection so powerful he can lift her up using ONLY his dick.
>>153564Damn, now I want a donut.
>>153564Can't help but feel a bit bad for anonfilly given the aftermath she is about to experience if that is a jelly filled donut
>or perhaps I should feel bad for Purple who would have to clean up and give anonflly a bath>on second thought I think anonfilly would enjoy it if it was jelly filled
>>153564>>153565>>153566Cream-filled long johns are better.
But I'd still eat Filly's donut.
>>153567I don't like cream
>>153571Damn, not even just basic vanilla cream? Twinkie cream? Anything?
>>153567>>153571>>153575>ywn be a cream-filled fillywhy live
>>153577 (checked)
God I wish that were me.
>>153575Creamy textures trigger my gag reflex they're so nasty.
>>153580That includes sour cream, whip cream, frosting, icing, pudding, cream cheese, mayonnaise, etc.
>>153580>>153581I genuinely feel bad for you.
>ywn fist filly's ponut
why live
>>153582It's the least of my problems, tbh.>>153585w-wew
>>153548>filly can't pull the yokeShameful, filly lost most of her body strength and can't pull a simple control yoke.
It's like being so weak you can't turn a steering wheel that has power steering
Either that or flip on autopilot
Or let someone more qualified use it.
It's a pity suicidal fillies are flying our planes nowadays.
>>153587But you lose out on so many foods and meals. You've never gotten to experience the wonders of stroganoff, for fucks sake!
>>153589Stroganoff is actually palatable to me. It's not
that creamy.
>>152654What the fuck even is this thread
Like do you people actually unironically want to be turned into a child cartoon pony so you can be fucked or "bred" by people from /mlpol/ or you yourself fuck an /mlpol/ user that has been turned into a little filly? Do you realize how ridiculous that is
This is by far the most degenerate general on /mlpol/ I mean it combines fucking pedophilia, transformation, beastiality and/or xenophilia and whatever other fetshes you might have and Tbh I gagged a lil bit upon discovering this thread
Please consider psychiatric help and reevaluate your life of you unironically browse this general and look at anon filly pictures
>>153592Now the thread can begin
>>153591Might just be my stroganoff, then.
Anyways, carry on!
>>153436"Pennywise, is that you?"
She uses her hooves to playfully move your jaw around and mouth out her next few words.
>"We all float down here.""No, but really, what are you doing here, you glow-in-the-dark CIA nigger?"
>"I could ask you the same thing. Something about hearing, 'none of this matters anyway' piqued my curiosity. Since you're not particularly concerned about leaving everyone behind at the drop of a hat, why should I? Now tell me, why exactly are we headed to Canterlot of all places? I don't suppose you plan on betraying us all to the changelings, do you? Because you don't seem the type. If it's something more innocuous, I might be willing to help."
>>153595Actually, yeah, a visit to the changelings sounds great.
[ 1d100 = 3 ]
>>153595explain everything to her and add on the fact that Chrysalis gives you a boner
[ 1d100 = 58 ]
>>153595Explain to her that we're in a time loop, it's not like she'll remember tomorrow anyway, and she should count that as a blessing since she doesn't have to remember multiple hangovers.
[ 1d100 = 40 ]
Sorry about another unexpected long break, I had to deal with family and then my computer came down with Blue-Screen-of-Death syndrome and I had to do some very tedious trial and error before getting it fixed today.
>>153597This, be honest. Twi might be able to help
[ 1d100 = 41 ]
>>153192That was not
>Hape, that was just a normal hug. Where s the surprise, the struggle, the abuse of personal space…
I want my money back!
Though it was pank so I guess she would always be willing to go for some hugs at any time.>>153595Everyone s being too nice to purpul, so here s a curveball if the roll allows
"Might be willing to help, hah, if only you hadnt put me in this time loop in the first place it would ve been helpful enough"
Dont forget the unintentional horse snort
[ 1d100 = 45 ]>>153599Welcome back to the land of the living
>>153595Next loop, have a conversation with Twiggles, write it down word for word, and every loop rewrite it, hand it to twilight and go through the exact same conversation. Should speed things up so we dont have to convince her of a time loop every loop
>>153604Forgot roll
[ 1d100 = 13 ]
I've been playing with Ren'py to try and learn how to make visual novels. I turned Fauvra's story into a kinetic novel. You can play it without download here:
https://gamejolt.com/games/CMCAnonFilly/346632just hit play before it gets taken down for copywrite by teh j00s. Enjoy!
>>153606Damn, this is pretty great, Anon!
>>153595"That depends. How familiar are you with Groundhog Day scenarios? Because I'm stuck in one right now, and the only way to get out of it is (hopefully) in Canterlot."
[ 1d100 = 63 ]Also, I just had a thought: wouldn't the Element of Loyalty still be stuck in the void by the Everfree Castle while waiting for the Element of Magic to find all of the other Element Bearers?
>>153606neato, friendo. Do mine next.
>>153595>>153604Yeah something like this. I was thinking we should ask her to tell us something about herself that we have no way of knowing yet so she knows something's up when we spill it in future loops. Explain first tho
>>153597 [ 1d100 = 50 ]
>>153610update your story
>>153610Write moar first, faggot.
>>153610Dead fillies don't get content made for them.
I want to bully the filly
>>153677>"Anon? W-why are you being so mean??">"I-I'm not ugly! I'm c-cute! Twilight says so!"
>>153671That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
>>153686Stop using my name reeeeeeeeeee
>>153699Its not really stealing if all the fillies are equal and the same afterall
I-is Starlight proud of me yet?
Yes it is me, the real Fauvra.
I have returned from the dead.
>>153707Good to see you back.
>>153697>>153699Sounds like fun!
>>153711Confirmed Reuben impersonator, I don't think Reuben has more than fifteen fillies in his folder
>>153606Nice. Looking forward to a full-length adaptation of the Feral Filly fic soon…
Thought you could get rid of me, eh?
Hiya all I moved, time to draw all the babbies.
>>153736Too late, it's already been started.
>>153697Real Placeholder here saying that this is exactly what I would've done. Good job!
>>153595"You know, I wasn't planning on betraying you all for the changelings, but now that you mention it, I'm starting to have second thoughts. That Chrysalis, unf. She gives me such a boner."
>"So you haven't lost your masculinity. Experiencing some sort of phantom limb syndrome? Or phantom dick, as it may be?""Nah, I'm jut razzing you. Although maybe I will want to have sex with a changeling when this is all done with. Fulfill any fetish you want, and make you forget about the shame the next day if what we experienced back in Canterlot is indicative of all of them."
>"Shit, that does sound almost enticing enough to forget that I'm married. Almost. So anyways, what the hell ARE you doing headed to Canterlot?""Well… are you familiar with the plot of the movie Groundhog Day?"
>"Time loop, right?""Yep."
>"How many loops has it been so far?""This would be the seventh."
>"And what did I say to you when you first told this to me?""Uhh…"
>"Oh don't tell me you didn't bother asking me first.""Okay, I won't tell you."
>"I am actually a bit offended right now.""To be fair, I spent a decent amount of time just fucking around when I realized I was in a time loop. Now I'm ACTUALLY trying to solve this problem, and I've got a hunch that the solution is going to be in Canterlot. And by hunch, I don't mean it's my psychic powers telling me that, since they don't work right now. Only time I managed to get them to function properly was last loop, when Pinkie did the equivalent of blowing on the proverbial game cartridge and showed me being the Element of Loyalty. By the way, Pinkie's looping too."
>"Well, that's a bit to take in. So… what HAVE you tried thus far to end the loop, and what makes you think the solution is in Canterlot?"
>>153755Well, convincing you was easy. If killing ourselves counts, exactly one thing. We're gonna go talk to Sunhorse about it I guess, since she knew Starswirl and stuff and has all his books.
[ 1d100 = 57 ]
>>153755Well, correcting some small, harmless, not even worth mentioning mistakes from the original loop didn't work. Suicide, while an interesting experience, thankfully yielded no results. Now it's time to see what Sunbutt has to say.
[ 1d100 = 50 ]
>>153755Killing ourselves, apologizing for misdeeds that may or may not have been related to this, telling some asshat with a strange sense of humor to give us a do-over… Anything I'm missing?
[ 1d100 = 15 ]
Anon enjoying scavenged Stable Security Barding.
>>153755"First, I WAS going to go through the list of Groundhog Day tropes until I came across the one that got me stuck after I was done fucking around, but Pinkie got to me first. Second…well, I honestly don't know. Hell, I don't even think it's in Canterlot, but asking the resident pretty pony princess (who happens to be the last pony to actually see the damn thing) sounds like a good start."
[ 1d100 = 60 ]
>>153761I don't see a weapon on her, so I don't think she'll be around long enough to enjoy her new barding.
Good shit, though.
>>153755"Tried killing myself and that's about it. I have half the mind to off myself in front of you next loop to see what happens. Y'know assuming this loop doesn't pan out."
[ 1d100 = 15 ]
>>153763It might be on her other side.
>>153763Hooves are weapons.
>>153766Fair enough.
>>153770Well, against radroaches, maybe even mole rats. Raiders and deathclaws/hellhounds will just laugh at you, though.
>>153744That is cute beyond comprehension.
>>153778I will bully you with my love!
>>153796N-no, just a typo!
>>153798Is that a challenge?!
>>153799There's a reason why I make filly suffer in my green. It's self-hate to fulfill my masochism but also hate against those who oppose me.
>>153800Jokes on you, that's my fetish.
>>153802>>153803Actually no u, you're either not going, or you're not going without me! Wherever you end up, I
will be there, and I
will love you!
>>153804>>153803>Player 3 joins.>mfw
>>153800We need a filly making this face.
>>153802Just accept it, m80
Whew, actually feels close to something the real Lone would type
>>153701How dare you steal my name! I worked (not) very hard on that! You didn't even get the capital F right!
>>153823>Twilight, I think there's something wrong with your filly.
>>153823Anon, are you ok?
>>153829>"Hey Anon, how was your first day of school?">That image
If you were turned into a filly, then who would you like to be your adoptive mom the most?
>>153836Derpy a best, plus i d get a lil/big sis as bonus
>>153836Celestia. Princess Anon would be funny as hell.
Alright, time to remind you all that the Discord exists if you want it.
>>153836Appul Horse.
>>153843We know.
It's just that Discord sucks ass.
Reminder that this is the Discord to join if you want to be the little pony,
>>153836>>153842Oh right. I should get back to writing.
>Another day in Equestria.>After fucking up another spell, I found myself to be the latest pony sporting the latest in alicorn fashion.>Celestia had dragged me off to Canterlot.>Life in the castle was slowly becoming a bit more tolerable.>The maids seemed to have gotten over their tendency to assault me with cuddles.>Mostly.>Celestia assured me that she was still working to take care of the legal matters that would make me technically exist to the legal system, but she always followed it up with that weird cryptic smile.>Meh. Probably nothing.>I was in the middle of trying to figure out a way to use my new hooves to use some flatware when the telltale hum of magic accompanied the door opening.>A mob of servants and guards descended upon me before I could react."Agh! Watch where you put that thing! Ow! Where'd you learn to use a comb? What the fuck is going on??"
>"The princess has ordered us to make you ready and to escort you to the balcony for an announcement to the public.">Apparently this involved massive levels of brushing.>Then I saw a makeup kit and dress approaching."I'm not havin' any part of that."
>My protests and attempt at escape was thwarted by the many ponies fussing over my mane and tail.>A flurry of activity later, and I wobbled, head spinning."I… I feel so used…"
>"Now now, no fainting. You veel ruin ze dress!">Some prissy unicorn held up a mirror.>My mane glistened.>My coat shone.>They somehow made my eyelashes look huge.>Everything in general had a sparkliness to it."I look like a total fag."
>I started trying to remove the dress at least, but a couple of guards grabbed me and started dragging me along before I could get a good start.>"No time. The announcement will happen shortly.""What announcement? What the fuck is going on?"
>"Nopony knows. So, just smile and nod, and keep quiet, for Celestia's sake.">After a winding trip down halls I hadn't been down before, I spotted the royal sisters standing beside a pair of double doors.>"Ah, and here she is now.">Celestia smiled a little too wide for my liking."What's going on, and why do I look like a total fruit?"
>"Oh, it's wonderful, Anonymous. I've finally finished everything needed. There were a few… complications… but I've managed to find a way to fix your troubles.""I guess that's good?"
>She continued before I could ask more.>"All that remains is to make a teensy little announcement. Oh, and if anypony asks, your name is Emerald Dawn.""Wait, what?"
>Before I could get more detail, she opened the doors and marched out onto a balcony overlooking a crowd of ponies below.>A veritable wall of cheering hit me as the two stood and waved.>"Thank you, everypony! I'm so glad you could make it.">The crowd quieted down, apart from someone that shouted how much they loved the princesses.>Hah, what a loser.>"These past few days, our castle has had a most special guest. A remarkable and wonderful filly. She has suffered much hardship in her life and has come through it stronger and wiser.">Well, that certainly sounded like a load of horse shit.>"She was drawn to my attention when she accomplished some very impressive deeds, and has only grown on me since she has been here.">A servant gave me a nudge from behind.>I gave them a scowl, then started walking out as they made 'shoo shoo' motions.>"So, without further ado, allow me to introduce you to… Emerald Dawn!">I could hear Luna murmur under her breath, "I still think Shaded Clover would've been a better name..">They parted a little, revealing a tiny little ramp up to a pedestal.>Supposing it was for me, I wandered my way on up."… Holy crap, that's a lot of ponies…"
>I felt a jab in my back, and reflexively I jerked straighter, wings snapping wide of their own accord.>Another round of cheering and stomping hooves washed over me.>Eventually, Celestia rose a hoof to speak again.>"As I mentioned, this poor, poor filly has suffered such great hardships. Her parents and extended family had a tragic accident at a family reunion, and she had nopony to take care of her.">Who would believe that?>"So, in recognition of her accomplishments in becoming an alicorn, and since this poor orphan and I have grown so close…">She steps closer and wraps a wing around me, giving me a smile for a moment before continuing.>"…I hereby announce that I will be adopting Emerald Dawn as my very own daughter!">Wat."What the f-"
>My objections were drowned out by the cheering.>I snapped my head in Celestia's direction.>"Smile, Anon. The crowd is watching," she quietly asided to me.>A look the other way showed Luna was just as caught off-guard as I was.>"Sister, you can't be-">"OBVIOUSLY," continued sunbutt, "Emerald Dawn is still a bit young to serve as a princess to our great nation, so until the time comes when she is old enough to be coronated and take on her royal mantle and duties, I shall do my best to be a loving mother to her. I may not be a replacement for what she has lost, but I shall strive to do my best!">With that, she abruptly pulled me into a rib creaking hug.>Sounds of the crowd exploded once again.>With a final wave, our little group was led off the balcony.
>>153848"What the fuck, Celestia?"
>"Language, dear.""No, really. What the hell is this?"
>Luna nodded in agreement. "I must admit, sister. I too am puzzled by this.">"Well, there was quite a bit of red tape around the issue, and the simplest way to cut through it all was to draw up the papers and adopt you myself. If any complications arise, I'll deal with them myself.""Still pretty messed up, Sunbutt."
>She smiled a little too cheerfully.>"Now now. Is that any way to speak to your mother? Now, come along, Emerald. There's still much to be done, including presentations, public greetings, newspaper interviews and photographers…""Luna! Help!"
>And with that, my entire week was destroyed by being dragged around alongside fusion flanks everywhere she went.
>>153848Also, note to self. A second image to serve as a bypass doesn't work here.
>>153848>>153851What was it supposed to do?
>>153856On some chans, you can repost an image in the same thread if you have other pictures in your post, too.
Guess it doesn't work that way here. Had to change a single pixel of it, and was too lazy to remove the bypass attempt.
Oh fuck! I cant belive you done that
>>153836I'm not sure. I kind of like Twilight (the normal version)
>>153755"Well, I was considering going through the list of all of the typical groundhog day tropes until I found one that worked, but Pinkie got to me first. Otherwise, I've just been fucking around until now."
>"Lovely. So nothing substantial?""I mean… killing myself doesn't work, and neither does apologizing for a tiny, completely irrelevant, not even worth mentioning mistake that I made in the first loop."
>"I absolutely believe every word of what you just said there. But go on.""Anyway, I'm figuring Canterlot might be a good start. I don't necessarily think the solution is going to be there, but speaking with Celestia could make this easier."
>"And of course you're going to be reaching her right at the end of the day, when she's got the most work piled up on her from meeting with so many dignitaries. All while neglecting the fact that I already have a faster means of bidirectional communication with her through Spike… who is not here with us on this many hour train trip, because how the hell was I supposed to know you wanted to talk with her?""Hadn't thought of that."
>"Well, maybe next time you should. Maybe tell me if something crazy is going on with you. I know it's a bit of a stretch to believe in a time loop, but I can honestly suspend my disbelief just a bit with you. You know what it's like to be a human and get zapped into another world, and I can't even imagine what it's like to get random psychic visions out of nowhere. And granted, you make a lot of mistakes - I don't know what the hell you did that first loop, but I'm certain you feel sorry about it. But you know, I feel like I can trust you just a bit. You're one of the few people I can consider a real friend on this world."A wave of guilt starts to wash over you as you realize that the very trust Twilight is placing into you now is the same trust that you violated on your first loop by fucking with Cadance. You feel like you could cry.
>>153875We feel like crying? Lets do that. Let's confess and apologize.
[ 1d100 = 71 ]
>>153876Oh wow. That's my first roll that's been over 20 in fucking months.
Finals are killing my creativity and there hasnt been enough creative prompts as of late itt, so kinda have to come explicitly for yall to pls gib ideas
And before you even ask, its to write, not draw, im not the other based +6 epic grade huefilly, just the common low grade one who can only boop as skill
…and there s an idea, Twilight trying to catch them all, fillies being used in arenas while the adults use their experience to train and fight others with fillies
To fillies, a game of who can pin the other down first, to adults, a money making scheme
What do yall think? Though im not sure it d be good as an one shot myself but eh, maybe a small semi-tied series of one shots? Or even finnaly try something bigger other than one shots…Opinions?
Wont be able to write until at least two weeks from now, but would be nice get ideas on the backburner or start plotting something for pokefilly
Rolled 54
>>153877>dubsTime to boost
>>153876Also ask about the note for Pinkie and if we cant abuse Twilight status as the princess apprentice to get to talk with Celestia quicker and not waste time
>>153875Jump out the window and suicide.
[ 1d100 = 79 ]
>>153880Not this.
[ 1d100 = 74 ]
>>153875Kill time on the train by pleasuring stallions in the bathroom. Any thoughts of guilt will be washed away by the gay.
[ 1d100 = 50 ]
>>153880Negative. Then we just end up with AllNighter's concept but a shittier writefag.
>>153880>Highest roll in actual months.>My roll BTFOed by another right after.>mfw
[ 1d100 = 26 ]
These are trips.
>>153886I boost with them, take my power.
>>153880 to Australia
[ 1d100 = 95 ]
>>153875Boosting this
>>153876[ 1d100 = 11 ]
>>153889I wonder if there is a mod on to banish him to Emuland.
>>153891There should be, I'm pretty sure that would count as a critical success!
>>153888>he doesn't know that trips don't mean anything here
>>153893>He doesn't know that the memetic power of digits cannot be compromised
>>153896>He thinks that small gets matter on small boards
>>153897>He thinks that orange filly is relevent to post in any context
>>153898>he thinks that because the image is bad the related text is also bad
>>153899>He hasn't played a quest outside of mlpol or he'd know the status gets have earned, even in a minor form such as this on a small board
>>153900>he thinks that a certain currency keeps its value between different sites or even different boards of the same sitelearn to economics, you absolute meme.
>>153901>He thinks he can apply economics to a system that is intrinsically based upon chancelearn to image board, you absolute shitpost.
>>153902Alright, I have been out-shitposted. I can't think of a better comeback, so I concede
for now.
Glad you didn't take this too seriously either, there might yet be hope for humanity.
>>153904I had a fun time as well, and oddly enough, this site seems to hold the most hope for humanity at the moment.
>>153875I'm not going to beat
>>153876 >>153880 >>153882 or
>>153889 but I damn well am going to try.
Use the power of feels to try to access some sort of vision as to how to get an audience with Celestia. Upon failure, try not to cry, but cry anyways.
[ 1d100 = 88 ]
>>153906Well, I got close, and got 88s, so I'm happy.
>>153896>>153897>>153898>>153899>>153900>>153901>>153902>>153903>>153904>>153905Wew, that's a long chain of replies between two other anons from the post I made half an hour ago
gets still don't matter on a board as slow as this one though, and only dice are being used for the CYOA anyway
>>153907Beating the suicide option is all that matters.
>>153908>half an hournot counting the 6 minutes I took to type that up, apparently
>>153909In which case, pic related.
>>153849Momlestia a bestia
>>153913The war changed the filly in ways irreversible.
>>153848>>153849i love your green so far, didn't think to respond the first time but i hope you continue this
>>153958That is one lewd filly.
I wonder who the lucky bastard is who seduced her.
>>153958>>153962Looks to me like it's Big Mac
>>153971That s a small Big Mac considering filly's size then, that or she s a big mare
>>153972Clearly they are the same age, and this was back when they were both hormonal foals just starting puberty.
>>153976First heat, etc, etc.
>>153971You could certainly choose worse genes to be breed with.
>>153973I like to imagine that filly's about to sit down on Twilight hard, shoving her up her vagina. The when she's deep in there Anon will seal her vagina and Twiggles will be trapped there.
>>153991Holy shit, did Nootaz draw that one?
>>153994Noice. 'Bout time we get a Filly from him.
Alright, I think I'll be able to put out regularly after this. Sorry for the wait.>>152767>You'll have to think that one over…"Sorry, I have to digest everything you've told me. I can't promise you I can be seen with you after you get out of this shithole, but I'll be damned if I can't find a way to help you…"
>"Okay, thanks anyways… you never did tell me your name, I want to have something other than 'Green Savior,' if you will.""Heh. Not only do you flatter me, but you're also rather close. My name is Green Clover, I really wish we could've met in better circumstances than this…"
>"These are the best I've had in months. The ponies here are really kind, the bed is warm and I was allowed to bathe. I-I used to dream about baths when I was…">You continue to stroke her mane lightly, careful not to be intrusive with your touch>At first she shied away from the contact, but over time she has begun to lean towards you ever so slightly.>You know now that what you said a few minutes ago was a lie.>There was no way you could bring yourself to leave this filly.>Be Peanut.>After a few minutes of coaxing, Clover was able to get you to tell her more.>Well, a few minutes of ear rubs, really…>The day after you first arrived was when all of the discomfort really began.>You were fed a meal of dried oats and led out into a large room.>You weren't alone in there, you were greeted by the faces of twenty fillies and colts.>Every pegasus had at least one wing tucked into their side like you did.>Of all of the faces, yours seemed to be the only one bearing an expression of confusion.>Everyone else held either a blank expression, a horrified one, or a wide-toothed grin.>You later learned that those ponies were to be avoided at all costs.>Some seemed to be capable of forming coherent sentences, others simply screeched loudly when interacted with.>All bit.>On the first day, you were optimistic.>Maybe not all of the ponies would treat you like your new father did.>Holding your muzzle high, you listened quietly to instructions given by the stallion that led you, wincing at the pain in your wing every once in a while.>As you were led out of the common area and down a poorly-lit hallway you came to a locked door which the stallion soon opened with a set of keys.>This room became your life.>Your wing was set after a few days, a powerful binding spell keeping you from using it, or as an extension injure yourself.>Bathing was a privilege you were only granted once when a bad bout of colic caused you to nearly rupture your intestines.>Clover gave you a puzzled look at that, almost like she didn't know about the dangers of colic.>In order to avoid your matted fur infecting the wound, they decided to pressure-wash you before hooking you up to the IV drips.>Even though the procedure was rather painless under anesthesia, that was just the first hoop to jump through.>They needed your blood, you have no idea why.>They would drain you until you felt woozy enough to pass out, pouring water down your throat bit by bit through a sippy cup afterwards.>You almost became excited for those days actually, you received double your normal helping of oats.>You learned not to vomit. They would just scream at you for that, so you took up humming.>They were simple tunes, but Clover still asked to listen to them.>She seemed almost entranced by you, a green snake in your proverbial basket, you weilding the flute.>…>Well it was based off of the swaying motions, but that sounded a lot better.>Over time as Clover's expressions shift from concern to anger to disgust and back again, you feel the warmth of everything starting to take you as you slowly slip out of consciousness.>…>Be the filly.>You almost want to vomit at this point as well.>Damn this wormcake of a planet…>Carefully pulling the hood back over Peanut's mane, you move slowly over to League's bed.>As she stirs, you pull over a spare stool.>"Hey, what took you so F-wording long?">Input action.
>>154003>filly will never gently touch your cock with her frog while you hold hooves Why live?
>>154007>(You)>Being the colt>>>/Out/
>>154011speaking of, i remembered who the last confirmed colt is
so we have moozua, fedorashy, and the last is santa pone, for this piece
>>154012There is no such thing as "femanon turns into a colt" in this place. Everybody is a filly here.
>>154013>implying anyone turns into the filly
>>154013thats been the global rule though
guys into fillies, grills into colts
i only mention it cause im not a horsecock craving faggot, but whatever you say, lockhe4rt senpai
>>154015Stop pretending to be a colt to make things less gay for you, filly.
>>154024Oh boy, fishing time?
>>15402415 Minutes, down.
>>154030It was just a link in the OP, mate.
If anything goes awry we just ban some shitters, no biggie.
what's with all these fillies
Did you guys get kicked from /trash/ cause the mods thought that Anonfilly was loli?
I haven't been following the drama of this place up close since you all got /trash/ed, but I always thought the situation you all were in was crazy. Going through the /trash/ catalog makes it seem like loli and shota are a big no there.
>>154038If I recall, people didn't like that you can't use names on /trash/ and decided to move here instead. It's also nice not needing to bump the thread every hour to keep it from dying.
>>154041>can't use names No.
>>154041>bump the thread every hour to keep it from dyingYes.
>>154043Either way, This site is a step up from the shithole 4chan has become.
>>154044/mlpol/: Home of the Anonfilly
"D-do I look cute, Daddy?"
>>154047Yes, but why are you wearing clothes?
>>154044>>154043Don't forget thread archival.
>>154047>when your filly daughteru unknowingly dresses up as a 19th century whore and asks you if she looks cute
>>153849>fusion flanksKek. Good update
>>154006This is getting pretty dark
>>153913>>153958>>153991>>154003>>154047>>154048Lots of nice new art
>>154051>"Daddy, why did mommy have these clothes in the back of her closet? Did she play dress-up?"
>>154052It says input action at the bottom for a reason, ya'know.
>>154006Sorry, kinda had a weird talk with Twilight.
[ 1d100 = 98 ]
>>154054I don't often know what to suggest for the CYOAs, sorry.
>>154052>Implying it never was darker than Michael Jordan>>154006"I met a new friend here in the hospital. She was feeling pretty hurt and lonely so I had to spend some time."
[ 1d100 = 48 ]
>>153875You briefly contemplate opening a window, jumping out, and killing yourself to avoid your current sense of shame. A number of variables make you realize that this is a bad idea. First of all, Equestria's trains are not like bullet trains, and it is quite possible that you might survive in your collision with the soft and muddy terrain outside. You would be bloodied up, and probably break all of the bones in your body, but there is a chance that you would not die. Secondly, and most importantly, you'd remember everything you are currently experiencing when you wake up the next morning, plus the additional guilt of having bailed on Twilight after she requested to be let in on your problems more often. Since this is obviously a bad idea, you quickly banish it to live in Australia, so some aboriginal can instead try it out.
Another idea you consider, for a slightly longer period of time, is to confess to Twilight just what all you did on that first loop, and to apologize once again profusely. Of course, you aren't sure if the loop you are on will be your last, and so you use this as an excuse for your moral cowardice. Perhaps someday you will tell her, but today might not be the best time to do so.
Instead, you decide to turn to your future sight again. You suppose you won't be able to use them to find the exact solution out of the time loop, but with Pinkie Pie re-activating them to show you your destiny, you find it worth a try to apply them to tertiary goals. Focusing on your psychic powers, you attempt to see a means to easily meet with Celestia. To your surprise, you obtain an answer: look for her in the palace kitchens, enjoying a slice of cake. Your vision cuts out after that, however. Perhaps you may not be able to see forever into the future, but knowing that you can at least obtain a glimpse is worth shedding a tear of joy.
Twilight looks at you, somewhat confused at the fact that you have tears in your eyes and a smile on your face, and you have been silent for the past ten minutes.
>"Is something the matter?"
>>154066Okay, NOW it's time to give Twilight your best hugging, while exclaiming your success, your deep appreciation for Twilight's existence and friendship, and firm disappointment in how Celestia can't stick to her diet.
[ 1d100 = 30 ]
>>154066Fuck. Wasn't expecting that to work. We might have an actual chance this loop. Just hug the purple and try not to cry.
"Nothing you, fucking spook."
[ 1d100 = 64 ]
>>154066Hug twiggles and tell her what you saw in your vision.
[ 1d100 = 36 ]
>>154066>Break all the bones in your body>Not dieMore proof Reuben knows jack shit about compound fractures.
>>154070Filly is a college dropout and doesn't know shit about compound fractures either.
>>154067>>154068>>154069You can certainly tell what the people want.
>>154072I mean, she is basically meant for hugging.
>>154070Well, you wouldn't die immediately, it would just be a prolonged, painful affair.
>>154066Say "Not a single thing" while continuing to grin like an idiot.
[ 1d100 = 13 ]
>>154071And based on prior context, neither do you. Using lack of character knowledge as an excuse to cover up your own is a poor writing habit.
I need ideas for non-lewd filly drawings.
>>154076Drunk filly riding on a bouncy Pinkie Pie
>>154076Filly fucking with the royal gaurd the castle.
>>154073I can't deny that.
>>154076I don't think we've had a filly manning a lemonade stand/hug stand yet.
>>153889I'll fucking have him
>>154076Tearful filly standing over the broken pieces of her Buck Rogers action figure.
>>154075Just one word, "immediately," would have fixed the sentence. It's not worth getting on his case for that.
>>154076Tearful filly standing over the broken pieces of her Buck Rogers action figure.
>>154075Just one word, "immediately," would have fixed the sentence. It's not worth getting on his case for that.
>>154076Filly in a T-34 driving up to Canterlot Castle with a Gadsden flag on the back. View positioned behind the royal sisters
>>154076Filly on a field trip with her class, visiting the local fire department.
>>154076filly asking why she needs to eat all the eggs
filly playing vidya with anon
can always use more filly cuddling
filly with her filly
rebellious teen filly
filly drawing filly
filly stealing cookies like a faggot
a bunch of fillies in a car, driver saying, "get in faget, we're going anon hunting" or some shit
holding hoovesbat filly and moth filly calling each other terrible ocs
fluffy filly with her white winter coat
comfy filly enjoying hot chocolate under a blanket
filly sneaking into karaoke bar drunk and singing linkin park songs
filly eating an eggplant, while anon looks on horrified
filly pushing over chocolate milk with twilight proudly watching
filly following zecora/zebra filly yelling "WE WUZ KANGS"
fluffy filly lying on her back with socks, waiting for belly rubs
filly in a cute schoolgirl dress
filly getting ear rubs/hoof massages/mane brushing/snootle booped/back pets
there was actually 1 idea i had before, but even after all that i couldnt remember it, fuck me
>>154120I second rebellious teen filly
>"It's not a phase mom."
>>154120>filly asking why she needs to eat all the eggsSeconded.
>>154122maybe another line instead? or we really goin for 3?
>>154120>can always use more filly cuddling>filly with her filly>filly stealing cookies like a faggot>bat filly and moth filly calling each other terrible ocs>fillies holding hooves>comfy filly enjoying hot chocolate under a blanket>fluffy filly lying on her back with socks, waiting for belly rubs>filly getting ear rubs/hoof massages/mane brushing/snootle booped/back petsseconding these
and if the bat filly and moth filly idea is drawn, I'd personally like to see each of them blushing and/or scrunching at each other
>>154120Filly having her hooves tickled and being embarrassed for laughing.
>>154137>ywn tickle filly's hooves>ywn have your hooves tickled as the fillywhy live
>>154120>filly asking why she needs to eat all the eggsFuck it, I'm seconding just from how absurd that line is.
>>154140I'm okay with this.
>>154076Anonfilly making a silly drawing of Cheerilee, and now has to sit through detention.
>>154140>ywn be the filly and have your hooves tickled until you wet yourself
>>154150I am also okay with this.
>>154150Pinkie really should have stopped tickling you when you laughed so hard you started crying while trying to tell her to stop.
>>154076Anon overhearing other fillies, maybe the CMC, talking about My Big Human and how they want to go to America and have Elon Musk use science to turn them all into men.
>>154162Stealing this request, no offense.
Anonfilly overhearing other fillies, maybe the CMC, talking about that one human who ended up in Equestria, and what a hero he was to all Equestrians as he saved many with his bravery. Anonfilly can only smile as she once was that human they're talking about, yet she can never tell them for reasons.
>>154162CMCs should really stop hanging out with Lyra.
Is assfaggot still here? He hasn't updated in a while
I wonder if CounrtyRoads and the writefag for the story with earth filly and pegafilly are hanging around; it's been a while since we've had content/updates from either of them
I also miss Killiangel - he hasn't been around since a while before the exodus from /mlp/…
>>154172Last I saw CountryRoads was maybe a month ago? I remember because he was having a bit of trouble getting onto the site using mobile, but he eventually did it.
>>154173Yeah, I think it was about a month or two ago since CountryRoads was last here with his name on, and I can't remember how long it's been since the writefag I mentioned has posted an update
It has been quite a while for each of them though, so it would be nice if they could just check in and let us know they're still here, even if they aren't able to deliver content at the moment
>>154174It's always nice to have more fillies in the thread, either way.
>>154174Why can't you just appreciate the content we're getting for once?
>>154178The current fags get their dicks suck plenty when they post content, but that doesn't change the fact that more dicks to suck is always better. Now take a (You) and begone.
>>154181Tell that to Lone.
>>154174Erf-filly is still alive.
That's all I'm saying.
>>154178>he doesn't appreciate contentfags at all unless they're pumping out content 24/7
>>154187Pretty much pic related
>>154193That's a tiny filly.
>>154187A big shoutout to all the content creators who are still here. You're what got me through seasons 5-8.
>>154195This. I appreciate all of you content fillies. Don't stop what you're doing.
>>154213>implyingkill yourself, shill
>>154213This is one half of the reason why we hate you PTF(A)G(S).
>>154213Anonfilly came from a comic that was originally drawn for MLPG, not PTFG.
>>154223Anonfilly already existed in several PTFG stories before that comic.
>>154213>>154224PTFG shill fuck off.
>>154224thats not anonfilly you massive cocksucking faggot, that was just the idea
dont be comparing a concept to its finished product when they're completely different.
>>154230Kiki's Fillivery Service?
>>154066For some reason, you feel so overcome by joy that you can't help but throw your arms around Twilight, and tackle her to the ground in your embrace.
"Absolutely nothing, you fucking spook."
She returns the hug and smiles, with a look in her eye that shows she knows you're hiding something.
>"I'm going to believe that for all of about two seconds.""Okay, okay, maybe it's not entirely nothing. I got a vision, finally. I saw Celestia eating cake in the kitchen. Probably the best place to bug her."
>"That's a start. So, powers are back?""Somewhat. Pretty sure I can't use it to cheese the whole time loop thing to pull a solution out of nowhere."
>"Well, we can't always get what we want, can we? I guess that'll have us heading to Canterlot anyways?""Pretty much."
With a general idea of what to do when you reach Canterlot, and why you're heading there in the first place, you and Twilight spend the next several hours doing whatever you can to kill the boredom. In your rush to catch the train, you had neglected to bring a lunch, and Twilight in turn had neglected to bring a book (not that she had any clue that she might need one). Thus, you content yourselves with the only games you can think of that only require eyes, a brain, and the ability to talk.
Things like "I spy" and "20 questions" end up getting boring after a few hours, but you at least manage to spice things up with a good old game of "punch pony". There's no such thing as a Volkswagen Beetle in Equestria, but you do occasionally see ponies out in the countryside, and the wide variety of their coat colors make them a suitable alternative. The rest of the ponies on the train were of course off limits for naming new pony colors, but it was perfectly legitimate to use obscure color names to ensure more punches got thrown over the course of the day.
"Punch pony mauve" are the last words you hear from the game as the train begins its ascent up the mountain which hosts Canterlot. It doesn't take too much longer to reach the city, but the number of ponies you see within the mountain passes themselves is greatly diminished, in no small part to the large number of dark tunnels that cut directly through the mountain. You're pretty sure that this isn't a very efficient way to design a railroad, but then again, building a metropolis on top of a very steep mountain overlooking flatland doesn't seem like the wisest idea either, especially when many of your enemies can fly, negating its defensive utilities.
When you step off the train, you find that Canterlot looks just like it did when you left it only a few weeks ago, but somehow you get the eerie feeling as if you shouldn't be there. You aren't sure why, however, as this feeling is coming from your gut, and not your ESP. Of course, it could just be general nervousness combined with having skipped lunch.
What do you do?
>>154234Do the smart thing and remain wary of whatever could prove threatening as we make our way to Celestia.
[ 1d100 = 33 ]
>Kiki'sFuck that was a good movie. BRB, gonna harass Select.
>>154234Gut feelings tend to be accurate, but usually only if someone else shares the same feeling. Quickly confirm or deny your suspicions with Purple before acting accordingly on your way up to Canterlot proper.
[ 1d100 = 33 ]
>>154235>>154239>both rolls 33Fucking wat?
>Finally grt this site to work, sorta>Wonder if I'm too dead to come back>Anon's say they welcome content makers>Internal debate over if I even count anymoreFuck it. Its been twenty minutes here
https://pastebin.com/aKP25Jn7 [Embed]Can I atleast get cuddles if its good?
I like cuddles
>>154240RNGsus wants us to be safe, then.
>>154242Welcome back, I thought you were kill.
Yes please, never enough League.
>Roll tieI can probably combine these two, assuming no one comes out and rolls a 100 to make filly jump off of the mountain.
>>154237A dude who runs movie night on the filly Discord. It's pretty cool if you like to hang out with your fellow fillies and watch funny movies.
>>154242>pic related>>154245You absolute madman, don't jinx it!
>>154234Jump off the mountain.
[ 1d100 = 6 ]
>>154244Oh yeah, forgot to elaborate. Fuck yes it's good.
>>154245Boosting this
[ 1d100 = 72 ]
>>154248>>154251I'm banishing both of you to Australia.
[ 1d100 = 38 ]
>>154252Fuck off, we're full.
[ 1d100 = 5 ]
>Boosting thisBoosting what?
>>154256RNGsus says Australia still has plenty of room!
[ 1d100 = 88 ]
>>154257How has RNGsus blessed you, so?
>>154257Well, if the ghost of the Fuhrer says so.
>>154259I'm not sure, I just type the stuff and He makes it happen. Praise!
>>154261Let me try. Praise!
[ 1d100 = 21 ]
>>154262Whelp, time to end my suffering.
>>154255>>Roll tie>I can probably combine these two
>>154260Bad ideas get banished to Australia. We've already banished "jumping out of a moving train", what more is "jumping off of Canterlot Mountain"?
>>154263Nah, you're doing it wrong; you have to invoke His name when you roll or else it doesn't work. Example: RNGsus wills that I roll above 50.
[ 1d100 = 47 ]
>>154267…and it looks like I've lost favor.
>>154267So close, and yet so far. You now have to dress up in cute clothing and pretend to be a filly for a full day.
[ 1d100 = 19 ]
>>154266>tfw by that logic, your very existence is a bad idea
>>154272No I don't.
[ 1d100 = 62 ]
>>154230Upload Pic.
to Derpibooru.
PTFG shill changes the source to his thread instead of the one it originated from. >mfw
>>154275so then change it back!
>>154275Wow, what a faggot.
>>154279It might be worth looking into if they do this shit often.
>>154280Knowing those faggots, it's only a matter of time.
Rip all of the anonfilly pics in the "not anonfilly" thread.
>>154275>>154278Updated source to the archive.
>>154275Of all the people the niggers in the UK could knife, they don't knife the absolute shitheel of the lot.
Rolled 91
>>154267You all suck at rolling
[ 1d100 = 50 ]
>>154286says the fag who rolled in two different ways! RNGsus only blesses the PURE of heart and mind!
[ 1d100 = 93 ]
>>154283My images keep getting deleted, but imnot getting B&, Anyone wanna help me out?
>>154289They left the ded filly pic, kek.
>>154290They must be having fun, if im not banned yet.
>>154292This battle going on right now is awesome.
>>154245>DiscordThe absolute state of our contentfags
Any bans yet? I'm shocked the thread is still up.
>>154305This has been going for over an hour with no bans? Either there are zero mods or something fucky is going on.
Is scruffy letting the thread live so he can save all these fillypics?
someone take over for me plz, ive been at this for almost 3 hrs.
No matter the outcome, I love you all.
>>154230And this is why Twilight shouldnt allow Starlight to take Anon with her to the sleepover at Trixie's
>>154316>File deletedFucking lel, imagine being
this traumatised by a fictional character.
>>154220They're so bitter about being left behind while we went away to the cool board.
Of course, they want to be seen as cool bronies who'll "Never get off the wild ride", which to them, means never leaving 4chan no matter how Jewed it gets.
>>154344That wouldn't explain why they initiated the Exodus though.
>>154345Maybe they wanted you gone from their precious circlejerk. But didn't realize fewer members means less content.
Now they're mad because we are having more fun than them.
I heard the >ithurts generalfags were kicked off the site when someone said "Hey, Ithurts is just like Anonfilly, why only ban one", where did they go?
>>154316>Green is not a creative color
>>154351I think they moved to /trash/ for a while before disappearing.
>>154333>The faggot is sitting there, watching the thread, clicking the refresh button over and over as he waits for new fillies to appear
>>154356They kept going until last month when the Silver Spoon story finished. Another green started up but wasn't active enough to sustain the thread by itself.
>>154362This has been going on for nearly seven hours. If it were some bitchy mod bans would have been instant, and if it was an angry janitor maybe half an hour. The only thing that makes sense at this point is a bot or a jani that secretly likes filly.
>>153848>>153849Goddamn this Celestia would drive me up the wall. Filly deserves some respect.
>>154366Even after being turned into a filly, mares still treat Anon like a piece of meat.
So it was a Janny after all.
>>154369At least he knows its just funposting
Cant blame him for doing his job
4 F R E E
But i still wish we could still go back home, not that im not thankfull for /mlpol/, but it just isnt the same without all the fun shitposting
Rolling for a thing, dont mind this
[ 1d100 = 27 ]
>>154365I want to snuggle and do salacious things with (adult) Silver Spoon.
>>154369So what does this mean? That the janitor doesn't really mind Anonfilly, but the moderator forces him to delete it when the mod is not around to do it himself?
>>154376Probably doesn't mean anything besides there's one janitor that remembers what fun is.
>>154376Maybe the janitor know the times of the butthurt mod and just delete the thread
and play "delete the filly" before 0 fun mod appear
>>154378I know I used to have a filly version of this, but it must have gotten lost somewhere.
>>154396What do you mean filly version of that? There's absolutely nothing that says Anonfilly can't hold hooves with another pony.
>>154399I posted it in a previous Anonfilly thread, and someone did an edit to change the hooves' outline from black to green.
>>154400Ooh, okay. Then I kinda get what you meant.
>someone did an edit to change the hooves' outline from black to green.Gotta admit, I'm a little bit confused right now. I mean, black, green; what's the difference so long as it's Anonfilly?
Just saying that
>>154378is black, while
>>154396is also kinda black. So what would really change much by making one pic green while the other is black?
>>154375She already has a mark on her flank thou, should be fine
>>154425If her mark is on the plot, she's ready for the cock.
>>154431Doesn't rhyme reee!
>>154433If there's a mark on her rump, she's ready to bump.
>>154434If she's old enough to walk, she's old enough for cock.
>>154435pls no
>Pic related
>>154437Yeah, I know. It's the only thing that I could rhyme.
I want to be the filly and snuggle with another anonfilly
>>154442I want to cuddle up with another anonfilly to stay warm on a cold day
>>154451What the fuck. pls tell me you just colorswapped someone else's art.
>>154454Looks like a swap of one of the Cake twins
>>154454Yeah, it's a shitty 2-hour recolor of an old derpi pic of Pumpkin Cake.
>>154316Gotta love how the mod only deletes the Anon Filly image, leaving everything else up.
>>154234A thought emerges in your head: in your unique situation you could try out many ways to die and tell what each one is like. Right now, you could make the absolutely insane decision to jump off the mountain that Canterlot is built upon. It's pretty deep, and you get the feeling that more than one unicorn has taken a flip off the edge of the city.
This idea, like your idea to jump out of a moving train, is immediately banished to Australia. You're not sure why you thought of it. Maybe this is what your gut feeling was warning you about, and you should definitely tell Twilight.
"Twi, you're the psych expert. Is it considered normal to be regularly contemplating suicide if you know you won't face consequences from it?"
>"Humans are incredibly curious, and I do not think you would be the only person to consider dying multiple times just to know what it's like. That said, I wouldn't recommend giving into your curiosity, especially if this is the first time we're having this conversation."You stay silent for a few minutes into your walk towards the castle, and then decide to speak up again.
"Is it normal that I've been getting a really bad vibe about Canterlot right now? Like it's not my psychic powers, this just feels wrong."
She rolls her eyes and smiles.
>"It's because you've never done what you're doing right now before. You've stepped out of the safety of Ponyville and run off without thinking. You feel anxious, right? Like how you'd feel when you move out of your parents' house and everything just feels… kinda wrong?"As you approach the gates of the castle, you begin to miss your father. You never really moved out of the house, and you allowed Twilight's family become like a surrogate to you. For some reason, you feel so alone, and it is suffocating.
>>154467man up and go do what's necessary!
[ 1d100 = 86 ]
>>154467Hurry up if you can.
[ 1d100 = 61 ]
>>154467"This is gonna sound so stupid and childish…err…'foalish'…but…can you promise to not leave?"
[ 1d100 = 18 ]
>>154467Go to the gardens and pray to Discord for guidance before going to look for Celestia.
[ 1d100 = 51 ]
>>154467You know what? I suddenly don't trust 'twiggles.' She did appear out of nowhere on the train. I mean she sounds like our twi but idk now. Maybe we should just jump off the mountain, ??? until we're dead or find some other third way to keep away from twi at least until the new loop. Also be subtle about it.
[ 1d100 = 7 ]
>>154478I see my rolls are back to normal.
>>154477Attempted anal sex without lube?
>>154512Fillies can sleep after their lessons. Now recite all of Starswirl's findings on temporal magic.
>>154514Umm.. Friendship is magic?
>>154514"Twilight, we've been doing this for fourteen hours. Can I please go to bed?"
>>154526Site dropped filly for some reason.
>>154526>Fine. I'll go get the lecture recordings so you can listen to them while you sleep.
>>154514All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
In his book, "The Science Of Getting Rich", author Wallace D. Wattles talks about the Law of Perpetual Transmutation. Simply put, energy from the formless realm is constantly flowing into the material world and taking form. This energy is limitless and inexhaustible. As old forms are exhausted, they give way for new forms to emerge from the invisible hidden energy of the universe.
The energy of the Universe is always moving and transmuting into and out of form. This law of nature further tells us that energy is always in a state of motion. It will take one form, move to another form, but it's always in motion and never standing still. This law relates to the universe and our consciousness through the realization that everything seen and unseen is constantly changing. We can harness this energy and transform it into whatever form we desire, we should then realize that the energy that is with us at the moment can be focused toward good and then the things around us and within us will change for the better. The energy is flowing into our consciousness constantly, we transform this energy into whatever we choose through our focus of attention at the moment. The formless energy is amenable to being shaped by our minds.
Through learning this law, we see that change is all there is. People say "I like things just the way they are", but they are just advertising their ignorance to this important law. We must see that we are either growing or dying. Everything is always changing. Do not resist the change, if a person does then they will be going against the law and will pay. Therefore combine this with the Law of Non-Resistance.
So, we see that resisting change is resisting growing, and those people go backwards and preventing learning and continual improvement and growth with the universe. Use this law for your benefit in the way of shaping the formless that is flowing to and through you at all times into good 'causes'. Continue to improve all aspects of your life and continual grow with the changing times.
>>154549Filly protective service is on its way.
>ywn get tentacle fucked as the filly
why live?
>>154557So I don't die getting rammed all the way through by a tentacle.
>>154561gay, wheres the fun in that?
>>154467You might not be a man anymore, but now would be the time to man the fuck up. As you make your way into the castle with Twilight, you clear your mind to focus on the task ahead of you. If your vision was correct, Celestia should be in the kitchen. All you have to do is make it there without raising the suspicion of any of the guards who, surprisingly, do not seem to bat an eye at the fact that the princess' protégé has returned without being announced, along with her adopted sister.
When you finally make it to the kitchen, you almost hesitate to open the door, but Twilight pushes it ahead of you, and you follow her in. Sure enough, Celestia is sitting at a table with the chef, drinking tea and enjoying a slice of cake. She lowers her teacup.
<<"Twilight, Anon, to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"
>>154586"Time loop."
[ 1d100 = 32 ]
>>154586Time loop magic bullshit. Also, I'm putting together a team. Know anyone, preferably a young pegasus filly with attitude and a funny accent, who'd be interested?
[ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>154586"I'm from the future. You have been selected for termination."
[ 1d100 = 96 ]
>>154594This, but also "cum in me if you want to live."
[ 1d100 = 2 ]
>>154597boosting this
[ 1d100 = 7 ]
>>154597>>154598Well then
The dice must really hate both of us for some reason
>>154597Boosting successfully
[ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>154589This is all I'd say, so I guess I'm boosting.
[ 1d100 = 56 ]
>>154602Whelp at least i tried
>>154561>implying it wouldn't slowly, carefully, sensually slide its way through your digestive track, giving you a literal full-body massage from within with its sleek, warm, pulsating form as it explores the deepest depths of your filly form before finally exiting through your mouth, making you feel more full and content than you ever have in your entire life
>>154606>implying you have nerve endings that far inside your body with that depth of feeling>implying it wouldn't just feel like someone shoved a tube up your ass, got intestinal discomfort, and tried to vomit up a python all at once
>>154597Boosting where everyone else has failed.
[ 1d100 = 95 ]
just let it happen.
>>154606That's not how it works, it would literally have to pierce several sphinctoral openings that aren't meant to remain open. You would die.
>>154621>you will never die from being filled with tentacles from behindwhy live
>>154586are there PANCAKES for ME??
[ 1d100 = 22 ]
I wish to.. y'know.. stuff
>>154663Filly watering plants? OwO
>>154663>>154669god i want to be the plant she waters
>>154679If I were that filly I wouldn't be complaining
increasingly minimalist fillies
>>154685The last one was made by someone different with about 15 minutes in MSPaint
I know this because I was the one who made it
I don't even have the slightest clue how to actually art
>>154686And? They're still minimalist fillies.
>>154687The other three were made by someone who actually knows how to art though
I smell Lone15 trying to downplay himself, again
>>154689I'm not Lone15; he's an actual contentfag
I'm not actually able to produce any content whatsoever - I just put two shapes together in a way that you could imagine as a filly if you try
>>154685>>154686Well, you've proven that filly is aerodynamic, at least.
So… jojo part five have been confirmed.
This is my tribute for the filly jojokes
>>154689>Me>Decent contentAnd no, it's not mine.
I wish it was.
>>154693no u
If anything,
I'm the one who should be wishing I was able to put out any content at all!
>>154692this is excellent, you magnificent bastard
>>153761Always thought security barding was aesthetic.
>>154586"I am from the future. You have been selected for termination. Cum in me if you want to live."
Celestia blinks, unsure how to respond until Twilight bursts into laughter. She then suppresses a giggle.
<<"You are a charm, Anon. I'm sure this isn't just a social call though, right? Not that you aren't welcome in my castle, but there is still the…"
>"She's in a time loop, Princess."<<"A time loop?""Uh, yeah. Today is like the seventh Monday morning I've woke up to in a row. I was hoping you had some sort of counter curse, given that you're an all powerful alicorn and such."
<<"I've never encountered such a spell before, so I wouldn't know how off the top of my head. Do you know who cast it on you?""Well, I didn't see anypony cast it on me, and I'm assuming it wasn't Twilight. I was blacked out for a few hours on the first loop though, so it could have been anyone."
<<"Then that's troubling, because we don't have a start. Do you think it could've been the changelings again? If you've got a few hours missing from your memory…""I haven't seen any of them in Ponyville. And the blackout was from, uh… blunt force trauma."
<<"What happened?""I don't want to talk about it. Let's just say I did something dumb and I've already apologized for it, although that was in another loop."
<<"Okay then. These loops, what all would you say they have in common? Aside from them all being Mondays?"
>>154703they always end at 5:something unless we cause something with permanent consequences to happen. In that case, it ends just before.
[ 1d100 = 26 ]Anyone remember anything else?
>>154704That they're loops? Honestly, the only constant we've sorta encountered is that Pinkie is looping with us.
>>154703Twilight always has a hangover
inb4 she gets a literally royal scolding[ 1d100 = 26 ]
>>154704>>154709And again, the first two responses have the same roll.
>>154712What can I say, RNGsus loves me!
>>154712Your prompts must just be blessed.
>>154703"Not much. I mostly loop back at around 6 p.m. every time unless I do something REALLY bad like, I don't know…killing myself? There's one other pony who's looping with me, and she's…something. And all my visions have told me about how to get out of this is that it has something to do with the Element of Loyalty and me meditating here in the castle while wearing it, but I'm 99.9% certain that it's still a useless grey orb in the Everfree Castle waiting for the Element of Magic to bring all of the destined Element Bearers to the castle once Nightmare Moon returns, and reignite them with the magic of friendship or something along those lines. I dunno.
"Also, you don't happen to have any magic loop-resistant notepads, right? I could REALLY use something to keep notes between loops with."
[ 1d100 = 18 ]
Thousands of fillies die every year in sock-related incidents.
Help your filly put her socks on. Save a life.
>>154723Nah, filly's just mad she's still a blank flank and she's trying to get her cutie mark in being an absolute slut.
>>154724This, undeniably.
>>154724What would an absolute slut cutie mark even look like?
>>154727Like an absolute slut…
I don't understand the question.
>>154703We're not doing what we're supposed to be doing and searching the everfree forest, so whoever we're supposed to find is probably dying in there at the terminus of the loop because time is somewhat immutable and we're supposed to have pulled them out before they get killed by the creepy crawlies, but for some reason our actions are not set in stone, so we're disobeying time here. That about sum it up?
[ 1d100 = 20 ]
>>154732Aussie shitposting at its finest: not only explaining what we should probably be doing, but also making everything we've done up to this point null and void.
Also, holy shit, what you've just said made me realize something: what if we are actually supposed to save the unnamed Aussie pegafilly from the Everfree forest, and that is why we keep looping?
>>154723Very cute.
Adjusting to hooves would be frustrating. So would always needing to ask for help.
>>154734It was kinda obvious from the start, it's the one thing we didn't do before the loop started, and since the pegafilly is an element bearer, they literally have plot armor and cannot 'die', therefore time loop.
>>154736I'll give you credit: if that's true, figuring that out is all due to your efforts.
Have a cute filly.
>>154737Have a filly scout filly in return
>>154738Filly should be more careful what ribbon she wears as a filly scout.
>>154704Boosting this one.
[ 1d100 = 77 ]
I have returned from the ded! Sorry about the extra wait time on top of what was already there, I had to help a relative move to an apartment and now they don't want to live there so I had to help them move back, and it's turned into a bit of a clusterfuck. Now that you have my lame excuse, let's get back to the story!
Where we last left off in… I don't know how many threads ago, Anon had to sit in on the negotiations between Celestia and Chrysalis and miss out on a fair amount of the time he could spend with Emerald and Luna. When he finally got to them, he found that the conversation was just a regular one before Twilight arrived to take both him and Emerald back to the hotel. Let's see what happens from there!
>You begrudgingly follow Twilight out after saying goodbye to Luna, your slight disappointment apparent to them both
>It may have been fun, but that conversation left much to be desired
>You never even got to any of the expected topics in the, what, like… half-hour you were up there?
>Wow, that was short too!
>Well, at least you got to see your two friends in this world interact together a bit
>Speaking of your friends, Emerald's asking what Twilight dragged you away for
>"So, why did Twilight need you in the throne room with her and Mom?"
>How to explain this in a good way…
>That wouldn't work
>That would give away the fact that you're an alien
>That… That may actually work
>Let's hope it does!
"Remember how the only reason that your mom and Twilight stopped fighting was the fact that I stopped them? Well, Twilight was hoping I could do a similar thing with Celestia."
>Emerald turns back to forward, her disguise's blue eyes pointed downwards in thought
>She eventually turns back towards you with a slightly confused look and replies in a way that makes you slightly nervous
>"That just raises more questions! I'm going to ask you those later though, I don't want you to have to tell me anything possibly secret in public."
>That's good, you don't have to worry about more than just your friend the changeling learning that she's not the only one under a type of disguise
>Wait, Emerald's talking again
>You should probably listen
>"Anyway, whatever you did seems to have worked. Mom doesn't look as worried as she did before and Twilight hasn't acted hostile since… This morning, now that I think of it. Anyway, my point is, that was pretty impressive! Maybe you'll get your cutie mark in… whatever you did."
>Getting your cutie mark for doing human things?
>That sounds kinda stupid, but eh
>It could be worse
>Huh, that brought up an interesting idea in your head
"You know, that got me thinking. Cutie marks are supposed to be this all-important thing that governs exactly what you'll do for the rest of your life, but I haven't heard more than some spare talk and whatever Ms. Cheerilee has taught me about them. Isn't that a bit funny?"
>"Yeah, that is an interesting thing. It seems like it should be talked about more since it's also a magical birthmark that only shows up once you figure out what you're good at, but nope."
>This conversation continues down through the castle as you all head back to the hotel, the day's major doings being done and past
>You four stop to get dinner on the way back, but it's nothing special
>After another uneventful meal, you're all back at the hotel
>While Twilight and Chrysalis iron out some final legal details that weren't necessary in the throne room, you decide to chat with Emerald a bit
>Mainly because there isn't much else to do, but also to see what you missed in the time you weren't with her and Luna
"So, what did I miss while I was stuck doing political things?"
>"Quite a bit, actually. I had a few questions for Luna about herself, and she had a few for me, and apparently she knew I was a changeling, too. Did you do that?"
>Caught red-handed
>Or is it red-hooved?
>Does it even matter?
>No, no it doesn't
"You caught me. I told her about you and what you are during the night before we left during a dream that she visited me in."
>"First, why did you do that when ponies haven't exactly liked us apparently up until now and second, how many times has she visited you in your dreams?"
>You can answer these questions, but something tells you that you aren't getting out of this with any secrets intact
>Well, let's just see how well Emerald can handle what you have to say>That is, if you even have to say it>Maybe she forgot about the conversation you two had walking out of the castle by now…"One, Luna was the first princess I convinced to help me with this whole thing. Two, she's been visiting me consistently for a couple weeks."
>Emerald's face initially shows a look of understanding, but it soon ebbs away to reveal another look of confusion>Oh boy, something tells you that this conversation is only just getting started>"Why has she been visiting you that frequently? From my loose understanding of her job, she said that she doesn't usually visit foals and even less often does she visit them more than once.">Let's see, how can you explain this without possibly redirecting the conversation towards her earlier inquiry?>Uhmmm…>Yeah, that might work"She visited me in a dream after hearing about what I did during my first visit to Canterlot and we hit it off quite well."
>"Oh yeah, that happened. What was it that you did, anyway? Well, what you did to get Luna's attention as well as what you did to get a trip to Canterlot.">This is going too far!>You've already revealed your true identity to four beings in this world, and you were completely naked for two of them>While you're not completely naked right now, your light-green fur still does little to hide the mild blush and the small beads of sweat beginning to form>Let's hope Emerald's perception check fails"W-well, I managed to get three different high-scores on the Pac-Mare machine to get Luna's attention and Twilight brought me with her on some of her important business."
>That first stutter may have given you away, but you managed to suppress the rest>Ah, wait…>Nope, Emerald's not buying that at all>In fact, she seems to be mildly concerned about your well-being from the growing look on her face>"Anonymous, are you alright? You don't look very comfortable with this, I should probably stop asking if you don't want to answer truthfully.">Yeah, she caught you in a lie>That only makes you go even redder though, and Emerald definitely notices that>Her concern only grows as she starts glancing at Twilight, probably debating whether or not to tell her about your current status>Should you tell her?>God no>If Twilight found out, you'd get your ass kicked>If Emerald accidentally exposed you somehow, then it'd put both of you at risk from nasty third parties>But if you tell her now, then you won't have to worry about what'll happen later>Also, she has already told you about her biggest secret (at least when you didn't know changelings were spying on you)>However, her secret would've only gotten her killed; not locked up and experimented on until she died, or something>After some more internal debate and some efforts to get your heart rate under control, your mind brings up a memory from back in Chrysalis's hive>Particularly, a conversation with Spinneret back when you first got there>You seem to recall her saying that Emerald wasn't very good at handling sensitive information>Okay brain, you did something good for once!
>Yeah, it probably wouldn't be the best idea to tell Emerald until she's ready for this level of secret>You return to the world around you, now sound in your decision, as you feel the blood content of your face return to normal>Looks like you came back just in time to stop Emerald from getting Twilight, too!>As she gets up, you plant a hoof on her shoulder to bring her attention back to you>This works as intended and Emerald returns to a seated position in front of you"I'm fine, you don't need to get Twilight."
>Emerald looks relieved for a moment before getting back her confused look>Oh boy>However, you find that it's for a different reason>"Is it really that big of a secret that you can't tell me?">How to say this easily…>Fuck it, you'll wing it"Well… Back in the hive, Spinneret told me that you weren't the best with secrets."
>Emerald scrunches up her face, now looking mildly annoyed>"I'm not bad with secrets and I can prove it!""Alright, prove it."
>"I kept the fact that I was a changeling secret, didn't I?""You kept it a secret until you ran up to me without a disguise and told me who you were."
>"That didn't matter, we were already back at the hive by then.""Okay, I guess I was wrong about that. I apologize, but that still doesn't change the fact that I'm not comfortable in the slightest with telling anyone this secret."
>Emerald changes from looking dejected to looking less upset>"If it really makes you that uncomfortable to think about, then I'll stop asking; I don't want to put you under any pressure.">This takes a massive weight off your chest, making you feel better too"Thanks, that was making me a bit stressed. Anyway, what do we do now?"
>So after a bit more conversation and eventually finding a way to kill time and energy, everypony decides to call it a night and go to sleep>. . .
>>154695 thx have a cursed filly
Is the sole solver of this piece of shit still here?
http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/brfvWlGBCan you tell us what it was?
>>154764I'm willing to bet whoever 'solved it' was the person who made it to begin with, in which case you're never getting an answer.
>>154766Does that
really seem like something Lone would do?
>>154768Maybe? I don't know, two of these questions require either intimate knowledge or an absurd level of solving by process of elimination, the last one is downright impossible to solve without inside knowledge.
>>154764>>154766Yes, I'm here. No, I'm not Lone. I only needed to ask for a hint with #6.
1 and 2 are simple.
3 and 5 are google questions.
4 is a google question, but the number is based on the content of the pdf. Don't use the pdf's page counter.
6 is easier once you know it's
Assfaggot's story7 is trivially dumb.
>>154785>7 is trivially dumbI want to fuckin' die.
>>154785But how does assfaggot fit into xxx xxxxx xxxxxxxx
>>154796It's the name of a book in his story
>>154796Just say that assfaggot's x is measured in yoctometers.
>>154747>ywn buy your daughteru from the filly scoutswhy live
Rollin, and also claiming myself since its the first post
God im so alone
[ 1d100 = 13 ]
[ 1d100 = 17 ]
>>154829>Erf pone>Self pettingWho s a good filly? Im a good filly, yes I am…
>>154829RNGsus bless!
[ 1d100 = 60 ][ 1d100 = 23 ]
>>154829Here goes.
[ 1d100 = 91 ]
[ 1d100 = 35 ][ 1d100 = 97 ]
>>154829Show me the wings!
[ 1d100 = 77 ]
>>154829Filly powers activate!
[ 1d100 = 61 ]
>>154829Fukced up by rooling twice, tihs one is for monet
[ 1d100 = 58 ]
>>154833>>154835>>154836>>154837>Not rolling the second time to claim a fillyShame on you
>>154832[ 1d100 = 32 ][ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>154839r00d, I claim this fag then
>>154837 [ 1d100 = 17 ]
[ 1d100 = 23 ][ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>154836>>154841I hope you like ground filly kisses, I guess.
Damn, couldn't even get anything more wholesome, or something more lewd.
>>154815That's a cute filly
It's always great to see new filly art
>>154829rolling to see what kind of filly I am
[ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>154703"Well, they always end at around 5 something."
Celestia takes a look at the clock on the wall.
<<"It's 5:20.""It was more closer to 6. Like 5:50 something. Anyways, I get reset automatically if I do something with more, uh… permanent consequences."
>"Suicide resets it automatically, princess."<<"I see. Anything else? By your timeline we have about half an hour.""Umm… the only thing else I can remember is that Twilight always has a hangover. Don't suppose you could get me some sort of loop resistant notepad so I could keep better notes, could you?"
Celestia raises an eyebrow and turns to give Twilight a chastising look.
>"Oh please, neither of us are going to remember this conversation anyways."<<"Well in case you do, try not to let it affect your studies. Now, Anon. Have you been neglecting to do anything during any of these loops?""I'm not sure. But I have a theory. Twilight's been researching a spell to grant us flight, which she normally discovers about halfway through the day. It's supposed to be so we can find a filly who I think could be in the Everfree Forest. I'm willing to bet she dies at the end of my loop and we have to save her."
<<"And what actions in your loops led you to believe this? Have you met this filly yet?"
>>154846Let's just say that some cunt tipped me off about that and leave it there.
[ 1d100 = 83 ]
>>154846Our vision of the future involves this filly, considering the loop begins again when we commit suicide, it's little more than an educated guess that anyone we've seen in our visions of the future is not allowed to die because the future is predetermined or, more likely, it's because we're all future element bearers
the alternative is that the future really is immutable and Pear Butter will die regardless of what we do. Only way to test this to be sure is if Twilight here kills herself and see if that resets the loop as well.
[ 1d100 = 60 ]
>>154786It made you think though, no?
>>154844well you're MY filly now, filly!
[ 1d100 = 53 ][ 1d100 = 49 ]
>>154844>>154853>cuddling another pegafilly for 9 minuteshell yes, get over here you faggot!
>>154842>making out behind the schoolhouse during recessSeems pretty hot to me.
[ 1d100 = 92 ]
>>154855 (checked)
Well, sure, if you put it like that…
Question for all of my fellow blind Anons: would vision problems persist after fillification, or would you have perfect/near-perfect eyesight?
>>154848>>154856Nah fam. Miss me with that gay shit. Killing twi isn't worth the risk. What if something fucktarded happens
(I have a hunch the loop is going to solve itself all of a sudden.) and she remains perma-kill?
>>154848 minus suggesting Twiggles an heros. Apologize to twi for even thinking of that. Also eat the rest of Celestia's cake.
[ 1d100 = 27 ]
>>154858Not blind myself, but I'm gonna take a shot anyway. I suppose it might depend on the form of blindness you have and how fillification works. Since transfigurative magic in the show can change one thing entirely into another (Organic to Inorganic and vice versa) I don't think it would be limited to your own physical state prior to fillification. In most stories so far in this thread, the only trait Anon seems to keep is his memory and sometimes not even that.
So yeah, I guess you'd have sight unless Twiggles
wants you to be blind.
>>154858It could depend on something as arbitrary as you eating all your vegetables for all we know. That said, do you?
>>154860It's not like she hasn't got a choice, we're not gonna strap her to an altar and sacrifice her to Tzeentch to acquire the knowledge we seek. Seriously.
>>154848nigga if you're blind then how are you posting?
>>154862I hope to whatever horse deity is appropriate that fillification would fix vision problems, because no matter how cute glasses are on ponies, I know how bad my vision is, and I know how bad it's going to be here in a couple years just from how bad it is for my mom, and I really wouldn't want it to go like that as the filly.
>>154846"Well, my vision of the future involves this filly, and seeing as the loop begins again when we commit suicide, I'm figuring that anyone I've seen in my visions is not allowed to die."
<<"How many suicides have you seen thus far in your loops?""Just myself and Pinkie Pie."
>"You mentioned earlier on the train that she's looping too. Wouldn't that mean that the only ponies not allowed to die are those who are looping?""Well, I mean, I haven't tested if it resets when someone else important dies. You could try committing suicide, Twilight, and if that causes me to loop earlier then I'll know."
>"Yeah, this is where I cease my willful suspension of disbelief that you're actually in a loop."
>>152788saved these two short stories, really enjoy reading them. I believe they was posted in /trash/ originally.
https://pastebin.com/jBbx1b7N [Embed]https://pastebin.com/hpVb77y5 [Embed]
>>154866"Thank God. Trust me, out of everyone, you're the one pony I hope would NOT consider suicide as an option." And then proceed to hug Purple.
[ 1d100 = 100 ]
>>154866"Look, Pinkie obviously can perceive the loop because she's Pinkie, and I can because my sight is not bound by linear time like yours because psychic powers something something I can perceive the position and interactions of every subatomic particle in existence at will. I can prove it to you next loop if you tell me something only you would know so I don't have to go through the bullshit of proving we're in a loop every single time we go full groundhog day. You know, like Edge of Tomorrow, but with some old CIA secret passcode or some such shit. Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant, within the next half hour or so, we'll be back on square one and you'll be telling me to remind you never to drink when you've got to study in the morning for THE EIGHTH TIME IN A ROW. And no, I don't care if Celestia hears this because she'll either forget too, or she's prescient, pretending not to be and knows all of this already and is having fun with us. So either kill yourself to prove a theory, or don't, the point is I'm not certain why this loop is happening, but my best guess is because that cunt in the woods isn't as much of a survivalist as Australia would have us believe."
[ 1d100 = 69 ]
>>154867And now you’ve saved them from death. They’ll be added in to the doc and Dropbox tomorrow.
Sorry for the slowness as well on the green, I’ll see if I can drop something this Sunday.
also, going forward with this CYOA type stuff. Y’all know pessimistic I am in writing, right? I certainly hope you make the right decisions for filly. Wouldn’t be fun to end off early, now would it?
>>154868>>154870rolling for a combination of the two because 100 and 69
[ 1d100 = 74 ]
>>154868>100She has spoken. Praise be her name.
>>154878>griffon OC>/ptfg/'Grats. Here's your one allotted (You). Now fuck off, PTF(A)G.
>>154878Here's the actual difference between the two,
PTFG: What if Anon turned into a filly?
Anonfilly: Filly! Filly filling filly! Fillyfilly!
Just don't respond you fucking idiots
It's like nobody understands the virgin-chad meme… smh tbh fam
>>154881But without /ptfg/ responders, it wouldn't be a real filly thread.
In related news, I miss kys filly and fuck off filly.
>>154883That's what happens when you have several hundred different fillies.
>>154881This, they must be desperate for some posters to rock on over there and liven the place up.
>>154886Filly is for breeding in the herd.
>>154886god i wish that were me
>>154866"Oh thank God you're not considering it."
You throw your hooves around Twilight in a surprise hug.
"You're the one pony I hope would never consider suicide as an option."
>"Oookay? Then why'd you suggest it? Some sort of test?""No, no. I'm… not really thinking straight, and the fact that I'm going to be waking up tomorrow for the eighth time in a row to the same day is starting to get to me. Is there anything you can tell me, maybe some CIA secret passcode, that would help me establish trust with you during the next loop?"
>"I'll tell you about it later, Princess. Could you excuse me one second?"Before Celestia can respond, Twilight grabs you and drags you out the door, immediately tossing up several spells around the two of you.
>"First, I will never divulge critical state secrets during our stay here. I have no means of telling that this is not a simulation, and if it is, then you commie bastards can pry my knowledge from my cold dead hands. Do I make myself clear?""Crystal."
>"Second, since we haven't been formally introduced, my real name is Diana Rose Fischer. What's yours?"
>>154890It's not like it has to be critical, but a name works too, is she sure that'll be enough to convince her it's a loop? Either case, our name is Anonymous [CENSORED].
[ 1d100 = 54 ]Don't… Don't actually have him say [CENSORED], it's so we can keep filly as Anon without pesky last and middle names.
>>154890Anonfilly having a name? The heck would that even be?
>>154891I really hope she doesn't go full CIA-apeshit on us if we tell her her full name on the next loop.
>>154892If all else fails, we can have her do that memory spell they used in the season 2 premiere, we'll just have to own up to not-raping Cadence
>>154893We should probably lead with "I'm stuck in a time loop" on the next loop. That might help with the whole "CIA agent going coocoo bananas" thing.
>>154893Hell, we might both be seriously overthinking this: she seemed very readily able to believe we actually were stuck in a time loop when we told her.
>>154894>>154895She's a CIA analyst, she gets
paid to be paranoid.
>>154896True, but we do that for free.
>>154890Rolling for an addition to
>>154891 : "A CIA analyst named after the Roman goddess of the hunt? Why do I feel like human names and pony names are similarly descriptive?
"So, got a preference for what name to go by in private conversations? Continue calling you Twilight? Call you Diana from now on? Anything else?"
[ 1d100 = 76 ]
>>154890our name is actually anonymous… our parents had a weird sense of humor.
[ 1d100 = 89 ]
>>154890Hugh Mungus
[ 1d100 = 66 ]
>>154898Nobody had better get higher
[ 1d100 = 25 ]
>>154867Oh hey, I did the second one. Glad you enjoyed it.
If she asks for a last name is unknown or something of the sort ok?
>>154932Wait fuck. I took me two hours to notice I forgot to roll.
[ 1d100 = 66 ]
>>154890My name is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis the third
[ 1d100 = 2 ]>>154941No.
>>154941>stop uploading pony images to this pony image siteWhat's your OC kid? I'll draw them getting pegged by filly with a strap-on.
[ 1d100 = 23 ]
>>154944Not him, but draw Rumble getting pegged by filly.
Daily reminder that filly is for sexual.
>>154890My name is Michael Oxynormis, but call me Mike
>>154970Forgot Roll
[ 1d100 = 19 ]
>>154975>>154974Of course filly is for sexual, now don't make me bomb both of you guys.
>>154976But what if purple finds out?
>>154890Mike Hunt
[ 1d100 = 80 ]
>>154941>stop spamming a horse image board that is aligned with OCs, image macros, memes, and fan contentFilly, are you really this autistic?
>>154941What is it you folk are always saying? Don't like it, use a filter?
>>154976I want to breed a foal into filly.
>>154992I want to be the filly being bred.
>>154993I want to be the foal being bred into the filly.
>>154996Is filly able to breathe?
>>154997Sure she is, you can see that her nostrils are not covered by purple's flank or piss
>>155002Ah, Upon closer inspection, you are right, K then.
>>155001No U.
>>154929You really good at writing, do more
>>155002Fun fact: horses can't breath through their mouths, only their noses.
>>154890"It's… actually just Anonymous. My parents had a weird sense of humor."
Twilight looks deep into your eyes, trying to see if she can uncover some hidden intentions.
>"You're not joking, are you?""Nope. Real name is Anonymous, and I go by Anon."
>"Did you ever get picked on in school for it?""Not for my name, no. Most elementary school kids don't know the meaning of the word, and that seems to still be the case in the Ponyville schoolhouse. By the time someone knows what my name is, they're usually mature enough to pick on me for other reasons, like my total lack of success with the ladies."
>"Fair enough.""So what should I be calling you in private anyways? Still Twilight, or would you rather I call you Diana?"
>"I don't particularly mind if you call me by my name, so long as it's in a situation where we could talk about human stuff. By the way, don't mention the CIA in front of Celestia again.""Well it's not like she's gonna remember."
>"It would help not to have to explain things like that to a pony with a lot of power, especially when we've got a fair bit of time left before you loop back again. Speaking of which, sorry in advance for whatever freak out I give you when you call me by my name for the first time in the next loop.""You're not gonna hit me, are you?"
>"Probably not. I mostly kept my name secret in case I ended up needing you not to know it for some reason. Just tell me how you learned it and I'll be a bit more accommodating. Also, we might be able to get a bit more of a conversation with Celestia if we can just use Spike.""Well, don't look now, but she just walked out the door."
>"Right. Ix nay on the yuman-hay."She dismisses a few magic bubbles that had surrounded you, leaving you free to hear Celestia's voice unmuffled, and for her to hear you.
<<"Are you two finished with your private little chit-chat? It's about 5:30, so you shouldn't have too much time left. What are your plans for the next loop?"
>>155025She's skeptical of our name being anonymous? Has she never been down the pit that is celebrity baby names before?
Sorry for the long wait, I guess I'm technically in the clear since I only took 6 days as opposed to the last one taking 7… Shitty schedules aside, please do enjoy.>>154006"Twilight wanted to… talk."
>"Guessing that didn't entail anything else, huh?""We're working things out…"
>"You're not telling me everything, are you?""I saved a filly from freezing to death this morning, turned out she's your roommate here."
>"Heh, you made quite the impression on er' then. She hasn't woken up all day as far as I've seen.""Apparently she didn't even see me…"
>"Don't get yourself so worked up about it, as soon as the media gets word of it you'll be a local hero.""I-I'm not so sure about that… how has your day been?"
>"Boring. I wrapped up homework, slept, and ate.""I figured. Say, this Colt wanted some people for a session of an RPG. When are you getting out of this hellhole?"
>"They're going to release me tomorrow if everything goes well, let me spend one last night to make sure there are no complications.""He didn't give me a time, but I assume it's in the evening. Think you could convince your dad to let you out?"
>"Hey, I have a tongue of silver and a heart of gold!""Just don't go nonstandard-spacetime on my ass and that'll be just fine."
>She gives you a bit of a confused look."I'll catch you up one day."
>"Alrighty. I'd ask you to come up here, but I haven't had anything but a sponge-bath since I've gotten here.">A mischievous grin crosses your face.>"A-anon? What are you doing?">Climbing up into the bed with her, you wrap a leg around her gently."I'm not going to deny you the pleasure of a hug just because you're a bit grimy, silly."
>Wrapping your other foreleg around her, you hear a bit of a contented sigh escape her lips.>"Please don't stop…">Nuzzling into her fur, you do see what she means.>The slight smell of grease doesn't deter you however as you hold your embrace around your beige friend, feeling the warmth of her soft heartbeat as you let her wrap a leg around you as well.>Looking at the small smile on her face nearly melts your heart into a soup as her tail swishes softly back and forth over your hind legs.>Returning her smile, you begin to gently stroke her mane with your soft frog.>Just as you had suspected, her return soon grows lax around you as she starts snoring softly.>Laying your head down on the pillow next to her, you watch her peacefully sleeping.>This world may not be the ideal place to subsist for a filly like yourself.>You can't help but think back on the events of the day as you focus your gaze on her eyelids.>Your close brush with a rapist who was potentially planning to drug you.>A filly left for dead in the snow.>That same filly's recount of the past events that led her here…>Despite how wrong the other two are, you can't help but shudder at the last one even more.>And you don't even know the full story yet…>But through all of the shit you've waded through, League has been there.>Keeping you afloat with her positive attitude and blunt truthfulness.>Feeling a small tear run down your cheek, you realize this one was triggered by happiness.>Well, wouldn't that be a first.>Holding your embrace for a good fifteen minutes, you eventually decide to call it quits and get home.>Twiggles might be getting worried about you at this point.>Carefully worming your way out of the covers and tucking the corner that you left open back in, you hop first to the stool and then to the floor.>Your efforts to reduce noise thankfully pay off, seeing as you manage to not wake either of the room's inhabitants.>Grabbing your saddlebags from the side of the bed where you left them, you exit and close the door with as much care as you can.>A sleeping stallion occupies the reception desk as you walk out the door and into the chilly afternoon air.>You'll have to ask Twilight if you can borrow a coat from her…>Braving the icy weather home, you rap on the door with the hardest force you think will avoid cracking them off like a flower frozen in liquid Nitrogen matched against a table.>The door opens as Twilight looks at you first with mild annoyance, and then concern.>"Celestia's sake… don't you have anything to wear?""L-long story…"
>Sighing as she lifts you up, Twilight sits you down at a table.>Draping a blanket around you and siphoning some milk from God-knows-where out of thin air, Twilight's concentration is evident as the ball of levitated fluid begins to steam, eventually heating to a temperature she finds satisfactory as she sets the mess down in a mug and begins to mix in cocoa powder.>"Alright, drink up.""T-thanks…"
>Gripping the mug with two hooves, you find the temperature to be perfect.>Not too cold as to allow you to down the cup in mere minutes, but not hot to the point of burning your tongue.>Repeating the same process for herself, Twilight sits down across from her.>She's jittery, you can see spots of milk in her fur from earlier.>As she takes her mug up to her lips to take a sip, you get a clean look at her wide eyes and dialated pupils.>"I-I caught wind of a poetry competition relating to friendship, and it would make me look like a horrible pony if you didn't enter. Anything else you'd rather talk about first?"
>>155031"Are you high?"
[ 1d100 = 74 ]
>>155025The only logical thing to do. Help the Changelings take over Equestria.
Gotcha. *attempts finger pistols and moonwalks out* [ 1d100 = 25 ]
>>155037Anon with a whole bunch of fillies in the background.
[ 1d100 = 29 ]
>>155025Learn to play "Kol Nidrei" on the cello flawlessly.
[ 1d100 = 21 ]>>155031Ask for forgiveness for being late and want to talk about the principles of friendship magic.
[ 1d100 = 63 ]
>>155017Thanks. I may try writing again sometime.
Would you a ~~filly that's actually just a~~ duck?
>>155031"Where did you get the milk? And are your nipples sore? OwO"
>>155116>would you a filly that isnt a filly?uuuh, is this a trick question?
>>155118>>155116oh also qt fuckin filly mate
>>155116now with 100% more tail!
>>155124Thread is kill: 8 minute lifespan.
Anybody mind if I go ahead and make a new thread? Seems pretty dead here
>>155129>30 posts to goIt can survive another day with filly's new comfy thread speed
>>155130you're right, we need more shitposting in here
i-i still miss kys and fuck off filly though…
If you became the filly, how long would it be until you tried masturbating?
>>155133Literally minutes.
>>155133seconds, i would be the first filly to start the masturbating
It's still good, Anon.
>>155133Give it a few days for me, maybe a couple weeks. Hell, maybe even a month. Let me enjoy the filly part of being the filly. Plus it'd be too weird to go from having a dick to having a horsepussy and then immediately trying to get off with it.
>>155140Yes, that's true. I want to enjoy the filly part as well.
>>155123This is going on the fridge
Final roll before thing, cant wait for things to normalize here so i can finally make something…
[ 2d3 = 5 ]
[ 1d4 = 3 ]
[ 1d6 = 4 ]
[ 3d3 = 8 ]
>>155147>2/3dx doesnt show individual diceI could swear it did before, unless it was dice from email field…
Oh well, gonna re-roll and make a prompt if it goes over or under on the first one
[ 1d3 = 3 ][ 1d3 = 1 ][ 1d3 = 2 ][ 1d3 = 3 ][ 1d3 = 1 ]
>>155148Yeah, it was email dice that do that
>Fillies generate electricity by rubbing their chestfluff together
>>155151Seems legit to me
>>155025You don't really have an answer for Celestia. Aside from a few experiments with the limits of the time loop, you've pretty much been winging everything thus far. With no reasonable answer to give her, you elect to instead do the first thing to come to your head, which is to scrunch up your face and stare at her.
She tilts her head in confusion.
<<"Anon, what are you doing?"The scrunching intensifies for another minute, earning you only greater concern from Celestia and Twilight both. Eventually you have to cease scrunching, as holding an optimal scrunch position requires holding your breath.
"Haha, I win! Neither of you can scrunch harder than me!"
Celestia giggles.
<<"You are definitely a silly filly. But don't you think that your time is perhaps a valuable resource not to be wasted in your current predicament?""I've got nothing."
<<"Then perhaps you should consider contacting me through Spike and Twilight in the morning, so we can have more time to solve this problem?"
>>154750Quality writing. Don't feel too presurred to churn out content, though; shit happens sometimes.
>>155153Tell her we'll
see her in the next thread. [ 1d100 = 41 ]