>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
Olde Mare:
>>145896 →>What's to be expected?Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..
>Any archive of photos or stories?Dropbox (Photos):
>I'm a contributor.Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt, so you can have your green to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread:
Filly is for impregnation.
>>148443not by a shitty colt
>>148444Correct, filly needs a real stallion to give her fillies. ^:)
>>148444Humans and fillies are genetically incompatible. Colts or stallions must be involved.
>>148447humans and ponies are only incompatible
if you're gay
>>148446Anons make Anons, faggot.
>>148447>Having this little imagination for a world where magic is just a thing that just fucking exists
>>148448But isn't filly always gay?
>>148450filly may be gay, but Anon isn't.
>>148449He's not wrong, ponies would have an order of magnitude more base pairs than humans would just to accommodate all the color variations they can be.
>>148452While I'd agree with you in any other scenario, this is the land of magical talking horses. If I want to believe that I can be fucked by a fellow Anon and bear cute fluffy little faggots, nothing is stopping me.
I didn't manage to say this last thread, but Nore, this is the cutest shit I've seen in a long time. Your art is impressive, you must be very proud.
>>148456Thanks! I'm trying my best
Obligatory Post time.
If there are pastebins, videos, audio, or other items that you don't see in the Dropbox or Doc that you feel deserve a place, make them know now.
I'll be doing these changes monthly from here on out unless asked
Expect the Dropbox to be updated shortly.
>Be Anonfilly
>You were surprised that you could actually walk, considering how many many pancakes you ate
>Twilight had been real pushy on making sure "a growing filly" got what she deemed a suitable amount
>She liked watching you eat, peering over at you with every bite
>This time she was actually eating a fruit salad, rather than obsessively watching you.
>It was still a lot of rotations due to the massive amount of breakfast
>You didn't complain at the time
>Those pancakes were the shit
>Now you wish you had
"Can't I go lay down?" you asked for the umpteenth time, hoping Twilight would say yes
>Maybe you could even head back to the castle, promising not to perform any shenanigans
>Whether you would actually honor that promise was up in the air
>"No Anon, I might need your help."
"You're a literal demigoddess. How the he… heck will I be useful?"
>"You never know." she brushed your question off.
"Uuuuuuuugh." you whined loudly
>"Do you want me to carry you?" she asked with an equal amount of annoyance and hope
>Ugh, the jostling would be too much
"No, I'm fine." you answered with little conviction.
>"Well, let's pick up the pace. I'm the one carrying everything." she said, her saddlebags full of expeditionary equipment, research tools, and extra water
>Probably was using magic to make them lighter or some shit
"Where are we even going?"
>"We're just gonna check out some stuff out of town."
"Can't we just teleport?"
>"I have to make sure we don't miss anything. This is really important."
>Apparently everything she did was super-important, the narcissist
>"Now, what are the rules again?"
"Don't drink the water. Don't eat anything. Stay close to you."
>She turns and rubs the top of your head with a hoof
>"Such a smart little filly."
>The compliment made you surprisingly happy.
>Due to your filly instincts, over course.
>>148464>One thing everyone forgets: deserts can turn into dry forests real fast>You followed Twilight's form silently, alone in your thoughts as the two of you weaved between thin, gray, and numerous trees, struggling against the moderate slope>Your looked mindlessly at the path ahead, with only Twilight's swaying rump breaking the monotony, occasionally getting a peek of her marebits when she flicked her tail>How did she not have a BF yet?>Oh, right, because of you.>mishiefmanaged.png>God, this was so boring>Thankfully, overhead branches were abundant, helping to block out some of the oppressive sunlight"Can we stop for a bit?" you whined, legs growing weary from the hike
>"Just a little bit further, up until I find a good place to stop.">You lifted your head to look around>Twisted trees and dry earth surrounded you in all directions, with shrubbery blocking much of your field of vision>You could hear large river to your right, and a gurgling stream closeby to your left>On and on, for nearly ten minutes, until Twilight found a riverside spot fairly devoid of trees>You didn't even bother to question why she picked this spot, you just flopped onto your hindquarters, eager for some relief>Purple gently placed her saddlebags onto the ground, then pulled out test tubes, sticks of Ph testing paper, and several devices you couldn't discern>While she filled up a pair of beakers with river water, you noticed three things about the river:>It was slow-moving at this junction>It was at a bend, noticable by some miniscule white crystals similar to salt caking the outside of the curve>Afterwards, the river split into many narrow streams, each zigzagging down the vast hill in different directions, with one larger than the others by a wide margin>You reminisced on what you knew about rivers, from 12 years of formal science education and 52 episodes of The Magic School Bus>Not much, all of your education was based on the sea>Erosion sanded and broke up rocks into bits as they flowed downriver>Salmon went upstream to breed>Cumming on kids is okay if they're temporarily fish eggs and you're an automobile>Just thinking to yourself, listening to the flow of water, gushing downhill in a torrent, the sound of waves lapping against dirt and rock, splashing noises echoing->Fuck.>You needed to pee.
>>148405 →God i wish that were me
>>148411 →With the frankly frustrating wake-up call of your failed trip to the potty, you go on to have breakfast and get ready to head out with Twilight Sparkle to the farmer's market. The meal got you going a lot more than you suspected it would, especially without coffee - it seems as though pastries really energize a pony who's so reliant on carbs. That or you're just like a preteen again, hopped up on that chocolate chip muffin…that's actually a likely possibility.
As you shop, you watch ponies go about their business as usual. While the bookworm isn't a princess in this timeline, she seems quite well known as a bearer of the Element of Magic. The filly in tow - that is to say, you - catches some interest, most ponies remarking that last time they saw Twilight escorting a green filly, she had no horn. For now you leave them be.
"HEY! Happy belated birthday!" You squeak out in surprise, literally falling right on your face in the dirt road as the ball of pink fluff breaches not only your personal space but your eardrums.
"JESUS, you can't have been welcome at a hospital or nursing home at any point in your life." Your breath takes a moment to stabilize as you pick yourself up and shake any dirt off your mane. You turn toward the pink mare, your perturbed frown disappearing as she presents a shiny dark-chocolate cupcake with green sprinkles on it. "I…oh! Uh, thanks.." You take the cupcake in one hoof before sitting on your haunches to peel the paper off one side.
"No problem! Pinkie never misses a special day, and I learned over the last year that twitchy tail, scratchy tongue, and scrunchy filly snoots are a sign of somepony surviving their first day in Ponyville!" Despite knowing this pony indirectly, that absurdly specific fortune telling leaves you quite literally speechless.
"I…uh…" Boop. The mare's hoof…actually pushes…you can't even articulate thoughts
internally anymore.
"Soooo, what's your name? Is it Anonny like the last fillies'? Something tells me it iiiiiis~"
It takes a few seconds of sitting in place for anypony to intervene - thankfully Twilight takes notice of the visible confusion on your face, and she lifts you and your confection up off the ground and onto her back. While you're not a toddler, it's good that your weight doesn't overencumber the unicorn.
"Pinkie, I know you mean well but try to be careful. These fillies aren't going to be receptive to your….
bombastic personality only one night after dying, reviving, transporting, and transforming."
As Pinkie lets out a soft 'awww,' you finally gain your thoughts back, sitting up with your front hooves resting on Twi's upper neck. "I…yeah. Sorry Ponka. Thanks for the cupcake, and you know I'm happy to do something sometime with you! Just, not too sure I'm ready for fireworks and fanfare."
To your utter shock, she actually nods gently in affirmation, circling around Twilight to scoop you up into a hug. "Alright Nonny, I can be a little slower for little fillies like you." Nonny? Slower? 'like you?' Is she teasing!? Your face glows a tomato-red at the remarks, voice cracking as you jump to justify yourself even whilst in her embrace.
"Now hold on, I'm like thirty years old, you just threw me off gua-"
"Irregardless! Whether it's a celebration for all of Ponyville, or a tea party between the two of us, you're getting a party real soon, okie dokie Loki?" She relaxes the hug enough for you to escape, but you end up just relaxing chest-to-chest for the moment.
"Ahhh, alright. But only because you're just such a sweetie."
"I'm not Sweetie, I'm Pinkie Pie!"
Your giggling fit lasts nearly a full minute as Twilight and Pinkie exchange chuckles to each other and say their goodbyes. As soon as it wears off, you feel a bit of a sick feeling in your gut, only intensified as you pick your cupcake up and start walking again.
"Don't, like…tell anybody I laughed so hard at that, okay? It's hard to be stoic with her face around."
"Oh, don't be a stick in theud. You're cute, just embrace it and you'll be a lot happier."
Those words stay in your mind for the next ten minutes, your indignant blush slowly fading away as you relax your nerves.
You probably should just enjoy the ride and take things with good humor. Though, something tells you that bratty attempt at stoicism might be more filly than man…
>>148500>using phone to type>every ten seconds the phone stops and "the mud" becomes "theudddddd">fail to notice the last one in an otherwise grammatically perfect post
>>148500>Resting on Twi's upper neck>pick your cupcake up and start walking again>enjoy the rideDid she get off then back on?
>>148521Enjoy the ride as in take being the filly in your stride.
Maybe I should have said that instead, idioms are kind of pointless sometimes.
>>148544>2018>Writing idioms and metaphors n shiet>Not just shitpostinglmao newfag
Just memeing, gj faget
>But actually getting off and not just riding her all dayDo you even love your momfu?
>>148564Holy shit how have I
not seen that picture before. Fuckin' saved.
Also of course I love her. But I'm trying to get into a certain headspace here: anonfilly's in that position without her input, and while that twiggle horse was definitely a good cuddle buddy, she's still got the mind of an adult who's tried to do an adult for nearly a decade. She'll warm up to accepting the cutesiness and everything, don't you worry.
That being said, pic related got me thinking while I've been working: what if anonfilly is like purgatory, and after escaping that and being adopted or otherwise learning to accept your new poni life, you change colors or other characteristics on top of being able to age again? Just more spitballed ideas, nothing concrete here.
>Be Anon…?
>You've only just woken up, and already you can tell that there's a lot wrong with you.
>The room is very dark, and you're looking at some kind of wooden board that's mere centimeters away from your face.
>Additionally, you can't feel your neck at all.
>Or at least, you're unable to move it in any way.
>You can move your arms and legs, but they're… disjointed, to put it one way.
>While you can feel your legs pressing against something when you straighten them down(?)wards, that's about it.
>Neither they, nor your arms, can touch each other in any way.
>Hell, they don't even seem to reach any further than your sides, no matter how you reach, despite the fact that you can move them up to your shoulders/thighs
>The only other thing they can feel is some kind of large, smooth, round glass surface.
>Are you trapped in some kind of glass structure?
>If so, how?
>Either way, you hardly have any idea as to what you should do in this situation.
>Input action.
rap at the glass surface somewhat hard in order to hopefully make some noise and alert someone as to your predicament.
[ 1d100 = 71 ]
>>148577>instead of getting a cutie mark, anons get to become real ponersI now want a mini Twilight to follow me around and act as my conscience.
>>148577>you change colors or other characteristics on top of being able to age again?b-but i want to stay the cute little anonfilly
>>148585It's okay nonny, you can stay normal as long as you stay youthful and innocent
see: immature forever.
Jokes aside that's kind of what I found interesting about anonfilly from the start: the idea of bing nameless and faceless, and the effects that it would have on pony society's cohesion and trust./faggoty nerd talk
>>148578>>148579>You decide to begin by trying to get the attention of someone who can help you and/or explain your current situation.>Experimentally, you take your right arm and knock at the glass surrounding you.>Dink!>You jump at the sound, not expecting it to be so loud.>Otherwise undeterred, you knock on the glass more, this time with all four of your movable limbs.>Dink Dink Dink Dink Dink! DENK!>That last noise was of you hitting the glass with all four limbs at once, figuring that if any kind of noise would grab attention, it would be that one.>As you continue rapping, however, you suddenly stop as something dawns on you.>That's… the sound of glass hitting glass.>Instinctively, you try to look down at your supposedly glass limbs, but your neck is as stiff and immovable as ever. >It irks you a little, not being able to see your arms and legs for yourself.>Plus, it doesn't seem like anyone else is responding to your noise.>You sigh audibly as your movements begin to falter, wondering if you should try something else or keep at it just in case.>Input action.
>>148590If you've got hands that can make such a noise, then perhaps you should see about punching
or bucking that piece of wood. Either your pain receptors are completely numbed, or you're really damn strong to make such high-pitched dinks on that orb thing without feeling any pain in your knuckles.
[ 1d100 = 89 ]
Okay, time for recap.
https://pastebin.com/JReEqH6G [Embed]
>You are Anon Filly, a cute green filly who used to be a human.>Around three weeks ago, you were zapped out of your home in Texas and woke up in Canterlot castle.>After some shenanigans in Canterlot involving changelings, you now live together with Twilight's family and Cadance in Ponyville.>Things have been pretty good thus far, but recently you made a major fuckup: fooling around with Cadance on less than consenting terms.>In your defense, you're not wholly in control of your actions.>Pretty much all of your decisions on this world since day one have been decided by a couple of edgelords back on Earth playing dice with your fate, as if it's some sort of game.>You're right now being interrogated by Twilight, who wants to speak in person with the people controlling you.
There's so much new content!
How am I ever going to catch up with it all?!
"Why are you restraining our toy? Dance for us! We have absolute control over this pony's will and body, and they are both easily replaced."
Twilight sits down on the bed and ponders your choice of words. She holds her chin in a hoof and gazes into your eyes for a few long, yet silent minutes until suddenly, you see a slight smile crack upon her face.
>"You're bored, aren't you? You control a single pony's actions, but you're otherwise powerless in this world. Anon may be replaceable, but the rest of this world isn't. And you're still limited by whatever pony you do control anyways. Cadance may be rather weak-willed, but you're powerless against me both physically and mentally, which is why you don't try anything. Is that about right?
>>148598Don't listen to that idiot, he's just trying, and failing, to be funny. The dice are fickle, and usually not in favor of those of us who are more level headed. The restraint is not for anyone else's protection, it's for Anon's until we can get our shit in order. Christ, the fourth wall is just, like, gone now.
[ 1d100 = 9 ]
Rolled 78
>>148599, also mention that the first voice that suggested this got a 9 out of hundred
>>148598Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Anonymous!
[ 1d100 = 68 ]
>>148590Make retarded WEE WOO sounds like Patrick Star.
[ 1d100 = 34 ]>>148598"You are an interesting creature, trying to make sense of a nonsensical world. You believe you can change the course of an entire civilization by virtue of your position, but, alas, you're simply a highly eccentric secondary character. Like so many others, you will have plots of success and misfortune, celebration and tragedy, struggle and lethargy.
Are you truly ready for all the challenges this world has to offer?"
[ 1d100 = 42 ]
>>148590 >>148592 >The thought crosses your mind that you should try punching the wood you're staring at. >Like before though, you can't even see your arms move towards it, much less actually get them to reach high enough. >Still, there is one still strange thing about whatever you're trapped in: your lack of feeling and/or pain. >You were too focused on making noise before to notice it then, but you weren't exactly getting hurt, despite hitting what was basically a solid wall repeatedly. >Slowly, you position your arm back, preparing to strike. >With as much force as you can, you slam your hand into your side. >Donk! >…Well, there is a slight stinging sensation, but it's definitely less than what you were expecting. >However, as you pull your arm away, only some of the sensation moves. >For a second, you would have sworn that you could feel that in your side. >The sting is already gone by now, though, so you can only guess that you were just feeling some kind of weird aftershock. >You would check more, but something else is bugging you. >Your hands, and perhaps your feet as well. >You didn't feel anything particularly unnatural in your "what can move" test, but you weren't exactly expecting limbs that were both missing and painless. >That's right, painless. >Your palms are still here, but no fingers, thumbs, or even toes. >It's not like they're just responsive, either. >No matter how you rub your hands against the glass or your feet against the seemingly wooden floor below you, it's as if they've been replaced by flat stumps. >What does that makes you then, if as far as you can tell, your limbs have been replaced with multi-jointed, flexible glass cups? >… >In the midst of your wondering, a sound that you didn't make pierces through the still air of whatever room you're in. >The slow, chilling sound of old, tight hinges squeaking as whatever they're attached to gets pushed open. >Did someone open the door? >Did they hear you, after all? >clip-clop clip-clop, clip-clop clip-clip… >The sound of footsteps, possibly from two or three people at once, fill the room alongside and eerie orange glow. >Is that candle-light? >clip-clop clip-clop, clip-clop clip-clop, >The noise is nearing you now, Mystery Person now walking across the room. >The light glows brighter, more whiter as they approach. >clip-clop clip-clip. >Finally, he or she comes to a stop. >Without warning, something soft and warm wraps itself around the midsection of your glass prison, before pulling you upwards and outwards with ease. >As you rise, you can catch a glimpse of the shelf you were apprently on, right next to a variety of alchoholic beverages from brands you don't recognise. >What you see next is, well… it's the face of the one who's lifting you up, that much is certain at least. >It has a purple face, cartoonishly large magenta eyes, and almost goopy-looking hairstyle of the same color as it's eyes. >It's head is also vaguely horse shaped, with a stubby muzzle and pointed ears at the top corners. >It's looking at you with a look of utter confusion, one that probably watches your own. >Just… what…? >Input action
[ 1d100 = 45 ]
>>148606"A-Are you my mommy?"
>Preferably not >pic related
>At best, it was some kind of subconcious response, one born from instincts that you hadn't realized you still have.>At worst, you really are in the midst of some kind of delusional coma, forced to witness events that you can't actually comprehend.>At the absolute worst, these events are real and you'll have to find a way to deal with them anyways."A-Are you my M-Mommy?"
>You don't know why you said that.>You don't know what even made you think to say that.>Either way, it makes the horse monster thing jump straight into the air, making a loud and feminine "EEK!">For some reason, this causes your world to start rolling right around you as you seemingly float in the air.>Oh wait, she just threw you into the air and now you're about to fall to your death.>Time starts to slow around you, the light of the newcomer's lantern making the hard, wooden floor very visible to you.>You consider trying to break your fall with your arms, but if you can't even see them, there's no way they'll be able to stop you from breaking your neck.>Your life flashes before your eyes, memories of your family and past, happy life flooding through your mind just before you feel the intense pain of->Oh wait she caught you.>…>She caught you?>You let out a deep gasp of air, quickly followed by deep, rapid breathing.>You feel nauseous from the spinning, and your neck feels dry from all the screaming that you apparently did.>With the way she caught you, you're once again looking directly at her exhausted, still slightly panicked face.>"Phew, that was a close one, But… I did hear that, right…? I'm not crazy…?">If you knew the answer yourself, you would have given her one by now.>Input action.That'll have to be it for today. I'll be looking to do some more tomorrow.
>>148612"Who am I?"
[ 1d100 = 72 ]
>>148612"I-I don't know how I got here… it was just instinctive… I think I used to be something else, maybe we should get that checked out…"
[ 1d100 = 61 ]
>>148626That's a lot of dicks.
Compensating for something?
>>148626holy mother of god those fucking braces
you're making it really hard to keep my stuff platonic with all this fetish fuel
>>148626>Heart eyesShe has embraced being the filly.
>>148626I just realized that hearths are flared horsecocks.
[ 1d100 = 75 ]>>148599Also boosting.
[ 1d100 = 39 ]
>be anon
>go to Equestria as anonfilly
>wake up surrounded by other anonfillies
>turns out that everyone that wanted to be the filly got their wish
>not even limited to content creators
>fucking everyone
>literally thousands to millions of anonfillies
>there’s a whole settlement of them
>reviled by most of ponykind because a bunch of earlier anonfillies did some fucked up shit
>settlement is collapsing because none of you actually know how to government
What would you do?
>>148642Have all anonfillies learn to dance, remake Thriller video.
>>148642Start up a Soylent Green factory.
>>148626Needs more dicks.
>you knock on the front door
>glance one last time at your armor
>spear still pointy
>and most importantly, you're still cute as fuck
>can't tell, but you just know
>soon enough, the front door opens
>some stallion dude wearing dorky glasses
>he eyes the spear immediately, gets nervous, then follows it down to you
>then it's just confusion
>"U-uh… can I help you, little filly?"
"I'm not a little filly, I'm an official Equestrian Guard, sir! And I'm here because you're suspected to be a first degree filly fiddler!"
>his eyes quickly glance at the spaces behind you
>"W-what, no I'm not!"
"Oh, really, now? So you're telling me you wouldn't get hard at all if I sucked you off?!"
"Get inside your house you filthy fucker, right now!"
>you jab your spear a little towards him, pushing him inside and going in after him
>catching the door with a hind leg, you close it after yourself, leaving this stallion dude just staring at you all confused and scared
"Lie on that goddamned couch or I'll make you minced meat!"
>you can't help but giggle a little after that
>it's ridiculous how easy it is to intimidate with the right tactics
>and you're pretty sure the laughing just made him even more scared
>but whatever, you read his face already, there's no doubt about it
>but this time, christ, you need it
>letting the spear drop, you run towards him and jump onto him
>being a filly, it really doesn't do much, but the extra weight of your armor does push him down some
>wasting no time, you spin around, resting your rump on his chest and using your hooves on that floppy thing of his
>though it doesn't stay that way for long, naturally
>a few hoof rubs and some gentle licks, and you're in big dong city
>you scoot back a little bit, knowing you wont be able to get that all in on the first try
>"Wh-what are you doing?"
"That's none of your damn business, boy! Now get licking!"
>for a moment there's nothing
>then you feel yourself wink, and the guy can't help himself
>that's the spirit!
>you take what you can in your mouth, and start doing what you do best
>extracting evidence, of course
>he does pretty well himself, every one of his eager licks helping to cool off the damned heat
>you swirl your tongue around his member all the while, sucking on him eagerly like a lollipop, and still taking him into your throat
>nobody can say you're not efficient at your job
>your clit gets sucked every time you wink, and the guy does a good job being able to lick up all the juices you make
>by the time you're able to cum, he is, too
>must've gone a long time without doing anything, or really like fillies, damn
>you swallow all of his seed that you can, and he laps up every last drop of your own cum
>after grinding out the afterglow on him, you spin around and sit near his flaccid fury
>he's still clearly lost in that afterglow, this dopey looking expression on his face
>so you reach around your back, then slap your cuffs on the guy's forelegs
>even with all the times you've done it, a perfect cuffing like that never ceases to please you
>the guy's expression suddenly comes back to him and falls
>"Hey, what's this?"
"It's your first token of jail time, buddy! Get used to them!"
>you move your thicc little ass over the guy's member as your words sink in
>you haven't had this in a long time, and it's your horsey season, there's no fucking way you're leaving without at least four hours worth of loads in you
>with a smug smile on your face, you hand over your next warrant to the two guard mares ahead
>you move to the third, who's fishing around through her saddlebags, and hold your hoof out
>she comes up with a small bag, placing it in your hoof with a noticeable chink
>the mares blush as they carry the guy off, and he just stares at the floor himself
>you put the bag in your own, the mare looks at you for a moment, looking like she wants to say something
>but nothing comes out
>heh, yeah.
>these days, they already know not to question you or your methods
>just to know that they work
>and boy, do they
>>148642Just put me in charge. Or, alternatively, make a few thousand clones of Twiggles.
>>148649>ProstiCop FillyI get the sense that this position wouldn't pass an ethics committee.
>>148651Eh, ethics committees are for communists. Let the prosti-copping commence!
>>148598I don't desire power. I'd love to just go about my life as usual but sometimes things just get out of hand. Yeah, you're powerful and smart but you're also my friend for the better or worse. I appreciate you, really.
[ 1d100 = 90 ]
>>148642Introduce ancap ideology and see where things go.
I wish for filly to pee in my mouth.
Rolled 14
Boredom, power? You still have no idea what's going on, do you?
>>148671Nitro oxide boost
[ 1d100 = 77 ]
>>148667We need more of filly peeing.
>>148598nah, you're just pretty cool
is it so wrong to just want to bang something? i didnt need restraints or a fucking hoof knocking my brain around for this shit, this is too fuckin extreme.
[ 1d100 = 19 ]
>>148680Anon is now a duck.
>>148680What kind of filly game would yall pick if you could get one?
Imo a platformer would be pretty nifty where we need to stop purpul from spilling the milk, kind of a race against the clock to the goal
>That's why you decide to set aside those feelings and focus on getting other, more immediately important answers."Never mind that. Where am I?"
>The sudden, straightforwards question appears to suprise the mare holding you, though only for a moment.>It actually startles you as well, being really high-pitched and girly.>It was the same voice as when you made your "greeting" with her, though you hadn't put your mind on it as much due to your sudden, life-threatening predicament.>"Oh, well, in my basement's brewery, of course. It's where I make and store all my specialized beer, just like you.""Wait, does that make me…?"
>"What else would you be?">Well, that explains a few things.>However, now you're left with other, much more difficult questions.>How did this happen?>You had just fallen asleep in your bed, last you checked.>This can't just be a dream, nausea like that doesn't just happen without reason, at least not when it actually feels real."Then… how did I get here?"
>Another twist of her face into confusion.>"You mean I didn't brew you? I don't know of any other way, if that's not it.">Make you…?>That almost makes sense, but there's still no way that's the case."That would explain my…
instinctive… response to seeing you, but I wasn't born a beer bottle!"
>"I guess that would explain why I don't exactly remember brewing you… Wait, what do you mean? What were you born as?">You recall times from your old life, memories of mostly your old family, those friends of yours that practically wanted to get into trouble, and of you being human."I was just sleeping in my bed last night, normal as any other person. Now here I am, fully awake and in the form of my favorite type of drink!"
>"Well, I do know a pony that could probably figure this out and probably even help you. Stay here…">She slides you back on the shelf, multiple dinks ringing in your ears as she noticibly pushes you back farther than you were before.>Were you right next the edge before, or something?>"… and I'll go and get her.">"Thanks, and please do.">With that final promise, she turns and audibly walks out of the room, talking the light with her as she closes the door with an audible slam.>Click.>Was that the sound of her locking the door?>You didn't hear it when she first came in here, but what else could it be?>…Wait, did she forget to lock the door the last time she left?>What if a child got in?>Oh well, nothing can be done now.>"Phew…">?>That… wasn't you.>It was also too high-pitched to be the mare whose name you forgot to get.>Then who…?>Input action.
>>148692Stay quiet and observe for now.
[ 1d100 = 11 ]
>>148692Wait, we're a sentient beer bottle?
>>148697Filly power is an interesting concept
>Autism fuels our cars
[ 1d100 = 61 ]
>>148692Wh-why is this in the filly thread if we aren't the filly?
Are you planning something?
>>148728Calling it right now, we're gonna be a discount crystal-filly.
>>148598"Losing power? What? No, don't listen to the other guy, he's a faggot who's just trying - and failing - to be funny. Some of us are more level headed."
>"More than one of you? Great…""Yeah, no shit. Look, a lot of us just want to live out this filly's life normally, but shit can get out of hand sometimes. Case in point, what just happened. We know you're the smart and powerful one, and to be honest, we really think of you as a friend, for better or for worse. At least I do."
>"But let me guess, I'm going to have to watch your every move like a hawk lest you decide to rape some other filly? Is it too much to ask you not to try and lick every vagina you see, in a world where nobody is wearing pants?"
Please don't, that may very well be my vital fluids.
[ 1d100 = 68 ]
>>148737Straight jacket, or a shock collar, shock collar sounds good. Now we need to figure out how to fix this, I'm thinking mandatory therapy sessions, make out as though Anon was molested as a child. Or just retarded, no offense Anon.
[ 1d100 = 20 ]
>>148737You silly purple mare, if we cant >Rape we ll just resort to >Hape, its comfier that way anyway
Oh also tecnically Cadance gave us consent, she could very easily have fought this filly body you know
Ps. Just like you dont trust us, 'I' dont trust you either, too many purpuls have been mean to green fillies and WE will not stand to anyone trying to hurt this o- i mean, hurt me. If i ever see you spilling some good looking delicious chocolate milk sissy…
Anyway, anyone seen Anon? I think he should be feeling better by now
>…No not me you idiot, the Anon who was meant to be the filly, the filly Anon, yea, Anonfilly…
>…Stare into nothingness
[ 1d100 = 18 ]
>>148744This was bigger than i expected, can i reroll for a shorter one? Doing anyway
[ 1d100 = 41 ]Just like you dont trust us, 'I' dont trust you either, if i ever see you spilling some good looking delicious chocolate milk sister…
Anyway, anyone seen Anon? I think he should be feeling better by now
>…No not me you idiot, the Anon who was meant to be the filly, the filly Anon, yea, Anonfilly…
>…Stare into nothingness
>>148701Throw a rock on it.
>>148692 (You)
shit just realized i've been forgetting to namefag with those last two>>148728"YO SHIT, WHO THE FUCK THAT?!"
>You're absolutely panicking by now, the weight about how absolutely helpless you really are right now.>You're a bottle of beer, an object that has little to no ability to move itself.>If you were stolen now, you might never find out what brought you here, nor how you could get back home.>On the flip side, if this is the person responsible for bringing you here, and they have intentions vile enough to need to sneak around behind someone's back…>In response to your voice, the mystery person jumps back, landing on the ground with an audible, loud CLOP.>Undeterred, tiny clip-clop-clip-clip hoofsteps, higher-pitched and more rapid than the brewer's, begin to near you.>It isn't long before you're swept suddenly off the shelf, helpless in the grasp of your new captor.>It's hard at first, making out his or her face in the darkness.>Your eyes are able to adjust quickly enough to make out key features, though.>This is a much smaller horse person, as if it really is a child holding you.>The features are once again rounder, and smoother, seemingly feminine.>Her fur is noticibly green, and her eyes look to be a similar, though darker shade.>You can't see her mane(?) though, except for the parts of it that dangle downwards, covering part of her face.>If you had to guess, you'd say that it was either a really dark brown or a black color.>Oh, and she has the expression of a little kid on Christmas morning, as if she's getting to unwrap the biggest present she's ever recieved.>"Wow, your face totally looks like mine! It's as if they cut mine off and made it into a bottle cap!">"So little booze-filly, are you going to open yourself up like a good little faggot, or am I going to need to get to liquid fun times myself?">Booze filly?>How… how are you supposed to react to a nickname like that?>Better yet, how do you react to a little kid trying to drink you and get wasted?>Input action.
>>148739Sorry about delet and delay, forgot pic and the 504 timed out.
>>148737It's not that I want to lick every vagina I see, it was just kind of hard to resist when Cadance presented hers the moment I asked.
[ 1d100 = 43 ]
>>148747This green makes me very confused
Confused but curious…go on
>Tfw no best booze filly friend to open up to and refill when she s feeling low and down
>posts green
>people like it
>vow to make more
>one month, 3 threads later
>finally manages to pump out more content
>not even that much
>"h-hey guys, I'm back."
>what a fucking faggot
Sorry. I'd make excuses but all I would be doing would be hiding the fact that I'm a lazy ass who can't fulfill his promises. Please insult the fuck out of me if I do this shit again.
>Well, that's the end of this little misadventure.
>You know perfectly well when fate is trying to tell you something.
>You finish pushing the box into place and slide the plate on top of it.
>It clicks into place as you push down on it.
>As you extricate yourself from under the table, you can't help but seethe at this whole damn situation.
>What use do ponies have for a fucking engine?
>How will this help them, exactly?
>They have fucking magic!
>There is absolutely no need for an expensive motor, running on expensive fuel, inside an expensive car when you can just fucking teleport!
>So why, then?
>Why does Purple feel the need, the overwhelming urge, to ruin your entire month by putting you in a basement and having you electrocute yourself trying to make a serviceable engine?
>You stop yourself.
>If you continue thinking like this you'll break something.
>Even now you find yourself wanting to flip the table over and throw one of your makeshift bombs into the engine.
>Alright, Anon. Calm down. Count to ten.
>You close your eyes.
>Hey, this is actually working!
>“Hey, Anon. How's it going?”
>You nearly have a fucking stroke as your eyes snap open.
>At the bottom of the stairs, tired eyed and slouched in posture, stands Spike.
>You manage to growl out a reply through gritted teeth as you fantasize about strangling him to death.
“Juuust fuckin' great, man. Having the time of my life here. Yep, dandy as can be. It's not like I've just been interrupted by a nosy fucking dickface of a dragon baby while I'm trying to do my own shit. Nope.”
>He blinks, looking mildly surprised.
>”Wow, alright. Not going great, huh?”
>He looks you over, taking your hatred filled visage in.
>”Y'know, I don't think that's healthy. Maybe Twi was right about that whole anger management thing. You should consider it.”
>The slight lift on both ends of his mouth tell you that the little fuck is enjoying this.
>You sneer.
“Hey, since you're in such a helpful mood why don't you come on over here so I can return the favor? I hear that having the absolute fucking shit beaten out of you gives you good vibes. Really helps with tension.”
>He puts a claw to his chin in mock thought.
>”Hmm. Let me think on it for a bit.”
>Goddamnit you hate him.
>He's taken a certain shine to fucking with you.
>Something about you “stressing Twi out,” and “messing with her mind.”
>As if she hasn't been doing the same to you.
>Fair play is fair play.
>That hasn't deterred reptile boy, though.
>You sigh, suddenly unable to summon the energy to snipe back at him.
“Just tell me what you want, you fucking lizard.”
>”I don't know Anon, you've been so rude that maybe I don't want to…”
“Tell. Me. You. Fucker.”
>He casually scratches a claw against the wall, and your ears fold back at the irritating screeching sound.
>”Well, as much as you don't deserve the warning, Twi told me to let you know that she won't be coming home today.”
>This is unprecedented.
>Purple, master of the schedule and all around neurotic, failing to appear in time to check on your progress?
>The fuck?
>Some serious shit must be going on for this to happen.
>You laugh nervously.
“Purple, late? What, did somebody die?”
>Spike shrugs, inspecting his claws lazily.
>”Griffons or something. Land deal.”
>Fuck, now you actually feel sorry for her.
>Whatever she's doing, if it has to do with griffons and negotiation it must be terrible.
>You've met a few of the feathery bastards that you liked, but most of them are complete dicks.
>You can't imagine that the fuckers in charge of the greedy assholes are any better than the rest.
>In fact, they're probably worse.
>You cough awkwardly.
“Oh. That sucks.”
>He glowers at you as he ascends the stairs.
>”Yeah, whatever. Have a nice night.”
>You shout out to him as he goes out of view.
“Hey, tell Flutterfuck to restrain her fucking animals!”
>No response except the slamming of the door.
>Yeah, well, he can go fuck himself.
>You don't need the approval of Purple's useless servant-dragon.
>>148759Good to see you again man. I'd definitely like to see more of your story but we all struggle with motivation sometimes. I hope you figure it out.
>>148737"In our universe contact with others' genitalia is a common greeting and means of endearment, similar to how dogs sniff each others' butts in your universe. We can restrain our cultural practices for your sake, but I cannot speak for the multitude."
[ 1d100 = 19 ]>>148747"Don't chug this 'un, kid. I'm poisoned. I ended up this way after drinking another booze filly and ignoring his warnings. He tasted like snot and now I suffer the curse. Try the bottles that don't talk."
[ 1d100 = 66 ]
[ 1d100 = 52 ]
>>148500For really real name I'm going with now. I had a draft open here I was editing over my day, and then I pressed control+Q instead of control+W in brave, which closed every tab.
Blah. I'll get around to the next part tomorrow. Honest. If 24 hours pass and it's not up then you can ban me from the site and discord server, because I'm subhuman filth and if I can't make my own deadlines on a fucking hobby, I don't deserve to be here.
>>148775Shit, that sucks. Maybe use another program to do the writing in, then copy it here? Google Docs would also work, since it autosaves.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing fine.
>>148777Well…I know, but still.
Also google is for kikes.
>>148775>Discord serverFilly, or mlpol?
>>148779/mlpol/. Never joined a discord for pony until now and admittedly I've been slacking a lot to fuck around with people. Started a Borderlands 2 brand-loyalty run and I'm pushing back life things a bit more than I should.
>>148783>Mating PressI need that image.
>>148783This filly getting the cold hose when?
Also, you know, for how much i "abuse" lewd fillies for non-lewd purposes, i dont want to know how much i d be abused by others FOR lewd, i-i mean..c-cant we just chat or something?
>>148788As the filly, you always get what you don't want.
Story idea: CYOA but instead of anonfilly being controlled by anons it's Fluttershy. She tries to go about her day but is shocked and ashamed by being forced to go against her character. She has to go to Anonfilly to ask what's going on.
>>148840But then it would not be anon filly. It would be twitch plays Fluttershy.
>>148820Would the other normal fillies get jealous when they find out you get to cuddle with a princess?
>>148884No, because most of them also don't have to deal with being fiddled.
>>148884Depends on the Twilight.
>>148839Well I'm not wrong.
>>148901>>148902>Implying there's more than 1/1000 sadistic Twilights>Implying the Multiverse Twilight Police won't bust down her door and have her thrown in Tartarus
>>148840While it might not fit this board if Fluttershy is the main character, you could flip the concept around and have it be about Filly living with a CYOA-style unpredictable Fluttershy. Gives it the board relevence while still keeping the primary concept of a non-anon character having troubles with being controlled by otherworldy anonymous voices.
>Twitch plays FluttershyFund it.
>>148946Pictured, from left to right: Normalfag OC, best pony.
Rolled 89
>>148737Fuck off, Dutch boy!"Sprakle", you
still don't have a clue what's going on, do you. You seek promises or deals, but have no idea who you're dealing with! Is it really so bad that Ponyville has a serial pervert, or do you not want our help with the coming storm?
>It occurs to you, what the liquid inside of you might be if you're a beer bottle.>It's not exactly blood or water, but still, you have to be running on something if you're still alive.>Is that what the alchohol inside of you is?"Please don't, those 'liquid fun times' may very well be my vital fluids."
>"Pff, right, because people totally survive off of 100% blood-alchohol content all the time. You just want to keep it all so you can get yourself drunk at any time, don't you?""I… what? No! There's no way that's how this stuff works at all!"
>"You don't sound too certain. Do you know that for sure, or have you just never tried?">Well… in a way, it is true to at least some degree, at least that you haven't exactly tried anything like that.>It's not like you really can, either, not when you have no idea how to…>You cut off the point before you can waste more time on it."How can you be certain? I don't want to randomly risk my life!"
>"But that's what fun is! If you keep fearing it like that, then you'll never feel adrenaline, go on adventures, or make me drunk! C'mon, get me drunk!">You're definitely starting to feel fear at this point, to put it one way.>Your mind desperately seeks a way to convince this filly not to try to drink you alive.>Well, she might not care about risking your life, and she might really like beer, but she probably doesn't want to become one…"B-besides, I'm poisoned. I ended up this way after drinking a booze filly and ignoring her warnings. Seriously, worst tasting beer I've ever had, and now I'm suffering the curse. The bottles that don't talk will do you much better."
>To your relief, this actually makes her go silent in contemplation.>To you horror, it's only a moment longer before a loud, long, shrill noise shatters your relief.>"BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!">Laughter?!>"Dude, where do you think I was before that mare left and locked the door behind her?""Uh…"
>"I was here, the whole time! I heard you admit to not knowing how you got here at all!""…Oh."
>"So, any more questions?">…Nope, can't think of any.>As if reading your mind, the Filly raises her hoof over your face, slowly moving it downwards.>You respond with a loud, long, shrill noise of your own:"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
>Your scream.>Yeah, it definitely seems like it's the time for panic now.>As you reach the end of your breath, you feel the first brushes of her hoof against your face, causing your eyes to force themselves shut.>If presses down futher, harder, yet ever so slowly, as if taunting you for your failure, and your helplessness.>And then all at once, it's gone.>Gone, only to be replaced by a similar feeling, but wetter and with an odd smooching noise…?>Did she… kiss…?>Yet again the feeling removes itself, a round of giggles now cutting your panic into a just as wild mix of confusion and embarresment.>"Gotcha, faggot!">Finally, you open your eyes to see the biggest shit-eating grin you're even seen on someone's face.>"LAWL, get PRANKED, get REK'T, get OWNED, RIIIIIIIIIIIIIP, ha ha ha!">Your expression floods with indignance at the childish response doubled with one of the most annoying, most obnoxious voices you've ever had the misfortune of knowing in person.>Definitely add that and anger to your emotional mix.>"Yeah, all you really had to do was just say 'no', you didn't actually need those excuses n' crap.">You let loose a loud, exhaused sigh, which unfortunately only vents out a small fraction of what you're feeling."Can you just put me back, now?"
>She turns towards the shelf, but instead of putting you back, she grabs a different bottle and starts walking away.>"Sorry, no can do.""Then, why did you grab that one?"
>"Have you seen this stockpile?">The word "stockpile" does do pretty much to sum it up.>Even in the darkness, you can see bottles of all sorts of shapes and sizes lining the wall across 6 total rows of shelves.>You can't read any of the labels, but very few bottles have logos or visual designes of the same shape.>Not quite what you expected from what you had initially gathered to be someone's own home-brewed personal supply.>"Speaking of, would you like to try one?">At first, it sounds like a really weird question.>You are a beer, why would you want to drink one?>But then, what happens if you don't, and it turns out you need it as food or something?>You can't help but think over the question, if only for a little bit.>Input action.
>>148962Have the beer poured over yourself or something.
[ 1d100 = 74 ]
>>148962Drink EVERYTHING.
Rolled 93
>>148982Attempt 2 electric boogaloo.
>>148737Scream "BENIS" at her face
[ 1d100 = 60 ]
>>148737Your voice changes to a more psychotic tone to accommodate yet another host.
"Fuck off, you stupid Dutch boy. Look, Sparkle, you still don't have a clue what's going on, do you? You seek…"
She holds up a hoof.
>"I'm gonna stop you right there. One of you is Dutch, another is not. You're communicating over the Internet, aren't you? How about one of you lets me in on what's really going on here?"You inhale as much air as you can to give her your next reply.
>"Okay, so we've established…""BENIS BENIS BENIS"
>"That I'm talking to…""BENIS"
>"Some trolls…""BENIS"
>"On the Internet.""BENIS BENIS"
>"But what the hell is going on? Is this world even real?"
>>149004Asks the CIA agent occupying the body of a purple cartoon horse child in the magical land of Equestria. Let's not try explaining the many worlds theorem and alternate quantum states, yeah?
[ 1d100 = 89 ]
>>149004Based Benis anon, i actually laughed at that even thought i imagined it was going to be stupid af, kek
Dont really need to boost but go for this
>>149005[ 1d100 = 66 ]
Oh, by the way, forgot to mention this, but somebody roll me a 20. Haven't done one of those in a while.
>>149014>>149012Fuck Australia, nuke Australia and reroll
[ 1d20 = 14 ]
You know what's not fun? Trying to play Borderlands 2 with someone who refuses to do sidequests or level up, and won't let you explore enough to get better gear for your build for hours at a time.
We spent literally three hours trying to do the Bandit Slaughter starting below level 17, because none of us had guns befitting of our level. So, thanks octavian, thanks a lot.>>148500Eventually, your smile relaxes down to a neutral expression as you spot a familiar farmhouse. You glance to your caretaker, and your eyes meet as you both nod to each other. Talking to this anon here is going to be a rough conversation, you're sure; the fact you're going to be talking such heavy topics as life and identity to someone who's killed themselves several times so soon after seeing Pinks makes it almost convenient she was so kind in offering her emotional support.
"So, do you want to tell the Apple family I'll be at their orchards for a few hours? AJ can escort us back to the library afterward. Er, that is, if the other anon decides to come along."
"Yes, that does seem alright. Do you need anything else? Enchanted messaging scroll to send a note in case of emergency?"
"Mm, no. I think it's best to just do it solo."
"Alright, be good to the Apples."
You gently lean toward her in a slight nuzzle against the side, before trotting toward the apple orchards. You spot a few clouds with space to hold a filly in, but you can't see any green in the patches in between.
Nearly two hours pass of trotting and walking across the expanse of trees, before you hear your poor tummy making its noises of discomfort. You spot a few low-hanging apples from the trees, carefully standing up against them to pick two and eating them slowly. You appreciate the flavor and juicy meat of the fruit, but at the same time the adrenaline rush of sugar's expired. Despite this, you're happy to know you're getting the hang of walking quite easily.
"Hey, who the hell brought
you here?" You hear above you. You don't need to look up to know who that is, so you simply rest beneath your shady foliage, speaking at a moderate volume upward.
"Other than Twilight? Nobody. I came here because I heard about you over the grapevine."
"What could be said of a bland old snowclone that can't even find his place in a shitty town from the middle ages? Was it that dickhead that keeps trying to popularize memes around the other kids?"
"Sounds like her. Bu-"
Him. Don't kid yourself. We're all balding dudes that watched cartoons up until the day we died."
"Come on, hobbies aren't a sin. Didn't you have any?"
"Hobbies are just something to postpone suicide. Pointless."
"If that's the case, why did you do anything? Why not just strangle yourself on your umbilical cord and get it over with?" As you say this, you come off as scathing, but you say it less out of malice and more out of frustration. This guy really is you, isn't he? Dumb millennial, thirty-year-old child who finds himself so lost even in a place like this. You move out of the shade to bathe in the sunlight, looking upward. Just as you expected, his face is visibly indignant.
"Well, what did you do, smartass!? It's not exactly easy to do."
"That's my point, man. Shit's hard. I spent so long trying to minimize pain before just tossing my plans aside. The fact we all ended up here, I don't know the reasoning but we're here. We went from our human lives to a new world, given a once-in-a-millennium second chance. I don't know any more than you do but, just try to hold onto what makes you feel good. What did you do other than watch the horse show before?"
"Games. Wasn't really a fan of the beach and I was too weak for much else."
"Well, now you get a chance to try again. You might be small, but for your age, you're not that weak."
"I'm not going to get any older. It's been long enough to know that by now."
"Okay, there's games here too, right? Books?"
"Can't read that well." This one really is hopeless…perhaps the best thing you can do is offer companionship and advice.
"I mean…you can learn now! Your body and mind are nubile, sure, but you've got the mind and body of a growing kid. Learning will come sooner, fitness will improve faster, injuries will heal more quickly…you're a blank slate, and that's a good thing. Don't you get sick of doing nothing up there?"
You hear a derisive sigh from the filly before you hear the wind pick up. Your eyes are covered by your mane, and by the time you move it away, the clouds are dissipated.
You covered a lot of ground, but perhaps the answer isn't to bludgeon him over the head with morals and lessons. You might have had a hard time in life, but how can someone still be unhappy, surrounded in such comforts and discovery? What's wrong with him?
You shake your head, taking one more apple for the road before heading toward the farmhouse. Guess you should probably get to know the family before you run off, huh? Maybe something will strike you when you get home.
Maybe you should learn from Twilight and see if you can't figure out the nature of your presence in Equestria, or at least a little more about how to pony.
>>149016Hopefully this suffices for the time it took. I would have been at this a lot earlier, had it not been for the unforseen delays in Borderlands 2. If we'd just done a few sidequests, I'm sure we'd be at the Fridge around two hours ago and been just fine level-wise. Sorry for only posting once a day.
>ywn be a bad filly just so you can be spanked, which you find hot due to your mommy issues
>>149016Thanks for the update.
Sounds annoying
>>149031totally was, I'm not a pro but I can promise you that any experienced player would tell you that if you're doing a brand loyalty run, you should keep your equipment close to the level you're at due to the lack of space to us looted guns. but muh speedrunner logic!
>>149004No, it's not. You are subsisting in a hologram and exist at the mercy of extra-dimensional forces…at least until one finds you too boring.
[ 1d100 = 91 ]
>>149004Who cares? Let's go out for milkshakes
[ 1d100 = 18 ]
>>149016You should start compiling this in a pastebin doc as soon as possible, you'll regret it the longer you wait.
>>149106I mean, I'm enjoying writing but this isn't exactly a magnum opus, it's just a fanfiction.
Having Derpy as mom and getting a lil/big sis(Dinky) as bonus? Sign me in
>>149121The more the better as they say
>>149115I like that more than this board's idea of Twi mom. Derpy's adorable and seemingly retarded, so the board's more likely to make her the ""Sympathetic" boomer shithead who never thinks things through and is less mature than her kid" kind of mom.
>>149108Doesn't matter, if you don't give enough of a shit to archive your work, then your recognition will be finite. Also gives newfags something to read to be shown the ropes of filly.
>>149158I suppose. I might resurrect my pastebin account sometime if you guys want it.
I just don't think I'm worth recognizing, I guess. I mean, even among you guys I'm just an anon. My writefagging here is going out of its way to subvert the entire idea of anonfilly, not exactly emblematic of the aveerage story in the genre. I do this because I want to, not for fame or recognition. If you guys like it, I mean, that's cool, but it's just a piece of fantasy on an imageboard, and I'm fine leaving it that way.
>>149169Mediocre or not, these is still little downside to making it, and being "just an anon" has little to nothing to do with the desire for one.
>Ah, screw it."I'll take EVERYTHING!"
Now this, she clearly didn't expect.
>"W-What? …Well, I can't exactly blame you. I promise you I'll get you them later.""Later?"
>"I mean, it's not exactly like I can carry everything here. If I could, I would have run off with it a looong time ago.""Carry?"
>"You're supposed to be a beer bottle, not a parrot. But yeah, carry, I don't exacty plan on staying here for long because of… reasons.""Re- …Why not?"
>She doesn't answer you directly, however.>In fact, she goes completely silent.>It's as if there's something wrong, even though there's nothing at all to indicate this, at least as far as you can tell."Uh… Hm, what's your name?"
>Her answer is in only a quiet whisper, and the tone of it catches you off guard.>"Anonfilly…">If you didn't know who you were talking to, you would've never guessed that is filly would be the one to say it.>It's quiet, monotone, but you can hear dread in it louder than any syllable."So uh, Anonfilly, what's wrong…?"
>She doesn't say anything, instead nabbing a random bottle off the shelf, presumably for you, and dashing off with you and the two other bottles.>At first it appears as though she's heading for the door, but instead she veers off to the rights and ducks underneath a clothed table.>Instantly, your vision is cloaked in darkness under the sheet.>You could still see some outlines of the wooden floorboards below you, though, showing that the cloth didn't extend all the way to the floor.>Instead, there was a space between it and the floor about two centimeters thick.>You figured that it would probably only be seen under by someone actively looking underneath.>"As you might imagine, I'm not exactly allowed down here under normal circumstances.">Oh.>So this is someone taking you for nefarious purposes, probably.>In the back of your mind, you wonder if her taking you like this counts as theft or kidnapping.>Either way, you're not one to let either happen to you, especially not when you're the thing being taken."What? Then why should I let you- Mmhmmphmmhm…"
>She covered your mouth as you spoke, muffling most of your voice.>Well, to be precise, she covered your entire face.>Details aside, your panic was rising once again.>"Shush, please!">A small hint of desperation slips through her words, breaking your slight surprise at her now using the word "please" without any hint of sarcasm.>"She's coming, and she's close. Please, just be quiet!">Now it sounds like she's the one panicking.>Figures, she's probably done this more than once despite all the warnings given to her.>Despite the justice-driven front feelings of yours, though, a more cynical side to you starts to doubt some of these assumptions.>It feels to obvious, that these are just the panicked beggings of someone desperate not to be caught in the act.>But then, the way she worded it, it's as if she knows who's coming.>But you know that person too, right?>Well, not personally, but he/she's the one that the brewer mare from earlier said she was grabbing.>It has to be, right?>So, what's with this doubt?>Input action.
>>149180well, not much else we can do than be quiet, and us anonfillies gotta stick together, beer filly or not
[ 1d100 = 98 ]
>>149211oh right, i forgot i didnt even roll
thanks anon
https://pastebin.com/Yd40UgM2 [Embed]Alright, got it up here. I'll post another chapter tonight
ignore the username, it's an old account and I plan on changing the name soon
>>149229>Tom becomes Audrey - Human to Pony TF/Slice of Life>I'm Seeing Everything - Changeling TF/Polite Stalk…>Aryanne x Veronika (Shipwrecked nazi v commie green)Interesting taste.
>>149231I know, I used to be a green-writer. I kinda stopped caring for writing that way, eventually drifted away from that. But I mean anonfilly is basically just pony TF in Equestria specifically.
You are nearing one year of this. Why bother at this point?
>>149260Eh, someone already beat me to the punch of bringing attention to my pastebin on /mlp/ it seems. I'll just let them do what they wish with it, I guess, if anyone cares so much about that.
>>149261One year of what, writing? I mean, I've been gone for like half a year, and my writing style's changed from green to paragraphs. I may as well just leave the past stuff behind. I haven't looked there since like…January anyway.
>You find yourself eventually going quiet.>For better or for worse, you do feel some form of trust in Anonfilly; not quite friendship, but enough to be concerned when she is.>Not much else you can do anyways, when you're held in her grip like this.>Since you've stopped resisting, she stopped pressing down on your face.>The hoof hasn't been removed though, but it's still better than having your nose crushed.>In the meantime, nothing has happened so far.>At least, nothing else has changed.>You still can't sense whatever she's been feeling, and the wait has yet to end.>You have to admit, it's that waiting that, more than anything else, is giving you the most fear.>It's time that lets your mind wander in curious directions, directions related to who this "she" might be.>Some kind of ancient eldrich horror?>Some local tyrant that kills disbelievers on sight?>Her royally pissed mom?>…>It's only when you being to feel the beginning of sleep's decent that you finally notice it.>You imagined that it would be something like malice, dread, or maybe even just a really bad smell.>But it isn't, it isn't any of those.>It was dry, sterile, and orderly.>In a way, it reminds you of the aura your old boss carried with him at the workplace, able to snap nearby employees into full effort just by hanging around.>As in, it has a way of almost sucking the feelings you had before out of you.>Fear, hope, confusion, they all shriveled up and died under this intense atmosphere.>It wasn't to the point of making you go all "nothing matters" or "I don't need to live".>Rather, those thoughts weren't spared either.>At the very least, it's not like you're losing your head at all or being lulled into doing anything you wouldn't want to.>"I'm sure you can feel her coming too, now.">Anonfilly's sudden whisper startles you out of your thoughts."Yeah."
>"If you have any last words, or one last question, now's the time. She's only about five minutes away.""You can tell?"
>"Believe me, it comes naturally when you have to live with her, for any period of time really.""You…?"
>"Yeah. It's Hell on Earth.">That aside, 'any last words'?>She makes it sound like you're on your way to your execution.>Either way, with so many questions already swirling around in your head, how do you choose only one?>Input action.
>>149273"Oh great, did we end up with a Lone-tier Twi out of all of the possible outcomes?"
[ 1d100 = 81 ]
>>149273I had thought if I was to go, I would go out with a drink. I didn't quite expect to be the drink, though.
[ 1d100 = 21 ]
"No, it's not real. You're living inside of a hologram, and your existence is at the mercy of extra-dimensional forces. When we find you to be too boring, that may end."
>"What the hell are you talking about? A hologram is just a visualization, not some sort of alternate universe. Do you mean this is a virtual world, like a simulation?"
"I don't know. Who cares? Let's go out for milkshakes!"
>"Is this just some sort of lame excuse to get out of punishment? Act completely bonkers so you can't be held liable for your actions? Well it's not going to work on me, miss… what the hell is that on your nose?"
She reaches out to grab what looks like a folded up piece of paper that was resting on top of your nose. Somehow in the middle of your argument, you had not noticed its existence. She opens it up and reads it aloud.
>"Well that didn't work?"
. . .
The world fades to black and your headache suddenly intensifies. You hear a muttered thud close by, followed by the voice of a familiar purple filly.
>"Fuck me, remind me not to drink when I have research in the morning."
>>149349Forgot to link to previous post.
>>149349What the hell just happened, did we pass out? Look around.
[ 1d100 = 82 ]
>>149349You can beat me until I'm unrecognizable, but I won't give into the CIA!
[ 1d100 = 97 ]
>>149318Oh man, I would do so many things to that filly butt.
filly things, courtesy of derpibooru
Anyway, next chapter is up and pastebin's updated.
>>149016As you approach the wooden porch, your hooffalls are met with immediate attention, the sound of a Southern female voice perking your mood up a tad: "Ope, comin'!"
She quickly comes to the door, the mare opening the door with a small and pleasant smile on her face. "Howdy! Ah'm Applejack, but ah'm sure ya already know, judgin' by the last two anonymous fellers. Yer the filly we're lookin' after on the way home, right?"
"Yeah, no luck with the other filly."
"A shame really. But y'know what? You gave it a shot. Come in, sugarcube."
You smile a little wider as you walk into the home beside her, the mare humming gently as you pass her. You scrape your hooves against the mat out of courtesy before you turn toward her. "So, what now? Want to just chat a little, do you have plans, or are you gonna get stuff to escort me home?"
She places a hoof at her chin, looking out the window. The sun's nice and bright as it slowly descends toward the horizon. Hmm… "Ah, heck. You were out there fer a while. Why not take some time 'n rest?"
"Are you sure? I'm alright with going out. I'd hate to take up a bed or something."
"Oh no, it's fine! In fact, how 'bout you share a bed with mah sis, Applebloom? Bed's pretty roomy, should be good t'share."
"Well, if it's alright with you, I guess I can stick around. Where's Applebloom now?"
"She's up in her room right now, asked 'er to go change her sheets 'n dust off a little after dinner. Oh, speakin' of dinner-"
"Don't worry about it. I stuck to just getting a couple apples while I was out there. Do you want anything to repay you for that?"
"Don't fret. Yer new 'round here, make yerself at home until ya got yer bearings and repay however ya want to." She gently pats your head as she says this, your ears quickly folding down against your head and your eyes diverting from her.
I get it, I'm small, I don't need to be patted on the head to remind me…"Alright, thanks…uhm, I'll j-just head on up then." You're pretty sure you're blushing as you skitter off a little bit hastily, heading upstairs. You don't hear any extra comments from AJ, but you doubt she's that worried about the fact you hurried away.
A little while passes as the evening comes upon you. You help the youngling make her bed - being an earth pony, using her mouth to pull the sheets neatly and evenly is difficult, so you make use of numbers to do it from both sides at once together.
"You do kinda look like those other fillies from Twilight's library…but how'd Twilight end up with three green 'n black fillies in half a year?"
"Well, I don't know. Seems like this is kind of a template pony body. Would explain the question mark cutie mark, right?"
"Oh, oh, oh. Maaaybe, yer cutie mark's s'posed to mean you blend in and digsuise well?"
"I doubt that's my talent. There's only three of us."
Applebloom's actually a pretty relateable filly, spending most of her days simply doing chores and seeking things to do to pass the time. Her cutie mark crusading, while a big part of establishing an identity, admittedly is purposely outlandish with the intent to pass the time and find new and interesting things to do, more than everything else.
"Hey, by the way, do you know anything I can do around here for spare change? I wanna pay your sister back for letting me onto her orchard."
"Not too sure, but there's lotsa ponies who want somethin' done. You could probably just ask around."
"Guess it makes sense. I'll have to look for some ponies in need of help then."
While you would seek something to do, the books in Applebloom's room are all mid- to low-level that bores you more than anything. Isn't there at least a comic book or novella worth reading? You'll have to look for something in Twilight's library.
For now, that bed's looking awfully comfy…
Which pony would be the most motherly for the filly?
>>149380It's scientifically proven to be Twiggles.
>>149411I feel like she'd be a bit of helicopter-mom tbh, seeing as overstresses easily.
Like the Ol' want-it-need-it spell.But may redeem herself later on with more parenting experience
Although I'm also partial to Celestia or Derpy too.
>>149380I would like to see a princess anon filly story.
>>149371Aw yeah sleep with the apple filly
>>149380Button's mom
Put the masturbation on hold for a day, and spend it redpilling someone with anything posted here.
>>149609Make a thread about this if you want to talk about it faggot. This is not the place for it.
>>149371Cuddle time?
>>149479That's adorable
>>149609Filly-fy that with white being normal ponies and black being fillies saying bad words or booping the innocent ^:)
>>149610Silly me, faggot, I forgot this is the thread for masturbation! Fap fap fap, I'd sure love to fuck all of you if we became anonfillies! Muh dick is so hard at the thought of losing my dick and becoming Twilight's abused daughter. Let's forget about the absolute state of the outside world and masturbate while Rome burns.
>>149609>>149685You've got no fucking clue what this thread is about, do you?
Lurk moar faget
>>149685>>149609Hurr durr muh politics must not be infringed!
Look, I came here for the filly. I search out other threads as I see fit, but if you have a problem with this thread, take it up with the mods and waste your time reeing at them instead of wasting ours with your shitposts generated by the fact that you don't realize there's a nifty little button that can create threads.
>>149609>>149685Don't be a retard.
Stop derailing.
>Day 4562 in Equestria
>The ponies have been fairly kind to me, even though due to some archaic law, I was doomed to be the gangly alien crashing on someone's couch for the rest of the foreseeable future.
>Apparently, legally only ponies were allowed to own land.
>Still, it was nice to have company, and I tried to be helpful wherever I was staying.
>I was in the middle of helping to feed yellowquiet's animals, with her listing off a laundry list of rules about Angel Bunny's food like I hadn't heard it all several times before.
>Not that it would matter either way if anyone followed them or not, the little shit.
>The monologue was interrupted by the door to her cottage slamming open, prompting a terrified squeak from the pegasus and a sudden disappearance.
>The resident eggheaded princess of friendship barged right on in. "Anon! I think I finally found a solution to your residency problem!"
>I paused in looking under the shivering tablecloth with the suspicious length of pink tail peeking from beneath it.
"Twilight, I'm flattered, but like I told Pinkie, I'm not looking to get married at this time."
>She blinked owlishly for a moment before shaking her head. "What? No. I mean, yes, I guess that would technically work (and maybe thought about over a few drinks) but that's not what I came over for! Now, as we know, the whole crux of the problem is that you're not a pony, right? Thanks to your help in researching, I think I might finally have a solution!"
"Now, hold on. Let's not do anything I'll regret--"
>It was no use. Already her horn had flared to life and lanced out with a beam of thaumaturgical power, knocking a birdhouse off the wall via human projectile.
>Passing out seemed like a wise move at the moment.
>Mumbling in the next room was the first thing that came to my attention, closely tied with a slight headache.
"Uuuuuuugh… my head…"
>That's odd. My voice sounded a little funny.
>The mumbling paused, and I heard the sound of hoofsteps approaching.
>Maybe I could pretend to be asleep still?
>No such luck, as another groan escaped me as the door creaked open.
>"How're you feeling, Anon?" asked an entirely too cheerful voice.
>Forcing myself to sit up, I fixed book horse with as flat a stare as I could.
"You knocked me into a wall."
>Fluttershy peeked in and gave a little gasp, her eyes dilating like only a pony's could.
>I swear, they were twinkling even.
>Before I knew it, I was wrapped up in buttery hooves that were much larger than I remembered.
>Heck, everything was larger than I remembered.
>Since when was I covered in green fuzz?
>Since when did I have hooves?
>My hooves flailed in the grip of the overly affectionate pegasus, along with some limbs I couldn't quite identify yet.
>Again, my voice was much higher than it should be.
>"Aheh… heh heh… Welllll, funny story! Apparently there were a few complications from using myself as a template for the spell, but other than that, everything went exactly as planned!"
>Her wings shuffled sheepishly on her back even as she looked incredibly proud of herself.
>I could feel deep in my gut that my life was about to become hell.
"What. Worked. Twilight. Sparkle?"
>As much venom as I could muster dripped from each word, even as I resigned myself to being cuddled by yellow hush.
>Face full of pride, the princess of friendship dragged a full-size mirror into the room.
>In it, Fluttershy was doting over a little green filly.
>"You're a pony, Anon!"
>My eye twitched. The filly's eye twitched.
"Twilight. Did you turn me into a unicorn filly?"
>More nervous laughter.
>"TECHnically, no. That's part of the complications I mentioned."
"It sure looks like I'm a unicorn, Twilight."
>It was at this time that I felt Fluttershy fiddling with SOMETHING on my back.
>In the mirror, she stretched out a green wing, nibbling and straightening feathers.
>Twi shrank back, and Fluttershy pulled her disappearing act again.
>"It… it was an accident. I thought you would be turned into a stallion! A normal stallion, you know? Not… well… you know."
>>149717>As the pegasus-sized lump in the bedding stopped shivering, Twilight scuffed at the floor.>"You're not… mad… are you?" she asked, hopeful tone to her voice.>I took a deep breath, letting it out slowly."… I'm not mad, Twilight."
>I was absolutely livid."There was absolutely no way you could have known."
>If she'd thought of things enough, she probably could have guessed."Just turn me back, and everything should be just fine."
>The lavender lady of literature winced.>"Wellll… I'm afraid we already tried when we saw how things turned out.">More awkward shuffling.>"The… uh… counterspell I made for it didn't work. At all.">I must've had an expression of blinding rage cross over my face, as Twilight took a few steps back before returning to her position.>Deep breaths. In. Out. In…. out. Deep, calming breaths."Well… at least it can't get any worse…"
>As if to prove me wrong, trumpets were sounded outside, and insistent knocking began on the door.>Apparently, this was a surprise to Twilight as well.>Fumbling and stumbling in my new quadrupedal form, I followed Twilight downstairs just in time for the door to open itself in a golden glow.>"Dearest Fluttershy! Of all of Twilight's friends I had hoped to join her in alicornhood, I was certain you would be the first-- wait…">Princess Celestia, Bringer of the Dawn, She of the Sunny Flanks, Pony Princess Prime, barged in, full of pride and ceremony. It was hastily replaced with confusion, complete with slightly canted head.>"… Who are you? This is most unexpected.">Immediate nervous laughter and a terrible job of looking innocent by Twilight.>She should seriously get some acting lessons or something.>Obviously, there was only one thing to do."Yo, Sunbutt. Blame Twilight."
>>149718>That did it. With a panicked shuffle of hooves and a pop of displaced air, purple smart vanished.>There was a few more moments of confusion as Princess Celestia regally strolled in, circling the filly before her.>I followed her with my gaze for a while before I caught sight of my own flank."… What the hell, Twilight? What kind of cutie mark is this?"
>It wasn't quite just a black question mark. The top part of it had a kink in the crook, making it look pretty heart-like."Come on… Got turned into a pony, got turned into a GIRL pony, and now this? What kind of girly shit is this for a cutie mark?"
>Realization seemed to dawn on Celestia.>"… Anonymous?" she asked.>I raised a hoof as I looked over."Speaking. Kinda."
>Confusion hastily gave way to the princess's trademark calm smile, but amusement danced in those magenta eyes.>"You look… different today.">A nod as Fluttershy made her appearance at the top of the stairs."Yeah… apparently things didn't go as planned. Twi tried to turn me into a pony, but didn't think things through as well as she should. A waggle of her horn later, and BOOM! I'm like this."
>Too much gesticulating, and I flop over with an 'oof'.>Open amusement spreads on Celestia's face as she sits beside me.>"Well, it's a nice look for you, I think.""Speak for yourself. I'm probably gonna be poking holes in shit with this thing and falling over myself for weeks."
>I reached up to prod the horn spiraling out from my head, intensely frowning.>The whistle of a kettle distracted me from my death stare, and Princess Celestia helped me to my feet… err… hooves… with a glow of her horn.>"Well, there's no sense in panicking over things right now. Let's have some tea to think things over with.">She led the way over to the table that Fluttershy was already loading with teacups, a steaming teapot, and a wide assortment of little cakes and cookies."… Aren't these the cookies I bought at Sugarcube Corner yesterday?"
>Fluttershy shushed me and gave a smile.>"Only the best for our guests," the pegasus mumbled before hiding in her mane."This shit wouldn't happen if I were allowed to have my own place. … Hey wait! I should be able to do that shit now! Ha! In yer face, Celestia! Your laws can't stop me now!"
>The princess gave a calm smile. "That is so, Anonymous. Tell me, do you have all of your papers in order?">My celebratory dance was cut short.>"How old do you think she is, Fluttershy?""Hey! I'm a dude!"
>Fluttershy looked me over as Celestia poured herself some tea and helped herself to one of my cookies.>"Um. Maybe… twelve?">The princess took a sip and nodded. Setting her teacup down, she turned toward me.>"Even if you did have your papers, and the required bits, I doubt anypony would sell a home to a filly, even one as absolutely precious as you.">I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit as I mumbled."Y-you too…"
>She took a nibble of the cookie, then waggled it at me in her magic.>"Now… I know you've been staying with Twilight and her friends for a long time now, but I don't think they would have the time to look after and provide for a growing filly. They're very busy mares.""H-hey! I'm a grown-ass man! I can take care of myself!"
>She tisked a little and shook her head. "I'm afraid not anymore you're not. You said it yourself. You can barely even walk. Additionally, there are the legal complications of there suddenly being a pony where there once wasn't.">She swirled her tea in her cup as I grumbled acknowledgement to her logic.>"I'm sure Twilight will be trying to find a counterspell-""Tried. Failed already."
>She cleared her throat at the interruption.>"Yes. Well. All the more reason for my conclusions. Until you get used to your new form and until we get you documentation that states you exist, you'll be coming to stay with me in Canterlot for a while.">An ugh of disgust escaped me before I could stop it."With all the shitty nobles that have their heads so far up their--"
>"Yes yes. They have their troubles, but I'm sure they'll be much more accommodating to a guest of the crown than to an alien with your particular character.">I grumbled my assent, and I could tell it was all she could do to keep from clapping her hooves.>"Oh, this will be so much fun. I haven't had a daughter in centuries!""Wait, what?"
>"Nothing! Nothing. Now, come along, Anon! We'll send for your things later. We've got so much to do!">With that, I was unceremoniously lifted from my seat and floated alongside the princess of the sun as she practically pranced out the door.>I was still flailing in her magical field as the royal carriage was pulled into the sky by the guards.
>>149717>>149718>>149719Had some troubles with the first post needing to be split into two. 6000 characters my ass.
Just contributing a bit of scribbles. Hope you enjoyed. Might write more later.
>>149719Fascinating intro, would definitely be nice to see some Canterlot filly
>>149721I enjoyed it
I'll be glad if and when you decide to put out more
>>149719>Celestia intentionally gave Twiggles a faulty spell>Or just ordered Twilight to do so
Family business for the weekend, but I, the magnanimous and generous Ash anon, will spare my exceedingly valuable time and provide a cha-
Okay I just don't care about my aunt that much. She's a sportsball watching democrat who doesn't seem to know how to project her voice without increasing her pitch. Escapism is nice sometimes, huh? Well unfortunately I'm in the doghouse for the next 3 nights and they're smoking degenerate pot within ten feet of my bed. Maybe I'll sleep well. Till then, time for Applebloom cuddles.
If AJ became Ash's momfu, would AB x Ash be too incestuous and weird? Just an idea.>>149371You climb into the bed, neatly pulling the sheets and cover blanket up to slide in before Applebloom does the same. Your face glows with blush as you warm up in the well padded bed, proximity to Applebloom similarly intriguing you. While you are without male parts of any description, your loins feel a gentle wave of warmth through them, your fur bristling a bit as you curl up.
As Applebloom assumes her sleeping position, your backs lightly brushing one another, you murmur quietly, not wanting to be too loud for a sleep filly. "Hey Applebloom?"
"You ever feel like the world's just too big and you'll never be able to find everything you ever want to find?"
"Ah dunno really…ah mean 'casionally ya ya just gotta settle fer watcha got. Ah dunno what life's like where yer from…but maybe comin' to Ponyville opens up a lotta p'tential ya wouldn't normally have a chance ta try."
"I hope so…honestly I can't think of anything I was good at back home."
"Nothin'? Ya seem pretty well-rounded…"
"Nothing. Least not I can think of. Played a lot of games but never on the level of eSports."
"What's the 'e' for?"
"Electronic, I'd wager. I mean I don't even know how long I've played shooters but teamwork just never worked out for me."
"Well…ah'd be happy to help you with whatever ya need. Got a friend who likes competition, if ya ever need her help competing."
You yawn, turning over with a little shiver. "Thanks AB…I'm feeling pretty cold tonight, do you think I could…"
She looks back at you with a small smile before scooching up against your front as her neck turns just enough to nuzzle each other's cheeks together. "There ya go. Sleep well, alright Ash?"
"Mm…yeah, you too…" You close your eyes, mind clouding up as you feel sluggish and tired.
What follows is hours of comfort and rest; when morning draws nearer however, your luck is bound to go the opposite way…
>>149349"You can beat me until I'm unrecognizable, but I won't give into the CIA!"
Halfway through your sentence, Twilight covers her ears with her hooves, wincing as if somewhat in pain.
>"Dammit Anon, not so loud! I haven't even had any coffee yet.""Huh?"
>"Look, I know you have some bullshit you want to nag me about, but can it wait until breakfast?""O-okay?"
She slumps up the stairs, still somewhat groggy and mumbling under her breath. As she exits the room, you look around to see if you can find anything suspicious. Whatever happened between being interrogated and waking up like this, you're not sure, but it's almost as if there's no evidence of it having happened at all. The room doesn't smell like cigarette smoke, and there's no chair or rope in sight. But you still have the same headache, and you can't quite place a reason as to why. Did Shining give you a concussion with that hoof to the head? Is there a very obvious explanation for all of this? Maybe, but if you DO have a concussion, you probably shouldn't be spending too much time thinking.
You suddenly feel the need to pee. Like real bad.
>>149809Pee. Probably should go to the toilet first, then pee.
If that was all a dream, it was fucked up. [ 1d100 = 9 ]
>If that was all a dream, it was fucked up.Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Maybe you time traveled.
Maybe I've got even more cruel plans in mind.
>>149806>A thread involving Anonfilly alive for 6 days and counting.Interesting turn of events.
>>149809Water the flowers while singing "Over the Rainbow" like a weirdo.
[ 1d100 = 39 ]>>149808D'aww
>>149817Take heed, fillies: cooties are contagious.
Back, as you can see.
"I'm going to go with Brutalist, should be a nice change of pace."
"Not important."
>"Okay… I left most of my dice at home, all I have right now is a d20 for stats."
>You manage to roll a 16, 1, 4, 17, 16 and a 10.
>"Shoot, that's some bad luck. Alright, species and the like?"
"Humanoid earth."
>"I'll give you some time to pore over what you want to put those stats in. Make sure to choose wisely, slim pickings there on some of those…"
>As you try to figure out how you're going to fish a pickle out of a jar with your hooves, he seemingly takes pity on you.
>"Here you go…" As the pickle jar tips over with his magical error, you are absolutely drenched in pickle juice.
>Instead of yelling at him, you just start laughing.
>The colt has been apologizing profusely, but you just wave him off.
"It's fine. I'm green anyways, what's a bit of dill going to do to my fur?"
>"S-still… you're the only pony who's tried to be my friend in a long time, this seems like a crappy way to repay you."
>You simply boop him, causing his nose to scrunch up and give him a bit of a laugh.
"There. Now we're even. Happy?"
>"You're really not angry?"
"Stop making it out as such a big deal. Just makes it easier for me to enjoy my pickles anyways."
>You take the mouth of the jar in yours, tipping it up and getting a few pickles in your mouth before setting it back down.
"Seeth? Progreth."
>He just shakes his head and laughs a bit.
>"Well, we don't sit near each other… would a session of Gamma Eques tomorrow night be a better way?"
"S-sure, but you'd better not cheapen out on the snacks."
>Goddamn this fuck makes you nervous, not that you really mind all that much.
>He's kinda-
>Grown ass man.
>Wiping what vinegar didn't get in your fur off of the chair, you manage to wrap up your lunch before the colt fucks off back to his desk.
>Maybe playing with League would be a good idea.
>The few foals crazy enough to brave the weather outside begin filing back in along with Cheerilee emerging from her office.
>She has this annoyed look on her face, so of course you immediately begin to pay attention.
>"Alright class, do any of you know about where foals come from?"
>Input action.
>>149834To the last post:
>>148125 →
>>149808They're not actually related, thoughThat was cute
>>149808If Applejack actually adopted Ash, it would be weird
plus, Applebloom would technically be her aunt. If Ash is just an itinerant friend who likes to stay over often, it wouldn't be.
It would be gay, though.>>149834Twilight found you under a thorn bush at the edge of a clearing in the Everfree.
[ 1d100 = 14 ]
>>149809We must've drank a lot during the blackout. Go pee, join the breakfast, apologize to Cadance if she's there, figure out what happened later when you're in private with Twilight.
[ 1d100 = 68 ]
>>149811>time travel Ah, so we can reload our saves. ^:)
>>149920Are you stupid? You'll bring the wrath of the RNG alicorn down on us with a smarmy attitude like that.
>>149921Call the Princess of Dice, I don't give a fuck.
>>149925Calling the princess of dice(95+)
[ 1d100 = 75 ]
>>149834"From their house. Most of us walked here today, right?"
Sure, we could go full-on 'we could probably teach you a few things after class', but wouldn't the smart-ass route be more fun?
>>149945>They know she's not gonna show>They use it as an excuse to purge the board anywayI expected nothing and am still disappointed.
>>149948Seriously, the /mlp/ mod is fucking useless.
>>149972Don't you dare leaf.
Filly doesn't need products to look cute.
>>149972Does filly want to look pretty?
>>149972That filly's gonna need a LOT more makeup if she wants to be cute.
>>149979Rood. You don't
have to treat her like an actual grill, you know.
>>149981>already has blushNice. Hmm… how about we start off with a pretty dress, and build off of that?
>>149981>>149982Such a pretty filly.
>>149984Forgot the lipstick.
>>149985A bow in her mane next.
>>149985She needs to learn to smile like a proper filly.
>>149985She looks really classy. Maybe a bow, or a barrette. A smile wouldn't hurt. Then we gotta do something with her eyes.
>>149995Well, this went from 0 to 88 real quick.
>>149995>black>horsecockthis is why i hate rarity.
>>149995I'm not okay with this. Normal females love this shit; it's in their DNA. But abusing filly like that? Not cool. I have to either condescend that she is just a regular hole like every other female, or get real upset about it.
>>149998>>149997>>149996Just because the penis is black doesn't necessary the Stallion is black. It's pretty normal to see black genitals in pony porn
>>149998Who will save filly?
>>149995The big reveal.
>>150007>still not smilingIs mommy gonna have to cock smack a filly?
>>150007No one, it's time for a facial
Thanks, nigger. Like I didn't know. I didn't give any commands or make any demands. Your post is pointless, except to start shit. Shitskin.
I had my point, and I made it, you dumb nigger. I never told you or anyone else to do shit. You have successfully taken a nothing, personal statement, and manufactured it into something in your head. Congrats, retard.
>>150012>Responding to a deleted post with nothing but two instances of calling someone an idiotI do believe it is (You) that is the retard.
>>150007>>150008She still won't smile. Oh well, still a pretty filly.
>>150014>delete your own posts because you lose>"lol it is you who are a dumb!"Nice.
>>150016>Implying it was me>Implying your superiorintellect couldn't possible have holes shot in it by more than one troglodyte
>>150019>responding to deleted postAs if they were deleted when I responded to them?
I responded to a retard by calling him out as a retard. You, after the posts were deleted, swooped in and decided that I was the retard. Seems suspicious. Your argument is specious at best, and you are probably the retard himself.
I made a blatant, obvious personal statement. I never demanded anything of anyone. I never told anybody to do thing. You are a dumb faggot, and you are in damage control mode.
>>150014>>150016>>150019>>150021Both of you had better go ahead and drop it
Otherwise I reckon the mods are gonna be after you both
>>150022>implying you aren't that same fag who lost threatening me with the modsFaggot.
>>150015Here's a gif version. Now I can cross that off the list.
>>150024Fag1 here, it's funny seeing how ass-blasted you've been at all of this. Congratulations on falling for the bait so hard.
>>150026>antagonize someone "lel, ur so antagonized!"
>haha, got 'em!
>rape someone"Haha, you got raped!"
>owned!Nice. You go, filly.
>>150022I swear that British PTG guy is less annoying
(No u)
>>150027Thanks, mate, I filly pretty hard.
>>149812>>149945Well one can only hide for so long before someone could notice that that one green filly got back in again to put eggplants on everyone's salad
I bet scruffy is allergit to eggplants
it's not easy being babby
>>150080I actually laughed out loud at this. Very cute, any more would be much appreciated.
>>150080"Hey Twilight, want to see a new trick?"
>Then the babby farted>A thick cloud forming around herself>Diapers in fog>Meanwhile Twilight just keeps staring at the baby>A headache also started to form, as her aneurysm grew from trying to understand what went wrong"Oh, by the way, want me to pee in your mouth?"
>'Buck this' - Twilight thought to herself, turning around and heading straight to the door"Hey, where are you going?"
>"Out" - she says simply, walking past the door, not looking back even once"B-but who will change my-"
>"Shut up Anon! You kept pestering how you were a grown man when you were a filly, then the spell simply age reversed you for some reason, now…just…">The clip clop of hooves from the corridor stopped, her headache now no doubt exploding>"Agh, buck you Anon! Be that grown man and change yourself…and dont wait for me to sleep">With that the sound of the main door being slammed shut reverberated across the castleThis must be the most degenerate one shot i ve ever written, im cutting here before it gets worse with alone babby shenanigans, holy fuck
Where is that dude what's supposed to be getting the plush?
>>149809You're not sure how, but you must have drank something while you were blacked out. Either way, it doesn't matter too much why you need to use the restroom now, just that you do. And run you do as fast as you can to the porcelain god to relieve yourself.
With that out of the way, you head into the living room to join the family for breakfast. Cadance seems to flash you a smile as she passes you a plate of waffles, maybe trying to make it seem like everything can go back to normal, but you're not buying it.
"Look Cadance, I want to apologize for what I did yesterday. It was completely wrong, and I have no excuse."
She scratches her head with her hoof, seemingly confused.
<"Shouldn't you be apologizing to Twilight? And wasn't that what you ran off into the room for like… the rest of the night for?"
New Anonfilly up in store here:
https://store.mlpol.net/product/bleeb/Also looking to make a few more just for the community. Looking at these pics next. Anyone have something they'd want?
3000x3000 pixels transparent and looks good on a shirt plox.
>>150092How about a horse fleshlisht?
>>150091>>150092Those look good to me
I know I'd probably get something with 100% Anonfilly approved on it
>>150091I'd like to offer my services as a drawfag, if you guys want something new or a remaster of a previous drawing let me know
>>150099Nat soc anon filly?
>>150099We need more babby IMO
ideally nursing, and I know lots of people here feel the same.We have like 10-15 babby images, but hundreds of fillies.
Alternatively, you could do the filly being taken by Foal Protective Services, preferably in the most dramatic way possible
Or you could do an extremely autistic filly screeching at somebody or something, with Twiggles trying to calm her down
Or an edit of >pic related
>>150089Sure did but I didn't want you to think I'm some ill-mannered monster.
Subtly figure out what day it is, check your homework, pull Twi aside to ask what happened yesterday evening.
[ 1d100 = 21 ] I think we may have had one of those vivid dreams where you dream you wake up and go on normally about your day. Maybe.
>>150089You should apologize to Shining for cuckolding him. Don't mention the act though, but be vague and find out if he knows what you're talking about. Then go to Twilight and test her knowledge with leading but innocent questions.
Finally, apologize to the Pajeeta pony who probably saw everything regardless.
[ 1d100 = 68 ]
>>150152While asking pajeeta pony ask her what happened or if she can ask real Twi about it if she doesnt know, it also definetly didnt seem like a dream, i say for us to not trust purple anymore if she ll go making threats everytime we do anything, keep an eye on her
[ 1d100 = 20 ]
>>150118Maybe it was a really vivid vision of the future.
Smoldix is a fag and won't upload his own art.
>>150192She looks like a bitch. Unf.
>>150192Dear god, I want her to demand me to be her seat.
>>150198Gosh, that filly in the first pic sure is a faggot!
>>150087im that guy, still kind of a neet and job hunting's been a bitch, $900 in debt still
guy's still making progress on it, but ive asked him to go slow on it for that reason
asked for pics, but he clearly's got other things on his plate, talked about cons and other commissions
short version: no plush or pics yet, hopefully soon™
>>149719Interesting start. Looking forward to more
>>150267Voted for next OP image.
>>150198Is filly vomiting in the first pick?
>>150089"Twilight? No, I'm pretty sure it was you and Shining Armor I need to apologize to. Speaking of, Sorry Shiny. I fucked up."
Shining looks up at you with his face still buried in a plate of waffles.
>>"Somebody want to tell me what's going on?"<"She's apologizing for something she thinks happened yesterday."He shrugs.
>>"Sure, sure, don't do it again."Twilight downs her entire glass of orange juice and walks off back to the basement, grabbing a book from the shelf on the way over. You follow immediately after, despite not finishing your breakfast.
>"So did you do something stupid while we were shitfaced yesterday? Because I don't remember it at all.""Uhh… maybe? I don't know. What's your version of yesterday's events?"
>"You called me a psychopath at the dinner table, we talked it out downstairs, and then we got drunk and went to bed. And what do YOU remember happening?"
>>150301You had a bad dream where you dressed up Shining Armor as a baby while he slept. Maybe it'll be a good idea to lay off the drinks now.
Mentally thank Pajeeta horse for her apparent Groundhog Day powers and try to act a bit more "normal."
[ 1d100 = 23 ]
>To quote the green: >>149349She reaches out to grab what looks like a folded up piece of paper that was resting on top of your nose. Somehow in the middle of your argument, you had not noticed its existence. She opens it up and reads it aloud.
>"Well that didn't work?"
>To quote the answer he gave: >>149811>If that was all a dream, it was fucked up.Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. Maybe you time traveled. Maybe I've got even more cruel plans in mind.
>>150301Either you re playing us or you just gave it out, anyway im not trusting purpul nor am i trusting australia with filly rolls
Tell her if she can use the wing spell once more and make us a mothpony again, then watch her reaction carefully
If they get curious play as if it was a dream you had, but get a reaction/answer from Twilight first
1d100[ 1d100 = 32 ]
>>150304Deleted the post to fix stuff but seems like the roll wasnt deleted, bug?
As bad as the roll was i wasnt planning on rolling again, honest, either way there s the rolls
>>150192such a good reference, just in time
>>150308Christ, I want this, but with another Anon.
>>149834>You just stare at Cheerilee for a few seconds with the other foals before removing the pencil from your ear and taking a loose sheet of notebook paper out.>Studying Cheerilee carefully, you draw the most detailed shitty stick-figure image of Cheerilee being mounted by a nondescript stallion that you can.>No foals having answered the question, you return the pencil to your ear, pick up the paper with your mouth, and walk up to the front of the room.>"Ms. Cheerilee, is this where foals come from?">You're not going to be getting any extra points for the drawing, but you're proud of it nontheless.>Looking over at your teacher with mock-innocence, you see the skin under her purple facial fur turn red.>"Y-yes, Clover. That is correct. Please see me after class, if you will.""Okay, Ms. Cheer!"
>It hurts, but you have to maintain the facade.>As soon as you realize it's just normal sex-ed and that there isn't really anything new to be learned, you tune her out again, instead opting to increase the detail.>You're no drawfag, but you'd make Lone damn proud.>After Cheerilee finishes up explaining the function of the ovaries and monthly cycles, she sets down the textbook you assume she's using as a reference and just walks out the door.>As the clock-tower gives a single chime, you realize why.>Grabbing your saddlebags, you file in an orderly fashion to the door with all of the other foals.>Ha, as if. It's fucking chaos.>You end up climbing up onto someone's back and half-riding them out the door.>They give you an odd look afterward, but you just shrug it off.>As you sit under the awning next to the schoolhouse, you feel a light tap on your shoulder.>"Clover? Don't you want to speak with me?">Oh, fuck.>You were honestly hoping she would forget about that."I-I'm not in trouble, am I?"
>"Just come with me, please.">Following her into her office once again, you hear a lock click behind you as she walks around and takes a seat at her desk."Haven't I already told you what I do to bad foals, Clover?"
>Input action.
Sorry that it's been an actual week since I posted last, I got distracted by getting a new game and then I was needed to help with friends of my family. Then, after that I ended up getting into some stuff with a friend and I haven't been able to do much as a result. As a matter of fact, this is the first time I've touched my computer in 3 days.
I got caught up in shit and haven't written anything. I'll fix that.
>>150314When do you plan to have it 'fixed' by?
>>150313has she? If not, ask her. If so, please refresh us.
[ 1d100 = 88 ]
>>150315I'll have it fixed by actually getting some writing done now that I'm not as distracted, hopefully.
>>150313Nice, so we gonna fuck now, or what?
[ 1d100 = 24 ]
>Either you re playing us or you just gave it outIt's neither, because
I'm currently deciding between several different directions I could take this.>>150305
>Groundhog Day powersYou realize that would have you stuck in an infinite time loop, right?
>>150313This will end in spanking
>>150308Remember when Pinkie was the only filly-rapist and Twilight protected the filly from her?
well maybe not 'protected' and more like Pinkie tried to not get seen by purple when abusing AnonNow we have two big mares to worry about and one of them is our """mom"""
Maybe we can get Fluttershy to protect us from these monsters?
>Ib4 comes knocking the door to ask "Hey Anon, is foal fiddling your fetish?"Also i feel bad for cutting a green short yesterday, i really couldnt get myself to write that, it was too much for me even thou i liked the pic
So here s another try at another kind of degeneracy
>You re tired>You could deal with hiding from Pinkie>Even thought she always seemed to know where you were but played along>Damn Pinkie sense…>Still, you managed to survive Pinkie's advances>But then Twilight started to change>In the little things that she did, throwing innuendos here and there…>Until one night you got back to your room to see her sitting on your bed with a massive dick>That shit oughta be as big as your head and as thick as your hooves>She seems to be deep in some fantasy so you slowly backpedal away>But being a bit awkward with your horse body movements, your back legs trip on themselves and you fall down>Immediatelly you re encased in a purple aura and floated inside>It wasnt the first time you were >Raped, pank must ve done it like 3 times>But Twilight…>The one who told you to think of her as your own mom>This feels way more personal>"So what have we got here? Has a little filly been snooping on her mom?""Twilight you re not my mom, just, please, put me down and lets talk about it"
>"Oh no, snooping fillies need to be taught a lesson, and i know just how i gonna teach this one">When she finished her member twitched and seemed to grow even bigger>It wasnt even hard and it was the size of your head before>She s gonna fucking break you"Stop that Twilight, first of all dicks probably shouldnt get that big, secondly you re a mare, so you dont even have one"
>You move a hoof to swipe at the area where the illusion is supposed to be>But its met with a very real, hardening cock>One and half times thicker than your hoof and almost as big as your whole torso>Sure it s like half of her torso for her, but you re still a filly and everything's bigger for you>You cant really process the information, so you just stay still floating over it as Twilight gives a low moan, your hoof stuck extended and holding it>"Such a smart filly, you make me proud, but you forgot about one thing~">Your paralysis is slowly filled with fear of the very real thing ahead of you, trying to cower away while still being levitated by Twilight>"Magic, and today has been a very tiring day you see, so i gave myself this to relax and unwind, but now that i caught you snooping…">Slowly she lowers your body on top of her own, before grabbing you with her hooves and pining you in a pseudo hug>But from the position you ended in the tip of the beast is scratching your chin>And you can feel the rod going almost all the way down below>You re going to fucking die>No wait, priorities"This is fucking gay Twilight"
>You say that in the most monotone voice you can muster>But your body shivers both in fear and anticipation>"Well, if i can teach my filly some manners with it then who s going to stop me?">Its less of who s going to stop, and more about if its going to fit>As soon as she said that she rolled over>And not wasting much time she pinned your hooves to the bed with her magic>You were stuck in a presenting position as she moved to your back to have her ways>As soon as she touched you you knew you were doomed>Even without looking you could feel that the thing almost went halfway across both your cheeks>On Twilight's side though, it completely covered your filly pussy>She prodded a bit, hoping it would widen just enough for her to fill>But for you it was like trying to fit her own hooves straight on>Then she dropped from you with a heavy sigh, and you knew you d live to see another day>"Buck, if i only expected you around i d have given myself an smaller one""So can i go now, you know, so you can masturbate in peace?"
>"Anon! Im not masturbating im…experimenting something for stressful days, and i just know now how i can teach you not to snoop around your mom personal business"
>>150337>And with that she moved to your front, using her magic to lower your head>"Open your mouth""What?! Fuck that, fuck yo-"
>And then she slammed the cock on your face>It went for a boop as you were saying "you" but it was just the right angle that it forced your mouth open>And while it did fit, it was too big for you to breathe>"There, now momma can teach her filly her lesson, and maybe even clean her dirty mouth while we re at it">And so Twilight started moving it back and forth, its motions almost pumping the air you needed from your nose>But she wasnt even going a quarter down before reaching your limit>Because of that, it didnt take long before she tried to force her way deeper>She moaned loudly as you screamed as the way got tighter and tighter>Yet she managed to get it down to her ring>But there was yet another half to go yet>She kept her motions smooth, while your body got used to the massive invasive member>And after a while it didnt even hurt anymore>Fucking magical horse body>Noticing the way clear, purple made another attempt at going deeper>She made three quarters in before she stopped again>You d guess she managed to get all the way from your mouth to your stomach now>But from her moans and continued movements maybe that was enough>It was only now that the idea of biting it came to mind>But your mouth was so wide open that you had no strength to it, now feeling pretty much like a cock sock>Meanwhile Twilight kept her rhythm in your mouth, shivering in pleasure>It wasnt long before she came, deciding to do it deep inside>Maybe deep inside didnt do it justice, as you felt her stuff flow straight down to your tummy>It kept flowing for a while and you felt heavier as your belly grew a bit from 'eating' so much>Finnaly, Twilight was done>Slowly she removed the already shrinking monster from inside you>When it finally came out, it did with a loud pop>You couldnt help but cough, bits of semem flying out each time>"Good fillies dont spit! Do you want another lesson already?">You couldnt talk without feeling like spiting some out or even puking it all>Yet you did your best to lick what was spit from the coughs, in fear of having to deal with the monstruosity you somehow just survived>Twilight on her part gave a content smile as she moved out of the bed>"Good, that was your dinnerby the way, but maybe momma can give her filly some milk as desert since she was so behaved">Then, feeling the spell keeping you stuck in place drop, you fell to your sides and just stayed there, unmoving>Twilight on her part, took off the sheet and covered you with new ones>"Or maybe we can keep that for another day, a nap is good for fillies too">With a good night kiss she went out, closing the door behind her>Where s Pinkie when you need help against foal fiddlers…>"Weelll, I was thinking of joining in, but did you see the size of that thing? Even i wouldnt want that close to my pooper, and the way you took it was just incredible! You need to teach me that sometime, oh, oh, how about tommorrow or maybe the day after?"
>FuckLewd is still pretty far off my comfort zone, but i tried to compensate from yesterday and now there s thing, hope this thing isnt too shit
>>147999 →>As much as fucking around with the local populace would be, it'd be a hell of a lot more fun to actually know what they were saying so you'd know how to fuck with them.>Seeing as human knowledge would do you no good in a world of magic and different sets of rules, you'd have to start from scratch and actually make an effort to learn the language.>Looking at the board again, instead of the crazy morph of shapes, it now had series of symbols that incorporated an insane number of tiddles, tildes and other tit symbols.>How long have you been dozing off?>Was this English 101?>Well it wouldn't be called English, now would it.>Equestrian? Equusian? Whatever, maybe this would be a starting point you have to go off of to speak to them.>Though with the plan of pretending to be retarded placed in the back of your head.>”Gleeba?”>Lifting your head up you see that Cheerilee was looking at you impatiently.>Did she call you for something?>Of course she did, she wouldn’t be looking so pissy if she didn’t.“Uhhh…Sorry, no speaké English.”
>”Ugh…Blabba?”>Asking another student, Tiara judging from her pink hue answered smugly while looking back at you.>Good to know schools on this planet have insufferable cunts too.>Makes screwing with others easier on yourself.>Now to get through the class without being picked on.
>”You know I can’t believe some ponies would do such a filly…”>Why did you have to find that thing.“Uh huh.”
>”…I mean tossing an innocent filly into the Everfree like that…”>All it did was take away from your tea time with Flutters.“Yeah.”
>”…and the fact that they won’t come forward and be responsible it’s –it's despicable–…”>It’s bad enough that pesky Book-buried princess made it your responsibility to find It’s home with the dumb ‘finders-keepers’ rule. She never did say you had to get it done quickly though.”“Crazy.”
>”and it doesn’t exactly help that the poor thing can’t speak, let alone help itself.”“Listen Fluttershy, it obvious this situation has opened up a can of worms…”
>You downed the last sip of newly created earthworms.“….But you shouldn’t let it distract you from your everyday life. I mean it’s only a matter of time before it gets found.”
>She sighed, looking downtrodden momentarily before returning your gaze.>”You’re right.”“I know I’m right-“
>”I should help her too!”“Exact- a whoseywhatsit?”
>Her sudden eagerness to join in the charade was all of a sudden, though not too far off unexpected.>”Yeah. Why should I leave you all alone in helping her, it can be a team effort to make sure she gets home safe.”>Although, she was the element of Kindness after all.>But sheesh, she couldn’t show a little compassion for you and your need for companionship first.>It’s been nothing but her, her, her, and not you, you, you.>This get together has been something that’s too well orchestrated and made too emotionally ingrained to forego.>Besides, taking care of something like that filly should be a snap.>Speaking of which.>SNAP!>Half way to the door, you poofed in her way.”Now let's not get too hasty here Fluttershy. I mean I think I can take care of a little filly all by myself. Anyways, they don’t call me the God of Chaos for nothing.”
>She gave smile as she pushed on.>”Oh hush now, we can both do it together. Think of it as something we can do together to show everyone you’re good now. Plus you’ve been too couped up in my home to be healthy.”>She was now pushing you with her out the door.>SNAP!>The doors instantly shuttered and chained themselves with cartoonishly large locks.>She looked at you with a frustrated grin.>"Discord…">Hopefuly you pushing her away from this doesn't force her to use 'The stare.'>Continue on pressuring Fluttershy against the idea, or relent and go with it?
>>150337>>150338>"Good, that was your dinner by the way"myfetish.png
>"but maybe momma can give her filly some milk as dessert"Maybe another post?
>>150308I edited a non-lewd version of this.
>>150344Shit that was the older version.
>>150301Roll for
>>150306 [ 1d100 = 4 ]>>150338>>150337It's a pretty good lewd. I hope you write more.
>>150025It is weird. It must be because I have been away from this thread so long. I actually felt bad for the filly and thought, "Who does this to a filly?". Sorry, I will just have to tell my autism that this isn't real.
>>150342Pressure, Discord can take care of any filly, right?
[ 1d100 = 44 ]
>>150342Try and pressure a bit, though its Fluttershy, Discords only friend, so go light on her, even though i dont think there s a way to keep her from helping, its her element and what she does best
So stay one step ahead when ultimately you need to deal with her on this in the future
[ 1d100 = 53 ]
>>150384Nah mate, just colts
>>150313You all think we should wait for Twily, maybe see if she can help us out? I'd give it a 50/50 chance we're fucked then, which is better than our current odds.
[ 1d100 = 40 ]
>>150342Definitely bring Fluttershy, Anonfillies only respond to momfus after all.
>>149808Honestly, I'm exhausted tonight. I'm going to type up another chapter in bed. If I pass out, you know why. Sorry for all the delays. Hopefully you like where I take this; if not I mean….eh. After writing I'll just continue wasting my time playing Dark Souls until my keyboard gives out.
>>150481Oh, uh, also, rolling for bedwetting humiliation (over 90 = ruh roh):
[ 1d100 = 41 ]
[ 1d100 = 6 ]
>>150488Boosting harder
[ 1d100 = 49 ]
>>150482Namefag boost.
[ 1d100 = 24 ]
>>150481>>150482I already like where this is going
>>150482Just remember that you're competing with a Solid Snake-tier bedwetting scenario.
[ 1d100 = 98 ]
>>150496You did it! Way to go!
>>150301"Umm… I think I might have dreamed this, but I dressed Shiny up as a baby while he slept. Big fucking diaper and pacifier and all. Maybe we should lay off the drinks for a while."
Twilight just stares at you for a while, completely unsurprised by you once again acting like the silliest of fillies, but nonetheless feeling the need to act as if this was something new.
>"Anon… you're a faggot.""No Twi, you are."
>"You're the one having diaper fetish dreams about my brother.""Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey, do you think you could turn me into a moth pony again today?"
>"A what?""Never mind, that must've been a dream too."
>"Turning into a moth pony and then making my brother wear diapers? Must've been some dream. How much of it do you remember?"
>>150499Cut the bullshit and tell her the truth, all of it, except maybe leave out the bit where the fourth wall was completely shattered, she might actually think we're schizophrenic.
[ 1d100 = 77 ]
>>150499>>150501This, but also be vague about the rape. We don't need her watching over our every move.
[ 1d100 = 68 ]
>>150501This, but emphasize that Cadence propositioned you.
>>150080>All those stink linesWhat the hell has babby been eating?
Or rather, what the hell has Twilight been eating?
>>150499Tell her about it up until you flew away as a moth pony.
[ 1d100 = 17 ]
Drew this up last night. That's why there wasn't an update.
>>150542I don't know what it is but it's beautiful
I think your filly has autism
>>149721>A lengthy flight later, and Celestia's carriage was descending between the spires of Canterlot.>Just like a bunch of faggoty nobles to want to live in giant penis buildings.>"Now, Anonymous, make sure you put your best hoof forward. There will be many ponies eager to learn all about you.""Ugh… Why did I have to get slapped with the princess package with Twilight's spell?"
>Celestia smiled as we descended into the castle grounds.>"Well, from what I gather, Twilight used herself as a template for the spell. But, even if she used somepony else, alicornhood is a symbol of having attained a level of maturity, wisdom, and skill above that of other ponies.""… One of the alicorns is still using diapers and can't even talk."
>"Well… she's an exception. The circumstances of her birth are quite unusual.""As for maturity, you saw me at the gala that one year. I don't think those musicians will ever look at me the same."
>"Part of maturity is knowing when to not be mature, and knowing yourself enough to be able to identify your shortcomings.">She's wearing that damn smile again.>"I'm very proud of you, Anon, whichever reason it is that you were granted alicornhood.">I blew a raspberry in response, then followed sunhorse out of the carriage, slightly taken aback by the lines of guard ponies standing at attention."Holy shit."
>"Language, Anonymous. But yes. Perhaps the parade attention was a bit much, but they do so love their ceremony. It's not every day another princess is found. Thank you, everypony!">They didn't move."Who said anything about being a princess? Ahh, fuck. I need a drink."
>"Well, I'm sure after a few rounds of charm and etiquette classes, you'll do just fine. I'm sure everypony would understand if we waited until you grew up a bit until official coronation.""Grown-ass man, Celestia."
>"Adorable, little filly, Anon.">I could feel my teeth grind as she gave a pat atop my head with one of those huge wings of hers.>She led the way to the dining hall, where there were already maids setting out a meal.>A few looked surprised for a moment, then looked ever so happy as they looked me over.>Like a swarm of schoolgirls, they descended on me and proceeded to pamper, prod, cuddle, and fawn over me, resisting my attempts to escape."Princess! Halp!"
>Such was not in the plan, though. Celestia had already sat at one of the seats and smiled back over as she poured herself some tea.>"Best to let them get it out of their systems, my little one," she cheerfully replied, watching the carnage with glee.>Eventually, they deposited me on a seat and put an overly large slice of cake in front of me before disappearing."… I feel so violated…"
>With a shake of my head, I turned my attention to the snack before myself.>At least castle cake was usually pretty good, as Celestia's south end could attest.>Not that I had a period of staring at it.>Not that much.>NothingAtAll.mp4>But enough thinking about pony butts. There was cake to be had, before it mysteriously disappeared and the princess in the room would wipe her mouth for 'no reason'.>Reaching for a fork, I was met with only the clink of hoof on metal, and no mouthful of cake.>I looked down, confusion washing over me for a moment.>Oh. Right. Hooves.>Awkwardly, I tried fiddling with the flatware, to no avail.>"What's the matter, Anon? Don't you want your cake?">A frown in her direction showed she was in mischief mode.>"Well, if you're not going to eat it…">A golden glow surrounded the plate as she began.>Nope. Nope nope.>With a reflex that surprised even me, I hastily buried my face into the cake, taking as large a bite as I could.>Sure, I got icing all over my face, but I showed her I was not to be beaten.>Cheeks bulging, I glared in her direction and raised my hands… err.. hooves… in victory.>There was a moment of disappointment across the face of the sun before she returned to amusement.>"Ohoho… eager, are we? You're supposed to eat it, not wear it, Anon.">The glow switched over to a napkin.>"You've gotten it all over. Let me clean you up. Precious as it is, a sticky filly can make a mess of things.">I tried to fight off the attack of the flying napkin, but apparently a thousand years gives quite a bit of experience with dodging flailing limbs.>Eventually, I finished my mouthful and sputtered."Quit it! I can clean myself off!"
>A titter came from her direction. One last scrub, then she lowered the napkin enough to show my frown.>With a sigh, I shook my head, then put my chin on the table."I can't deal with this shit. What's a guy going to have to do to get a glass of scotch?"
>"Oh, not much. Ask nicely… in about ten years or so.">Wut."Wat."
>"Alcohol isn't good for growing fillies.""It's not good for adults either, but they drink it just fine! And so do I!"
>Celestia looked lost in thought.>"Though… you are an alicorn… I guess we'll see if it'll be longer before you're grown up.">My teeth ached with how hard I was gritting them."Sunbutt, so help me, if you try and keep me from my booze, I will brew and distill it myself and not share a drop of it with you, unless it's to literally drop it on you."
>She paused once again.>"Well, I suppose that's acceptable. After all, there's not any laws about fillies and colts making alcohol. Just selling it or providing it to them.""…what."
>"How else would somepony earn a brewing cutie mark? It would be a long wait, otherwise.">I dragged by hooves down my face as I tried to remember old infographics on prison wine and hooch and moonshine.>Geez, that was ages ago now.
>>150568"Fine. Fine. I can do this. I'll show you I won't be stopped."
>She giggled a little, and I felt myself floating again as she got it.>"Yes yes, I'm sure you'll do your best. Now, let's show you to your new room.""I can walk just fine, you know. … I wouldn't mind learning how to use this knob on my forehead, though, so I don't have to eat like a fucking animal."
>"All in due time. I'll set you up with some tutors for flying and magic once you get settled, and we can get you enrolled in school after I pull a few strings and get you an identity.">I crossed my… forehooves. The impact of my displeasure was lessened by being floated upside down and behind her."Again, I'm an adult, Celestia. Why the hell would I go through the hell that is school again?"
>She looked back and smiled for a moment before looking ahead once again.>"Once again, not anymore you're not. Could you imagine the scandal if I allowed a filly to not attend school? The papers would talk about it for weeks. The nobles would come to court just to nag about it.""Snrrk… nag… because they're ponies… heheh…"
>She rolled her eyes and continued on.>"You'll just have to bear it. I'm sure if you've been through it once, it will be easy. And if you need any help with assignments, I'll be around to lend a helping hoof. Eee, this is going to be so much fun!">She pranced on down the hallway as I floated behind her, slowly tumbling in her magic.>If she floated you a bit further to the side, maybe I could see behind that billowing, pastel tail and-->None of that. They are ponies.>… But so was I at the moment.>Nope. Nope. Not going there. Ending that line of thought.>Just in time, too.>Celestia opens a door and marches on inside.>"Heeeere we are! Your new room! It used to be Cadance's room when she was younger.">Wow. That's a lot of pink.>Pink bedsheets. Pink floor rug. Pink curtains. Pink dresser.>Pink pink pink."… It looks like the little girl toy aisle threw up in here. Did there have to be so many hearts?"
>"Well, it does match her cutie mark. It matches yours too, you know.""Uuuuuugh. Don't remind me."
>"Well, I'll let you get comfortable. If you need me or anything else, just ask one of the staff and they'll be able to help you. I've got to go get started on things.">With that, I was unceremoniously dumped on the bed as she pranced out the door."THE BED'S TRYING TO EAT ME!"
>I flailed for a moment before managing to get my head back above the level of the rest of the sheets.>Who needed a bed this soft, anyways?"All your fault, Twilight."
>Sure, she couldn't hear the accusation, but it made me feel better.(A bit shorter, but oh well. Doodled a little picture thingie to go along with it. Hope you enjoy, folks.)
>>150569>>150568This is definitely shaping up to be a very interesting setting. Always loved the idea of a motherly Celestia.
>>150568>>150569This is wonderful!
>>150342>Crossing your arms you return the glare."You don't trust me."
>Fluttershy backed off her glare first.>"W-what?">Turning your head away with a snout pointed in the air you repeat."You don't trust me."
>She sighed.>"DIscord, of course, I do. I just think-">Placing a claw out to stop her you begin to make your stake."No need Fluttershy dear, you're right. Who would even trust this old Draconequus."
>Walking away, you fall into the chair. Sinking into it somberly.>Giving a quick glance over, concern was starting to build its way onto Fluttershy's face."I mean, me saving an innocent filly and being the hero of the day for once –For once– is that too much to ask for."
>Huffing out a sigh, you slouch even further into your despair."But I suppose after reign chaos I unleashed. I suppose I'm unworthy of redemption."
>Guilt looked to be playing its way into her heart."Discord I-I didn't mean…"
>Becoming more and more distant, you look away.>Now for the closing."Maybe this hero business isn't for me."
>A pause consumes the room.>Followed by a sigh.>"Alright, I'll let you go.">In an instant you jump in joy, wrapping your claws around Fluttershy's neck in glee."Oh happy days, I knew you'd come around."
>She chuckled.>"I keep forgetting I got to let you do your own thing from time to time.">She sighs as you relent.>"So… I'll let you try things your way. BUT…">But>"Don't think I won't watch over you. If things get too out of hand-""Oh trust me Flutters it won't, I'm perfectly in control of everything."
>"…If it does get out of hand. Don't expect to have much control after that. I want you to be yourself, but we still can't you causing trouble after all the work you've put in.">You wave off the insulation."Pssh, Puh-leaze, like I'd lose control over something as small as a filly."
>She gave you a condensing look as she shook her head.>"You'd be surprised."
>SNAP>Pulling up a bench, donning a long khaki trenchcoat and hat, you decided to wait outside while the little ones made their way out of school.> It's at least a couple of minutes before school was let out, in the meantime you pulled out a fresh copy of the newspaper 'Equestria Daily.'>Snapping on a pair of shades, you gave the paper a read to see what news may be going on through the world.>Looking through the tabloids and new articles clearly showed desperation for excitement and hinged on being controversial."Is the cake addiction an out-of-control concern or simple trend by Celestia" Gah, what a trashy piece."
>As you read on through the various odd and boring articles, you couldn't help but feel someone boring holes into you.>Pushing it aside you looked to see a brown, buck-toothed, scrawny filly pegasus looking at you with wonder.>Gods, it like he never has seen an omnipresent and all-powerful being before.>Even though you caught him in the act he was still meeting your gaze in curiosity.>Take a picture kid, it'll last longer.>You gave him a frown before getting back to your paper."I don't have any candy for you kid."
>Seems you had several options to pull with this kid.>Mess with him and have a little fun before going off to deal with the bit of baggage, ignore him and wait for him to leave, or see if you could get the little thing out of school quicker, or…something else?I think I'll be going the way of letting y'all controlling the reigns for the most part with this. Seems to help a lot better with coming up with stuff for me.
>>150499"Well, to be completely honest… I'm not so sure if what I experienced was a dream or not. It felt way too realistic."
>"Dreams can be like that, but go on.""I remember you finishing your flying spell and crashing into the schoolhouse. Then I asked you to try it on me, and I ended up turning into a sort of half moth, half pony hybrid. And then I flew off home and, well…"
>"Fuzzy memory?""More like I feel really bad about what I did after that. And then I ended up in a basement tied to a chair with some 'Gordian knot' spell you cast. And you were blowing cigarette smoke in my face because I kind of fucked up."
>"Wow, that's… surprisingly accurate for what I'd do if you completely fucked up. But it would have to be something absolutely heinous, like rape, murder, or torture.""Maybe it was a prophecy for what not to do?"
>"Maybe. Maybe I'll just take the day off and not research the spell today, so it'll be impossible for it to happen in real life. You'll just have to not do whatever you did to earn my wrath. Think you can manage that?"
>>150568>"After all, there's not any laws about fillies and colts making alcohol. Just selling it or providing it to them."Huh, same laws as here in aus
>>150594Hasn't Twilight read any Greek literature? Trying to prevent a prophecy makes it come true.
>>150599If that were the case, it would beg the question as to why the both of you are trying to stop Fizzlepop and Chrysalis from taking over Canterlot.
>>150599Not necessarily, self fulfilling prophecies only occur when you have no knowledge of the events leading up to the prophecy, which we have here. We have the relatively easy task of not raping Cadence, should be a walk in the park, right?
[ 1d100 = 50 ]
>>150593>Filly>HimMuh gender pronouns, reeeeeeee!
Anyways, humor the little fuck until the filly you came for is ready to leave. Make his day, eh?
[ 1d100 = 48 ]
>>150599A valid point.
>>150600>>150601I still like the idea that the future can only be changed by someone's death. Extra points if you can guess where that idea is from.
>>150619Europan cool, my dude.
[ 1d100 = 4 ]
>>150612>>150637Needs more boost, how about a huge 36PSI Twin-Turbo?
[ 1d100 = 40 ]
>>150643Annd the engine blew up, great
How would a filly go into building a car in Equestria?
>>150593Have a little fun of course, you're the god of chaos, after all!
[ 1d100 = 93 ]
I was trying to use soft shading this time. Tell me if i need something to fix
>>150649Those teats are so perfect, oh yes
>>150649holy fucking shit, it's so much cuter now
those eyes, hnnng…
>>150649Looks nice as fuck. Thanks
I am unsure if Harvey browses this thread, but he draws very cute girls (male).
>>150649What's the canon age of Anonfilly? Those are adult breasts whereas I assume for a filly that area would be flat.
>>150649I think i made her head too big. Is it better now?
>>150669No strong feeling one way or the other. I feel head size in MLP inherently unrealistic so it's often just up to how the artist feels.
>>150669well i mean, she is a filly, she has a big head compared to everything else
now she's leaning more towards lewd teen filly, which is fucking miles of unf
>>150676she is a dude
you are gay
>>150677wow, i didnt know dudes had horse pussies now, fucking sign me up on the ultra gay list, then
>>150682>>150678you are attracted to men turned women
you gross tranny chaser
What if there was a price for becoming the filly? As you become the filly, another filly must be chosen to become a man of whatever age you were. It's not switching places so much as maintaining a balance. Would you still do it, and more importantly, who would you sacrifice?
>>150676That filly has pretty much all of her freckles around her ass. It seems like she has some kind of STD or something.
>>150684tranny means they're trying to become a grill
filly means insta-grill, puss and all
and you better believe im attracted to filly
as well as wanting to be one
>>150694Filly is love. Filly is life. I want to be filly. I want to be with filly. I want to love and be loved. Good or bad, I want to filly. Forever. idk
>>150697you dont need to know, friend
you just need to filly
>>150569Great so far, keep it up
>>150649>>150669I like the first, more filly-like proportions.
>>150700Filly's definitely been up to no good with that shit eating smile
>>150700>When faust herself comes over because of something you ve doneWeW
>>150697>>150698repressed transsexuals(nothing wrong with that I respect your struggle never give up)
>>150703Notice that Faust has no magic there.
>>150708Well, she is being more personal, getting the filly by the scruff would mean that the pony is more angry at you than if she just floated you to her, wouldnt it?
Either way, it must ve been worth it for such smugness, i can almost hear her saying
>"Do what you must, Ive already won"
>>150712We need more nationality fillies.
>>150702>>150703Faust looks like she's smiling though.
>>150712We need more arts of Anonfillies looking slightly different from eachother. Would add a little more artistic freedom while still being in the "Anon" style.
>>150732I await the day the Anonfilly tag surpasses the Nyx tag.
>>150734>tfw too lazy to upload all the fillies
>"Wait, what?""I can't really explain it, but I don't think I can make any guarantees about my future actions. I know that sounds a bit weird, coming from a psychic, but just trust me on this one. You can trust me, right?"
>"You realize there's a certain degree of irony in asking me to trust that you can't be trusted, right?""Okay, fair. Look, I'm not trying to say I'm untrustworthy. It's just that well, the future's not set in stone or anything, and we might just end up causing the very thing we're trying to prevent in some way anyways. It's like… you watched the show with your daughters, right?"
>"Some episodes, yeah.""Well do you remember that episode where you went back in time to prevent yourself from going back in time because of some doom prophecy you made?"
>"I do not recall watching such an episode.""Well it totally happened. Start of the episode, you see a panicked version of yourself, so you research a spell that takes you back in time. After having spent the week super worried about whatever your future self was trying to warn you about, you eventually realize that there's no disaster to be warned about, and use the spell to try and tell yourself not to research the spell, which only causes the events to happen in the first place."
>"So what you're telling me is that Equestria definitely has time travel magic, and I could hypothetically use this to finish the job on the communist?""Twi, don't. I'm pretty sure there's some grandfather paradox shit to be had there."
>"Relax, I'm not that stupid. So anyways, back to the issue at hand. I think I've got an alternative solution to the Cadance problem. How about instead of researching flight today, I take her on a girl's day out, and you're not invited. You've got school to deal with anyways, right?"You suddenly realize it's getting close to the time where you should be heading to class.
I don't really have anything interesting to say, so I guess I'm going to be wishing you all a nice night.>>150313"N-no, I don't believe so…"
>"Well, I'm sure that large wooden paddle would imply it. Could you do me a favor and retrieve it?""Wait! Twilight will be here any minute, don't you want to discuss this with her?"
>She lets out a loud sigh.>"Fine, but you'd better bring her back here when she gets here. I don't want to double what I already have planned.">Scrambling out the door, you watch the pathways closely for any sign of your guardian.>Eventually she teleports into the schoolyard, bags under her eyes and looking bored out of her skull.>With a small yawn she turns to you.>"So… how was your day? Were you a good filly?""Flowerbutt wants to speak to you."
>"Ms. Cheerilee, Clover.""Yeah, yeah. I'm going to go ahead and tell you that I'm in trouble so you don't…"
>"So I don't what?""Don't- d-don't…"
>"Good filly.">She takes a hoof, seemingly pristine from the lack of ground coverage and musses your mane with it.>Though you grumble in protest, the gesture makes you feel a tinge of childish joy.>Draping a wing over your back, Twilight leads you inside and back to Cheerilee's office.>You'd inquire about how she knew where it was if it weren't the only other fucking door in the building.>Twilight knocks formally at first, giving you a slight grin as she follows it up with a 'shave and a haircut.'>Huh. She surprises you more by the day.>Doesn't change the fact that the door is still very unlocked though, and it creaks open upon the final hoof-strike.>As the two of you walk in, you see you've made the right choice based on Cheerilee's forced smile.>"Hello Princess Sparkle! Your child Clover has been having a few issues…">"Do tell, I haven't got all night.">"She drew a rather amateur sketch of a stallion copulating with a mare that looked very similar to me…">Amateur?!>When you're a famous modern artist she won't be the one laughing.>"And?">"Well, doesn't that concern me?">"How are her marks, Cheers?">"Oh, let me pull them up.">As your teacher gets up to retrieve the file, Twilight shoots you another one of those grins.>"Well, looks like straight "A's" with a bit of room for improvement in history…">"Just about what I would have expected from my smart little filly. Please don't bash them just because they're ahead, Cheerilee.">"Y-you're not mad at her?">"Why should I be? I was studying equine anatomy at her age, it's only natural to be curious.">"Alright, you're the boss…">As the two of you walk out, Cheerilee grumbles something under her breath that you can't quite catch.>You ignore her.>"I'm absolutely spent on my mana reserves, no way I'm teleporting us home. These wings aren't just decorative, you know. Do you want to get a first-hand look at what I can do with them?">Input action.
Also fixed a few things in the archive for anyone who cares.
Whoever's been uploading all that filly to derpi could at least make an effort to put proper sources for some of the images
None of the CountryRoads images have their actual original threads listed as their sources; it isn't hard to search for CountryRoads on desuarchive and dig around a few threads to find the original uploads
I'd do it myself, but I need to get to sleep
>>150739Do it for us, anon.
>>150739Either that or list the Dropbox. If it's not found anywhere else.
Plus Desu's reliability ain't that great for older archives
>>150737Let's fly
[ 1d100 = 11 ]
>>150742To the castle
[ 1d100 = 42 ]And ask her what she s trying to get from us while we re up there, what she needs from us that got her to do the 180 on her acts
>Tfw outside theres at least 10 doggos having fun and i cant sleep because of that
>>150744>>150744Ya' gotta show them you're the alpha male and awoo louder than all of them.
Then get a noise citation from the cops after
>>150707and its super gay or something when i tell you you're wrong
at least try more
>>150749I want to do unspeakable thing to kys filly, like
brushing her mane or
braiding her tail.
>>150737shit, i was hoping for a good spanking session
>>150735Probably better to upload in small chunks, anyway. Some of the derpi mods have a bad habit of pitching a fit over fuckanything and I'd rather they not pitch one over filly.
>>150732Block the tag if you don't want to see it. Bitching at filly only makes her stronger.
>>150750You sick, twisted monster!
Rolled 6
>>150736"Of course Im not invited, bleh, do I look like a girl to you?"
"…dont answer"
>>150736Speaking of time issues, on the way to class ask a random stranger what year it is. When replied to shout "IT WORKED" and run away.
[ 1d100 = 69 ]>>150737Ask if Twilight brought a parachute for you and hope you won't be getting a skydiving cutie-mark. Also kick yourself for estranging yourself from one of the few adults who is not completely callous.
[ 1d100 = 73 ]
>>150750>brushing kys filly's mane while she tells you to kill yourself but doesn't do anything to stop you
>>150770It's a shame that she's dead along with fuck off filly…
>>150772They live on with us
>>150773They're gone. Might as well kill yourself.
>>150782Ok can we kiss now??
>>150783Free us from purpul and take me to dinner first faggot
>>150785Oh. I guess I'll go kill myself then.
>>150787Wait for me, I know where you re actually going off to and i want some too
Drinks are on me, but you still own me that dinner
>>150804>Drinks are on meoh man you're gonna regret that
but goddamn now I really owe you dinner..
>>150804Fillies love steaks right?
>>150823> Pone> Herbivore Not anymore she doesn’t
>>150824Shut your whore mouth
>>150824Sorry, but you are wrong.
>>150737As long as that doesn't come with a first hand look at the dirt, too.
[ 1d100 = 62 ]
>>150824There is one kind of meat she's still interested in.
>>150832>ywn see filly with hearts in her eyes for youwhy live
>>150836see who gets tendies when you're the filly then faget
>>150835Filly is a goddamn slut
>>150836Fuck off
It's time for you to meat your maker.
>>150842To shreds you say?
>>150849Honestly did not expect that.
But I yield aus, I know when I am bested
>>150851Equines are opportunistic omnivores and only really go for meat in the absence of anything else. Usually small birds like in the video, but they'll eat other kinds if offered in small amounts.
And unlike us, they won't even wait until the animal is dead.
>>150842>>150843>crouching_filly_with_rpg.pngBoth of you better cease this assault or there will be consequences
Non-drawfag hue here, I guess i got the next filly pic to try to draw, tried to do a quickie but it was shit
>>150852Hm, didn’t know that.
But I guess it just goes to show how metal nature is sometimes
>>150853>Me>A drawfagT-thank you…
>>150854Know what else is metal? The marvel of biological engineering that is a horse's anus.
>>150838Nonsense, she's only a slut for your love.
>>150855Nah ya got it wrong, was so others didnt expect much as if it was from the other hue, who can actually draw stuff
Though i do admire how ya can just go and post your drawn fillies without caring much, i just cant do that, if i think it doesnt have enough effort and i could do better in it i just scrap it all, wish i could be more like you tbh
(Rip ~9k char green of filly and Faust)>>150857Filly getting the hose when?
>Ib4 filly mounting the hose
>>150861Filly mounting a hose?
…>>150737"As long as it isn't coupled with a first-hand look at the dirt."
>"Very funny. Hop on.">Taking a few steps forward for momentum after you're firmly secured to Twilight's back with some sort of adhesive spell, Purple manages to ascend with quite an impressive speed.>Bluecunt must've given her lessons.>As you admire the landscape below, you notice that you're not exactly heading in the direction of the castle.>Quite the opposite of it, actually.>You would inquire about it, but Twilight is the only reason you aren't currently plummeting to your death and you don't want to open a potential can of worms.>You decide to reflect on class today instead.>Nope. Not any better.>You really did fuck up, didn't you?>And now you're going to be late visiting League…>Beautiful view, though.>You can actually see over the rolling peaks and into the valleys below them.>Rivers, most of them currently fed by snowmelt you assume.>Water would be nice right now, you'll have to see if Twiggles will let you cup some snow and quench your thirst.>Eventually the mountains fail to hold your interest and you focus on Twilight.>Her technique is interesting. Her legs aren't lifted almost at all, giving her quite a bit of drag.>Based on her glowing horn and seemingly precognitive swerves though, you can only assume she's using a spell to detect turbulence and avoide it like the plague.>After what you estimate to be about an hour or two of flight, Twilight begins to slow down.>"Alright. I'm sure you've assumed by now that I've decieved you. Please don't be alarmed, let me set us down on this cloud.">You're hesitant to get off of her back even after she casts the cloudwalking spell on you, this would be the perfect opportunity to get rid of a burden.>You know she won't, but it eventually takes a mildly annoyed horn poke on your rump to send you falling into the c->Oh god.>These clouds are fucking amazing.>You barely even notice Twilight lying down next to you until she wraps a large wing through the cloud and around your shoulder.>"Question for a question, that's the deal. I'm fair, you can go first.">Input action.I'd like a pool of potential questions. I likely won't reject anything unless it's really bad, so rolls aren't a requirement.
>>150866what's going on and why are we here
>>150866What about Bane, why does he wear the mask?Why are you being so nice?
Why are we all the way up here?
What are your plans for me?
>>150736"Well of course I'm not invited, do I look like some kind of girl?"
Twilight stares at you blankly for a few seconds, looking like she's about to give you an answer, but you interrupt her.
"That was a rhetorical question."
>"Of course it was, Ms. has-a-higher-pitched-voice-than-me-and-owns-a-dildo""Whatever, I don't have time for this. I'm gonna be late for class."
You quickly grab your backpack and head back upstairs, shoving the waffle from your plate - still on the table - into your mouth and running out the door. You try to eat as you run, though as you spot a familiar colt from your class, you swallow everything at once to play a little prank.
"Hey Time Turner, what year is it?"
>>"Uh, 990 AL?""It worked!"
After this, you run off as fast as you can and make it to the classroom with a few minutes to spare. Unfortunately, as you had feared, you indeed are missing your homework again. But at least you manage to avoid getting chastised about it, because this time, Time Turner is late. 5 minutes late, in fact; just perfectly in time to show up as you would normally be given a lecture about the importance of doing homework that just might not matter in the long run.
Time Turner, as it seems, had slowed down his walk to school to ponder for the tenth time this week the concept of time travel, as he is prone to do. He was given a book on Star Swirl the Bearded for his birthday one day, and decided to obsess over all of his works from that point forward, almost to a point where you question whether or not he's autistic. The fact that he still seems to be somewhat popular with some of the fillies runs contrary to that theory, however. Regardless, you make a mental note to definitely, DEFINITELY do your homework the next time you're assigned it. You also should probably remember your lunch, but at least you've got friends, right?
Indeed, as lunch time comes about, your friends are inclined to share their meals, but now something smells fishy. Presumably, based on the fact that you had homework due today, and the fact that no one remembers you turning into a moth and taking advantage of Cadance's surprisingly weak will, today should still be Monday. You had never interacted with Rarity or Applejack before they came to class, or anyone who interacted with her. So why then is Rarity's lunch today a huckleberry pie, and not sushi? Was last night indeed a dream, or is there some sort of butterfly effect going on? Perhaps not worth questioning too much.
To no surprise, you do not see Twilight crashing into the schoolhouse at the end of lunch, so you indeed get to enjoy the rest of class before heading home. Okay, maybe not straight home; Applejack drags you into a game of hoofball, which turns into a couple of games of hoofball, and you end up coming home close to sundown. When you finally make it into the house, you collapse onto the couch and the world melts around you.
In fact, it not only seems to melt, but everything turns black for a moment. You now have a giant headache again, you're in your bed for some reason, and Twilight has collapsed off the edge of the bed, grumbling about never drinking again.
>>150869Ask twilight what day it is. If she says it's Monday, then it's time to try killing ourselves.
[ 1d100 = 12 ]
>>150869"Then put your warm little hand in mine There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb"
>>150866Ask her if we can have Mommy Milk.
>>150869If it's Monday steal everyone's most prized possession, starting with Diamond Tiara's tiara.
[ 1d100 = 28 ]>>150866What is the meaning of life?
Is there objective truth and morality in the world or is it based entirely on subjective feelings?
What is being exiled to the moon/sun like?
How does gravity work?
What color underwear do you have in those mysterious drawers?[ 1d100 = 69 ]
>>150869Oh shit, we're stuck in a time loop. Run out of the house screaming.
[ 1d100 = 48 ]>>150876We're in the past, she's not born yet.
>>150869learn to play piano
[ 1d100 = 24 ]
>>150865Filly is top qt. Good work
>>150865damn, this is an excellent color job mate!
>Twilight trusts you to take care of the fillies for the evening
>everything goes to shit as soon as she leaves
>>150919>Fucking purpl left all of you alone with anon>Guess she doesn't know he's a total pussy>All of you raid the liquor cabinet as Anon tries to rip you off the shelves>A heroic filly jumps down with two bottles in her hoof>Only three bottles fell and shattered into the floor in the struggle>Each of you gets a portion of the loot>Now sufficiently drunk, you turn your attention to Anon..
>>150919those fillies are too cute
>>150922>Hugs and cuddles commence>He just sits there contemplating his life and choices>Fillies surround him all over>Green tiny poners have attached themselves to Anon>He just sighs and stares into the wall>All the fillies continue their non-consensual assault on Anon>Judgement impaired by alcohol, many fillies wrestle him to the floor>As he lays there fillies get on top of him to play out an arrest>He seems just about done with life in general…fin
>>150925>"I gave you one job, Anon! One job! I leave you with the girls for four measly hours, and you get them drunk?! And look at the place, the house is a MESS, and there's broken plates and cups everywhere! And don't get me started on the vomit!""Purple, they-"
>"You didn't check their homework, you didn't bathe them, what did you do? Sit on your ass?""They-"
"You are grounded, mister!"
Fillies of course get the sympathy of purple as they are the victims of the ways of humanity.
>>150927Sounds like something Chatoyance would say.
>inb4 "I was only pretending to be retarded"Do you like the fantasy where you get to be one of the niggers, behave like one, win, and get away with it?
>>150783Anyone have the webm of this?
>>150927>"Well, duh. They're little fillies, they couldn't know that drinking was bad for them. Anon was probably handing out bottles to my poor little babies.">"Come on Anonfillies, let's go get your stomachs pumped. Maybe ice cream after, let's see how you feel once we're done.">Thus a crowd of drunk fillies managed to stumble up next to her, all giving you shit-eating grins
>>150866same as here
>>150743>>150869Try to contact Ajna, see if she responds, something is going on
[ 1d100 = 27 ]
>>150869>>150953 that might actually be a good idea
[ 1d100 = 78 ]
>>150950>After Purple and the Seven Autists stumble out the door, big anon collapses into a chair with a smirk>Produces a hidden bottle from the cushion>And takes a long pull with a smile>All according to plan>"Enjoy 'gastric lavage', faggots. That's what you get for stealing my good stuff last time."
>>150949anon pls, have full size
>>150974That s a big filly
>>150979It's a daki, what did you expect?
>>150981>Inanimate object TF
>>150315I am the biggest retard in history
I'm hoping on getting it to you all tonight, but I wrote myself into another corner which ate up more time. I apologize for my stupidity and my inability to deliver content efficiently.
>>150984Is fine. When can we expect it by?
>>150986Hopefully tonight, maybe tomorrow. It all depends on if I can get it out in a way that I think is up to standard.
>>150869Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. You might be in a time loop. You feel your heart pounding, and your mind is throwing anxiety attacks at you at a million miles a minute. That's probably not the correct unit to describe the rate of panic going on in your head right now, but it certainly feels like it. In fact, based on the fact that you were drinking last night and are again experiencing a hangover, it would not be inaccurate to suggest that at this moment, you feel as though you have been run over by a semi-trailer, and each of the wheels has individually passed over your head very slowly and agonizingly.
In your panicked state, you grab Twilight with both of your hooves and shake her.
"Twi, this is very, VERY important. What day of the week is it?"
>"Uhh… Monday?"Yep, time loop. This is now your third Monday in a row, so it is no longer a coincidence. You didn't dream rape Cadance, you fucked her for real. And then you went back in time and tried to do things normally. Life had given you a second chance. But then it spat in your face and sent you back a second time. You hadn't even done anything wrong!
So, logically, you run out of the basement, out of the house, and out into the streets, screaming at the top of your lungs. Yes, that is a perfectly rational thing to do. And now ponies are staring at you, just great.
You stop screaming and sit down on the dirt to think about a proper solution to your problem. Dealing with embarrassment can wait. Okay, so what can you do, use psychic powers? Nope, static. That's literally the first time you've gotten static instead of just nothing, so at least you know you're not using them wrong; they just don't work. But that's probably worse.
What about Ajna, maybe if you can just contact her? You're not quite sure how to do that; the only time you've spoken, she contacted you. But she's supposedly watching your every move, so maybe if you could just… try to reach out to her?
"Ajna, I need you. I'm trapped, I don't know if you are too and if you've seen the other timelines but if you can, please help. At least talk to me. I know I'm a complete fuckup, but maybe if we can get out of this together, I could try to become a better pony. Please, I need you."
You're almost at the point of crying. If she doesn't answer, if someone doesn't answer, you're not sure what the hell you're going to do. There is no one, not a single pony, going through the same shit as you right now.
But alas, there is no response.
>>150993Kill yourself and restart with a clear head.
[ 1d100 = 5 ]
>>150993Now may be the time to KYS and see if that does anything. Then again, maybe that should be a last resort for obvious reasons.
[ 1d100 = 90 ]
[ 1d100 = 60 ]
Rolled 8
>>150993Do all the things you wanted to do, but were afraid of the consequences.
>>150993Unlikely to beat a 90, but. Let's calm down, tell Twi about it and see if it's time to fiddle around with Starswirl's stuff, we know where his collected works are kept and Time Turner even has a book and possibly some expertise on the subject. Twiggles can give us one of her CIA pass phrases so we can skip the long conversation each loop.
[ 1d100 = 26 ]
>>150997Weren't we doing that already?
>>150993Make the most of life and become a gangster.
[ 1d100 = 9 ]
>>150967>Anon is gonna lose all his privileges and have Purple breathing down his neck for weeks.>All the booze will be found and emptied, and she'll be damn sure you don't get any more>Meanwhile, the fillies get ice cream and will be coddled indefinitely by Twilight, which will primarily consist of cuddles and more ice cream.Not a great plan.
>>151003>yet all of this was still a ruse by Anon>by proving himself to be completely incompetent in handling the fillies, Purple realizes that he's clearly no good at the job>this both renders Anon free to do whatever he wants with his abundance of free time, and forces Twilight to use more of her own precious free time to find another foalsitter willing to deal with all those fillies>suck it, purple!
>>150593>>150593> As much as how sensical it would be just to ignore the little runt, you were anything but sensical.>With a bit an eye roll, you ask."What, looking for the big bad embodiment of chaos to do something crazy."
>He gave no response and just kept staring.>At this point you were starting to wonder if he was either part goat or was merely dead.>With a claw you reach behind his ear."Oh hey, what's this?"
>Out from behind the ear, you show him a bit, and with a bit fake awe coated with sarcasm, you complete the small trick."By gods! It's a bit, it seemed to be stuck behind your ear. Wow, you really should see a doctor about that."
>Hopefully the simple trick satisfied him as you threw the coin, now turned to dust, at his face."There. Satisfied? Now leave me alone."
>Returning back to your paper you'd hoped that'd sate the small colt.>However, judging from the sounds of whispers and shuffling hooves. It could be only guessed that you'd drawn more attention with your unique physique.>"What is he doing?">"Is here for somepony?">"I heard he can control ponies with his mind.">" I've seen him flip an entire house before.">"Momma told me him and Celestia are brother and sister.">"Nuh Uh, I heard.">In singsongy voice you decided to remind them of who they were talking about."~I'm right Here~."
>The murmurs and whisper only grew more in instability as your ability to focus was dwindling.>In addition to that your patience was too.>Go away, go away, go away.>Come on go away, please.>But as the voices continued to grow, so was your self-control.>Giving a big sigh, seemed to momentarily silence them."You ponies do know what happens when you anger the god of chaos, do you?"
>No one answered."They become a…"
>With a sudden reveal, your glasses morphed into a freakishly sizeable green mask."MONSTER"
>All the fillies and colts gathered around did nothing but stare at you, indifferently.>Eeeh, rough crowd.>A disappointment."Well, as much as I'd love to stick around you pleasant fillies and colts. I have places to be, things to throw out of balance."
>Getting up to leave, you made your way to school to pick the sucker up early.>"Get 'EM!">Wha-"Oof"
>It seems a rebellion has rallied amongst them as they all dog piled on you.>"Got him.">"We stopped Discord!">"What's this do?">They began tugging and pulling at your various bits.>with one of them pulling harshly at your antler, jerking your head back."Ow, hey careful with the aesthetics. I'm still hoping to find someone before I hit three-thousand."
>Meanwhile at your lower end someone was tugging back and forth at your tail.>"Try to get one of his scales, miss Cheerilee said their good luck.">Just like that, they began plucking at your scales."Ow, ow, OW. Hey!"
>Alright, enough fun.>SNAP!>You decided to call on the swing set to round up the children.>Like a wild dog, it happily panted as it ran around and chased them off of you.>At least enough for you to stand back up and dust yourself off.>Looking to the wild piece of playground equipment, it was making a valiant effort on chasing the rest of the runts. While the rest of them remained tied up on top by its swings."Ugh, little monsters."
>"What's wrong Discord? ">Turning back towards the school, you that it was Applejack and Applebloom talking.>"Thought you'd love a bit of chaos, especially with a bit of an audience.">You gave a disdainful frown as you rolled your eyes."That's the problem. Little rodents at that age feed off of it and throw it around like nothing, no fear, no nothing. It makes things no fun for me."
>You cleared your throat as you poofed in a tux and top hat."Because as you see, there's an art to the chaos that can only be appreciated with fear or shock. But I wouldn't expect a pony like you to understand that, now would I."
>She returned the eye roll as she walked off with Applebloom>"…Don't know what that' mare sees in him.">You poofed away your outfit.>Alright back to the filly at hand. >SNAP!>As the swing set jumped through the air like a show dog, it's purpose was now done, it soon poofed back into a dead swing set.>Not before it doing so mid-leap and flying towards a green filly.>Wait, a green filly?>With the head turned away, she soon got a harsh introduction to situational awareness as she turned back.>"Gleeba, Phloo?">Only to get a face full of rod."Oopsie."
>Walking over the filly, who know laid on her back with a dazed look. She looked mostly okay.>Minus the bloody nose and black eye of course.>"Hey…you…You alright.">"Gle…ba.">Guess you'll have to take that as a yes.>You can probably strike the possibility of a concussion out, right?>What do you think to do first with the filly? Hospital, straight home, Fluttershy's, or…something else?
https://pastebin.com/DtWczEeJ [Embed]
>Dropping out of the intra-day fantasies you’ve subjected yourself to, Spear stood in front of your gaze with a grin and a tin cup.>These dozing off sessions were meant to be as a means to pass the time on the trips but left you oblivious to the world around you.>”Tea, don’t you want some?”>Spear, who seemed cleaner than usual seemingly managed to escape the fourteen-hour long labor in the engine room to offer a small treat.>With a claw out he held a cup of steaming tea. In it had a few swirling leaves of various shades of green, and with it had an oddly refreshing smell.>”I put a little of mint for taste. It’s good da’?”>Before you could answer he pushed the dainty cup onto you as he forced you to take it.>”Try it?”“Um sure.”
>Pulling yourself out of the covers and into an upright position you take the warm and inviting cup of tea. It seemed like one of the few things to provide you warmth in this cold climate.>With yourself taken care of, Spear, jubilant and as innocent as you met him slammed himself down beside you. While the old thing creaked loudly in protest.>God this trip was boring.>If you could barely make it one day, the rest of the trip was going to kill you.>Looking at Spear though, he seemed careless and enjoyed every moment it as he hastily slurped down his cup of tea.>Wonder how he got paired up with Sickle? Although Spear doesn’t care much about the circumstances, Sickle seemed like she couldn’t be bothered with much more of it.>That and she wasn’t much of pony, griffon either.>Looking back down, you take back a swig of tea as it’s warm comfort providing a cooling calm afterward.>”It’s good, right?”>You nod.“Um-hm.”
>He gives a relieved sigh.>”Thank the gods, I vasn’t sure I made it right. I make my own all the time; we never have itty bitty guests though.” “Don’t you have friends you make tea for?”
>He gave another deep chug of the tin cup before putting on the floor.>”I have a few friend, yes. But no time to be with them. No time for tea as you see.”>You wondered how the CMC was doing. Probably out doing crazy things, like always.>Though they weren’t friends much. You don’t hang out with them often.>Good acquaintances maybe?>…>Back at Spear, he looked intently at the cup while rubbed it with his thumbs “What do you do with them then?”
>The question immediately generated a frown.>”Ehh, not much, we hang out, play games, and talk about things too.”>Seeing as a frown isn’t the usual response for reliving the past with friends, you decided to pry even further.“Talk about things? Like what?”
>”Just–things–“>Another pregnant pause gave heed of the air around.>”What about you? What things do you do with your friends?”>Friends? What friends? Other than the majority of moderate acquaintances and odd enemies you had, there was no time to have them.>Though you suppose you could consider your mom’s friends like Fluttershy and Rarity your friend too, at least to allow you something to talk about with Spear and have him open up more.“Well…”
>Gulp.”Not much, I mostly just hang out by myself…”
>You might as well come out with it. Keeping it to yourself does you no good.”…I really don’t to go outside much, so I just stay home.”
>Spear’s typically silly smile-filled face looked at you with genuine concern.>”What do you mean? Ponies like to hang out, it’s, uh, how you say? Your niche.”>There were exceptions to that rule, you suppose fell under that.“I guess not for me.”
>”What was that?”“Nothing.”
>Clearing your throat, you try to ask you questions again.>”So what was it again you talk with your friends.”>He looked at you with mouth agape before he turned away and chuckled.>Looking back he gave you a green flash of a smile.>”Okay, you caught me. I really don’t have many friends. Other than hanging out with Sickle and working, I really don’t do much.”>Well that made things less awkward, now that the loneliness stalk had two peas in the pod.>”Although if you want, we can be friends.”>He seemed sincere as he lent his claw in friendship.“I-I, Y-you. I don’t-“
>Although the sudden push for friendship caught you slightly off guard.>It wasn’t exactly every day for you that someone suddenly up and decided “Hey! Let’s be friends.”>Although your faltering seemed to cause some second-guessing as Spear’s sincerity and smile faded quickly.>As quick as he saw, his claw disappeared, he quickly looked back down onto the floor with insecurities building on his emotions.>”Sorry, I guess it’s a bit sudden to ask that. Especially for a strange and big ‘Ol kit like me.”>Ah shit, you made him feel like shit.>Even you planned on it, you’d feel like crap later if you didn’t say yes.“No…No,no,no it’s not that. It’s just you asked that really suddenly I wasn’t…”
>You took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes.>They were already glossing over.>Please don’t make the big griffon cry.>Else the bigger griffon will get pissed.>Walking in the tundra wasn’t on your itinerary.”…going to say that. You just, just…”
>Trippig over your word you began to get increasingly frustrated as you squinted your eyes.>Breath, take deep breaths and center yourself.>Looking back again, you give back the same smile he had.“I’d love to be your friend.”
>He seemed to look over in confusion before it turned to sickeningly-sweet glee.>”Oh happy days…”>He leaped on you as he crushed you in a hug, forcing all the air out of your lungs.>Do these griffons not have a sense of their own strength?>”…I knew I make one! You bitty ponies a
>>151004>implying shes not gonna have you start doing something else like dishes or vacuuming to make up the difference>This'll be harder for Anon, since he can't just give the fillies vidya and go jack off. >implying Twilight needs to find a sitter, rather than just handing them off to Flutters or Applejack>Thus is actually better because shell trust their reports on the fillies' behavior>Now Anon needs to work harder, and doesn't get booze anymoreHe didn't think this through, did he?
>>151005Fluttershy would kill you if you found out, can't you use your magical powers to heal her or turn her into a cyborg or something?
[ 1d100 = 37 ]
>>151009Since when does your average anon think of anything more than near-future gains, lulz, or petty revenge?
>>151028Fillyfiddlers go to jail.
fantastic work
>>151005Take her to the hospital, see if you can't get her patched up, Fluttershy will want to see you made an effort even if you
did fuck up. Try to comfort her as best you can without words, maybe carry her there?
[ 1d100 = 40 ]
>>151057Carry her by slinging her over your shoulder like rucksack.
Most of you are pedos in denial but for those of you who actually are pedos you are the fucking most annoying of them all.
Why would a woman want to date you when you are a vapid teenage girl stuck in a grown mans body???
I think pedos on Anonfilly general (and perhaps most pedos in general) somewhat go along the stereotyped r9k neckbeard. Like spergy, spaghetti lords, ugly, fat, nerdy, socially stunted asspies.
So there is nothing wrong with all those things but I think the reason they develop the fetish for little girls/filly is because they relate most to little girls. They are not intimidating. They do not have sexual experience; the are weak, easily manipulated, prone to escapism (through vidya, anime, sci fi, fantasy, etc), and they are childish obviously. All those things are exactly like the pedo himself only the pedo is a grown male not a little girl.
Pedos see themselves not as a monster (like society does) because pedos personality aspects are usually not aggressive or rape like. In fact they are usually the most passive beta guys ever.
Sexualizing children is a way for a pedo to gain some kind of power control or normalcy back in life because he can not picture himself with an adult woman. Because the pedo has faced countless cruelty and rejection they demonize adult women. They are usually very misogynistic, bitter, and resentful towards adult females but view child females as untouched by the bitchy attitudes that adults have.
>>151116i just want fuck off and kys filly back, not another shitpost
>>151028Good work, Anon
>Filly's face soon
>>151116Here’s your >(you) as payment for your psychoanalysis.
>>151116The obsessive anti-anonfilly retard of /mlp/ is paying us a visit.
These threads are 30% pedophilia, 40% mommy issues, 20% self-insert fantasies, 9% memes, and 1% normalcy.
>>151133>>151116Good to see we aren't free from you fags even now.
>>148439What the fuck even is this thread
>>151116>>151133The thread changed a lot since coming to /mlpol/ and is way lewder, but i ll still reply with a big NO U!
And not gonna lie, i miss when the thread was mostly memes and less lewd
>>151135Not even going for the whole thing, huh? For shame.
>>151136Lewd is fine, but in moderation. Otherwise the thread becomes simply a porn thread.
But yeah, I get what you’re saying.
I wish to sexually tease Twilight and encourage her repressed pedophilic tendencies, until she snaps and molests me. Joke's on her, though, I'm into that.
>>151136It was a lot easier for the /mlp/ threads to be mostly memes when every other post was "fuck off" and "kys".
I do miss them as well though.
> most degenerate "general" on /mlpol/
> actually has decent drawfags producing content
>>151147See, the joke would be funnier if we knew if you were the drawfag or the writefag.
>>151148That never stopped the meme back when there were no flags
>>151142Pretty sure Ponka would jump on the chance before purpul had any chance though
>>151150Pinki is coming for you
>>151150>>151152Pinkie would be fine, too.
any of the mane mares, plus cheerilee, really.
>>150993Nothing. You really could cry right now. For some reason you can't, but you feel like you could. Maybe you should just kill yourself, since you can't actually manage to fix this problem. Of course, knowing your luck right now, you'll probably just time loop again. Worth a shot anyways, you suppose.
You walk back into the house and into the kitchen. Equestria might not have guns, and you might not know where to find a rope for noose, but you know you can quickly end your own life with a knife. It's simple really, just jam it into your heart really hard, really fast, and don't miss. As you retrieve the blade from its container, you feel as if you should be trembling right now, but somehow you're not. In fact, every part of your being is telling you this is the right thing to do.
It takes about a minute for you to die. Or at least you think that's how long it takes. It's hard to keep track of time when you're losing blood faster than your body can fail to produce it. An agonizing experience that you certainly don't want to go through again, but at least it's over quickly. As your blood spills out over the kitchen floor, staining it like an overflowing toilet full of diarrhea to bathroom tiles, you can only wonder what it would be like if you had instead stabbed your lung and were gasping for air right now. Oh well, there's the light…
And as you damn well should have expected, you're back in bed, and Twilight is still bitching about not drinking before she has to do research.
What will you do now?
>>151169Inform Twilight of our situation and don't let her interrupt or ask questions until we're finished, then ask her for help.
[ 1d100 = 88 ]
>>151169Train yourself in the ways of crime and thievery.
[ 1d100 = 53 ]
>>151169Go get knocked up by Big Mac or something!
[ 1d100 = 95 ]
Sorry that it's been such a godawfully long time since I've done anything besides being absent and making excuses, but that changes now with the new longest thing I've put out at once! Where we left off in the last thread, Anon and Emerald are waiting in the break room while a gray pegasus goes to tell Luna about the fact that they're there as Twilight and Chrysalis go to face Celestia about the possibility of an official alliance between Equestria and the remaining loyalist changelings! Let's see how all that goes, shall we?
>Well, now what?
>You take a seat on the couch and Emerald follows you over, sitting down next to you
>There's not much to do but wait, sadly
>The other guards populating the room are doing a few different things yet still keeping an eye on you two, and you have no idea how long it'll be until that pegasus tells Luna that you're here
>It doesn't feel good, but you decide to just sit and watch the room in the meantime
>You can't think of anything to talk about, either
>At least nothing that you want to risk talking about near a bunch of armed guards, no matter how relaxed and casual they may be right now
>This may take a while
>Be Celestia
>Today is something interesting, to be sure
>First, you ended up getting three meetings scheduled for today
>On top of that, they're all within 3 minutes of each other and across the city
>At least you can teleport, but that still doesn't give you much room for possible unexpected events
>And speaking of unexpected events…
>You hear Twilight talking to a few ponies outside
>One of them you recognize as Anonymous, but the other two?
>You don't have the faintest idea
>After some more conversation and what you assume to be Twilight giving orders, you finally hear two of the ponies split off and leave while the throne room door opens
>Oh boy, what's it about this time?
>You're not sure, but at least it could be more interesting than signing the 18th paper in a row dealing with possible infrastructure changes or political alliances
>Maybe some eldritch horror has appeared from its some-arbitrary-number-over-1000 year slumber, and she actually needs your help to beat it!
>Nah, if she hasn't needed you in this many years, then she probably won't now
>Odds are, it's more political bullsh-
>Did Anonymous manage to convince her to help him with his idea?
>This isn't what you had hoped for…
>That would also explain why the mare accompanying Twilight looks eerily like Chrysalis, too
>Well, let's just see how this goes
>After the door's closed and secured, Twilight starts talking
>"Good morning, Princess Celestia. I'm sorry for the short notice, but the matter is urgent and I believe that I have something to contribute to this issue."
>Well, let's get this over with
"I'm listening, but before you start, would you mind confirming the identity of your guest for me?"
>Twilight looks like she's about to say something, but something else drags your attention away from her as it also confirms your suspicions
>A green column of magic billows off of the mare standing next to Twilight and reveals a form that you have nothing but disdain and contempt for
>The queen of the changelings is in your throne room
>Note to self: step up the guards' training and make sure they aren't slacking off as much
>After the green column fades, you notice that Chrysalis appears to be mid-collapse
>However, she manages to catch herself before falling to the floor
>She regains her footing and stands back up, but she retains a look of discomfort bordering on pain as she says her first words in this room
>You rise from your seated position and glare at Twilight with every ounce of 'the fuck, dude?' you can muster
"Twilight, do you mind telling me exactly why you brought her here?"
>Twilight stands up even straighter than she was before and explains her reasoning in a calm but firm voice
>"I thought it would be a good idea to bring her here myself since she could explain her side of the matter better than either Anonymous or me."
>While she has a good reason, there are still numerous things wrong with the application of this idea
"And you expected her to come completely peacefully, and without any sort of plan to do anything suspicious while she's here?"
>Twilight has a response for this, too
>"To her credit, she's been quite cooperative despite my somewhat hostile welcome, but from what I saw back in the hive and from the fact that Anonymous is the only reason she's alive right now, I'd say she's in no position to try anything.""And no other changelings came with her? Are you positive that you weren't followed?"
>It's at this point that Chrysalis tries to defend herself against your claims>"Is this not supposed to be a diplomatic talk? Why would I shoot myself in the hoof by bringing an invasion force of changelings that I neither have nor can spare at this time?">You turn back towards Chrysalis, still not believing anything she says"I know that you have a hive and enough changelings to keep it running. Until I can count each and every one of them myself, I will assume whatever keeps my ponies safest."
>After you say this, you turn back to Twilight who happens to have a better answer>"From what I could tell, we were not followed. No two ponies on both trains from the badlands to Canterlot had the same background aura, and I've learned through experience that Changelings can't hide that.">Okay, that's some valuable detail if it can be confirmed>If only there was another changeling around here that was willing to help, but you doubt that>Since Twilight's dealt with most of your concerns for the time being, now the… 'negotiations'… can begin>This day…>Wait, Twilight mentioned Anonymous being here>This was all his idea, shouldn't he be here to see it happen and make sure it goes over properly?>You decide to bring this up as Twilight starts pulling out paperwork and sorting through it"Twilight, you mentioned Anonymous being here. Shouldn't he see this through? After all, it was his idea."
>Twilight immediately freezes at hearing this before putting the papers back and giving you a slightly nervous smile>"Of course, let me go get him.">She immediately teleports off to somewhere in the castle, leaving you in this room with the closest thing you have to a sworn enemy at this point>Your gaze immediately shifts to Chrysalis as your eyes narrow>She returns your glare with lidded eyes and raised Eyebrows, but doesn't do anything else>Good
>Be Twilight>You managed to get your hoof in the door about explaining your idea to Celestia, but you have to admit, she did have some valid concerns>Only a short while ago you were also worried about a few of them, but any worries have been pushed away by your current knowledge of Chrysalis's situation>That's not your concern though, now>You need to find Anon because Celestia asked for him to be there>Let's hope you can find him quickly, you'd prefer to not keep Celestia waiting>As you finish teleporting, you find yourself in a hallway>If this worked properly, you should be fairly close to Anon already>However, a random teleportation doesn't usually have a high rate of success if you're trying to find something- or somepony- specific>It also doesn't help that you haven't found any luck-boosting spells any stronger than simply improving the odds you'll win at a card game, so a random teleport may not have been the best idea>Well, time to start searching rooms>The first room you check is empty>So's the second>The third doesn't have Anon in it, but it does have a few guards standing… well, guard>If Anon's going to be anywhere, he probably isn't going to be near the Arcane Library>Breaking in there to get the time travel spell wasn't fun, and if you weren't able to do it easily, there's no way he would>Yeah, he's not in there>Time to look elsewhere?>You step back out into the hall to continue searching for Anonymous when you get stopped by another guard behind you>He's a light-gray pegasus and looks like he has something to say to you>"Excuse me, Princess Twilight? Do you happen to be looking for Anonymous?">Well then!>An unexpected turn of events, but not an unwelcome one!"Actually, I am. Do you know where she is?"
>"Yeah, she and her friend said they were going to wait in the break room while I went to go tell Princess Luna that they're here. I'm on my way to tell her, but I'm pretty sure that if you're looking for her, then that's more important.""Alright, thank you; I'll go get her now."
>Before the pegasus can get another word out, you teleport off to the break room
>You can't leave Celestia waiting for too long, after all>Not wasting any more time, you find yourself in the break room directly in front of Anon and Emerald"Anon, Celestia wants to see you in the throne room now. Come over here and-"
>He interrupts you before you can continue your sentence and speaks his mind about what you're saying>"Wait, wait, wait! I just got here and Luna could be showing up any second! Why do I need to go to the throne room?">Everypony in the room is now staring at the two of you>This isn't comfortable or time-efficient, you need to speed this up if you can>You haven't disappointed Celestia yet, and you don't want to start now by not even getting Anon to his own negotiations!"You know exactly why and I'm sure Luna won't mind if you aren't here when she gets here."
>Anon sighs and gets up off the couch after you finish, but not before giving a reply>"Okay, but you're bringing me back here after I'm done there.""Deal."
>As Anon walks over to you, he faces back towards Emerald and makes a final statement>"When Luna gets here, please tell her that Celestia needed me and to wait here with you.">Emerald nods as you begin the teleportation spell, bringing you back to Celestia and Chrysalis>Let's hope things are still alright there
>Be Anonymous>Apparently Twilight did need you in the throne room>This was unexpected>It looks like you getting to meet Luna IRL is going to have to wait for a bit>Twilight teleports you both to the throne room as soon as you're next to her in a flash of purple>When it clears from your vision, you see Chrysalis out from under her disguise and Celestia casting her a sideways glance>That changes when they both realize that Twilight's back with you>You decide to break the silence (that you presume was there since Twilight left, judging by Chrissy and Tia's standing relationship) in the most business-casual way you can think of"I'm here now, what do you need?"
>Celestia answers you in a much more formal tone than the one you just used>"I requested your presence because I thought you should preside over the negotiations.">It takes you a few seconds to run the sentence through your mental translator, but not too long passes before you fully grasp the meaning behind the unexpected intricacy of the sentence>Was Celestia this formal with you before?>Nah, she was too interested in seeing exactly what you were>What you are, you're still a human regardless of your external appearance!>Anyway, back to more important matters>You come to a statement that you think will allow things to continue without you needing to be mentally present"I shall preside over the negotiations, but shall do so without interruption. I don't want to interrupt anything that I don't have experience with, but I WILL make sure that a proper deal is made. Do all parties present understand?"
>Twilight and Chrysalis respond first, both of them agreeing to your terms>Celestia doesn't take long to respond either, though>"Understood.""Good. Begin the negotiations!"
>Despite your efforts to zone out and do other mental things, you remain at least partially in the room with the other three>It seems that your ploy worked, nonetheless>Everything being discussed seems of fair conditions for a mutual treaty>Chrysalis and the changelings under her will receive protection from Equestria's armed forces in exchange for ending all hostilities and the donation of 10% of the ores they pull out of the ground>Celestia and the rest of Equestria will receive the benefits of additional changeling horsepower and an ally with near-limitless potential in exchange for the assurance that Chrysalis and every queen after her is allowed to carry out necessary actions to sustain her hive>You're not sure how Twilight and Chrysalis managed to convince Celestia of that last one, but they did it>It must've been some sort of mind game or something
>Point is, it happened and odds are it'll be one of the conditions on the paperwork that Twilight's in the process of writing>Also, to improve the public's reception of this idea, Chrysalis agreed to give a public apology and pay 50% of the metals that they've pulled from the ground and refined>According to some mental calculations and estimates from Twilight, that amount would come out to just under 20 million bits' worth>After everything's agreed on and Twilight finishes collecting signatures from everypony present, you snap back to reality completely>Following this event, you immediately turn your attention to Twilight to ask the all-important question"Hey Twilight, now that everything important is done, can you teleport me back to the break room?"
>She turns towards you and replies with the answer you were waiting for>"Yes, just give me a second to put these papers away.">True to her word, Twilight puts the papers back in her bag and charges up another teleportation spell>A purple flash overtakes your vision as you transport back to the guards' break room, hoping that Luna's still there with Emerald>Once it's all cleared up and you can see your surroundings, you quickly sweep the room>The couch?>Empty>Nopony's over near the cabinets>The fridge is closed, too>Even the Pac-Mare machine's deserted!>Where is everypony?>Feeling more than mildly annoyed and at least slightly defeated, you flop down onto the couch as best you can>Thanks, purple.>When your back hits the seat of the couch though, you feel something that doesn't feel like fabric>More like paper, actually>Well, it's uncomfortable and distracting to lay on top of, so let's see what it is>You fish the piece of paper out from under yourself and decide to look at it>Well, this is handy!>Luna may have taken Emerald and left, but at least she left you something to help you find her!>"Dear Anonymous,">"I apologize for not waiting here like you asked, but knowing my sister, that meeting was going to take a long time and I thought it would be more comfortable for your friend and me to wait in my room. I hope this isn't too much of an inconvenience for you, and to make it easier for you, I enclosed directions to my room from where you are now.">Under Luna's second sentence you see a series of written directions>These are simple enough, you should be able to follow these>You walk out of the break room with the letter clutched in one hoof, barely keeping hold of it just well enough to read it>Into the hall, take a left, up these stairs, down these other stairs, find that intersection and take the third right, etc…>You make it through all the directions in a matter of minutes, eventually coming to the final stretch>"… Finally, you should come across a large spiral staircase. Climb it.">You look up from the letter to see a step>You continue looking up, trying to track just how far up you'll be going>You can't see the top>At least not well>Well, nopony ever said that navigating a castle would be easy…>With a sigh, you begin climbing the staircase>Luckily for you, it turns out that the staircase wasn't as tall as you thought>5 or 6 stories maybe, so definitely not short either>When you get to the top, you encounter a door>It's a closed door with a picture of a crescent moon on it>Yep, this is Luna's room>You also hear some conversation happening inside, but it's muffled through it>Might as well knock, you don't want to be rude>Knocking to the tune of nothing in particular, you immediately hear a set of hooves start walking towards the door>A few seconds later, Luna opens the door and looks down at you>"Anonymous?""The very same, how are you?"
>"I'm quite alright, how about you?">As Luna says this, she moves aside to let you in>When you're inside the room, you see Emerald sitting in a chair in the corner>She waves at you and you wave back as you reply"I'm not too bad wither. You two getting along well?"
>"Yes, we are.">Luna lays down on her bed and Emerald scoots over enough for you to join her on the chair comfortably>After everypony's in their spots, things continue about as you expected>You three end up having a fun conversation and everything goes smoothly>After a few hours, you all hear another knock at the door>Luna goes to answer it, and when she opens the door, you all see Twilight and Chrysalis back under her own disguise>Looks like it's time to go home
>>151174Filly isnt gay, do this instead
>>151173 and see how long the day goes before resetting
Also try to see if foresight changed
[ 1d100 = 42 ]
Been sitting on this one for a while, had some shit to wrap up after the internet went down, which ironically gave me some time to write this much. Enjoy.>>150737"What about Bane, why does he wear the mask?"
>"Um… Halloween party?">Well, that was kinda stupid.>"Go ahead, I have plenty to ask you when you're done.""Might as well cut to it. What's going on and why did you bring me here?"
>"I brought you here to speak to you… privately. Rarity told me about your little interaction, so I assume you know that the walls have eyes. Next.""Hold on, you still haven't told me what's going on."
>"I believe I just did.""Alright, what are your plans for me?"
>"To continue to raise and care for you until you can fend for yourself, as any creature with a basic maternal drive will do. Well, other than most reptiles. Fuck reptiles.">You think you hear her sniffle a bit at that, but it could just be the low temperature at this altitude."What is the meaning of life?"
>"Forty-two. You didn't think I wouldn't take the time to read your books, did you?""Is there objective truth and morality in this world or-"
>"Don't make me take back what I said about you being a smart filly. If there were any, you wouldn't be here.""How does gravity work?"
>"Oxygen is a selectively elastic Element here, made your fall a pain in the ass to calculate for when I retrieved you. Otherwise, much the same as you've described to me prior.""What is it like to be exiled to the sun or moon?"
>"The sun would incinerate anypony who got within a mile of the surface. As for the moon, Oxygen is the most abundant element on the moon. A powerful enough unicorn could drill into the crust and funnel it directly into their lungs, but they would soon tire with such an exerting spell and perish. An alicorn could simply artificially synthesize oxygen if she knew the correct chemical formula and create a barrier with it around herself so she wouldn't boil alive. Regardless, the heating process would also need to be maintained which is an extra stresser, not to mention the fact that ultraviolet radiation would render any pony dead within much less than 1000 years. What actually happened to Luna is classified.""What color underwear do you have in those drawers?"
>"…I don't wear panties unless I'm wearing a dress. Purple, what did you expect?""Alright, why the 180?"
>"Excuse me?""Um… why are you acting differently all of a sudden? What do you want from us?"
>She chuckled a bit, clearly nervous.>"Well, I just wanted to be the best mother I could for you, Clover… I don't need anything from you but your love.">She nuzzles a bit into your side.>Wait…>"Tickle attack!">She begins poking your belly, your sides and your little frogs, prompting you to giggle hysterically"Y-you bastard! I'm gonna, I'm gonna…"
>The clear sound of urination can be heard over your ill-gotten giggles as the patch of cloud below you turns a light yellow.>"Okay… guess I'll have to stick to doing that in public pools until you can control yourself.">She has a huge dopey grin on her face now, making it clear that she enjoyed herself despite the outcome.>You give little protest as she picks you up by the scruff of your neck and carries you to a nearby cloud other than a slight 'eep!'>You manage to avoid looking down, luckily.>Your stomach drops as you feel Twilight falter and your only contact keeping you from the ground gives way.>You shut your eyes tightly as you feel the air rushing past you, watching your life flash before your eyes.>Wow… that's quite unimpressive.>Now you're just going to die feeling like shit.>Spreading yourself out as much as possible, you murmur a quick prayer to whatever deity might watch over this universe and accept your fate.>Deja Vu…>You feel the fluffy white cloud breaking your fall as you are very abruptly teleported to it.>Collapsing in the white substance you just sit there, stunned.>"Clover!""W-wha?"
>"I've called your name ten times now…">Opening your eyes you see that Twilight's are filled with tears.>"I-I'm so sorry… I try to make up with you and then I drop you like that…">There are tears in your eyes too, but you convince yourself they're just from the wind."I… I need to process this. Can you nurse me?"
>"Of course…">Her slight shivering makes it difficult to get a grip on her teats, but when you do you have to admit that her conditioning worked on one vein.>Goddamn it.>Producing a hoofker… handkerchief from somewhere, she tenderly wipes off the excess milk from around the rim of your mouth."A-alright, I've decided I'm going to forgive you."
>She gives you another one of those rare genuine smiles and wraps herself around you.>"A-alright, is that it for questions?""Yes…"
>"Alright, I lied. I just have one question for you, Anon.">She pauses, taking another shaky breath and giving your mane a small stroke with your hoof.>"Do you really love me?">Input action.
Might also be complete shit, a few things aren't quite up to snuff.
>>151182It's gonna take a while, but it's definitely a possibility.
[ 1d100 = 69 ]
>>151174This, but if Big Mac isn't receptive then go find Thunderlane instead.
[ 1d100 = 49 ]>>151181It's not gay if it happens in a time loop.
Rolled 34
>>151182Say yes. If you actually do, good for you. If not, well, openly resisting would be bad for you (see my story).
>To continue to raise and care for you until you can fend for yourself>implying she's ever gonna let you grow up>implying she's not gonna turn you into an alicorn as well so you can be her little angel forever At least cleaning up the pee will be easy, its literally in water and can be easily dumped into the ocean (assuming it didn't fall to the ground.)
>Fuck reptilesAgreed. Although that also goes for most non-mammals.
Also, Equestrian gravity is based on air and not spacetime distortion?
>writing a breastfeeding scene in one lineA little more description would be nice
Good update m8, i r8 8/8
>>151188Thank you. Yeah, the breastfeeding did leave a bit to be desired looking back… noted.
I wrote the gravity as less Twilight trying to explain it 100% seriously and more just going with the easiest description.
>>151182I'm gonna be real with you here, despite this body, you know we're both adults. Your methods besides this we're, let's say less than stellar. You ripped me from my world, broke parts of my mind and my body without mercy, and now we're here. A calmer attitude, maybe a nuzzle instead of a broken rib, and that would be a bit more clear cut.
But I've lived a long life before this, it might not be what you're looking for, but it might be quite a while before I can genuinely say yes.
[ 1d100 = 4 ]
>>151191Wow time to kill myself.
>>151169Probably not going to beat a 95, but proceed to yell/sing "i got you babe"
[ 1d100 = 39 ]
>>151189You could always post an extended version of the scene and throw it in the pastebin
>>151182>guess I'll have to stick to doing that in public pools until you can control yourself.There's another option
>>151178I appreciate your work man. Keep it up
>>151182dammit, she doesn't told us what happened to CMC, who kidnapped them?
And did Spike really died, or he was secretly kidnapped too?
>>151195I might just…
>>151205See the pastebin, might clear up at least one of those:
https://pastebin.com/sGSfXRXL [Embed]
>>151182>Not giving a detailed answer about gravity using the ponies' knowledge of gravitons, space-time, or whatever makes objects attract.Okay.
"There are others who love me just as much as you do, Twilight. It would be a crime against everything I hold dear to forget them."
[ 1d100 = 94 ] >>151205The CMC have been kept in "safety" by Twilight's associates.
Spike did actually die, a repressed part of Anon's memory revealed that Anon was right there when that happened and this whole ordeal is a way of getting back at him,
>>151175>>151176>>151177>>151178So the Princess of the Night finally meets Anon and his best friend for a few hours and the conversation was just "fun"?
I love this lengthy update, but you really need to learn how to write dialogue.
>>151218i thought that was a blurry dream
plus we never saw his body, right?
>>151218Gravity works in the same way it does on earth, I just wanted a science fiction-esque reason to explain 'cartoon physics.' Since you already likely know how gravity works,there was no need to elaborate further than the elasticity of the Oxygen present in the air around you.
I hope that helps.
>>151218Part of it was that I was pretty fucking tired, sorry.
>>151339Yes. Breed the filly.
>>151339H e a d l e s s H o r s e
>>151341nah, you can clearly see that the head's behind filly.
>>151357Moozua was selling her anonfilly prints, then a 6yo boy came with his parents and said: "It's anon filly!". And he bought the print.
>>151362Kek. Must have been the fucking pointy ponies comic, I knew the normalfags would trickle in from that eventually.
>>151362Kek. Just wait, he'll find it in ten years, have no idea what it is, and go hunting for the meaning of it. I await our new underageb& overlord.
>>151363Well, this makes sense.
>>151362>hershit, so we got 3 anoncolts, then
fedorashy, moozua, and i believe ive heard that wafflecakes -pic related- is a grill too
call me retarded if im wrong
>>151374>Filly for antsAnd I wanted to save it too…
>>151374Fuck. I don't mean to drop any gender bullshit.
>>151379thats actually the full size
it was part of a big page of other pones, but i dont have that
>>151195Thank you for enjoying my green, I hope I don't botch this attempt at repayment.>>151182"I… I need to process this. Can you nurse me?"
>"Of course…">You feel her hooves gently kneading at your back as you nibble a bit on her left teat, doing your best to draw out the fluid within.>After a few minutes of going at it, you're rewarded with what you were looking for.>The taste is a bit different, but not unwelcome. Whatever spell she certainly cast on herself to induce lactation is well past the colostrum you suspect you ingested the first night.>The warmth of the stream trickling down your throat relaxes you, the kneading only adding to the pleasant experience.>A little bit of it dribbling down the sides of your mouth as you simply close your eyes, letting nothing matter in the world except you and the teat. >Eventually your suckling yeilds less and less milk until the only milk present is in your mouth and running down your muzzle, so you move on to her other teat.>If it's possible for it to be even better, it certainly is.>You take your sweet time with it as well, lowering the interval of suckling from once every five seconds to once every ten seconds.>How the hell did she have to force you to do this before?>You hear her wincing slightly as you go at it, but it's seemingly to stifle the moans of pleasure.>Kinky bitch…>Well you wouldn't be much good if you didn't give her what she wanted in this, so there is that.>Opening your eyes once more, you look into her hers trying as best you can to mimic the innocent gaze of a newborn foal.>Based on the motherly smile you get in return, you did something right.>You continue the process until you've drained that teat as well, lying on your back with a contented sigh.>Goddamn it.>Producing a hoofker… handkerchief from somewhere, she tenderly wipes off the excess milk from around the rim of your mouth."A-alright, I've decided I'm going to forgive you."
>She gives you another one of those rare genuine smiles and wraps herself around you.>"A-alright, is that it for questions?""Yes…"
>"Alright, I lied. I just have one question for you, Anon.">She pauses, taking another shaky breath and giving your mane a small stroke with her hoof.>"Do you really love me?"Might be it for tonight, I have a few other things to attend to.
>>151169"You know what? Fuck this. Fuck it all. If life wants to fuck me, I'm going to let myself get fucked, hard."
>"Care to elaborate?""No."
You don't even bother dignifying saying anything else to Twilight, even a goodbye, as you march on out the door. Since killing yourself didn't work, you might as well act as though nothing you do in this world matters or has consequences, and right now that means getting laid. Fucking Shining Armor is just not going to happen, and Thunderlane would just be gross (and also intruding on Flitter and Cloudchaser's territory). Big Mac though… that might be nice for a one time fling.
You make your way over to Sweet Apple Acres, not even bothering to get breakfast. The first pony you bump into is Applejack, which unfortunately means you're not going to be able to surprise Big Mac in bed. Of course the Apples wake up at the butt crack of dawn.
>"Howdy, Anon. What can 'ah do for ya?""Hey, have you seen Big Mac? I need to ask him something."
>"'Ah think he's over in the tool shed. Want me to get him for ya?""I think I can find him just fine."
Perfect. You make your way over to the shed, and sure enough, he's there, pulling out a large plow. Looking around real quick, you can't see any other ponies looking in your general direction.
"Hey Big Mac, how about we head back into that shed and I'll let you plow MY field, if you know what I mean."
This makes him blush even harder than he was when he was dared to wear one of Rarity's dresses.
>>"Uhh… what?""You, me, a romp around in the hay, no strings attached if you don't want 'em? What do ya say?"
You turn around and wink your green filly pussy at him to drive home the point.
>>"'Ah… ah thought you were a lesbian""No such thing. Now you gonna let me play with your 'Big Macintosh' or what?"
>>"O-Okay."The two of you sneak off into the tool shed after you double check to make sure that Applejack is definitely not looking your way, and you waste no time getting to work on Big Mac. Having another guy's cock in your mouth is a weird sensation, doubly so when it's expanding, but somehow you can't get enough of it. Contrary to what you had thought back on Earth, stallions in Equestria have roughly the same amount of stamina as humans, so you have plenty of time to enjoy slurping up pre-cum and getting a feel for his overall… texture.
Of course, you wouldn't be satisfied with just sucking him off, you came here for the real deal. You slowly pull your mouth off of his well-sized horse cock and bend over a nearby table. Big Mac picks up the signal pretty quickly and shoves it in without delay. The feeling is pretty damn amazing. The best way you could describe it all would be like you're now "full" in a sense, and your body feels warm all throughout. You have to resist the urge to moan as loudly as you can, lest you be interrupted in the middle by Applejack or even worse, their parents.
Eventually, Big Mac's speed starts to increase quite a bit, and he whispers into your ears that he's getting close.
"Do it Big Mac, fill me full of fillies."
You feel his cock twitch like it's about to shoot inside of you, but before you can even experience a single drop, an all-too-familiar blackness overcomes you. Time has reset once again. And beside your bed is Twilight, making the same complaint as before about not drinking again.
>>151389Great, now we're just that much more gay than usual. Thanks Big Mac, and your giant throbbing horsecock. We should probably contemplate that for a few minutes, then get to figuring out how to break the loop. There must be something we keep doing, or at least some theme of what we're doing, that's keeping us from progressing.
[ 1d100 = 95 ]I personally missed the past couple threads, but from what I understand, it might be we keep looping because we keeping doing something that inhibits our ability to save ourselves/Equestria/the world, so the universe is just giving us do-overs until we get it right.
>>151393Fuck, my brain can't into English.
keep doing
>>151393Building on this, I think I have an idea. Every time this happens, it's been started by us having Anon do something.
>>151389Why not try letting Anonymous do what he wants for once?
[ 1d100 = 22 ]
>>151389>black out before being filledThe fuck, did Bic Mac kill us or some shit? What is this?
>>151396What did we do on the second loop, specifically right before we looped into the third? I know we raped Cadance on the first, we killed ourselves on the third, and got bred by a choice bit of Apple just now. I just don't know what we did on the second that would line up with what we did on all of the other loops.
>>151398checking the pastebin, gimme a sec
>>151398Oh boy, is it time for autism, where we all try to figure out the mystery of what's going on?
>>151397No, but you should take what just happened as new information. Let a few more loops pass and I might make things interesting.
>>151398We did nothing out of the ordinary and I refuse to believe that reuben would be enough of an ass to force us back into the same choice that we made to get everything fubar to the point of forcing a reset.
>>151400update your pastebin, faget!
>>151401I'm almost certain it will come to that, repeating events at least until we can then chose not to rape Candyass. This is supposed to be a "punishment" after all.
>>151400>implying it's ever not time for autism>>151401Nothing out of the ordinary at all? We weren't acting strange or doing anything unusual for us to normally do?
>>151403just proceeding about our day normally as we did before shit started to happen and we knew it was happening
>>151401Everything not in my pastebin is in this thread. I update when the next thread starts.
>>151403Yes, yes, keep thinking that it's what you're
doing that triggers the loops.
>>151405Discipline, my friend. When it is needed, it should be prepared for easy access.
>>151404Interesting. It could be then as
>>151402 said and we just need end up making the right choice from the beginning. That should probably be what we try next, as we have nothing to lose except Filly's sanity from having to relive the same day over and over again. After that, we should see if there's a specific something we're NOT doing that might be triggering each loop.
How long did the day go before we looped on the second loop?
>>151407it went until we collapsed on the couch after school.
>>151409That might mean there is something we're NOT doing, then. Doesn't exactly narrow things down, but it's a start.
>>151409After school and a few games of hoofball. Safe to say around sun-down. Now when did you reset on the first day?
>>151412right before we pretty much told Twilight to fuck off
>>151374>>151379Bg-less version that i had posted before
Sadly, like the other hue posted, its a compilation of quickies, so this the biggest size ya can get
>>151413And what time of day would you suppose this occurred?
>>151416whenever it was, it was some time after shining armor knocked our block off.
>>151393You know what I forgot to add to my roll and I would like to see added (if it's legal): we should see if there's any way to take something with us between loops, like a notepad. That would be extremely valuable for maintaining a list of what we've done for every loop, so we know what to avoid doing.
>>151417Okay, well, what time of day would you suppose that occurred?
>>151420I'm not sure, I've never been knocked unconscious and thus have no experience for how long somebody usually stays out for.
>>151389Wanna know what we need to do?
Take a one way trip to trottingham to find Ajna's mom
Probably wont find in one loop, but use Lyra's address to find minty horse in one loop and ask where she bought the globe, then go straight to the place on the next loop
>>151423Also the roll
[ 1d100 = 12 ]
>>151420We banged Candy ass during school time and didnt took long to be knocked over
Its a random value, but i d shoot on taking around 3h to get up from a punch coma
And a "random note" showed on our face as the day reset as well, lets not forget that
>>151428Do we know what's on the note?
>>151430didn't it say something like "well, that didn't work", or something?
>>151430"Well, that didn't work"
Maybe more, but time started resetting then and there
>>151431>>151432Good. Good! We have a starting point, then.
One of these loops, we should try doing everything we did during the first loop, to the letter. Perhaps see if everything stays the same, including the note.
>>151389Figure out a cool alias for yourself and embark on a life of crime.
[ 1d100 = 91 ]
>>151428Might it be reasonable to suggest that the amount of time it takes to recover from a punch coma would be roughly equivalent to the amount of time spent playing a few games of hoofball?
>>151435So, a potential lead into the idea that we need to do something before a certain time hits.
>>151438A good start, but you're still missing a piece of the puzzle. Why would time reset during this most recent loop? All you did was get knocked up.
>>151439It is interesting. The first thought that came to mind is that we would have been unable to break the loop if we got an Apple foal in us, so it forced us back into one. That would explain why we looped right before we ascended when we killed ourselves in loop three. But that just doesn't seem like the right answer.
>>151387Fuck yeah, that's the shit I come to these threads for.
>>151178I'd just like to say that i'm a degenerate who's been checking the pastebin every few days to see if it's updated for like a month. Love your work, keep it up.
>>151445Thanks m8, I'm sorry that I was being a lazy piece of shit there for a while even despite what I had to deal with.
>>151444Your trips please me, but your words please me even more.
>>151438We need to experiment by individually killing every inhabitant of Ponyville, or some combination thereof, until we figure out who needs to die.
>>151450Yu forgot roll
[ 1d100 = 36 ]
>>151451Already rolled for this first.
>>151450Alternatively, we could see if there's something, or more specifically somepony, who is inconsistent between two different loops. Someone who, with no external stimuli from us, makes two different choices from one loop to another.
>>151443Perhaps it may take a few more loops to figure out why that happened. I would say trial and error never hurts when compulsory time travel is involved, and unless someone's got a better roll, it looks like a crime spree is what's coming next.
>>151458Ask Twilight for help and ideas.
[ 1d100 = 27 ]
Rolled 5
>>151459>Trusting Twilight>>151458If we re going on the murder spree then make purpul our first victim
>>151458Probably won't beat it, but I'll try.
Since it seems we're in the "fuck it, no consequences" part of the Groundhog Day trope, let's find a brothel that will accept a client such as us and find out how long our body can last before it just completely gives out.
[ 1d100 = 80 ]
>>151458Stop interacting, its funner to theorise and try different things with no interaction
>>151362Have we gone too far Anons?
>>151465Yep. Reuben is a nigger, and the sky is blue. What else is new?
Oh, hello there! What's a little filly like you out here all alone? It's awfully cold out, you should go inside. Why, my house is just down the street, you can come inside with me while you wait for your mom. This is actually lucky, I bought too much hard cider and was hoping for somebody to share with.
>>151549>i'm going to need all of that cider to stomach your ugly face, fag.
>>151549>"A-alright mister, my parents are coming to pick me up soon, so you'd better cut that out.">"P-please sir, that's my no-no square!">muffled screaming>…
>>151549>Thanks for the offer, but I'm actually on my way home. Sorry, m8.
>>151456>>151466Las vegas ponycon.
>>151663God have mercy on our souls.
>>151673Wish I had a filly to sleep with
>>151663>the kid didn't tell his mom it means faggotWe still have much work to do.
>>151663If a grown man gets turned into a little filly, would an eight-year-old boy get turned into a grown mare?
>>151389And now you're gay. Okay, you're pretty sure what you just did was gay. Asking Big Mac to cum inside you? Pretty fucking gay. Alright, granted you're currently a female, but your mind's all male. Wait, does that make you like, a reverse trap, or trans or whatever? Yep, you are now undeniably gay.
But enough about that, what's more important is that you are completely and utterly fucked. This is now what, your fifth iteration of the time loop? And even worse, it ended itself prematurely, in the middle of the morning? The first two loops both cycled off around the end, and the third one ended when you killed yourself, but here you hadn't fucked up anything. Is there something you're missing? Did you do something to screw up your ability to save the world? If that was the case, that wouldn't explain the second loop, where you went about your day completely normally. You're going to have to investigate all of this. And what better way to do so than with a crime spree?
Once again, you ignore Twilight's bitching about drinking and just walk straight out of the house. Your first target: Sugarcube Corner. Wasting no time, you hop over the counter and grab as much food as you can, stuffing your face, much to the ire of your formerly-human friend.
>"Anon, what the hell are you doing? You've gotta pay for those!""Nothing I do right now matters. I'm going to reset time back at the end of the day, so I might as well commit as many crimes as I can. Now do me a favor and give me a knife or I'll rape you."
>"What did you say!?"Without another word, you get the jump on Blossom. Admittedly, you didn't need psychic powers this time around, as she's way too shocked to begin with. Unfortunately, before you can get to using her as your personal sex slave, you end up getting hit in the back of the head with a rolling pin…
…and wake up in a jail cell. Of course you do. If only you weren't such a shitty criminal, you could have done a lot more before getting caught. Looking out your cell window, it seems to still be late morning, so you've got a lot of time to wait before time resets itself. Unless of course it resets randomly, but then you'd be screwed. Regardless, you don't have much to do in your cell, so you pass the time by watching the clock, and ignoring getting yelled at by Twilight when she inevitably shows up.
It approaches around 5:00 when you start to worry that you might not time loop this time. 5:30, 5:45, 5:50… hopefully it'll reset soon. At 5:57, Pinkie Pie bursts through the door.
^"Nonny, I've been looking all over for you! I keep resetting time over and over and I don't know why. At first I thought it was nice that I could go through the same party twice in a row, but then time reset like really early in the morning. I couldn't live with myself going through all of this, so I killed myself, but then I just reset time once again. So I figure you might know something about it since you can read the future, but when I came to Ponyville, you were nowhere to be found, and Twilight said you had to think about what you did. Listen, I don't have much time left, but next loop do you think we could meet at-"And then, at 5:58:42 PM, time resets itself. You are now once again in the comfort of your own bed. It is the start of the sixth loop, and Twilight is starting to get annoying. You get it, drinking when you have work the next day sucks.
>>151685Meet up with Pinkie and convince her that time loops allow for infinite pranks and FUN!
[ 1d100 = 34 ]
>>151685I fucking knew she had done something
>Rape purpul, break her horn if needed, but we re getting our revenge here and nowMeet ponk the loop after this one, we(I) need to take this edge out of our(my) system
[ 1d100 = 10 ]
>>151689>10Fucking dice, give me a good roll for once
>>151685Replicate the exact same series of events. If Pinkie's smart, she'll find us and pick up exactly where she left off.
[ 1d100 = 42 ]
>>151685Nice job using yet another pic completely unrelated to the context of your update.
>>151685Sneak inside a glory hole and start sucking dicks until you pass out from all the cum in your stomach
[ 1d100 = 63 ]
>>151387>You're not quite sure if you do yet.>You consider saying yes outright. Though it might not be the truth, it's certainly the path of least resistance.>Thinking it over for a few minutes, you think you've constructed an answer that is both true and satisfactory."Though I would certainly say it's a possibility, I'm not quite sure yet. Your motives were clear from the start, but perhaps it would have been better to start with this tender grace you're giving me now… I'm going to be honest Twilight, you've been pretty rough with me. You yanked me out of my own world started breaking me. The ribs hurt, but that's nothing compared to the dread I felt when I thought that death was a real possibility for one of my dear friends. Though I certainly don't mind this turn of events, it's going to take time to undo the damage you've done. I'll consider rewarding you with a 'yes,' but you have to show me you're going to love me back. Not the kind of opportunistic love you've been giving me, but real unconditional black-tar love."
>"Black tar?""Don't worry about it."
>After that there's a long period of silence. Watching Twilight's face, you glimpse no indications of her emotions regarding your statements, though that could be chalked up to the possibility of you being on the spectrum.>The thought runs through your mind once more that if she wished to kill you, now would be the perfect time.>Purposefully send you careening off of the cloud and simply claim that a griffon had kidnapped you with a bottle of saline fluid hidden in a wing to back up her lack of tears.>Just when you think you can bear waiting no longer, she clears her throat.>"I'll do my best, Clover.">You can't help but feel your heart sink at that, knowing full well that 'her best' could be any range of differt things depending on her mood alone.>Or at least that's what you assume dictates her actions, you have no better guess regardless.>You quench your eyes tighly as she picks you up, hearing her sigh sadly as she puts you back on her back.>After the spell is re-applied, the descent of your Twilight-747 begins and soon enough you're back on Ponyville.>"I want you to know that I'm not angry with you. I don't know if I could bring myself to be again after hearing that. I'm proud of you in a way for giving me thi-">She trails off at that.>"Anyways, I'm sure you want to visit your little friend in the hospital, and I've already kept you long enough with my deceit…">As she turns to leave you wrap yourself around her back leg one last time.>"What was that?""A sample."
>Her face brightens up a bit with that, a sad smile forming once again.>"I'm guessing you're probably a bit too full for dinner tonight, but I'm going to prepare myself a salad. If you want any, the bowl will be in the fridge.">Giving her a quick nod, you open the doors to the hospital for the third time today.>The receptionist from earlier is thankfully absent, replaced by a young mare.>"Aww… so, here to see anypony?">You blush a bit."I'm not cute…"
>"Sure you aren't. Visiting hours are open for now though, need help with the room number?""Is Little League still in 451?"
>"Let me check the list…">After a minute of what you assume is sifting through papers behind the desk where you are unable to see, her head pops up.>"Yep, down that hallway, to the left, third door on your right. Can't miss it.""Thank you!"
>"Anything for a filly with a face like that.">You groan inwardly.>The door is actually a bit easier to find, true to her word.>It creaks slightly upon opening, but doesn't seem to awaken League.>You're about to wake her when you feel eyes on you.>Looking over to the other bed in the room you notice a small blue face with a mane above it consisting of green and purple peering back at you.>That's not all you notice however, as you can see two small lumps on her back beneath the teal hoodie you gave her this morning.>Trotting over to the side of her bed, the two of you just stare at each other in awe for a few minutes before she finally takes initiative.>"So, they tell me you're the one that saved my butt.">Input action.
>>151696Oh yeah, that happened. Who are you, by the way?
[ 1d100 = 25 ]
Boop her snootle
[ 1d100 = 60 ]
>>151673Damn that's a comfy filly, I wish I could have one to sleep like that on me.
>>151696And you're the one with some kind of hit on you, care to elaborate on that?
[ 1d100 = 67 ]
There needs to be a unifilly version of this.
For reasons.
>>151743I like how they're literally ripping shit right out of anime now, truly, they're out of ideas
>>151685I guess she could be coming to Ponyville by train. Patrol around the train station for a while. Also what time is it now? How much time do we have to work with in each loop?
[ 1d100 = 18 ]
>>151685>I killed myselfPinkie Pie is probably the last pony who would ever kill herself. Her very purpose in existence is to look on the bright side of life. She would want to do all sorts of wacky things before she would truly go insane.
Bad character portrayal!
>>151696"You're welcome. It's the wrong season to go napping on the ground, at least build an igloo."
[ 1d100 = 43 ]
I'm not gay but if i were a filly i would take so much dick inside of me that i would have more mileage than a Volvo.
>>151773>Bad character portrayal!glad im not the only one that thought that.
tbh that was kinda ridiculous
>>151773>>151807This is Pinkie ~10-15 years earlier, I seriously doubt she'd be exactly the same. Hell, 5 years ago I was having suicidal thoughts. People change.
>>151815Pinkie left the rock farm to spread happiness and parties, do you really think she would go that route?
I for one cant
>>151815yeah, when she was just a small, innocent filly
at this point she's found her reason to smile, and now she's super quick to killing herself for no reason? just, no matter how you look at it, its not really what ponk would do…
>>151685Y'know, it's kinda worrying that in this story the standard reaction to rowdy fillies is to knock them cold.
/r/ filly version of this
>>151871To be fair she did kinda shout all her plans for everyone in SCC to hear
>>151871I'm pretty sure jumping a shop clerk after shouting "give me a knife or I'll rape you" is a little more than rowdy.
If only SCC had binned their knives.
>>151685Part of you wants to figure out how to end the loop as soon as possible. Another part of you is craving to do as much degenerate crap as you can before you have to return to normality. You're pretty sure you're going to have to meet with Pinkie to solve the problem, and you're pretty sure that isn't likely to happen until at least the afternoon to evening, since she's likely not in Ponyville right this moment. So that leaves you with some time to once again, do whatever you want.
And right now, what you want is to visit a glory hole. Unfortunately, you're not sure where the hell that would be. Now, Ponyville's a pretty small town, so it shouldn't take you too long to find one…
…but after 3 hours of walking into shops, checking out all of the bathroom stalls, and checking for any sort of "adult" stores (there aren't any, really), you have yet to find a single one. You even manage to sneak into a few bars, but still, not a single hole. Though you contemplate drilling one yourself, you realize that it would take far too long to get a single stallion and decide to call it quits.
You make your way out of a very trashy bar and find yourself once again bored stiff. To your knowledge, Pinkie Pie still hasn't arrived in Ponyville, so you should have a couple more hours to kill.
What will you do?
>>151807It was kinda ridiculous for us to kill ourselves knowing it was a time loop too, but no one complained about that.
>>151899because we're fucking adults, not a small innocent pony who's special fuckin talent is making ponies smile
>>151900You forget how depressed Pinkie was on the farm, and how depressed she can get when something as little as her friends being busy comes up. That aside, it's a god damned fanfiction choose your own adventure with psionic foals, a CIA spook, Changelings that spit aphrodisiac and in which Velvet is an alcoholic and into kink.
This is what you choose to complain about?
>>151900Pinkie Pie has her moments too, you know.
>>151901this isnt about everything else in the story you retard, and this is already *after* she's found a reason to smile and found her purpose
if she was seriously feeling bad enough to want to commit suicide, why the fuck would she show up just as bubbly as ever, like it was no big fucking deal?
it just doesnt make any sense, and im not sure why you're so unwilling to admit that
>>151904Did you even read? She comitted suicide because she didn't like living the same party over and over and killed herself to see if that would do anything, literally the same thing we did. It was intended to be comedic in that Pinkie is something on the same wavelength of ridiculous as we are.
But obviously, as an autist, you need this explained to you.
>>151905i dont find that shit comedic at all, and whatever, you can suck his dick and like an anon-tier ponk, but that's the end for me
fuck off autist-ralia, im sending an emu nuke to your doorstep the first chance i get.
>>151906Different strokes for different folks, you're the one who went on an autistic rant over the canonical accuracy a fucking fanfiction on a maple syrup enthusiast forum.
>>151896I want to boop it.
>>151907and you're here on a thread talking about grown men becoming small sentient horse girls in another universe, fucking water is wet, you turbo retard.
>>151909Exactly, so why are you trying to be so serious? Over this? A small pink equine committing suicide to try and break a time loop in an alternate timeline of Equestria where Aryanne literally exists?
>>151911because ponk is best horse, and she started off perfectly fine before doing a damn 180
>>151901>>151903Twisting "reality" to make up your argument i see?
Very well, time to debunk it all and prove once for all who is the faggot here
>How depressed she was in the farmBefore the sonic rainboom, which, afterwards, she got her own family to smile and party, which seemed like something they never did from their hesitation during the episode
>Pinkie friends being busy made her suicidal>Pinkie has her moments tooThat time(and in less amount, in other episodes) she actually thought her friends were hiding something(which they were) and didnt want to be her friend anymore
It wasnt just "her friends being busy", it was far deeper than that and you re over simplifying and slightly changing the perception just for the sake of your argument
In fact, she didnt show any suicidal intent at all, quite the opposite, she wanted to be left alone by her """friends"""
>That aside, it's a god damned fanfiction CYOA […]Next you ll defend shitty fanfiction that dont ever try to portrait any of the m6 like themselves, since its "just a fanfiction" and you dont need to try and make the characters to be believable at all
If everyone taps the back of a writer s/he will never learn from its mostakes and improve, like Reuben's slip with Pank here
Which, thanks to white knights, is growing to pointless proportions
>>151898Masturbate loudly and furiously under the nearest bush.
[ 1d100 = 84 ]
>>151913thank you anon, obviously said everything better than i could
Great, they went on as i wrote, bucking fillies i swear…
>>151905This post makes no sense, we re an adult, she s a child, which is why we went so quickly on the kys side, how many kids ever think on suicide? Be honest, that shit start up from the early teen faggots
If she got curious that would make a whole lot more sense than going the same route as us, lazy writefagging isnt an excuse, for comedy or not sometimes you need to think: "how would this caracter act?" before ever starting a scene
>>151907>Completely OOC>CanonicalShutting up is the best way out anon
>>151912>Because I have a personal stake in this particular fictional character>>151913I did absolutely no "twisting" of reality, I simplified the arguments because I assume we've all seen the bloody show, so I don't need to go into long paragraphs about why Pinkie does anything. It
is fanfiction, and arguing about the canon drives and motivations of canon characters within a fanfiction that is, ultimately, meant to be more along the lines of fun, simple entertainment is idiotic at best.
You think Shining and Cadence would be having underage sex in horse world? No. You think Changeling spit would contain an aphrodisiac, despite the fact we know how they extract love and it isn't through sex? Fuck no. You think happy, bubbly miss Velvet would be packing as much alcohol as she is and hiding sex toys in her baggage? Fucking no. It's a fanfiction, it's ridiculous, it's meant to be, and it's equally ridiculous that people are leaping on this of all things to complain about. It's not like Pinkie sat in a bath tub with How Could This Happen To Me playing while she slit her fetlocks and cried about being trapped in a time loop living out the same day forever.
Jesus, settle down you autists.
>>151916She's a fourth wall breaking horse with a sixth sense and extra dimensional abilities. At no point was Pinkie ever meant to be taken seriously, not in the show, and sure as fuck not in fanfiction.
>>151918>>Because I have a personal stake in this particular fictional characteryou asked me why i was being so serious you faggot
and literally
>heh, its fanfiction! who cares?fuck off
>>151919It's fanfiction with a number of not-serious facets, expecting there to be gloryholes, just fine that Thunderlane is dating twins, not a problem that Twilight got away with throwing a foal out of a balloon, but you draw the line at Pinkie acting slightly out of character.
>>151918>tfw you start an impassioned argument about artistic qualityRidiculous premises are no excuse for bad portrayal. Some things are changed around for originality, of course, but others have to stay the same in order to have any gravity within the world. In Lone15's case everyone's personalities are different but the world is otherwise a facsimile of canon. In Reuben's green the world is time-displaced and weird but the characters of the ponies are mostly the same, if a little more adult-themed.
If there was a stated or implied reason that justified Pinkie's suicide, I wouldn't complain. Pinkie is for all intents-and-purposes just an aged-down version of her canon self. She may be wacky and weird, but she is not completely insane. She understands consequences and will not, for instance, throw foals off rooftops to watch them fly. It is completely against her character to consider killing herself at all, let alone as an experiment (very early on) to try to get out of a time-loop.
>>151898Learn how to keep a ball in the air with your back legs only.
[ 1d100 = 62 ]
>>151921There was a stated reason that people seem to have missed, or more likely, ignored.
>At first I thought it was nice that I could go through the same party twice in a row, but then time reset like really early in the morning. I couldn't live with myself going through all of this, so I killed myself, but then I just reset time once again.
>>151920it doesnt fucking matter what the content of it is you retard, how are you not understanding that?
pinkie was completely fucking fine, seemingly in character in for the whole thing, and then, "lol she kys she just like da anun now!"
like holy shit, are you not understanding that?
nobody cares about the fucking content of the story, it doesnt change or justify the sudden change in character for penk, all you keep fuckin doing is mentioning that in different ways.
>>151918>arguing about the canon drives and motivations of canon charactersNope, no one ever said that, its about their personality, which in Panks case here was completely off
Every action has a motive behind it, now think for a second, you dont need a minute to think for this, Pinkie Pie, party pony extraordinary, killing herself because "too many parties"
>"You think Shining and Cadence […]"Are any of those set in any of the characters(or lore, for the stuff that isnt for a specific pony) that they d be averted or would behave differently?
If yes, then comes the writefag question: "how do i make this to be believable?"
This is where Reuben failed, and after being pointed out some fags decided to just give him a tap on the back
Also funny you meantion about the fourth wall, because that s a fact that makes writefags avoid writing ponk, do you have any idea how hard it is to write her to be believable?
Its great when one can pull it out well though, and instead of kys this was definetly a missed chance for her to use outta curiosity
No ones perfect, but learn to discern criticism from a mere fuck off
>>151923And it's out-of-character for her to completely give up when that happened a couple of times. Most ponies would want to figure out what's going on and experiment. Not ponk, though! She would rather off herself for good. You know, buy the farm, end it all, make her friends grieve, eternal blackness and all that.
Read the fanfic "Best Night Ever" to understand how to do a Groundhog Day story right. Even an egotistical prick without any friends spends weeks trying every means to escape before attempting suicide. You think a cheery little filly is likely to try that first?
>>151926Because you're not getting it through your head that it is a fanfiction and that you're sweating small stuff instead of having fun.
>>151927Not "too many parties" the same party, over and over again, forever. Can you not see how that would be anathema to Pinkie? No new parties, no new reasons to celebrate. She got the same way when she started cloning herself and was LITERALLY ready to let Twilight kill her by inflation. Pinkie has always been a little fragile beneath the veneer of the party pony, that's what makes her a three dimensional character instead of the flat memelord everyone else would have her portrayed as.
I'm fucking done anyway, you people don't want to take the story seriously one moment, then take it too seriously the next. I don't know how Reuben puts up with it, I sure as fuck wouldn't.
>>151931>It's just a little girls show, stop sweating the small stuff.
>>151920Horses have herds
Is Twilight the REAL Twilight or told to be a different pony entirely?
>Pinkie is """slightly""" out of characterI think Reuben already read what had to be said, and this is more a white knight sucking dick than anything else, so lets just not reply to this, i know i wont
But you know what, you seem blind and trying to find proof where there s none, so ill entertain you one last time
>>151931>Not "too many parties" the same party, over and over again, forever.Same party over and over again made her reason of having too many parties of the same getting her to decide to kill herself
You were saying..? Or do you want me to get the huedrawfag to draw it for you?
>No new parties, no new reasons to celebrate. She got the same way when she started cloning herself and was LITERALLY ready to let Twilight kill her by inflation.Left this one in full to show the blatant rigging to bring the argument for your side
First of all, all staying the same, sure she d get bored, but would Pinkie kill herself?
Second Too Many Pinkie Pies addon wasnt at all about what you implied, she was sad because the clones were causing problems to her friends and it was all her fault, all because she wanted more fun, not because inflation or whatever
Lastly she wasnt "ready to let Twi kill her by inflation" she gave Twilight the idea, but ultimately it was Dash who brought her to the magic chamber(hue), she kept staring at the paint out of fear of losing her friends, which was the point on the conflict in Party of One
Now, out of the argument, Im glad you re not a writefag considering how your back seems to be made out of glass, like i said before everyone makes mistakes, if you cant take criticism then go to fimfiction or whatever, they will pat your back no matter what you give them
Heck the criticism is not even aimed at you and you re already bitching with no basis like a white knight, stop blindly defending others m8
>>151898Tell Blossom what you re planning and see if she wants to tag along, she does like pank and an extra brain could help, maybe
[ 1d100 = 34 ]
>>151005"Of course you had to be in the way."
>"Oh my, are you alright?">Seems the commotion forced the teacher to make her lazy behind outside.>Picking the half-conscious filly, holding her under your arm you respond."Thank you for your concern. But I can assure you I'm fine."
>Hucking the filly over your shoulder it was clear you wouldn't make it past Flutter's watchful eye.>Plus who knows, she'd probably cling to it like a newborn fawn."Oh, and one more thing before I go."
>With a fine touch, you not so gracefully pluck a hair out of Cheerilee's thick head.>"Ow.">She looked at you with such an innocent and confused look. It's like she doesn't know what she did.>Better make it known."Stop telling fillies my body parts are good luck! It's almost as bad a rumor as to when everyone thought me and Celestia dated."
>Alright, now back to the brain-damaged filly."Hold on, we're taking a detour home."
>"Ga-ba?">SNAP!>With the sight of the hospital’s door now taking over you walk into the clinic.>Walking in and pasted all the sickly, nervous ponies and up to the first desk mare, who had smacked on gum and looked like her work ethic was less concerning than her hastily bunned blonde mane. You try to work your magic>Though, judging from the bags under her eyes, it’s probably a good guess to assume she’s either had a bit too much to drink or is sixteen hours into a twenty-hour shift.>Smack smack smack.>”Can I help you, sir?”>Ew, judging from the annoyed and nasally tone she gave, probably the former.>Grabbing the filly’s head, who look half-way from clocking-out, you brought it into the clerk’s view.“As you see I’ve got a broken filly here, that I was hoping you could fix.”
>You rattle her head a couple of time, earning a groan.>Leaning in, you whisper to the clerk.“I think this one’s defective. It’s got a few parts loose.”
>Still having none of your shit. She pushed your head away.>”Do you have an appointment, sir?”>Appointment? Why should you need one?“Well…no, but I’m sure you can make an exception to get this poor thing the help it needs. I mean look at i- her, She’s practically green with terrible illness.”
>Squeezing the three strokes away from an omelet filly, you push the thing onto the clerk. Who only responds with disgust.>”Take this form and fill it out sir, and we’ll see if the Doc can see you in an hour or two.”>Heh, what.>What did she mean by wait?>You can’t wait that long for this thing!>There were more pressing things than babying around this…thing.>Plus you were sure that Fluttershy would track you down sooner or later to check up on you.>With a wavering smile you try to push further.“Now are you sure you can’t make an exception for a friend of Celestia’s?”
>With the same unapologetic look, she pushed back.>”Sir, you could be Celestia herself and I’d tell you the same thing. Fill the form and GO wait in the lobby.”> The nerve on this…>Oh, gods above if there weren’t witnesses around and a reputation to keep up. There’d be a few choice changes you make on her.>Attempting and failing to burn your glare into her, you angrily grab a pen and scribble out on the form, nearly tearing into it with your pen.>Walkin back, Filly in tow. You take a seat on one of the plush leather benches beside the glass wall to outside, while haphazardly placing the uncoordinated filly beside you.>Resting your head on the window in frustrated defeat, you let out a puff of frustration.>God, how you loathed this.>Being…Normal.>It wasn't for you.>As soon as you find this thing’s parents you can be sure that you’ll hand them the bill for this whole charade and all the time you wasted on it.>Well…it’s not like you did much before this.>Tea time, hanging out in the chaos dimensions, and messing the royalty was all you really did.>Though, you suppose karmic justice had been building up on you for a while now.>Resined, you give a glace over the filly.>Wobbilly and half-lidded she was scanning the whole room,>What is she looking at?>Lifting your head, you could now see all the gazes and whispers you were earning from the room full of elderly ponies and overly concerned mothers.>Juding from the look concerned and even a few fearful looks you were getting, those whispers depict you in the best way.>All of sudden, with all of these disapproving looks got you nervous.>What if they told others, and Fluttershy found out?>or what if they think you attacked her and the guard locks you up?>You have to leave and get away from them.>You…you have to get away from their judgemental looks.>NO! You can’t. It’ll just create more problems if you leave.>They’ll think you’re a horrible uncaring creature for refusing to help an innocent filly.>Your breath quickened at the thought,of the whole town finding out and you being banished again.>That can’t happen, you got to, no –Have to– stop it by…by.>”DISCORD”“Huh, yes?”
>Snapping out cold daze you, it appears you’re up next, with the nurse shining a light over your eye in professional concern.>”You okay. We’ve been calling your name a while.”>Looking over the crowd again, they appear to be all minding their own business, reading magazines, playing with the various toys, or even napping.>You choke back your fear by clearing your throat.“Of courses, never better.”
>With continued concern, she didn’t seem to quite take your word for it and responded slowly.>”Right. If you’ll follow me please to your exam room.”>Picking the little thing back up and getting up, you follow Nurse Redheart.>Not without giving one last scan over the lobby to see that they still showed little care for you or your presence.>Right, they don’t mind you at all. Good. Good.
>>151960>”Belba, Gaba Ga?”>”Geega, Nool.”>God, please stop talking.>All this incessant walking, talking, moving, and shaking was not doing you any favors for your pounding head.>Not to mention Discord wouldn’t stop spinning you around.>Wait was he?>Of course, the master of fucking shit up had to find you several days ago in the princess’s castle.>Probally got you in this filly nonsense business in the first place too.>”Dee-ba?”“Huh?AH, shit!”
>Opening your eyes, you’re blinded by burning bright light. Which only served to intensify your headache.>Thank god these fucking ponies haven’t discovered led lights, else that would have hurt a lot worse.>However, instinctively shutting your eyes only forced them to force them back open.“Hey, you piece of- Augh.“
>Followed by him magically forcing open your mouth to inspect.>Oh, and don’t forget nearly getting gagged with a depressor down the throat.“Khoff Khoff Khoff. Ugh, Apparently you ponies here have never heard of the Hippocratic oath saying ‘do not harm’ have ya?”
>Squinting through the light to get a look a Redheart, she mumbled and grumbled that same undiscernable language with a sympathetic look.>Almost as if she was babying you like a fussy kid.>Glaring at her, you could be all mad.“If you weren’t so sexy, Redheart. I’d of told you to screw off by now.”
>Although, seeing as how most ponies think you’re retarded, It’d be easy for them to ‘let their guard down’ in front of you.>What would they say. “Oh no, I can’t change in reveal myself in front of filly. She’ll tell everyone.”>Heh, it’d at least give you boner fuel to jack of-…>…>Oh.>Yeah forgot about that.>Shit.>You’d gone from fucking to being fucked in this situation.>”Gleeba, phlo phlem?:>Hm, she had a pair pills out towards you.>Hopefuly painkillers.
>”So just make sure she doesn’t-“>This time crunch did not help your patience“Yeah yeah yeah, don’t give her too much. Feed it twice a day. Don’t overmilk her yadda yad. Are we clear to go?”
>Redheart looked pissed at your attitude. But seemingly tried her darndest to conceal it over a forced smile. Through gritted teeth, she let you go.>”Yes..Sir. Have a nice one”>Maybe layoff on the third degree on Redheart. While it was fun to push buttons, Ponies with access to dangerous chemicals and medicines weren’t the best to mess with.>Afterall.>They’re the ones that can help you end up in an ally with no pants, confused, and cuddling a random stranger in an alleyway all at the same time.>Well, you were a third of the way there.>But, patched up and drugged up, you and your now inept filly were raring to head back on to Fluttershy.>Partly, because she wanted to see it. Mostly, to rub it in her face of how you can take care of a filly.>…>Okay, maybe the bandaged head won’t do you any good on that last part. But it should at the very least get you some time away from the thing.>SNAP!>”Oh my~”>Poofing into her kitchen, you tried to make as much of a grand entrance as possible.“Why, hello my dear Fluttershy.”
>Shaking off her surprise, she gave off the same warm and radiant smile she had for you.>”Hey Discord, I see you finally decided to drop by, and…say……hi.”>She seemed to look at your half-lidded, borderline comatose filly.>Yeesh.“Oh don’t mind her. You know kids these days, always wandering off into space.”
>”Is…Is she okay?”>Okay, this is supposed to be about you and her. Not you and her and it.“Oh why yes. She just had a little spill today. But that should n’t stop us from hanging out today. Should it?”
>She looked back at you with grave concern before turning back towards it.“Oh Discord, she looks absolutely miserable right now. She should be in bed, getting some rest with the way she looks right now.
>You gave a nervous laugh, you hoped for at least a small chance to have some downtime from all this parenting and caring nonsense."Oh well, you know what they say. Tis' a flesh wound."
>She's to focus on her to care about you. >"Hold on I’ll be right back with some tea for her. Stay right there.”>Okay, maybe it was gonna be her, and it's day today.>You turn to the filly with competing and jealousy. While she only meets yours with a giddy smile and drugged up laugh.>Maybe asking for sedatives wasn’t a great idea.“It’s always got to be about you. Doesn’t it?”
>”Heh heh, grabba Goo-ha.”“Oh shut up.”
>There must be a way to get her mind off of this filly, though judging from Fluttershy's nature it'd probably be impossible to do so.>Though, with you. Suppose nothing is entirely absurd.
>>151962>Although, seeing as how most ponies think you’re retarded, It’d be easy for them to ‘let their guard down’ in front of you.>What would they say. “Oh no, I can’t change in reveal myself in front of filly. She’ll tell everyone.”Not quite sure what those lines mean. Something about ponies being more likely to rape a retarded filly?
GJ tho
>>151960>>151962You never cease to impress.
Is cuddling up next?
>>151959This kinda shit is why PTFG and Anonfilly need to stay separate.
>>151898Go watch the grass grow.
[ 1d100 = 93 ]>>151962Love it!
>>151979This. PTFG faggot fuck off.
>>151989Hug the sad filly
Infinite Cuddles.
>>151981>that rollKek. GG, Netherlands.
>>151975From what I’ve noticed. People tend to do a lot more…’culturallly unaccepted’ things in front of the disabled. More or less thinking “Oh who are they gonna tell. It’s not like they could speak”
It can range from stuff such as stealing a stick of gum, to stripping and revealing one’s self in front of another.
I was trying to allude to the latter.
On a side note. I don’t think I’m gonna keep making obvious remarks to the possibility of choice in this. As it’s irritating to write around a certain point. Although, y’all will still get the option to suggest an action (with a roll) throughout all this.
the coolest filly of them all
>>152073Dressing up like Guy Fieri doesn't make you "cool".
>Filly dozed off in the middle of the living room.
>Everyone goes quiet so as to not wake the cute little angle.
sometimes I wonder if the artists are still lurking
>>152131>cute little angle
>>152131Not the ones you want
>>152131I need to get myself to draw more
>Be Anon.
>After you ended up in magic horse land and apparently got turned into a filly you lived on the streets of the biggest city you saw.
>Apparently the place was called Canterlot and it was home to a assload of stuck up nobles, and let's just say, stuck up nobles are NOT orphan filly friendly.
>You don't know how many times a noble would try to get you to climb in their carriage with the promise of candy.
>The one that promised beer was kind of inviting.
>But after finding a nice box and a dumpster you found yourself living comfortably.
>Well, as comfortable as a homeless person can.
>Then came that big white unicorn pegasus mare.
>There was this big parade coming by your little alley when you first saw her.
>You were laying on top of your dumpster of which you pushed to the front of the alley to block the crowd, watching as the massive balloon and floats passed by, all apparently based around the sun.
>When you finally saw her you thought she was a part of the show due to you never seeing a pony so massive.
>Then, as she waved to both sides of the crowd she spotted you.
>Her waving stopped as she looked at you, her throne float still moving.
>She just stared at you, almost with surprise at your very existence.
>As soon as you saw her horn glow you booked it.
>You've had ponies try to kidnap you with magic before, but never one this bold in front of this many ponies before.
>As you made a mad dash behind down your alley to your box you turned back to see her now back to waving and looking towards the crowd.
>Then you ran into something.
>Looking to what you ran into you're surprised to see the same massive white pony now standing in front of you.
>So you did what any sane person would do.
>You ran around her and deeper into the alley to your box.
>Because clearly she wouldn't follow you a bit more to your box.
>So, you closed up the entrance and curled up in a green fur ball.
>The trotting of hooves told you she was coming but you stayed in your defensive curl.
>The lifting and opening of your box told you she was there and knew you were in the box, so you squeezed your eyes shut and curled up slightly more.
>”Hello?” She said looking gently inside at you. “It's okay, I'm not here to hurt you. Are you lost, where are your parents?”
>You slightly peaked your eyes open to see he massive white face looking down at you, almost worried.
>But you just jumped up and closed your box.
>You were safe in the box.
>There was a slight sigh from outside and the telltale sound of magic and a poof.
>”You can take all the time you need dear, when you feel like talking, there will be a guardsmare waiting outside.” The voice said slightly muffled from outside the box.
>The sound of hooves on carpet tell you she's walking away, and a door opening and closing told you she had left, it also told you that you were no longer in your alleyway.
>As nice as your alley was it didn't have doors.
>You risked looking out of the box and were shocked at what you saw.
>A beautiful room with a massive bed and amazingly clean carpet, a few windows.
>Looking around more you saw something that nearly made your heart stop.
>A bathroom with a massive tub.
>You quickly darted inside without a second thought.
>It'd been so long since you had bathed and you missed the feeling.
>At that point you don't think you -ever- bathed that body.
>Your black mane and tail were sticky and matted, your green fur was more of a dark brown from the trash you had dug through for food, and your hooves were chipped and pained from all the stuff you walked and crawled through.
>Little to say, you -needed- a bath.
>Although it was a bit of a struggle, surprisingly enough you managed to figure out how to work the water with your hooves and how to bath.
>You watched as all the dirt, slime, and goodness knows what else rolled off your mane and made the water look dirty.
>Thankfully they still spell English the same so you could tell the difference in the body wash, mane wash, and tail wash.
>When you smelt it at first they all didn't have a distinct smell, but after putting it on you found that they made you smell like limes.
>At first you were surprised, then you were excited.
>You like limes.
>After washing yourself off you hopped out and dried yourself with on of the many fluffy towels.
>You notice a hair brush but had no idea how to use one with hooves, so you just brushed as best you could with hooves.
>Your hooves were still chipped and in pain but at least they were clean.
>You thought back to the white mare.
>She didn't hurt you yet, and she seemed like she meant well.
>She hadn’t rubbed peanut butter anywhere, or offered you candy yet either.
>She also had put you in this really nice room.
>At that point, if she let you keep the room and shower you give her a few licks here or there, so long as she doesn't try to stick stuff in your ass.
>You looked over to your box and noticed how nasty it looked.
>So, you grabbed it, went back into the bathroom you got a washcloth and put a bit of water on it and went to work trying to clean it but not damage it.
>In the end you did it and made your box look good as new.
>Even if it was a bit damp, it would dry.
>>152135>You looked out a window and noticed it was starting to get dark.>You were a bit hungry, but not deathly so.>So, putting ‘find food' on the back burner you decide to hop up onto the bed and lay down.>It was so soft you almost instantly passed out after getting under the covers, that and you've been sleeping on newspapers for awhile.>You woke up to the sun shining in your face.>You opened your eyes to find that it wasn't a dream and a big white mare had In fact, given you a place to sleep and bath.>You looked over to the door and remembered hat she said about when you were ready to talk.>You hopped out the bed and exiting the door you see a mare in golden armor.“Hello?”
>The mare didn't look at you.>”Are you ready to talk to the princess?” She says still staring straight ahead.>You didn't know at the time the mare you had met was a princess so it kind of shocked you.>But you knew you had to talk to her, besides, she had just let you sleep in one of her rooms.“Yes, ma'am"
>You said to the guard.>”Very well.” She replied simply before lighting up her horn for a bit. “Princess Celestia has been informed and is on the way. She request that you wait in your room until her arrival.”>At this point you finally had a name for the white mare, Celestia.>You nodded before going to go back into the room before you stop.>You had to ask her this.“Have you been waiting here all night?”
>”No, we have a guard cycle. I'd be much more aggravated if I did.” She replied bluntly.>Appeased with your answer you headed back into the room and sat on the bed.>And so, here you are.>Waiting on the bed to talk to Celestia and see why she took you in.Done.
>>152135>>152136I'd love to see where this is going. We don't have enough boxes here.
>>152135>>152136Nice, looking forward to more
>>152139Well, you can get as many boxes as you wish, but none will ever compare to my filly-box
>>152136Good to see you again HerdAnon
>>152146actual filly version of this when?
>>151898You contemplate for a moment masturbating as loudly as possible behind a nearby bush. This, of course, has a few problems when you think about it. You're not quite sure if public masturbation is illegal in Equestria. Sure, the laws seem mostly lax (after all, most ponies are walking around with their genitals showing for all to see), but you really don't want to risk another trip to jail, especially if there's a slight chance that your time loop might not be so infinite.
Instead, you resign to watching the grass grow in the park, and theorizing about life in general. You start to wonder whether you might want to stay in Equestria when all of this is over with. On one hand, family. On the other hand… you guess you have friends here. And if your experience from two loops ago is anything to go by, sex isn't too difficult to come by. You're actually fairly attractive, for a horse.
After some amount of time, of which you've lost count, a hot air balloon lands in the middle of the park, and out from it comes Pinkie Pie. You realize that if you had access to this in the first place, there would never have been a need to get Twilight's flight spell.
^"Oh good, you're here! I was afraid you weren't able to hear me when I said to meet me in the park, since the time looped out! So do you have any idea what the hay is going on?"
>>152151Explain the plot of Groundhog Day
[ 1d100 = 52 ]
[ 1d100 = 17 ]
[ 1d100 = 53 ]
>>151687>Ywn be a fetus growing inside of Twilight>Her heart beating in regularly moments, each one correlating with blood being pumped from her body and into yours>Listening to her breathing, out and in, supplying oxygen to your minuscule body>Listening in on her conversations, her life essentially yours >Kicking against her uterus as a sign of disapproval, which would be used often when she rattled off baby names to herself>She will read stories to your growing form, because even if you can't understand the words (which you actually do), she read that unborn babies can learn their mother's voice at as young as 3 months, their cadence a source of comfort during development>ywn listen to her singing a lullaby to you as she gently strokes her swollen stomach>ywn be forced to listen to her every moan, feel every pump as she's rutted by some stallion or mare with a dong>At least the cervix keeps the cum out[/spoiler
>>152151You've invoked Yog-Sothoth to grant you unlimited chances to play with the world however you wish, and you want Pinkie Pie to be your playmate. Together you can learn everything that is learnable and do everything that is doable.
[ 1d100 = 34 ]
>>152135>>152136I didn't realize I wanted this but I do.
>>152206I'd read a pregnancy story about Twilight if it wasn't written like a bad fanfic (not that these few sentences are).
[ 1d100 = 100 ]
>>152230This is literally perfect.
>>152206>>152211>I'd read a pregnancy story about TwilightI would too.
>>152211Your suggestions to stories rarely add much and overall you're a poor judge of writing. Not to say what you enjoy is of poor quality but you certainly could fine-tune your critique.
>>152210>>152230I feel like we should make a sacrifice.. Just in case.
>>152151"Oh that's easy Pinkie, this is all a game, and I want you to be my playmate."
^"Your game requires me to take a 5 hour balloon trip to meet you every day?""Hey, I just asked the god Yog-Sothoth to give me as many chances as I could to mess around with this world. I didn't get to set the other parameters."
^"I mean, I guess the idea sounds fun, but… it's REEEEALLY hard to enjoy it when we're BOTH stuck in this loop, and I'm hours away. Do you think you could maybe move the loop just one day forward, and I could hang out with you here in Ponyville and mooch off of you guys while sleeping on your couch? Because that would actually be fun. And actually, maybe we could do it during the summer months? That way, you wouldn't have to be in school, and we could have fun all day every day!"
>>152375My god dude, I just gotta say, I fucking love your fillies. I admire the fact that you've been able to consistently draw these fucking cute ass fillies for us, and by god, if anyone deserves to be the filly, it's (You)
>>152376Thanks anon, I hope there is Doritos in Equestria.
>>152369That means we'd have to undo the loop and redo it. Any ideas?
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
[ 1d100 = 56 ]
>>152375>>152376This. Your fillies are always so high quality.
Thank you for consistently giving us Adorable filly content.
>>152369Well shit. If we want to do that then I guess we're back to square one, which is to figure out how this time loop stuff works.
[ 1d100 = 76 ]>>152375Filly is gonna get fat.
Goddamn let's try something new here. I'll start a story and then somebody else continue it to wherever they wish to take it. No rolls, first come first serve. About ten ish lines each update (guideline, not a hard rule; your call as long as you contribute) and no one guy doing twice in a row. Doesn't matter if you've never written, just go for it. GO..!
>You are filly
>Some fucked up magic shit transported you to Pony land
>You seem to be on the outskirts of Ponyville
>With nothing else to do, you wander towards the settlement
>All kinds of ponies are walking around you as you make your way through the town.
>You need to figure out how you're gonna survive here.
>Being a filly, you probably need a guardian to make it here, even though you're not really a child.
>And what do you know, somepony came up to you to ask where your parents are.
>Turns up, you don't have parents.
>The community kidnaps you and puts you up for auction.
>Not that kind of auction goddammit.
>There are many ponies in ponyville who would like to take care of you.
>But the one who eventually ends up as your guardian is..
>>152493>Mayor Mare.>She feels having a smiling filly on all of her campaign promotions will increase her ratings as well as community morale.>This effectively makes you Ponyville's new mascot.>Soon, you're attending meetings and events with your new horse mom and being privately tutored on politics, public speaking and economics.>There is also the media following you around everywhere you go and analyzing every message you send via the carrier pigeon network.>This is not really the life you envisioned when you dreamed of being the filly, but it has its perks.>Maybe it was time to change things up a bit and put your position to good use.
>>152502>As the now daughter of a semi-influential politician, various groups begin to take a keen interest in you.>One day while waiting in the schoolyard for your mother who you assume was kept late by extra paperwork, a bag was thrown over your head.>After a few minutes of struggling, you feel a pain in your head and black out.>You wake up in a dark room, the only illumination being a small torch on the wall.>"Look nice and pretty for the camera sweet thing, I need your ransom photo to look nice.">Confused, you look around to see a metal door opening and a large muscular stallion walk in, a mare trailing him with a camera.>He grins as the mare closes and locks the door behind her, setting down the camera and taking out a small black club.>The stallion takes the club and you begin to whimper as your small form is hit over and over again with the blunt wooden object.>The click of a camera can distinctly be heard.>"I've got it, leave the little shit in there. I think our order is here.">As the thin wooden door slams shut, you notice the glow of the torch once again through the tears in your eyes.>…
>>152509>Seeing the embers dance didnt help your bruises, but helped distract you from what was happening and the pain>No longer was this the Equestria you remembered, you needed to treat it more like if you were on Earth>Thus you couldnt be taking ponies kindness for granted, trust no one…>Though, Ponyville had been nice overall…>Okay, maybe some, but not ALL ponies>But you re sure going to be more picky on who you open yourself to>You try to think on some way out>But the room you re in doesnt even have any windows>Wait, you didnt hear any click from the door>Maybe they didnt lock it!>With renewed vigor you get up quickly and move to check>Well, not quite>As soon as you get on all fours your front leg gives way and you fall on your face>The way it bent meant that it was clearly broken>That answers why it doesnt hurt as much>Pain comes back fully as your focus is brought back to reality and your injuries>You definetly didnt took a moment to cry>Collecting yourself back up, you start making your way to the door>…
>>152513>I am the box filly. Fear me!
>>152521>Little did she know, her box was staring straight at a wall
>>152515>As you hobble over to the door, you hear voices outside>"no way we're gonna reach her">"just break her legs! That'll teach her!">"no! we need her alive.">You shudder as you recoil from the door.>Though it was the only way of escape for you.>You decide to try play it smart.>You wait for at least six hours>The others should be asleep right now>So you push the door, which surprisingly gives in.>Idiots didn't lock it>Soon you see why, as a stallion snores in a chair right next to the door>They chose a shitty guard and you're surely going to take advantage of the situation>You sneak past the sleeping guard as you try to push open the door to outside.>It doesn't give..
>>152513>>152525>Filly in a box is barking at the wall>The rest of you are silently watching the cute little thing…
>>152535>You manage to hobble your way next to the guard>As you suspected, a ring of keys sat on a hook on his belt>Using the utmost precision (and ignoring the pain in your legs), you manage to gently slide the ring off of his belt>It took many tries to get that door open>You didn't even bother putting the rings back on, they'd be coming for you before he woke up>So you just laid them on the flooor>The rest of the building was fairly deserted, with only the occasional pony walking down the hall>At one point you had to hide under a cardboard box in fear of being found>Eventually you found a door leading outside, into a metropolitan area
>>152550>Crying out into the now-dark area, you try to draw the attention of anypony who will listen.>However, none come.>As you slowly hobble down the street, you are almost run down by a carriage with the only comment being 'fucking kids these days'>You're not going to recieve any aide here…>Wait!>You do remember one thing, your guardian's phone number.>If you can just find out where you are and call her…>You trudge on painfully with renewed vigor.
>>152554>Renewed vigor>TwiceWew, I'm an even shittier writer than I thought.
>>152554>Most of the buildings around you are warehouses and stores that have long since closed for the night.>After a few blocks, you find a lone payphone.>You manage to fight through the pain of your broken arm (leg?) and pick up the receiver.>Silence. No dial tone. Nothing.>It has probably been out of service for years as you realize nobody (creature) uses payphones in this day and age.>The culmination of your pain and emotional stress reach a breaking point as you finally burst into tears.>"You look like you've seen better days, kid."
>>152555Shh, shh, no tears now, only comfy while checking dem trips
>>152559>You freeze on the spot>Even your tears seem to freeze>Slowly turning back to a hooded figure>The tip of a horn making itself known in the dim light>But most of the body is hidden, and all you can see is her bright purple eyes>Sure, she may seem friendly and she hasnt put a bag on your head yet>But it feels like the best time to use the new trust system>Which means "night + hooded pony = RUN FOR YOUR LIFE FILLY">You start to limp away, new tears forming in the panic, but her magic aura grabs your back leg>"Wait, I wont hurt you">Slowly she starts dragging you towards her, not giving you a chance to answer
Lone has been hoarding high-quality fillies.
>>152563More evidence for Lone being underageb&? More evidence for Lone being underageb&.
>>152561>You claw the ground as she's dragging you backwards>She's not giving up with her strong magic grasp>You try your hardest to fight against the magical force>In the end however, you inevitably end up face to face to the purple wizard>It is Twilight Sparkle>You try to struggle away from her grasp but it is not effective>"No, please, I want to help you, I CAN help you, please.">Purple got you in a firm magical grasp so you've not really in a position to escape.>"I can figure out who's chasing you">"I can help you find safety again"
>>152574>You gasp in pain as your vision fades in and out>Or is that you blinking?>You can't really tell, you just feel extremely woozy; you'd have fallen over if you weren't being firmly held>A coppery taste in your mouth, swollen cheeks and possible loose teeth discourage a reply even if you could think of what to say>Twilight swears under her breath as she gives you a once-over>The grinding of teeth from her direction is quite audible>All sense of up and down is lost as you are jostled onto her back, fresh spasms of pain finally knocking your beleaguered form out>…
>>152369"Gonna be honest, I have no idea how any of this shit works. I was hoping that suggesting that this was all a game might spark a solution out of you."
^"Have you tried turning it off and back on again?""I wish it were that easy. I don't even know how to turn it off, let alone turn it back on."
^"Well do you know how you started it?""Not something I want to share too much to be honest. I did some… not okay things in my first loop, apologized for them in my second loop - only to realize it was the same day later on - and then just kept fucking around after that because I've run out of ideas."
^"Maybe the loop isn't related to the really really bad thing you did that first time around. Maybe it's something completely unrelated, or absolutely silly that you never thought of before. Anything come to mind?"
>>152583Maybe we have to play a prank on Thunderlane with Blossomforth?
[ 1d100 = 55 ]
>>152583You've been a dick to alot of people since you came here, just be a good person and help everyone out before yourself
[ 1d100 = 72 ]
>>152565>Implying I'd have to be < 18 to own a fucking calculator.
Think the thread is at bump limit, someone want to make a new one?
>>152640The rules are no new bread until over 800 posts.
>>152645>are we there yet>soo long to wait