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Protecting Your Property, Self, and Privacy from Aggressors
138301 138420
Basic gist is: as an Amerifat I don't like knowing that the EU keeps Britbongs and other Europeans from taking measures to protect itself from mudslimes and commies burning their homelands down. So in this thread, I'll lay out some basic stuff to help get out of the EU's grasp and be more capable of defending yourself, doing things that big brother dislikes, et cetera.

>The Modern Rogue's videos on improvised weapons, cheap tools, and basic CQC/posture training
[YouTube] Making a Prison Spear [Embed]
[YouTube] Making Disposable Camera Tasers [Embed]
[YouTube] Homemade Gas Masks vs. Tear Gas Grenades [Embed]
[YouTube] How to Make the Millwall Brick in Seconds [Embed]
[YouTube] Modding Nerf Guns into Overpowered Blasters [Embed]
[YouTube] Building (and Testing) Improvised Body Armor [Embed]
[YouTube] Krav Maga vs. Assault Rifle [Embed]
[YouTube] How to Survive a Knife Attack [Embed]
[YouTube] Making an Insane Smoke Bomb [Embed]
[YouTube] Converting Cheap Lighters into Flashbangs & Flamethrowers [Embed]

>Alternative currencies, and some economics (learning currency's value is important to protecting against a market crash)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/-IIElUFRULs/ [Embed]
[YouTube] The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation [Embed]
https://youtu.be/8H5MuFSEVsA [Embed]

I'm not a great researcher unfortunately, but these are a few basics and resources you can use on the basic internet in order to avoid being caught in a crisis with your pants down and your kitchen knife confiscated. If you use Tor, you'll have to find your own way around the black market since onion domains are a fucking nightmare to figure out or find.


Stop using a smartphone or get a prepaid one without a plan; phones gather LOTS of metadata and your provider is very limp-wristed with security of it all. Cases have been found of people's accounts being taken because operators simply gave or changed phone passwords based on charismatic callers faking it till they make it.

Banks are cancer. Store your money or metals or altcoin wallets physically, in your home or in some kind of secure location. The investment of a personal safe is much, much more worthwhile than a debt-based leech who prints more IOUs and depreciates the value of what's inside the vaults.

Don't use social media; if you do, don't use social media run by those who make money from AdSense, government assistance, selling user info, et cetera.

Keep a pseudonym when doing transactions or other online things with others, unless legally required to use your name or signing a binding agreement. If a site asks for information that identifies you before you can use their services, see if it's necessary and whether you feel you can trust them.

Save your own money and refrain from debt if possible. You can take loans but don't do so excessively; your financial security is your responsibility, unless you forfeit that responsibility and pay the price, literally or figuratively, for forgeiting it.

Buy multiple forms of potential currency. Crypto, multiple rare metals, resources you know will not depreciate in value, even just foreign fiat currencies can be helpful in the case of a localized economic crash.

There are probably way more but my point's pretty much made here. Focus on keeping the government out of your business, whether or not it's legal, so long as you do not coerce others out of holding onto their own property or person. You may have people to lean on, but your government and businesses cannot be completely trusted for anything. Trust but verify when it comes to sensitive matters, and work towards ensuring that you have the greatest ability to prevent harm from coming to yourself, whether it be intentional or in the case of a natural disaster.

Anyone else here got extra tips, resources, or questions? Put your input here and we can expand on your capability to defend what is rightfully yours.
I recommend Joergsprave. He works within German weapon law and has a site selling legal ranged weapons.
138285 138289 138296 139016
I had my bike stolen once. I actually used to work on them too.
My reaction was basically the same as this.
Thought it would be fine because fenced in yard, apparently some fucker stole the damn thing right off my front porch in the middle of the night.
Anyway, to get your bike back after it's been stolen, register on a bike registry.
One of the first things a bike shop will do after getting a new bike sold to them is check the serial to see if it was reported stolen or not.
If the bastard who stole it is a local resident and doesn't sell it, eventually you'll see him on the road and you can just run him over or something.
Though realistically, stop at the next stop sign, quickly grab your phone and take a picture of the fucker. Report it to the police and you should get your bike back fairly quick from that point.
138293 138296
Should note a few things:
1. Bike Registry only works if you added your bike before it was stolen
2. Taking a picture only works if you let the bike catch up to you or don't pass it long enough to grab your phone
3. While a photo of the criminal is nice, make sure you have multiple pictures that show both the bike clearly and the face clearly. You need to be able to prove THAT person is on YOUR bike.
I had my bike stolen last year, to this day, if i ever see someone riding it i'm fucking bashing them
138296 138304
So in other words even the registry doesn't often fix things anyway because there's no easily-available way to show that bike is yours, nor that it's their ass on the seat.

Man, shit's pretty fucked.
Does a good bikelock not work?
Oh, sharing survival stuff. Always wanted to go into the woods and build from the ground up like this guy does.
Its some good stuff and its all comfy as fuck. How I think men should live.
Yeah, you have to go in EXPECTING your bike to be stolen when you first buy it.
Seat can still be stolen if the bike isn't secured correctly.
Also I shouldn't need to bike lock something on MY OWN FUCKING PROPERTY.
But no. There are too many things on a bike that can be stolen. Locks are annoying as fuck to deal with because you need to basically make sure it goes across/through 5 different things.

I have a simple u-lock that isn't a hassle, and I never really have anything removed from my bike like a seat.
Maybe nobody rides bikes when it's fucking freezing year round.
Seats can be stolen easily. So it's a good idea to secure them.
Wheels can be stolen easily if not secured.
If someone is willing to go through the trouble of fixing the brake/gear lines then they can cut your lines and take the handlebars.
And if everything else is locked down, it's impossible to make a chain secure, as they can break any one link and get the rest of the chain.
Bikes are cool, but it's almost like they're designed for niggers to be able to steal shit off them.
138312 138395
Easy solution. Don't live near niggers.

138313 138393
Let me just move 3 states over. Easy enough.
Three states over doesn't sound too bad.
Honestly I want to leave the state anyway.
Too bad I can't afford it and never will be able to.
Guess we'll just have to kill all the niggers.
Back on the subject of self defense, remember to protect yourself properly, always wear protective gear around SJWs.
[YouTube] King of the Hill: Bobby Goes Nuts [Embed]

Most antique firearms in North America have very relaxed regulations.

Niggers dont like the cold. Also, Penguins are white.
I'm in a 98% white town, I don't have to lock a damn thing. Car, house, bike.
Dr. Russel Horine - 5 Simple Rules to Winning Any Fight.pdf
David M. Cvet - The Art Of Longsword Combat.pdf
Thanks for making this thread mate.
As promised last night, going to dump a bunch of books. Whatever useful books I couldn't find online from my collection, I've attached, I hope these pdf files upload.
Starting with some martial arts stuff:

Complete Kicking - https://archive.org/details/pdfy-l07c_AjH4XBkT_4l
Training Methods of 72 arts of Shaolin - http://files.vse-zajimave.webnode.cz/200000034-ebc25ecbac/72-arts-shaolin.pdf
Mixed Martial Arts The Book of Knowledge - https://archive.org/details/pdfy-kHMaBovu4Kau07Dt

HEMA Historical European Martial Arts - Aka Swordfighting:


Kinda goes without saying, but I hope you're lifting and stretching too, anons. Being unable to go to the gym is not an excuse:


And in the spirit of things. Considering knife delivery was just banned in bongistan
Here are some blacksmithing, bladesmithing and knoife making books:
>but anon I don't have room for that shit
Make one in your apartment or bedroom then, last attached pdf related.

Will post shooty shooty books in the other thread, soon as I've finished me grub. >>138275 →
I'm glad you've been keeping ahold of those PDF, big brother britbong. I doubt we'll reach Fahrenheit 451 for vomputers but locally storing media you like and hosting independently is a great way to spread info. I know a few libraries exist on the onion directory on Tor, which you can get loads of political and educational stuff free. No bullshit charging for school-required books when college is already so expensive on non-niggers.
138491 138587
>I doubt we'll reach Fahrenheit 451
Given how my country is slowly drifting towards Communist dictatorship, that just convicted someone for the horrific crime of teaching their pug to heil Hitler, I wouldn't put it past them to start physically and digitally burning books. Better to be safe than sorry, y'know?
>locally storing media you like and hosting independently is a great way to spread info.
That's the plan. When they crack down, I'm gonna buy a bunch of cheap USB's, stock them with the red pills and books I've gathered over the years. Then distribute them.
As for the Tor libraries, I'll check them out thanks.
I also made a reply in another thread a while back with a bunch of other books I had downloaded, here is the list if you're interested:

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie - http://images.kw.com/docs/2/1/2/212345/1285134779158_htwfaip.pdf
Basic Economics by Thomos Sowell - http://www.altfeldinc.com/pdfs/BASICECONOMICS.pdf
Nineteen Eighty-four (1984) by George Orwell - https://www.planetebook.com/ebooks/1984.pdf
The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler - https://archive.org/stream/Decline-Of-The-West-Oswald-Spengler/Decline_Of_The_West#page/n1/mode/2up
Democracy - The God The Failed by Hans-Hermann Hoppe - http://www.riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf
The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (3 volumes) - https://archive.org/stream/TheGulagArchipelago-Threevolumes/The-Gulag-Archipelago__vol1__I-II__Solzhenitsyn#page/n1/mode/2up
Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche - https://nationalvanguard.org/books/Thus-Spoke-Zarathustra-by-F.-Nietzsche.pdf
The Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle - https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/aristotle/Ethics.pdf
Politics by Aristotle - https://is.muni.cz/el/1423/jaro2017/SOC286/um/Aristotle_-_Politics.pdf
The Republic by Plato - http://www.idph.net/conteudos/ebooks/republic.pdf
The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald - http://www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/goyim/je1.pdf
The Myth of German Villainy by Benton L. Bradberry - http://911tv.org/Library/LB-0003%20Bradberry%20-%20Myth%20of%20German%20villainy.pdf
Men Among the Ruins: Post War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist by Julius Evola - https://archive.org/details/julius-evola-men-among-the-ruins
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - http://xroads.virginia.edu/~ma01/Kidd/thesis/pdf/protocols.pdf
The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem (Abridged) by Henry Ford - http://www.magtudin.org/Henry_Ford_The_International_Jew.pdf
Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul by Julius Evola - https://archive.org/stream/JuliusEvolaSurvivalManualForTheAristocratsOfTheSoul/Julius%20Evola%20-%20Survival%20Manual%20for%20the%20Aristocrats%20of%20the%20Soul#page/n17/mode/2up
Fascism: One Hundred Questions Asked And Answered by Oswald Mosley - http://cnqzu.com/library/Solar%20General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf
Manifesto for Breaking the Financial Slavery to Interest by Gottfried Feder - http://www.nationalists.org/pdf/hitler/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder.pdf
The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail - https://ia601606.us.archive.org/28/items/Camp-Of-The-Saints-By-Jean-Raspail/book-camp-of-the-saints-by-jean-raspail.pdf
200 Years Together by Aleksander Solzhenitsyn - https://archive.org/stream/AleksandrSolzhenitsyn200YearsTogether/Aleksandr%20Solzhenitsyn%20-%20200%20Years%20Together#page/n0/mode/2up
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley - https://ia800209.us.archive.org/25/items/BRAVENEWWORLD1932ByAldousHuxleyDownloadPDFAudioBookReadByAldousHuxley/Brave_New_World_Aldous_Huxley.pdf

These ones aren't as much redpills as they are nice stories.
Lord of the Rings Series by J.R.R Tolkien - https://archive.org/details/TheLordOfTheRing1TheFellowshipOfTheRing
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien - https://archive.org/details/TheHobbitByJ.R.RTolkien
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck - https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.350671
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand - https://ia600305.us.archive.org/19/items/AtlasShrugged/atlas%20shrugged.pdf
Holy shit man. Thanks a bunch for all this. Now I have no excuse not to start reading full works by those people.

Was kind of occupied from reading The God that Failed because of Warhammer 40K and Payday 2. I mean uh, because of my housekeeping job! A...ahaha...hardworking lower-classmen like me, we can't be expected to read in our free time...ha...Okay I admit it I'm not very motivated, but I've been cleaning houses for 6 years and nobody but the navy is even considering me, you start to get depressed at that point
Eurofags should invest in 3d printers.
This. This so much.
aryanne is a cute.jpeg
You're welcome.
>Now I have no excuse not to start reading full works by those people.
That's the spirit!
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, my good man, have some cute poners.
Now, let's get you out of that rut, shall we? Here's some advice. What you need is to get yourself into a rhythm or a routine. Set yourself small goals to complete each day, and once you complete them, you'll feel really good about yourself. Stick with this until it becomes a positive feedback loop. I'm willing to bet that would cure your lack of motivation. You could even make reading a book part of your daily routine, say read one or two chapters a night before bed, that's what I do and it helps me get to sleep earlier. Before you'll know it you'll be blazing through books, and the next day you'll feel great, because of all that extra sleep you got.

Now, as for your job situation goes. Are there any part time volunteer opportunities for you? Just something to do on a Saturday? Because any kind of free work would look great on your resume. While you're looking for volunteer work, do you like problem solving? How about learning a programming language? You can buy cheap courses on Udemy for $15-ish, or torrent them from thepiratebay if you need to save money. ENTIRE courses that will teach you from the ground up, expecting you to have no prior knowledge in programming at all. If that's not your cup of tea, the site has many courses on other subjects. Which you can write all about in your new resume. Don't know how to write a good one? Show you're smart and get things done, I wrote all about it in this reply >>133694 →. Doing this will fix the negative feedback loop you're currently in, because being depressed is just feeding you're lack of motivation. And the whole reason you're depressed, is because you don't feel you achieve enough. Also lifting wouldn't hurt either, it would give you a much needed confidence boost, see the body weight book I linked above. No need to put money on a gym membership.
You can pull yourself together mate.
I believe in you.
Never had anyone believe in me enough to go that in-depth, feels good.
Since my job today got cancelled I've decided to go down that list of books. I've bookmarked them all and plan on making a series of bitchute videos reviewing/reacting to them in the hopes of spreading this stuff and seeing if I can start making media again. Back in the day I used to make commentaries talking about goobergate and the populist platform of Trump, so I could totally get back on the saddle there. Even if it's nothing too impressive I'll be testing my editing ability and seeing what I can do about making more engaging content over time.

Hmmm, as to what I should start with, probably The God that Failed since I've been thinking about making a Hoppe video since I first heard of him. Tonight, I'll read 30 pages or so and go for a sunset walk/jog before I shower.

In the end, even if it doesn't get me resume padding points to add a portfolio or anything, I'd be happy to do it as a hobby and learn video editing on Videopad. Honestly my minimal currently-marketable skills aren't the problem, my lack of tangible experience in tech and my lack of connections are. I did a pretty good job of taking interviews and resume filling, just not persuasive enough for higher skill-floor jobs. California is kind of infamous for having so many minimum wage jobs that you need absurd amounts of experience just to work for fast food and retail.

Thanks for suggesting Udemy by the way, I'll make sure to use it sometime. Probably gonna want to do more basic stuff like game development instead of programming immediately, but the option being there is comforting.
Never actually read Solzhenitsyn, just many quotes.
This will be nice.
Anyone have weapons for 3d printers?
If you live in a country with strict gun laws and don't feel safe, I suggest buying a hauberk as a protection against knives attacks if you're going outside. They can be worn underneath your usual clothing without restricting any of your movement and hidden so you don't attract attention to yourself. If your can't buy a mail shirt for some reason or another(laws, expensive) you can just buy a gambeson. It's kind of cheap, looks normal enough as not to attract attention, and you can decide whether you want it more padded for extra protection, or less padded for comfy. A lightly padded gambeson could protect you against anything less than a sharp machete, while a more padded gambeson could pretty much protect you from anything other than a spear or a really sharp sword and I'm pretty sure the niggers don't have any knight orders to join for them to have a sword.

And if you want to go even farther, you can go try learning HEMA and some unarmed martial arts, specifically the grappling and disarming techniques. A cane or an umbrella with a handle(which you probably going to often use if you are a britbong) would provide an excellent self defense weapon as it can hook and keep your opponents at bay. Also, it's a blunt meaning you will less likely accidentally kill your attacker because if you live in a nation(or state) with strict gun laws, then it's probably likely that you live in a place where self defense is for some reason illegal.

If you live in a place with guns, the above still applies. If you for some reason can't buy a bulletproof vest, a gambeson could still provide enough resistance to stop a bullet from being fatal, and perhaps even stop the bullet entirely depending on the gun and the padding. A hauberk also can prevent a bullet from being fatal, but less reliably as it's meant to prevent cuts, not piercing attacks.

After all is said and done, buy a crusader helmet and start removing kebabs.
You got pistols like this you can print
The only thing left is knowing more about chemistry and metal.
Seconded. I'd love to learn more about the uses and value of certain metals, so I can be a more efficient owner of alternative currencies.
Had mine stolen last year… when it was in my garage. Bastards also stole a generator. I have a motion sensor connected to an alarm, a much brighter motion light and a gun now.
Maybe if you're lucky it was gas powered and they'll use it indoors to keep their house warm after their power gets shut off.
Or maybe they'll just overload it and it'll explode.