I'm personally going to obnoxiously post Moonbutt everywhere except 4cuck since they want to put malicious code on that site.
Hmmm might be time for astronomy
There are a couple of comets around.
>>97565 You have fun with that! If you can,would love to see a comet thread on here.
>>97560Treat it like St. Patrick's Day.
>>97569I remember seeing my first comet. The trick was to see it as close to sunset but still dark as possible. This meant that the relative humidity was still low and so the salt in the air had not absorbed much water, making the air clearer.
It was a little dot of white surrounded in a halo (of water), seen through a 12" telescope. Very cool to see a space rock with your own eye.
I also watched Venus transit the sun once. Interesting to see space and planets etc for real.
And since I am ranting, I also recall being fortunate enough to see the Sombrero Galaxy with my eye on an espectially clear night.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sombrero_Galaxy same thing I do every day, play vidya, shitpost, and wish she was real.
>>97574 Cool story,Anon! Pic related is me when I saw the picture of the sombrero galaxy.
I've seen a couple of moonbows but other than that nothing special.
Happy Luna day everyone!
>>97574Do you have any tips for someone in a pretty light polluted area?
>>97739Better yet go to the country-side, often astronomy clubs have a get together monthly away from cities, good for safety.
I don't do this.
>To avoid light pollution go out at 3am when light pollution is at its lowest.>Watch air quality graphs from your environment agency and look for days with excellent air quality, especially low PM10 particles. >Learn which direction the winds come from in the day to lessen air pollution (soot blackens the sky, salt washes out the sky). >At about 85% humidity salt in the air will expand to 3x its size and make the sky look washed out. Avoid high humidity, this is tricky. >Use long weekend/holidays to have less soot in the air.>If serious buy top quality quality lenses, the better quality the glass in the optics the better the observation.>If you want to observe the moon look at it when it is half full and you can see the moon is 3D because of shadows.>Learn which nebula and galaxies are brightest http://www.messier.seds.org/dataMag.html and seeable by you.>Get https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellarium_(software)>If too much light polution still, get a solar telescope and watch the surface of the sun instead. The sun is a star, so technically still astronomy. >>97741Thanks, I hadn't heard about the salt thing before.
Also Luna is best princess I just want her to be real
help me
>>97880Merry Xmas.. have a fixed Luna heart with transparency.
>>98083thanks, merry christmas to you too.