Because there were betas on the jury
>>95588Because women no matter how strong or independent they think they may be, aren't. Men understand this which is why they don't get harsh penalties in comparison to men who are. This is why I prefer mares because they are very responsible for their actions and understand this.
“(Jamie is) here to take responsibility for this, but at the same time, no amount of punishment is going to take away what’s in her heart for Landyn — how much she loved and loves him,” Webster said. “The court system, all of us will move on. We’ll go on to other things. She’ll never go on. She’ll never be able to move past this.”
If she actually cared about her son, she'll be committing suicide soon enough. She won't though, because honestly a good mother wouldn't have let that happen. Even with the drug use.
>What are locks
>What are baby door handles
>What are baby sitters
>What are baby gates
My nephew just turned 3 awhile back. This pisses me off more because she's a shit mother. Not because she got off. It would have been so easy to prevent him from dying. Let's hope nothing prevents her from.
>>95588Why would you get rid of your three-in-one dishwasher, chef, and clothes washer? smh you don't understand shit, do you?
Benis in bagina.there's various studies on how many aspects of femininity, like voice, affect our perception and judgement. Look at weebs and their pure wiafus. They can do no wrong even though their entire structure, from their clothes, their body, their personalities, has been boiled down to "how can we get people to obsess over our show". Sexual selection has given the female contol over the oldest part of our brain. Now they're allowed to vote
Gender-biased courts.
Judges afraid to lose their jobs by offending the wimminfolk.
Women's suffrage was a mistake, voting's a right you should earn, not something you should get by being born.
>>95991Good, now point me to the average woman that actually does those simple tasks in this day and age.
I'll wait
More commonly what winds up happening is you'll deal with someone who's gotten a free pass into college to get some bullshit degree or another who doesn't "adhere to such benign gendered standards" or if you've been married for a while they'll simply stop doing these things.