• Restore the classification of broadband Internet access service as an “information service”—the
classification affirmed by the Supreme Court in the Brand X case.
• Reinstate the private mobile service classification of mobile broadband Internet access service.
• Clarify the effects of the return to an information service classification on other regulatory
frameworks, including the need for a uniform federal regulatory approach to apply to interstate
information services like broadband Internet access service.
What the Report and Order Would Do:
• Adopt transparency requirements that ISPs disclose information about their practices to
consumers, entrepreneurs, and the Commission.
• Restore the Federal Trade Commission’s ability to protect consumers online from any unfair,
deceptive, and anti-competitive practices without burdensome regulations, achieving comparable
benefits at lower cost.
• Eliminate the vague and expansive Internet Conduct Standard, under which the FCC
micromanaged innovative business models, along with the bright-line rules.
What the Order Would Do:
• Find that the public interest is not served by adding to the already-voluminous record in this
proceeding additional materials, including confidential materials submitted in other proceedings.
Tl;dr They are trying to jew you out of something actually good for the net.