>>86444Trips justify the length.
Firstly, we must recognize the enemies of the white race: Jews. Niggers. Mudslimes. These groups hate us, our way of life, and above all, our success. This is why "We wuz kangs" lies and "2000 greatest inventions of the islamic world" books are so marketed: They resent the fact that the Egyptians were european, like pretty much every civilization worth a damn.
The enemies of the white race must be recognized globally for what they are, and dealt with. The tricks these groups use to harm the white race and its future must be stopped. Cultural Marxism is a weapon of war, "Equality" is a myth, and the Holocaust was faked.
How many on this list were white?
https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/terror-2016.htm How many on this list died in countries that were once mainly white, rather than so "Diverse" that terrorism became "Part and parcel" of living in them?
There is only one path to peace, and it must be walked alone.
Until that day comes, you prepare for it. You redpill those you can and avoid being screwed over by those you can't. Any normie you're forced to spend time with, you redpill about the small things like the objectively biased media coverage of Trump and the already-proven-false hit-pieces about him. It doesn't matter if you can't redpill him or her on the big things like the jews, as long as he or she (Probably a he) is too redpilled to be another useful idiot for the SJWs and their magical "Racist! Sexist! Bigot!" words, you've made one tiny step in the right direction. Now make more.
We live in an era where the whole world (Well, the parts that matter) are connected. We can talk to these people, and tell them the truth about SJWs. When they're done digesting that, they can be given increasing doses of red pills until they're ready for the racial one. Not the objective superiority of the white race, the war on it. That's what people need to be aware of first.
Personally, on a micro level, these are the things you can do: Own a gun(Illegal and hidden well somewhere if need be), buy food in bulk for as little cash as possible, minimize frivolous spending, and start looking for a white wife you can fuck more than three kids out of. Preferably a wife feminism hasn't turned into a bloated egotistical mentally-infantilized cunty hambeast. Raise your kids well and homeschool them, there are websites to help you with that and websites to help your homeschooled kids meet up with other homeschooled kids. Remember, modern schools are a jewish invention that train you to obey orders and follow instructions. How else could academia be so Jewishly compromised? Your kids are better off without it, and homeschooling leaves more time to be taught things like critical thinking and basic logic, two things schools intentionally repress, arguably from day one. Remember, when redpilling normies, avoid any major and "Controversial" topics until their ability to think critically and question things has been awakened and their trained instinct to report thoughtcrime has been ignored. To a normie, a cooler normie with less trust for the media than usual is more palatable to "One of those alt-right nazis". Redpill him slowly until he realizes the truth is the truth, not a Nazi lie, and not wanting your country raped by Mudslimes and "Globalists"(Jews) doesn't make you a Nazi.
On a macro level, society and societal change. Say what you will about Trump, but he made it socially acceptable to speak of the many topics he's associated with himself, such as nationalism, the media, and those damn dirty SJWs. Antifa and rabid SJWs are making it unfashionable to be left, and this is good, because it's been unfashionable to be anywhere to the right of leftists for decades thanks to (((them))) controlling Hollywood and most of the media. The current push against Liberal insanity and its current peaking(We know it'll go even higher if unopposed but we're done watching it rise) insanity, the push needs to push SJWism out of Congress, out of the UK, and eventually, out of the world. A UK free of the Jew's EU (And it's travelling-circus bullshit) and an America free of cultural marxism… They can lead the world into a brighter future. And you can do your part to help it get there.
Wake up, get up, get out there.