It looked a pretty comfy visit. Protesters were a joke, bunch of fucking English (((teachers))) I would wager.
>>86426If pussy grabs back would that not be consent to having the pussy being grabbed?
>>86426disgusting, japan belongs to the japanese these people should be deported
>tfw you will never have a friend that despite the rest of the world hating you, will always want a call and meet up with you and even gets you and him made custom hats for you both to wear
This is a beautiful thing.
>>86632Japan is already pretty great. It just has a birth rate problem that that may not be as bad as it seems. Or, maybe perhaps Japan has a cultural problem as well. Along with an armament one.
>>86404Good for him, he doesn't deserve all the shit the media throws to him, those bastards are fucking biased
>>86634Japan needs to return back to its Imperial culture, minus the whole "conquer South-East Asia and genocide the Chinese" thing. It needs to rebuild an army/navy to pursue its own foreign policy, and the youth need to stop watching so much anime and start their own families.
>>86653Anime is no more fringe there than it is in the West. I'd say the social root cause is working conditions that causes general apathy towards social life. The Japanese are industrious people, but harmfully so in many cases. Add contraceptives that started the whole trend, and it's worse. Abe is a great leader for the time being. However, the country is years from its Imperial past. I agree, better yet we'll see Japan become more independent as the situation with North Korea makes the Japanese seek arms. Still, this may be worrying.
Oh, and of course. The old take away from the young. There's much to do in funding fertility growth, however the elderly take about as much as 75% of social welfare.
>>86653>conquer South-East AsiaDon't do that
>and genocide the ChineseDo that or get closer bonds with Republic of China (Taiwan, you know) to restore the Empire. Or get rid of communism from the Mainland (and yeah I know that they went somewhat capitalistic, but still lot of work to do)
>>86404DRAWFAGS! Get me Yaoi of them
>>86658I know you are memeing but seriously Anon, i am sure someone will actually draw that. maybe not on MLPOL, we dont really have a lot of anime artist. i do hope though they would rather draw females.
>>86670Stop orbiting cartoons BRAH
>>86717That's not like you guys do in here?
>>86717It's better than orbiting real people tho
>>86717>>86719>>86721I dont think you can orbit fictional characters. And if orbiting underage japanese cartoon girls is wrong, i dont want to be right.
>>86771You're an inspiration to us all
>>86717Pretty sure cartoons don't have enough mass to orbit, I mean its electric signals, sound, and some art.
Now you probaly meant worship, right?
>>86894maybe, maybe not. but the leaf offers us a nice philosophical question: can one be a beta orbiter for 2d Waifus?
>>86912Only if she still isn't your wifu. The fact that she's your wifu means you asked her out and she said yes.
>>86771>orbiting underage japanese cartoon girlsI feel a little bit sad for you. Someone needs to hook you up with a Wifu STAT.
>>86915What if his waifu is a japanese cartoon girl.
>>86894Ay, get back into the union,you git.
>>86919my first japanese waifu was sailor moon, but i switched to the other blonde soon after when i noticed Moon had a bf and i did not wish to get cucked.
>>86937Tell me more about your waifus, Kraut.
>>86938I am not a avid anime watcher or manga reader despite the high amounts of anime art I collect for semi-memetic reasons. Would not say that I am obsessive with it, i dont build shrines, i dont have a bodypillow and i dont obessively collect picture for them, with one significant exception you can probably guess.
One of my earlier waifus include this skunk from Tiny toons. Perhaps I felt sorry for her because she was always rejected by her desired lovers. Thats not to say that i fuck animals or that i waifues animals later, but for some reason this character just spoke to me. what can i say. I liked what I liked.
I cant say I ever was a strong waifuist for most of my life but ever since i dabbled into pony worship I came to value the more esotheric aspects of idealized companions beyond a piece animation.
>>86942Oh yes, I've heard of your mentions of egregore and orgone. Which delve deeper into the human and group subconscious thought. The study of memetics is one of the few backbones of this, as is pychology. Reich was taught by Freud, and although Freud was false in many of his assumptions, he knew omething that appealed to the lower man that's used in marketing today. Reich's work seems a lot more compelling in comparison then, since he never pontificated cures nor absolutes, but a method of mental "energy" or rather constructs I suppose. Cures for the mind.
>>86942>>86944I am by no means an expert on this or have any booksmarts, but as far as I can tell this seems to but a return to tribal religion. people feel lost in a world without faith, they pick a certain kind of pleasant spirit to guide them and keep them company. People lost connection to holy books and religious institutions in a world that fails to enforce a moral frame of decency. so they just make gods for themselves. for better or for worse.
i cant say for sure i believe in supernatural powers or entities, but if there is any more to this than the eye can see, humanity will be in for a rude awakening if this transdimensional paralel universe theory stuff turns out to be true.