>>86013That's… Actually a very good idea
>>86018these faggots literally want to "bring our message to a wider audience" isn't that the whole point of e-celebs and the "alt-right" etc.? let's make use of them since they offered
…You've had all this time to do your homework and you still haven't figured out the difference between the alt-right and the (((alt-lite)))?
>>86032Something tells me OP was more referencing how we get the PUBLIC to not associate them with us.
>>86034no I'm saying they're trying to associate with us, so I'm thinking we can associate them with political views worth sharing instead of their watered down "white nationalism" read through pic 1 in the OP
>>86037My bad, the statement seemed a bit condescending though. In the interest of continuing discussion however, care to expand on your idea should you have any suggestions?
>>86040yeah, basically we just do what we did to ben garrison associate them with actual far right extremism instead of their watered down version. Take our actual views, real redpills, etc. and make a bunch of memes and shit tying these faggots to them. drop actual redpills and attribute them as quotes to Richard Spencer, take their logos and what not and put them on infographics about race realism or anything to do with the jews. Let's use up their current reputation and audience spreading our actual views
>>86048fair enough, I'll be available to do whatever you need me to once the necessary materials have been gathered.
>>86048That is a good plan, yet, just like that story about the cat and the bell, how are we supposed to tie this information to them in such way people associate it to them instead of ignoring it as propaganda?
>>86136that's the easier part tbh, we can fabricate most of what we need. The trick I'm thinking of is to use the left as our puppets for this. We can raid /leftypol/, reddit, where ever else larping as leftists and spread a bunch of rumors, fake quotes, memes and redpills etc. These people already hate the figureheads of the alt-right and view them all as literal nazis so it shouldn't be hard or require much actual evidence to convince them. Then we just need them to take to twitter and otherwise to rail against them. It's not important here what is true about any of these "alt-right" leaders, just what we can convince people is true
here I'm not the best with photoshop but I threw together an example for dickie spencer, also have pngs of the logos he uses for his website
>>86175That image is pretty dangerous.
Well ok I get it, it's a nice plan, I will be creating some of tonight.
Milojew reeeeee
This makes me sad, literally profiting off of the goyims work
That racemixing, homo-pedo kike always pissed me off. It was sort of funny when he was triggering SJWs, but now that attention-whore really thinks he represents an actual "movement".
>>86439>>86440his shirt is the least offensive to me ironically enough because it just has the message with no modifications or logos, and most importantly he unlike "the alt-right" doesn't try to claim he came up with the idea for /iotbw/. He's literally just trying to make money by spreading our message which is mutually beneficial
>>86441Tbh i sint think shirts arent the way to go if spreading the message is the case. No one really wears these kinds of things do they? It reminds me of those videogame tees, people notice something is popular (undertale) then print out a bunch of unlicensed basic T-shirts related to that (all the undertale thirts that just have a character sprite on them). It just feels like a purely for profit move that doesn't really spread the message that far. Id much prefer he took pictures of himself putting up posters, as to encourage others to do so as well. But i guess this is the best we could get out of a jew
>>86465shirts are not a particularly good way of spreading the message, what I'm saying is that milo selling shirts isn't in itself as damaging to the "it's okay to be white" campaign as pic related
Guys, sorry to break the topic but i really need some redpills for some stuff im working on, realted to the thread.
>>86513what redpills do you need specifically?
>>86513I've got some on why the "alt-right" and etc. are trash
>>86516The heaviest there are. I have in mind something like
>>86175 work here.
>>86533any of this suit your fancy?
>>86559Yeah, i'm sure i can work with this, I will have a look into the library of hate too.
I will have some things ready later.
Lost some shit in a hard drive failure, who has those beaverpill posts?
I think this is all of them