„22 years ,according to what he sad. Apparently he is adult, as he many times pointed out to me.“
„This complicates his situation. You see, normaly this disease appears in abandoned foals and fillies. I don’t know if you remember it but parents always need to pre-chew food for their foals and fillies so they cultivate defensive bacteria in their children’s mouth with their saliva on the food.“
„No, I don’t remember.“
„Problem is that Anon is missing this defensive bacteria in his mouth. Its like his parents abandoned him. But at the same time, he is adult. If he is adult, than it may be too late for him. Without this bacteria, his teeth might fall out and he won’t be able to ingest food properly anymore. He could starve.“
Twilight takes hold of Coale’s shoulders
„He is going to die? I can’t let that happen! Isn’t there something we can do? Some dental spell, something?“
„Well, there has been one case. Not sure if its not just rumor but I heard from my colleague over in Canterlot that there has been one such pony with rotten teeth and what saved him was direct injections of saliva.“
„How does that work?“
„Well essentially a volunteer needs to accumulate good ammount of saliva in their mouth and then kiss the sick, transfering their saliva to the patient.“ She says, suppressing slight smug face
„Wait, you want me to kiss him?“ Twi asks, disbelieving.
„Well, yeah, but anypony healthy could do it, not just you.“
„But whyy kissing?? Can’t we like spit on his food when he isn’t looking and let him eat it? Or if he can stand it, we can just spit into blunt sirenge and pump our saliva into his mouth.“
„She’s gotta be kidding me.“ Twi thinks to herself
„Sadly, that won’t work. Food technique only works on little foals and fillies. There is another problem that if saliva is exposed outside its natural bio solution, the defensive bacteria starts dying off.“
„Is this some prank? Who made you pull this on me? Was it Rainbow Dash? Its gotta be her!“ She says trotting around the room looking for hidding spots.
„While I find your situation comical, miss Twilight, I am 100% honest about my diagnosis. I don’t see what other sickness it could be.“
>Twilight gives out long sigh
„Maybe Rarity could do it, she likes to be a charmer and all that…“
„Thanks doc,“ she says in front of the doors „I’ll save Anon, don’t worry.“ She looks back to Colae, bit more hopeful.
>Some time later and Rarity’s boutique
„Direct saliva injection?! Have you lost your mind, Twilight? Who even does that? Saliva has no place in proper kissing session! No place! Besides, how do you even want me to build up my saliva or something? I am not some country pony!“ Rarity trotts around her boutique huffing and offended.
„But I must save anon, I can’t let him die! Pleease, Rarity!“
Rarity stops in her tracks and turns back to Twi. „Twilli, you know I am your friend. You know that I don’t mind to get dirty for the right cause. But this? This is too vulgar, darling. Please don’t want this from me.“
„Ask AppleJack, she’d probably do a good job.“
(to be continued)