>>71616I'm not at danger. I'm neither a racist which the government specifically targets, nor an inciter of anti-democratism. As it stands, simply holding a particular belief isn't enough to put you away, it's acting on said anti-democratic and racist doctrines (or planning to without reasonable doubt) that'll get you on their radar.
>>71629>T. gommunismRight, so now that I'm certain leftypol is filled with psudo-Marxists and communists, maybe even a select few that are Stalinist, riddle me this. Where is the incentive in communism? As someone who greatly almost hates the system of oppression that the russians enforced on the Germans after the war, seeing how much it stunted East Germany (and even then we still came out as one of the best in the east block - I can't imagine how horrible it must have been where they actively suppressed revolutions) I can't really fathom how communism works better than any system we have today, though we can both probably agree it's currently a shitstorm. One of the greatest things that pushed me away from anything where the state has absolute control over the economy (being pretty socialist myself) is a lack of incentive. There's this old saying that originated somewhere in the east block, namely "I'll pretend to work, and you'll pretend to pay me," which resonates especially true with what I've seen of communist nations. All the products they produce are to fit quotas, not to be the best product possible. While a lot of it is built to last because there's not this stupid consumerism culture like in capitalist nations, they are neither good nor efficient. If the state wants 10 tons of piping, why on earth would you switch over to plastic if you're already producing metal pipes? It's not practical for the communists to switch to a better product simply based off of the quota system. Ergo, no incentive. Same thing with the amount of consumer goods. Those goods don't benefit the state's production, so they're often only produced in small numbers, leading to shortages. The waiting line was 10-15 years for a car. Stores were under stocked. What good is the money you work producing shit products to meet shit quota's going to do you, if there's nothing to spend your money on?
>inb4 not real communismEven if it isn't, how do you solve this problem in a ideal commune society? If you don't need to do anything, why would you? The state or your commune assigns you a job, and we're back at the no incentive issue. There's no incentive to innovate in an already functioning system so progress slows down immensely (unless the state forces it, as with the soviet space program for example) and there's no competition, so there's no incentive to produce better products cause the state or commune is the only one producing it.
>>71629>Socialism is when the workers own the factory they work on, and the goods it produces.That's Marxist socialism. Socialism is such a broad term, just like liberal, you can't really claim it means exactly what it applies to your specific socialist belief. Pic related for the first two lines on what my definition is, and this term doesn't apply to many other forms of socialism other than national socialism. It's just like the question, "what is a liberal?" Well, do they mean market liberal, progressive liberal, or any of the other terms that completely screws around the term? While google paints a broad term of socialism, it's still heavily slanted against property rights, and isn't representative of all socialism. To avoid confusion, I think it would be better to specify what kind of socialism you're talking about, because it's such a broad term.