its sjw virtue signaling, they want to sponsor someone who they deem important despite the fact his content is shit. Patreon is a total scam site.
if you are that bothered by that shitty comic, find the adress of that faggot and make him stop making comics.
I want to scam money out of SJWs. Don't know how, don't care how, I want to remove money from SJW wallets and put it in my own. Or, maybe, dump it in some account I'll never touch because I'm at the "I'm willing to take their money and then burn/hide it" stage.
What if I sold them something like this? Not art, since I'm shit, but in the "Hey I recognize that shit art!" way.
>>53704that would mean you would have to become and undercover SJW. people did that before and got money out of it. Nyanners comes to my mind. shes a voicefag from /a/ with japanese supremacist views, pretends to be a SJW feminist now for money. never really followed her but she made some lulzy stuff, including a song about loli rape. >>53710>pretends to be a SJW feminist nowAny source on the "pretending" part? She started to get like that around the time she went to college, and she gets extremely upset if you post any of her old stuff on any of her social media. She also stopped micwhoring and hasn't been on /a/ since around that time either. I always figured she just went to college and got brainwashed. It's not exactly uncommon. Especially for womz.
>>53714no solid proof but listen to this vocaroo section from the video. i was contemplating for a while to use these for Aryanne animations.
>>53691Make some kind of Patreon or Kickstarter for some interesting SJW thing, and when you make enough money, pull out before they can question "Why you didn't have enough money for the project".
I suggest making up a imaginary product that's expensive, and panders to Feminists, Vegans, Transgenders, and Hippies.
>>53714>went to college and got brainwashed.The world and especially the US needs harsh legal penalties for anyone trying to politically brainwash kids with leftist tardery.
How would a SJW video game feel/play? SJWs hate video games that require skill, but they also hate video games that men like. What if I rip off a classic video game and add SJW and a white male villain?
>>53684He/she/it has done more for our side by showing how fucked up the left is. $2000 is pocket change for such a service.
Do SJWs have a central forum or site to post on, or do I seriously need to use tumblr and hope one of them "Shares" and "Reblogs" my post enough times for the whole hivemind to know about it?
>>53758I love when ppl redo this sjws comic.
>>53762Yeah its called every mainstream internet social media.
>>53767I don't want the occasional bitchy cucked whiteknight on leddit to support me, I want to take money directly from the pockets of the tumblrina cancer.
>>53773To get money from someone you have to produce something valuable. As anon said above sjw value is virtue signalling that they support other sjw. It makes them feel like theyre doing something. The fact that I keep seeing this shit comic means its big enough to get exposure. The fact that it only makes 2k is kind of surprising. Poes law, but you gotta make sjw media consistently and spread it through sjw circles. You basically got to become an sjw to do it.
>>53753you honestly believe the US legal system is on our side? the JEWdicial system?
>>53691Just sell ridiculously overpriced mugs and XXL shirts that say "Down with the patriarchy" or something like that everywhere where SJW can gather, like YouTube conventions, marches or something like that.
If you can resist the urge of cringing, you can make good money out of them.
>>53684This comic is pretty good tbqh
This thread is now for posting edited tranny comics.
>>53926I think that's how you lose your soul Anon. I really can't fathom pretending to be that shit, specially IRL.
Just selling them stuff it's ok I guess, maybe take the chance and subtly redpill them
>>54015its making a deal with the devil. You get money for selling your ideals.
>>53960I dont know what is screaming more for the sweet relief of death: The delusion of the author or his abhorrent pictures.
>>53960I can't even tell the difference between the real ones and the parodies anymore...
>>54044The artist took himself too seriously and is now being pulled through the meme grinder.
>>53960Wait guys, is that bike edited, too?
Because that's a male bike...
>>54055His delusions can only go so far.
As a person who actually struggles with this shit, I hate this comic too.
Just buy into all the shit tumblr feeds you if you want to make money off it.
Artists have it easier to make the moni though. Artists are already known as being "out there", they can make OC for these faggots a Patreon means the "Donations" are actually producing something, etc.
>>54055Just to prove my point, pic related is an actual female bicycle.
>>54015I don't think you can redpill them. Many of them are lost causes and will learn only when life hits them harder than a train, or get a helicopter ride, whatever comes first.
The point is that the majority of them have the same sense of managing money than Chris Chan, so if you have the moral resilience of a happy merchant, they can drop you their money for basically nothing.
>>54152>The point is that the majority of them have the same sense of managing money than Chris Chan believe this to be very true.
>>53714That sounds closely like Fluttershy.
>>54055lmao I didn't even notice that
>>54152Anyone can get redpilled, it's a really slow process but I believe if done right with jeitinho, It can be done.
On the other hand selling art for nothing is not a really smart choice, yes.
Maybe make money with ads?
>This thread
>A weapon to surpass metal gear
Mental Queer?
>>53684If you can't beat em, join em. Why not follow suit and try to one up the guy's "shitty" comic? You might make a nice penny off of such a feat.
>>53684We must be appalled at the perversion of innocent cartoon imagery - in contrast to righteousness of Pony, all it's ideology which symbolically represents the return of our Reich.
This is why Pony is our iron fist. The left makes a mockery of life and existence, while Pony recalls of the noble race, the noble life and Equestria land of these things. They will not be able to deny the glory and intense victory of our hoofs crushing all who oppose our rainbow swastika of friendship.
Cartoons invoke the innocence, mythology, and greatness of lost eras, all degenerate art that perverts the high ideals found in Pony must be purged from our Reich !
>>53691About two years ago I set up an email, twitter, jewtube, etc with a burner number and fake info with the express intention of scamming money off SJWs. It has sat unised because I had to start watching thier shit to emulate it and the cancer was so strong I just had to stop. It was like starting a company that shovels shit. Yes, it might be lucrative, but until you can quit your regular job you've got to spend every day covered in shit. It just wasn't worth it.
>>54155Didn't that guy become an old meme, causing all but the most dedicated to leave, and the only remaining trolls are now conning him into believing his state contains a community of boyish semi-lesbian women called "Tomgirls" (Imaginary boyish women that can get shit done and are not lesser.) that'll love him if he performs a "DIY sexchange" on himself by making an infected hole between his sack and anus?
No, really, what the fuck happened to him? What happened to the days when his trolls did funny shit like claiming CWC was an impostor and the real CWC was someone else? What happened to everyone's tentative plans to scam a few thousand dollars out of him by telling him some animation studio wants to make a Sonichu animated movie, and they just need a down payment on the animation studio? Why did the living joke suddenly get old, and why are the only ones left on that train the disgusting people full of seething hatred for disabled people for being loved by their parents no matter what?
He* is a delusional faggot who was enable by a community of other delusional faggots that he* found on the internet. Jews in the social media hierarchy used his* mediocre comics to convince other delusional faggots that their delusion was the right path. As he* grew more popular, spoiled leftards with money to throw away dogpiled him with cash support, fueling his delusion by empowering him financially.
If you're asking what made him* such a delusional faggot in the first place, I cared enough about it to put the effort into looking it up.
>>56166Thank you. Now, how do I scam money out of his enablers?
>>56203Draw shitty comics that pander to their beliefs, I guess..
I feel like I could make a tumblr webcomic with a gay-trigender-african-muslim-furry and slowly over time have the character itself get redpilled thereby influencing the readers.
is it possible this would work if done in a slow enough pace that they might not notice?
>>56752Honest question, are you new?
>>56753No. I've been around since day one, darling.
>>56755April 1 was the day that /mlpol/ began. The day was founded, though, I cannot remember, but it was also in early April.
>>56756I'm asking about before that. Still I guess it doesn't matter that much but I find it weird we have so many namefags. Is it an /mlp/ thing? Last I checked nor/mlp/eople only use namefaggetry for content creating purposes so it can be attributed to them. /pol/acks only use it when we must otherwise its just a reddit indicator or a trolls pretending to be one which is why I dislike it and am calling you out for it.
Sostopbeinganamefagingcunt. >>56759Lol piss off niggerkike. I do what I want.
>>56761Fuck off lolbertarian and conform. Give up your individuality for a collective good.
>>56763Aren't you trap trannie from the discords?
>>56766So that's what I'm gonna be remembered for? Damn.
>>56767can't be remembered if you don't namefag
>>56768Good point
>can't be held accountable for what you say if you don't namefagand I'd quite like to be held accountable.
>>56769You're not from around these parts, are ya pardner?
>>56768>Implying someone degenerate enough to be a trap isn't doing it for attention.Why else do you think he's being a namefag. But its fine this reddit-tier faggetry will end up in the gas chamber soon.
>>56770I am.
I just am not very well assimilated.
Never been the type to assimilate well.
>>56771Please gas me, or defenestrate.
(The whole trap thing only came up though because people kept asking me over voice chat. Otherwise it would've never came up, by the way.)
>>56771do you happen to have the template for that meme?
>>56773Literally no one cares. Please stop talking about it and attention whoring with it and with your namefagging
>>56774Don't bring it up and I won't talk about it.
>>56773You like a fucking fag. Get a haircut, start getting some testosterone pumping, and stop namefagging.
>>56775Take some time to assimilate too. Do you even politicks?
>>56774I've been using this, ironically I found it 2 years ago when /mlp/ escaped into /pol/ for a bit. Saved it and have been using this one for my shitty edits.
>>56791honestly tho, unless you have reason to namefag (like run a thread[that might as well be a ganeral]) then the name is not needed
>>56790Yeah I feel bad when OP has to find that his thread was derailed by some namefag who couldn't control his shitposting. Still he's now a fag and going through damage control over it which is funny to watch.
>>56792This I've only ever namefagged twice in all my time posting. Once was because I ran a happening general the other is on here. And thats what like 7 years of posting.
>>56794only time I name fagged was on an 8chan board so small that no one really cared
>>56794I'm not damage controlling
I'm fucking chuckling and opening my mouth for more spaghetti
>>56796Can we just ban him or something? At least temporarily.
>>56794Still too much namefagging tbh fam, you should really get that checked out
>>56796gay ass namefagging trap faggot
>>56796>spaghettiThat's a funny way to spell cock
>>56796Die you fucking bitch.
I know for a fact that Sam Hyde has tapped your ass. >>56801>not putting the faggot in his placeYour flag shows your faggotry.
>>56803that meme doesn't apply here in this convo
>>56802>>56803Wow, I guess you guys aren't much better than the shitposting trannie. I was the one who called him out, remember?
To think this could happen by just namefagging.
>>56801This, let him stay assblasted and try to get the thread back in line.
>>56798Wouldn't do it if all other options weren't exausted. Still hate being a namefag here but if I weren't I could confuse people so its more or less there to help do its job.
>>56806lol I didn't even read most of the thread what are we talking about?
>>56809That is why you are not cool.
>>56809Well, it /was/ about Assigned Male, but it got derailed by my spontaneous namefagging.
>>56807I blame OP
He is the biggest faggot of all the shit that has been posted.
>>56813Lol yeah it's all OP's fault
he just spread his faggotry to me
I'm sorry I'm just shitposting I'll stop.
>>56815The reason why it's OP's fault is because he created the fucking thread in the first place.
You have no excuse to be a faggot.
Grow a pair and stop sucking cock.
>>56819>continues talking about the shitpost even when it's
>>56822Jew York got to him, at least he stopped making videos and mostly focuses on music, he could be doing the same thing except slowly degrading in quality every time.
>>56748Getting the thread back on topic, you should make something along those lines but with ponies.
>>56825That could actually be pretty entertaining, just have a pony who is ridiculously confused about itself, like an earth pony who identifies as a pegasus and insists it can fly despite having no wings.
>>56827Nah it could just engineer wings.
>>56827I'd say a better way of doing this would be having a Pegasi who lived on the edge of Equestria. He would want to virtue signal to let Ziberas in. But they would be shitting on all the earth ponies they lived with but he wouldn't care at first because he lives in the clouds. Then one of his friends dies to them and thats when he starts getting redpilled. Something like that.
I'm bad at greens though because I can't write characters for shit.
>>56829Good idear.
May try writing it a little tomorrow.
>>56830Sounds good lad can't wait to see a green.
>>56834Perhaps you were the name fag at one time.
Why the fuck are the jews derailing my thread about jewing marxists?
since this is kind of our unofficial "its not e-celeb drama" - e-celeb drama thread
speaking of people getting money on the internet for bad content, heres something new out the drama oven>>55893Well trolls have limits and the living joke went too far.
Only the most degenerated and full of hatred remained because of that
>>56907>>55893The Pope of Autism is not just a meme, he is also an extraordinaryly disgusting subhuman being. Not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. He's lazy, selfish, greedy, entitled, egoistic and idiotic. There are people with worse disabilities who are more functional members of society than him.
Christopher Chandler is the poster child of millenials and a warning how not to raise a child. To have pity on him is wrong, a lot of the bad things that happened to him in live were either caused by his parents or him directly.
I recommend you take a listen to the 2 hour recorded phone call of Liquid Chris acting as the "father" of his "girlfriend". thats pretty enlightening. >>56822Sad really, his videos really went up in quality but he really stepped down his politically incorrect game
>>56911Uh I don't have any pity for sonichu, I was just explaining that harmless trolls went away as he went down the autism hole into dangerous levels.
I really think it would be better for him to be executed.
>>56913George Miller is a farce, he started out as a leddit /b/ tier shitposting channel and barely tippid his toe into real political shock content. he is pretty much a reverse SJW, trying to offend as many people as possible without real meat behind it.
He cant give real commentary on society because everything is just "gimme da pussy b0ss" bullshit. Hes now stepping down from his "grand" overarching plot series to become a meme musician. guess his brain seizure disease took too much of a toll on his health for him to continue being a dramatic faggot for attention.
>>56919I meant politically incorrect as in doing things that are by nature incorrect in the eyes of society, like offending everyone.
He was never meant to touch politics anyways, he's just meant to be a troll and offend everyone and he's not doing a good job at that.
>>56914I think it would be better if he was taken away and institutionalized.
1. The first transgender male taken away and given therapy for wanting to become a woman. The ripple effect it'd have on this culture... Just imagine it. The precedent it would help to set, and the things people would say.
2. He became a transgender for one of the most pathetic reasons possible: Because he thought women would like it. Jews only ever talk about the trans people that dream of being "Sexy" or hate their current bodies and think genderswapping it will change that. This man is pathetic, and having the world's eyes on him will be eye-opening. They'll see trans people aren't magical angels that dream of spreading their wings and becoming their true selves, they can be pathetic and disgusting, and most are. Especially this one. Just as Trump made it socially acceptable to talk about immigration by showing the world the illegal problem, he will make it socially acceptable to talk about transgenderism by showing the world it isn't all sunshine and constructed cocks.
3. This man is probably going to die from this bullshit. Getting institutionalized will save his life. Let me repeat that: GETTING THROWN INTO THE LOONY-BIN WILL SAVE THIS "TRANS" MAN'S LIFE. The doctors will need to cure his mental illness before they can cure the physical illness it gave him, AND CURE IT THEY WILL. An actual successful transgender cure. Do you realize what that means? When he leaves the facility happy and cured, he'll happily talk about how awful things were for him and how glad he is that the nightmare is over. NO TRANS PERSON has EVER talked about changing genders that way. No trans person willing to talk about it and piss the SJWs off, anyway. But him? Get him talking and he'll never shut up, especially not if "New trolls"(Butthurt faggots) start attacking him for breaking the narrative in half.
If you let this man die, he'll just be another dead faggot, mourned by nobody. Not even the faggots, who will console themselves by saying "He wasn't a real trans man" and move on. The fun stops, the ride stops, and a life was wasted. Sure, you can call this end a victory if you want.
But if you let this piece of shit learn what he is, then make him live with that? He will do irreperable damage to the trans community and the normalization of transgender degeneracy. The world will be changed for the better.
I'd be willing to let one more autistic Sonic fan live for 10/20 more years if it meant he helped destroy one of the biggest Jew lies and one of the biggest threats to the white race. Would you?
>>57086well that is quite a good plan, thing is we need organization, how can we throw him in the hoopa-loopa?
If i remember correctly he did attempt a treatment a few years ago but doctors didn't do anything too serious to him.
It is a great plan to have him internalized, but how do we start?
>>57086To be honest, though, I think Chris-Chan's transgenderism is caused by a different illness than what the ICD-10 classifies as transsexualism, so this treatment you are proposing may not be suitable for legitimate transsexuals and only for those with a mental illness that causes psychological GID instead of neurological GID.
Found some funny shit by accident, dont think it deserves its own thread but its worth a mention: a new game on steam, a homosexual dating sim with men only. An unrelated artist drew fanart of the characters as a female exclusive cast. (with the implication that all characters would still be homosexuals)
One of the characters was a ftm transsexual. The Pro Transsexual SJWs are now sending hate mail and death threads to the fan artist who dared to draw unofficial art of a fictional character as his natural gender.
TLDRPro Tranny SJWs have a chimpout about R63 Art
>>57269Wtf?! I thought SJWs loved r63 bullshit?
>>57269>The Pro Transsexual SJWs are now sending hate mail and death threads to the fan artist who dared to draw unofficial art of a fictional character as his natural gender.The fanartist just drew him as an MF transsexual instead of an FM transsexual. S/he just R63'd everyone.
>>57378the tranny tumblrites regard that act as a personal existencial attack against their made up sexual ethnicity.