Trump hires and fires a lot of people for his cabinet. Dont know much about this guy. Was he good? Was he important? What about his replacement?
>>51889Spicer was great at triggering the media. You should have seen the look on their faces when he first skipped over big names like CNN to take the first question from some small town news station.
He was also memed pretty heavily by 4chan. Lots of Gundam memes...but that story is too long to phone post.
He will be missed.
>>51889He quoted Twilight Sparkle went to Katsucon 2013 as Gundam told CNN to "Be quiet" at one press briefing. More or less told them to sit down and shut up.
>he was a fun press secretaryAnd as
>>51890 said it is too much to write, and he will be missed.
>>51892Sadly it looks like it is so
i'll remember all the comfy times i spent watching the briefings, good night spicy prince you were too good for this world
>>51892There is some talk that Commander Spicer is getting promoted.
He fought hard. I can't even imagine holding that kind of job job..
I'm gonna miss him...
The exclusive interview with Sean Spicer on Hannity (full show) (only the interview)
>>51890>Hitler didn't gas jewsOh I remember when the Mass Media flipped their shit over that.
>>51926he's not sweet, he was spicy!
Seen a guy on sky news claiming Trumps got about a year left before this Russia shit gets him impeached. That he's looking into the possibility of giving himself a presidential pardon. I've not been following much of trump since the election how possible is this? I think it's liberal faggots that can't accept the result of an election we have the same problem here with brexit. The dismissal of the results of these democratic decisions are concerning.
>>52145A President can't pardon himself from impeachment.
I highly doubt he'd get impeached, let alone convicted. Democucks will keep milking this narrative for Congressional seats though.
The biggest threat to Trump right now about this, in my judgement, will be that the story might prevent him from getting reelected.
His replacement, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, s
>>52146He just seems to be under attack from all sides but anything can happen in a week of politics god knows where we'll be in 4 years. It's already been proved that mainstream media is losing its influence but I don't think it'll die quietly hence the constant attacks.
>>57262Fug, that was quick.
That guy was kind of a jackass though..
>>57265>>57264>>57262From what I understand John Kelly wanted him gone, not sure why though.
>>57266>>57264guess trump kept that hire and fire attitude from the TV show he did
>>57266It seemed to be related from a tirade Scaramucci recently. Scaramucci himself saying he wanted to give Kelly a clean slate. Sort of fractional divide sort of play as I would suppose, or at least from what I heard from BBC.