They need to fuck off and fix their shit.
>stop having babies
>stop desertification
>try to actually adapt and figure out how to take their own land
I swear these niggers will just ravage Europe and leave after its a shit hole like their house. Are whites and chinks the only people that can tame a land?
>>48233>Are whites and chinks the only people that can tame a landI think so. We all know what happened in Zimbabwe when Mugabe wanted Black people to do farming. Niggers are useless when it comes to thinking ahead and plan for tomorrow.
>>48235>>48229>>48233The only way these niggers could have been helped was under the apartheid.
>>48248Agree, and this is why it will be near impossible to actually help the niggers in Africa. All the SJW will run around with truckloads of sand in their vaginas if anyone dares to suggest a system that actually will help Africa.
>>48254>>48235>this is why it will be near impossible to actually help the niggers in Africa.>Niggers are useless when it comes to thinking ahead and plan for tomorrow.What's most depressing is that we're actively hurting Africa's ability to develop. The few black men that try to be responsible and actually farm the land get absolutely shafted because you cannot sell your food at the market when you're competing against FREE food from overseas. So instead of growing food they just cause more problems for their community by growing drugs instead.
We need to cut off long term aid to Africa. Let them stand on their own two feet. A lot of niggers will starve to death. That's no problem. Their population has grown beyond their means to support themselves, and they're the root cause of global population growth concerns.
I can think of thinning the number. Some incindiary rounds into the crowd will stop the tide pretty quick.
>>48233a thousand times this. People who have not build a civilisation can not maintain it. Those are low class low IQ uneducated borderline retarded economic invaders. They only care about money.
Europe (and the west in general) needs to abolish the wellfare state (at least for the brown people), then they will stop coming here. Only those who can and will work would stay. Not that i support those anymore than any other foreigner, but i rather take someone with a solid code of workign ethics than some greedy fucktard screming allah ackbar.
Europa needs a change on the political landscape, we are on the fringe of a continental civil war. Look at the Burs in South Africa. This cant be the wests future. Everyone who is responsible who allowing this to happen needs to be put to the blade. We are witnessing an ethnic genocide of unseen proportions.
>>48229Old video, but posting it for those who may have forgotten about it or missed it when it came out. Easy redpill to drop on social media and to show to friends/family the kikebart version because jewtube removed the audio on the original
this is all going to keep happening until western europe learns their lessons and has a bunch of proper violent revolution
>>48346the EU was destined for failure from the start
>Nuggets being utterly useless as ever, being completely unable to support themselves and their countries, and are thus trying to flood into the West to do the same things that they did to their home nations there.
What else is new? They aren'the going to stop unless the wellfare-state is abolished and they are allowed to stand on their own damn feet, and to help benefit their home countries instead of leeching from them, or something happens that reduces their nations of origin to radioactive ash. Those are your options.
>>48349nothing a bit of violence can't solve at a large enough scale
The European peoples endured a a thousand years of feudalism. Trying to prod-at their cultural cores isn't going to make things better.
>>48342>Only those who can and will work would stay. I would agree with this but then where does it stop? You'll end up like the US if you allow this. The start of the entire invasion here was (((them))) saying that the spics were just here to do the work we don't want to do. And this is a lie as well, its not that we don't want to do the work, it that we don't want to do the work for the little amount of pay. And now my state is flooded with them, whites are already a minority here and spics make up the plurality of the youth. Don't let any of those who are not apart of your culture, your people stay unless you want more to come in.
>>48415>its not that we don't want to do the work, it that we don't want to do the work for the little amount of pay.This.
Bringing in illegal spics only decreased the cost of labor for low skill part time jobs that young Americans took historically.
>>48342>Only those who can and will work would stayIs your for you people standard really so low that all someone has to do to be your countryman is have a paying job? Fucking Christ.
You will end up like the US, just as
>>48415, and
>>48419 said.
Spics that do work here take jobs that traditionally were done by young, white Americans. My dad has his own landscaping "business" in his neighborhood in highschool, and my mom did paper routes in the morning. My uncle worked in an orchard every summer. These were typical jobs for American highschool and college students. Now they are flooded by spics who will work for minimum wage (or less) and absolutely no benefits.
This type of thinking fucks over your native population while using cheap labor to line the pockets of the (((people))) who control manufacturing and industry in your nation. Don't fall for that trap.
>>48446>Is your for you people standard really so lowNo idea what the fuck happened there
>Is your standard for your people really so low >>48393at this point I'm counting western europe as lost, they couldn't elect le pen an they're fucking up brexit if they don't start standing up for themselves an fighting back there's nothing to be done. Eastern europe is a ray of hope the czech even allowed their citizens to arm themselves with the kickass guns they make
>>48456It's sad... Seems it's up to the Slavs now.
>>48446Germany has been forced to take in immigrant workers since the early 60's for no reason when we had no unemployment for a short time.
Sadly this did of course backfire and we now have a 4+ Million turk roach infestation in the country, big cities in western germany are the worst, berlin included. Erdogan is doing hios worst to make the situation even more unbearable.
These turks are considered scum by native turks, they are barely any better than rapefugees, they often dont integrate properly, they scum up the neighborhood and turn it into ghettos, they dont learn the language and dont obey the german law.
I do not support immigration in general. Germany is one of the biggest countries in europe. we dont need immigrants, we need more incentives for family to have children. The Third Reich had some proper laws for that, it gave loans to married couples that were "paid off" in quarters with children born.
>>48456European countries have little to no influence over elections or the actions of their governments for that matter. They few people that still care about voting are often swamped with libcuck porpaganda. Besides that, Election fraud is common as seen in Austria and France. This is due to 50+ years of cross europe marxist indoctrination to a governmental body that cant be directly removed from power.
Britain too is behaving very poorly despite the succesful brexit vote. It seems like this was all but lip service after all.