>>468I wish I could see the looks on their smug anime faces
>>477not much smug anymore but now you can
>>468What board are we going to occupy now on 4chan?
We must, or else true /mlpol/ will not come back,.
>>468I was about to post the next page of the comic! Reeeeeeeeeeeee!
>>480With /qa/ down, I don't know where we could post that could be effective. GR 15 will be enforced on other boards besides /mlp/. I don't want to fuck with them though. They dindu nuffin. Just good boys posting ponies and shieeet.
>>480/po/ is a good candidate. very slow and docile.
ALARMS Penistone
>mfw frozen /qa/ has my scathing post about 4chan breaking the NAP right on top
>mfw /pol/ny threads are still on /qa/ despite rounds of bans
>mfw I can still find the road to our new home in frozen threads
>mfw the corrupt mods just choked down another bag of pony dicks
>>514They cant bash the fash ayyy
>>550post the whole thing I wanna see
>>570Okay. Part 1-3. (These will be remade at some point.)
>>589Part 6. (I'm not flooding)
>>593Part 8. I gotta space these out since the site keeps thinking I'm a bot.
>>601Just wait. It's gonna get worse. Part 11.
>>633Part 19. And part 20 was posted earlier at
>>550 >>654And now, with /qa/ frozen and an unsure future… I'm not sure what to do next. It's getting harder to draw and make any kind of comprehensible piece.
>>661Draw the intricate relationship that /jp/ and /mlpol/ had when they shared /qa/.
>>487they are just so innocent and harmless though……
>>665W-what? What do you mean?
>>612Our autism will blot out the sun.
>>765Only one thing of value was lost.
>>480This place pretty much has the same style as 4chan. Why not make this the new permanent home and stop beating the dead horse that is 4chan. The mods clearly don't care about it, a majority of the people there either blame /pol/ for the deterioration of the site or simply hate everyone else who's opinion differs.
This board literally has it's own website because you wanted it back so badly. Stop trying to recreate the past and look towards the future with open arms.
>>797cause the tinfoil hatters think this site is spoopy, also the admin blocked tor exit nodes like a cunt
>>902Anon, Tor was blocked on 4shit too along with a lot of VPNs. As for those scared of their shadows, they will come around once they realize this is where the entirety of mlpol is being rebuilt, from friends to discussions to fun.
Enjoy the /comfy/ here.
>>487yes loeave origami fucker alone
This is why mass immigration doesn't work niggers.
>>771casualty of war anon. shame, I was starting to like the little fucker
>>963what happens now? Pol is in a state of chaos and mlp is banning anyone remotely discussing politics. Seems like hiro was just playing with our emotions.
>>969I don't even know if it was Hiroshimas idea to make /mlpol/. He probably just let the mods do it.
>>478I feel for this nigga
I didn't wish for this to happen but /qa/ ended up being the sacrificial lamb
>>963that thread was actually hilarious. My favorite was when Pepe sticks his cock in the cup and pisses in it. Kek
>>969Fuck kikechan. We're home now!
>>984Collateral damage, really. Feels bad for me, as me and /jp/ have similar religious affiliations.
>>908I still want my Tor exit nodes anon.
>>1012Then Tor exit nodes you shall have
>>1033Thank you you beautiful bastard! Have a funny story as tribute.
>>969this last week has led me to believe that hiro doesn't actually moderate anything on that site
>>969>>661This website is identical to the 4chan board, except we have our own mods so we can ban shills and bots, and also this board, you know, exists. Why is this board not good enough?
>>661You could refocus back on Paul and Emily and how they'll continue on after this. Board-tan lore is wide and often poorly defined. There's plenty artistic license with board lore though I do agree that you would have to find some point relatively soon to stop to keep it concise.
>>1214I still can't get over how cute that pony is
>>1218I'm honestly going to miss being called a barneyfag.
>>1229This, desu…
Lee was truly a character to be reckoned with. I could never dream of attaining his level of autism.
So… when are there more comics? When things settle enough to make a coherent plot?
>>1269I'm trying my best, but it's hard to do anything when we have no idea what's going on.
>>1980I like what you've done so far, perhaps you can move the plot towards /mlpol/ fighting his way through the underworld, and making his way back across the river Styx to finally return to his mother and father.
>>1989That sounds like a good idea. Especially since people are giving up more and more on the other merged boards.
>>2026>>1989i know pretty much nothing about the other merge boards, how they fared or how many users they had. I wonder if there would be an interest to put the merge boards here in place, perhaps this could help build up a community.
Personally, i would not mind having a fitlit or a vint on the site, but i dont know how the admin feels about this
>>1084There is one thing we still need here for this site to work, the thing that's at the very core of a chan community: massive amounts of OC. That's why /b/ was so great back in its heyday, and it's what formed the community in the first place. If there is no OC, there is no board culture, and if there is no board culture, there is no point to the site. So we need to start finding ways to encourage the mass-producing of OC, and once that happens people will flock here.
>>480/jp/ are hiding in [s4s] essentially changing the culture of their board.
They call themselves refugees and expect to be treated as such by the natives despite how hostile they were to us when we washed up on their board.
All the while, they're jewing the place up with their continuous stories of how the nasty ponies shoahed them and they should be felt sorry for.
Perhaps invasions are no longer an option but I'd be up for an intervention to chase /jpqa/ out of [s4s] to give them their board back. Like a war of liberation.
>>2038never forget the 6 trillion weebs! Classic.
>>2050these /jp/sies are starting to get on my nerves
>>2050>>2055As things currently stand on [s4s]
>>2077its ironic that this again will potentially fuse 2 boards together, even after april fools day. a shame thet the /jp/sies will try to jew themselves as the victims here
>>2077Hey, you guys, do you want to help with our fun on /po/?
>>2088Did we actually decide to invade /po/?
Sure, I'm always down for a quality shitposting sesh
>>2038>/jp/ are hiding in [s4s] essentially changing the culture of their board.I won't let them! According to based comic-senpai, [s4s] is the only beacon who can save /mlpol/ from his fate.
I be sure to stomp those awful faggots. They're way too mean and unfunny to be in [s4s]: I'm sure the locals don't like them either.
[s4s] has always been like a favorite uncle to me: I won't let those /jp/sies ruin them!
>>2125Mods just deleted all of the mlpol raid threads in /po/. It took 2 pages off
>>2186Just got banned.
Fun while it lasted. Cant be stuffed unpluging my router to get back in.
>>2117>>2125Don't ever stop. I want to see mass-production of redpilled, horse origami.
>>2186>>2187Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to just flat-out announce it right off the bat. Keep flooding them with redpilled horses, but don't directly say you're from /mlpol/.
>>468I kinda feel bad about the hole thing, but when I heard /qa/ froze I laughed for a solid ten minutes.
>>2203I do want to see how they respond to a thread with a horse in the image but not in the text
>>468I think /qa/ lost it's shit when that happened. I bet the Mods got tired of them complaining about people wanting a home so they took away their home.
>>550Thank you /mlpol/-tan for continuing the story.
>>487It's unfair to /po/. They did nothing wrong, let them have their comfy paper board.
I'm sitting here lurking s4s… hahah did we give them PTSD? Its almost nothing but pink girl/'nice board' shitposts. The funny thing is I dont see anyone that might be ours, causing any problems to provoke it. Its kind of like watching libs eat themselves alive.
I have no intentions to antagonize or reply I'm just observing the madness. Everyone else should just let em be, and put focus on more important matters with our gig.
I did try to continue the 2 milks thread for fun bantz, but it just kinda sank like a stone.
>>2038thats what they did to s4s
>>27224chan has six anime boards. Six. I don't get these /jp/sies. Are they actually clinically retarded? What were they doing on /qa/ in the first place? Who fucking cares about sfw moeshitposting so much that it needs its own board? It's not even a joke. They are so serious about pointless anime shitposting that they now present themselves as political rapefugees.
>>2742i got banned for this, because gr 15
>>2746these are humanized ponies, they still fall under the gr15 rule. most of /mlp/ hates them and wished they would get their own board.
>>3383not really. Most of /mlp/ does hate them, but that's because of the movies being bad (mostly the first) the songs in them are really good but the rest of it falls short for me and i assume for those who dislike EQG.
tl:dr >No hooves
>>3387I mean, the other two movies in
>>3383 are near the middle, so.
Duneddit man, what's /jp/'s problem? We had legit reasons of invading /qa/, but why were they there to begin with?
>>3487Because /jp/ has a notorious janitor who is literally being shielded by the mods. /qa/ was already hijacked by Reddit who used it as an anti-/pol/ board.
is it possible to make the catalog look like the one on 4chan? could this be done?
its just for the feeling.
also, will we have styles? like "tomorrow" and "yotsuba b"?
>>3839i just noticed we have styles.
>>5133Currently remaking the first three parts since they look retarded. Working on the next part after. Just be patient.
>>550>>577>>579>>589>>591>>593>>599>>600>>602>>604>>605>>609>>610>>617>>621>>628>>633>>637>>661My heart.
Seriously though you could do some stuff with what happened in /qa/ and show /mlpol/ maturing a little to make a shelter here at least. I want to see him get mad and fuck up /jp/
>>5498That's the best thing I've heard all week.
>>7507NO! NO! Na-ah! I want off this feels ride!
>>7507>>7510Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. More !!!!!!!
Many Many THANKS!!!!!!!
>>7507>>7515I saw a horn and thought it was a happy continuum of the saga. Then I actually enlarged the images and saw it was the beginning. So the happy image didn't reflect what I felt after reading.
>I will still thank you for making them - great work >>7515>>7517I just need to remake part 3 so I can post part 21.
Just had a flash of inspiration.
Someone should make a ponified version of this trailer depicting the war with /jp/.
>>7536Or latest SW: Rebels Maul vs Kenobi fight. maul being nu/pol/ and old Ben being /mlpol/
youtube com/watch?v=0scImICHU14
saved from non existing archive
saving this until we have an archive
>>550Fuck it. I'll just post the new one. I'll remake part 3 later.
>>11895Good work anon, really loving the saga
>>13802What should we do? /mlpol/'s a ghost town at the moment. Should we wait for the mods and then hold community-led discussion on our next move?
>>13804Well it's not as if those /jp/sies are that many in number anyway, so we could mess up that place something fierce even at this hour.
We do what we did before.
we do the time warp again >>13805I guess a shitpost here or there wouldn't hurt
I don't know if it is just me, but I tend to lean towards let 4chan rot. If we ever went back we would save a tiny bit of 4chan but we would be surrounded by shit. We would keep shit alive in other words. Here we at least can make something better. And when we grow big enough we could in our grace give /qa/ their own board so they can escape from the shithole 4chan is.
>>13812>And when we grow big enough we could in our grace give /qa/ their own board so they can escape from the shithole 4chan is.I think most people are doing this just to mock easily triggered normalfag weebs.
Also the mere idea of allowing that human refuse here is absolutely disgusting.
>>13813I have to admit I don't know how /qa/ thinks normally (if there is such a thing). I only know it as a board we made our home for a little while until the Admins froze it to be spiteful and show hatred.
>>13812I don't think anyone even gives a shit about getting our board back on 4chan anymore, this place is far comfier. Mostly I just think periodic merciless raids on all of /jp/'s colony boards is a good use of our time and helps build camaraderie between us. Plus it's funny as fuck.
>>13816I tend to agree, and I am all for the fun and games. I just fear we will inadvertently succeed. But we can probably get the board frozen or deleted if we do.
>>13823>>13821lol I take it this is the one-weeaboo response team?
>mfw Barneyfag doesn't know how to sage
>>13829How is it possible be so low energy in everything they attempt to do? Can't help but feel sad for them at times.
>>13832It's pretty pathetic they can't even coordinate a decent shitposting effort when shitposting is literally all they do.
>>11895Oh god what happens next? The suspense is killing me.
In today's news, /qajp/ was unofficially declared /mlpol/'s bitch, pic related
Anyone want to post pic related in /qa/ and see how /jp/ reacts?
I would, but I'm banned
>>16132Actually, /qa/ is where I snek'd it from