Everything you need to know
>SOUTHFRONT Jun 19https://youtu.be/POthiR2eZeg [Embed]
>Newest Interviews with Assadhttps://youtu.be/UlXRv8tf5Z8 [Embed][YouTube] teleSUR's exclusive interview with Bashar al-Assad
>hohol livemapsyria.liveuamap.com/
>Military mapmilitarymaps.info/
>Syria conflict mapcartercenter.org/syria-conflict-map/
>Fan mapshttps://twitter.com/PetoLucemhttps://twitter.com/miladvisorhttps://twitter.com/a7_mirzahttps://twitter.com/hamza_780http://www.edmaps.comhttp://www.syriancivilwarmap.comRECENT MAPS
>Raqqa CS Jun 17http://i.imgur.com/URRYpDJ.jpg>Mosul Jun 17http://i.imgur.com/G1x0Q1m.jpg>Dara'a Jun 14http://i.imgur.com/fiaHO5b.jpg>Palmyra Jun 14http://i.imgur.com/T2qlEjc.jpg>E Ghouta Jun 14http://i.imgur.com/DA9MA4H.jpg>DeZ Jun 10http://i.imgur.com/erzKYcC.jpg>N Syria/Iraq Jun 10http://i.imgur.com/Jd6upKf.jpg>S Syria/Iraq Jun 10http://i.imgur.com/mjh1qA0.jpgDevelopments Jun 20
>Syrian Army launches offensive in Jobar, heavy shelling begins>Tiger Forces liberate 18 villages in Raqqa CSRussia vows to shoot down all flying objects over Syria, sends warning to USA
>SAA advances up Ithriya-Tabqa Highway, aims to link with Tigers>Tiger Forces liberate Resafa>Russia holds rocket testing drills off Syrian coast, Iran & China hold drills in Strait of Hormuz>Iranian Revolutionary Guard says it launches missile strikes in eastern Syria over IS-claimed attacks in Tehran.US-led Coalition shot down a SyAF fighter jet (SU-22) south of Tabqa city
>Raqqa: Clashes between SAA and SDF>SAA controls Iraqi border all the way to DeZ province>SAA blitzes ISIS in Syrian Desert, reach DeZ prov, cut al-Qaim-Sukhnah Road>Raqqa: US casualties piling up to 26, extensive use of SOFs>Unconfirmed: SDF to be sent to Tanf border crossing>Al-Waleed Iraqi/Syrian border crossing secured by PMU>2 objects intercepted above Hmeimim AB by Russian Air Defence
I thought we weren't supposed to have "general" threads?
>>39690This again.. get on /qa/, too tired of explaining it again.
>>39690Golden exception. Check /qa/
>>39690The nature of /sg/ prevents the circle jerk that made generals cancer on /mlp/, and as such, an exception was made. If you would like to review the thread in which this discussion took place, or leave a post with your own opinion on the matter, the thread is linked here.
>>>/qa/1335 →
>>39697Yo moddy, may I ask for smoething? As of smaller traffic, whenever a new bread is made, could you take other ones to archive? To make space for other threads and so it looks better in catalog, thanks!
>>39698Would a rolling thread work better for you guys? If not, we can send threads to archive.
>>39700Yeah, if there is the new one, move others that are over bump-limit to archive.
>>39705We'll have that function up and running within the next few days.
Aye, this one stays.
>>39708Thanks, havea a rare Bashar in return,on the house.
>>39711Woah, that is a rare Bashar! Also, checked.
Well, just this once ((( anti- ISIS coalition))) does something right. Self-proclaimed mufti of ISIS killed in airstrike.
>>39680>Syria General /sg/ >General
Can anyone explain this general to me? I was /pol/ but never went in any generals tbh.
>>39746/sg/ basically discusses events, politics, tactics, strategy, and people involved with Syria. The reason it's a general is because the war is the most active one in the world right now. New happenings every day. It's always changing, which helps prevent the circlejerking. /sg/ anons contribute to the threads with updates on the war, map updates like
>>39738, and general insights into Syria.
>>39753This. It's basically everything about the Syrian conflict that (((they))) don't want broadcast.
>>39757It was adorable. She can always call him that as a nickname
>>39739Awesome maps. Give you a good sense of the scope of things
Morning lads. Here is the latest from Qatar/ME Crisis
Day 16
* Israel air force chief: would go 'all-out' if war breaks out again with Lebanon
* Saudi Arabia deports Qatari camels
* Saudi King Salman Ousts Nephew as Crown Prince, Installs Son.
* US State Dept issues rare rebuke to GCC; mystified' by Gulf states position towards Qatar.
* State Dept: "The more that time goes by, the more doubt is raised about the actions taken by Saudi Arabia and the UAE"
* Qatar AG says hacking of websites was carried out by neighboring countries.
* UAE wants US, European monitors for any Qatar deal
* Iraqi PM in Iran, after visiting KSA
* Over 150,000 cases of cholera in Yemen since 2017
* Ex-Barclays CEO charged with fraud over Qatar funding
> Australia halts air strikes over Syria after Russia threat
> Air Force: As many as 135 patients may have been exposed to HIV, hepatitis at Al Udeid clinic
> Palestinian Authority and Egypt ban dozens of websites ahead of Trump’s top aide Kushners` visit to Israel.
> Qatar isolation could last for years, says Emirati official
> Qatar FM: We won't negotiate until blockade is lifted
> Turkey troops take part in drills in Qatar
>Iran Interior Ministry rejects #Saudi claims re capturing 3 RevGuard officers & says "They've faced ordinary fishermen."
>Saudi captures 3 Iran Revolutionary Guard members after their boat tried to target oil field
>IRGC claims missile attacks killed Abu Saad, a saudi high profile ISIS commander.
>Expulsion of Qataris from Gulf states comes into effect
>Report: Israel secretly giving aid to Syrian rebels
>Khamenei calls Trump "an inexperienced thug."
>Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif on private visit to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage
>Egypt mediating talks between Hamas, Dahlan & PA
>Qatar still waiting for list of grievances
>Bahrain orders Qatari troops to leave coalition fighting ISIL
>Trade talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia mark a historic first.
I am new to this. Re: the map. I assume:
Red: the "good" guys as they are the legitimate leaders.
Grey: ISIS, bad guys.
Green: rebels + West, invaders/rebels
Yellow, Kurds, invaders? homeless?
>>40033Somewhat-somewhat, ku*rds are despised here because:
- they are land grabbing
- they are minority
- communist & feminist ideology
- trecherous - wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_al-Hasakah_(2016) - they first fought with SAA against ISIS in there in 2015
- they want to part Syria, even tho it is unitary state
They will either bend the knee to Assad, or shall be destroyed by him along with Erdogan - coz there is nothing more that he hates than idea of free Kurdistan next to his borders. It is simpified tho, kurds from the Afrin canton - western part of yellow territory, by the turkish border, are on much better terms with government and never chimp out, we shall see how it will go.
Also, big fuckin huge news. Macarone - the french cuck said, that:
>>40042So Russia has scared off both Australia and France. Who is next to concede?
>>40042Do you think this statement could have an impact on other involved countries?
>>40065Might be, as far as I know there are no more big players left in the ((((coalition)))). There is Germany or UK, but I guess mommy Merkel is too busy with domestic affairs, same for bongs. All Syria and Russia have to do, along with Iran is to secure border with Iraq, get to Euphrate and come up with ku*ds solution.
Then USA can bug off.
Has anyone seen a sharp spike in pseudo-/sg/ trolls in the /ptg/ threads? It looks like someone is trying to provoke /ptg/ against /sg/.
>>40071I wonder who might be behind this. Btw, posting some /mlpol/ related stuff and even few EqG in /sg/, stayed till the end, no b&. Same for the users that raided some shill thread with pony stuff, weird. Are mods on vacations?
>>40073>Are mods on vacations?Mods never gave a shit about 4/pol/.
>>40073we should raid again and test
>>40080We need moar /pol/ threads being posted to this site for new posters to stick around though.
>>40107from 8/po/Could be retaliation by ISIS for this mass protest.
https://archive.is/Lf8bX>20 Million Muslims March Against ISIS and The Mainstream Media Completely Ignores It>In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens of millions of Shia Muslims made an incredibly heartening statement, by risking their lives to travel through war-stricken areas to openly defy ISIS. This massive event that would have undoubtedly helped to ease tensions in the West was almost entirely ignored by corporate media.>Women, men, elderly, and children made their way to the city of Karbala on Sunday and Monday last week for the holy day of Arbaeen. Arbaeen is the event which marks the end of the 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual that commemorates the death of the Prophet Mohammad’s grandson Imam Hussein in 680 AD.>As the Independent reports, massive crowds paid homage to the shrines of Imam Hussein and his half-brother Abbas in Karbala, where they were killed in a revolt against the Umayyad ruler Yazeed in the 7th century AD when they refused to pledge allegiance to Yazeed’s Umayyad caliphate.>Registering only as a blip on the Independent, this most amazing feat was conducted in spite of ISIS, as well as the sacred annual pilgrimage.>As the UK paper notes, the march comes as nearly 80 people, many of them pilgrims returning from commemorating Arbaeen in Karbala, were killed in the latest Isis attack in the area.>Isis has declared Shia Muslims apostates and targeted them in its bloody campaign to establish a hardline caliphate across Iraq and Syria, according to the Independent.>The brave men, women, and children marched on, knowing that an ISIS suicide bomber had just struck near Karbala the week prior.>In recent years, this march has taken on a dual purpose. Where it was once a march for Arbaeen, it now also encompasses the Shia resistance and protest against ISIS terrorists.TL;DR version - Shia Muslims got uppity en masse, ISIS Muslims retaliated directly. The whole thing about mainstream media not caring is just progressive twaddle trying to spin the idea that Islam isn't the enemy, ISIS is the enemy.
>>40109Interesting, didn't heard about it even on 4pol's /sg/. I guess Nasrallah is all like "I told you so".
Prepare yourselves for happenings tomorrow.
Muslims and Christians together at dinner in Hama.
And another HUGE IF TRUE news:
>USA will disarm ku*ds after fighting with ISIS is over.Assad is tired of winning. I think.
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIDi07qQNZk [Embed]
More political news, Assad has adressed his ministers first time fro a longer period:
2 - In one of his most direct speeches since assuming power, Assad spent 37 minutes talking to his ministers on June 20th
3 - Assad spent the first 29 minutes talking about the need to improve administrative performance of the Govt. Two critical things followed.
4 - First, he demanded improved communication with the media by asking the ministers to have a more effective outreach to the public
5 - Shocker came with Assad gave most direct & stern warning to every minister, security official & their family members about public conduct
6 - Assad reminded everyone that while war resulted in many officials going overboard w way they conducted themselves,this has to stop & will
7 - Assad directly attacked use of bodyguards, traveling in convoys, not stopping at checkpoints and even having family members do the same
8 - For a generally calm man, Assad seemed to be visibly irritated by what he has been seeing. He seemed to give final warning this WILL stop
9 - Late last night & this morning, Assad's warning to the ministers was enforced on the streets of Damascus sending the capital in shock
10 - First order of business was to stop 10 cars traveling with no license plates & darkened windows and to arrest all the drivers
11 - All 10 cars belonged to Army officers. The orders by Assad was to make arrests regardless of seniority or positions
12 - Later today, police stopped the son of the Prime Minister & son of Head of Intelligence just as Assad warned about family members earlier
13 - Most interesting & telling part of the story is that it was traffic Police which was making those arrests on direct authority by Assad
14 - Over past 6 years, countless nonsense stories have been written about how Assad was losing his grip power over security, NDF & the like
15 - Nearly every single observer who claimed to be have been knowledgable about Assad's lack of control over the country has been dead wrong
16 - As we speak, every single official regardless of rank is currently in total shock. in mere 72 hours, Assad delivered on his warning.
There is only one rule in Syria: DON'T fuck with ASSAD.
>>40647Oh and video, pay attention to Bashar's gesture and voice tone. I think he is done with this shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhxW6R4GnQI&feature=youtu.be [Embed]
>>40647Working on either a shop or drawing for this. I hope the Crack down will show the burgers in gov. That Assad is vital to the middle east
>>40650>assuming military complex in the US cares who is ruling over Syria. They don't, as long as weapons are flowing there.
>>40652Hey, things can change. I'm still in hope that Russia and USA can stop the stupid cold war that "ended" already. I want peace in the middle east, us withdrawing to focus on our own. Assad is the only one who could bridge that gap imo.
>>40647Why is Assad so concerned about Army officers travelling in cars with blacked windows and no licence plates?
>>40715>Judge AssadLol. Now the same thing, but pony
>>40715>Assad is love… Assad is life… Assad is the LAW!!!Noice.
>>40712Because it gives a vibe of being the bad guys ;^)
>>40729Oh, that makes sense
>>407159/10 (Not yet ponified)
>>40775noice job. he really looks like the law in that one desu
>>40799lol you are ponying him up?
>>40802Tiger and Syria pone are gonna be dread with him, plus other details that are saved for finish pic
>Some surprise
>>40805Tigerrrrrrrrrrr. Noice. Make sure to give the tiger some sunglasses and kinky leathery straps lad.
new name color that I don't think I've ever seen, hello mister system operator! also, I believe that syria general is one of the exceptions to the "no generals" rule according to the higher-ups that have spoke on it.
ah, my bad. I probably have less input than the regulars, so I'll just exit.
Happening updates are certainly desirable: it was on the pretext that the situation would change every day that the exception was made for this general to stay on the board.
It is alot easier for them to keep track of their mapping/general habbenings with the general thread instead of letting one die as another habbening occurs. Also, as an Anonartfag, it is alot easier to make them OC here to help them feel more welcome.
For now the general should remain imo because it will fade away on its own, either by the war ending or by purge
it would be nice if it could remain as it is tbqh senpai
it was just an inquiry /sg/ is always welcome here in the state they feel most comfortable with
>>40853I for one, [as cheesy as it can sound and seem] speaking comfortably for many (i am sure!), thank you, friend.
More news from the front lines. In the south, next to Iraq border SAA advances on the T2 airbase, distance left to it is only 12 Km (7mi 803.3595yd). Seems like Deir ez-Zor will be liberated from south axis of front. I wonder what SAA is using that they are so effective, battle camels?
And again, that feel when Assad REALLY IS THE LAW!
>* Over 150,000 cases of cholera in Yemen since 2017
We love you
>>40873>choleraposts ebola pony-chan
>>40876cut me a break, i never get to use that one. cholera is close enough
>>40876>>40877theres only so many anime versions of diseases and natural catsatrophies
>>40873>>40877I LOVE YOU EBOLA-CHAN!
Ain't no ally to the rebels like Israel. Retaliatino strike for supposed shelling of Golan Heights by SAA. Israel destroys 2 tanks in reutrn, funny thing rebels have launched their offensive too. What a (((coincedence))).
Fuckin kikes.
>>40902What's (((their))) end game? Why are they so intent on slowing down this war? Are they trying to turn it around, or do they have (((ulterior))) motives?
>>40905It's just they want to destabilize Syria more and more so it won't be able to establish better connection with Iran, because kikes are afraid of "Shia fullmoon" - coalition of Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon, plus they think that rebels can be contained, at least they think so…
>>40907>kikes are afraid of "Shia fullmoon" - coalition of Iran-Iraq-Syria-LebanonI'm a bit new to this. Why are they so afraid of the Shias? They're the minority after all. Does it have to do with the fact that the Saudis control most of the Sunnis?
>>40908Exactly, and saudis does not seek kike's removal.
>>40909>Saudis too bought-out to even hate JewsNo honor among barbarians, I guess..
>>40930>>40909Certain Muslim families and powerful Jewish families have been in collusion for a very long time. This is nothing new. They are simply united against a common enemy. You should go read about the Jew's "Golden Age", where they developed their modern practices of usury, infiltration, and bribery. All of this was done under Muslim rule.
>>40947>go read about the Jew's "Golden Age"What's a good source for that?
>>40983I don't have access to my hard drive with all of my good soyrces at the moment, so I can't link you anything directly. It was during the Muslim invasion/occupation of Hispania, so any non-pozzed, original texts from that time would be a good start. It's usually best to try and find first-hand sources, especially regarding Jews, rather than water-downed sources from historians that try to insert their own ideology, or gloss over events that paint certain groups in a negative light.
European historians/philosophers tended to be very genuine and called shit how they saw it. If kikes were meddling, they called that shit out right away. Reading Martin Luther's "The Jews and their Lies" is actually one of the first things that redpilled me when I was 13 or 14.
Link me up if you ever get access to that hard drive.
>>40988Will do. I should be back at the house it's in sometime in the next few weeks, I'll either drop them here or just start a new thread for it.
ISIS is making a come back in Mosul.
They retook a whole district.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
>>41282OY VEY nothing is going on goyim
B& from 4chin for shitposting.
The one day I shitpost I get b&.
Luckily /our/ mlpole made this little home so I can fuel my autism. I have posted here a few times before so I am not just coming here for that reason, but I guess I will post here more than normal.
>>41282Nothing to worry about, they are just doing a final push as they go through their last death throes.
>>41579Appreciate it pham, I admit I do miss the April 1st fun we had, if only we could get a few more posters here.
>Based Hezbollah hitting Al-Nusra in southern SyriaShort vid, but love to see the area where the muzzle flash is before it gets ATGM'd
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-CC9rnx4xo [Embed]
>>41580Aye. For now, real life has alot of us busy. I do fishing trips every so often but right now I've been in the art threads pumping out OC and have GR15 friendly art in the works
>>41581Tasteh vida
>>41582Nice OC.
>real life has alot of us busyThis, luckily for me I have a pretty laid back job where I can post or just lurk on /sg/ all day long.
I've known what a shitshow /pol/ had become before, but since becoming an /sg/ regular I really see it even clearer now, I barely ever leave /sg/.
>Shitraelis bombing SAA positions in the Golan Heightshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7t5-A2Bt5c [Embed]
>The SAA are currently storming Jobar from the Taibah axis and the Ayn Tarma axis. Intense clashes are ongoing.
Its been a while since I checked up on /sg/ on both 4/pol/ or here. Can I have a rundown on whats been going on for the last month?
>>41594Slow gains from the SAA, but gains nonetheless.
SAA and the Iraqi PMU militia met up last month on the Syrian/Iraqi border, the Syrians had to bypass the American coalition in Tanf, but the border is now secure.
The siege in Dez is still ongoing, but the SAA has been pounding ISIS positions steadily, I expect that Dez is still several weeks out from being relieved but the troops in the besieged city are holding strong.
In Raqqa the Kurdish YPG/SDF/US Spec OPs are still surrounding the city, they have left one small opening where some IS militants have been able to retreat through, but Russian airstrikes are hammering any convoys that attempt to escape. The SAA is still southwest of Raqqa, and due south of Tabqa, according to hohol maps.
ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi has been reportedly killed by Russian airstrikes on May 28th, this claim is still being verified, keep in mind that this is one of several times he's been "killed" so don't believe it until you see it.
Finally in Mosul, Iraq the old city is entirely surrounded, the Iraqis may have Mosul mostly cleared in 3 to 6 weeks, give or take.
Keep in mind that Syria and Israel have been in a tepid but ongoing war for decades, so this is nothing new. I honestly lost count on how many times they have bombed Syrian Army positions in the last year since I have been following the Syrian war.
They use the excuse that they are trying to keep Hezbollah in check as they continue to claim that Hez is stockpiling rockets on the border in preparation to launch missiles into Israel. Ironically though they never seem to directly his Hez, but the SAA instead, a few months back they even conducted airstrikes on the Damascus Airport, which is typical Israel military policy of destroying private civilian infrastructure, and then saying they did it because of "muh Hezbollah." Israel will do anything in their power to stop Assad, a stable Syria with a good relationship with Iran is detrimental to their interests.
>>41594Globalevent maps as of today.
Dez and Raqqa
>>41594>Hohol mapsLooks better for a visual picture.
>>41635globaleventmaps says the situation is handled. I guess we have to wait for confirmation.
>tfw hoholmaps recently gave more than 60% of south front's Maadina al-Baath to reb-shits but in reality they got fuckin rekt.
>>41651>tfw hoholmaps recently gave more than 60% of south front's Maadina al-Baath to reb-shits but in reality they got fuckin rekt.Yeah I saw some of the lads on 4pol talking about that.
Btw thanks for making this special place lawgoy, I am b& from 4pol for 3 days, I have been here few times since you made it but I will be putting in a lot more time over the next 3 days.
Can't thank you enough pham.
Hello ladies, haven't updated in a while so here it goes:
Qatar Latest Update:
*BREAKING: Sen. Corker, chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will withhold approving all arms sales to GCC til dispute resolved
*Bahrain accuses Qatar of escalating crisis.
>Qatar & Iran discuss diplomatic relations, ongoing collaboration.
>Kuwait Emir in charge of mediation goes on holiday in India.
>Tillerson statement: Demands are difficult to meet, some can be discussed, negotiations needed, we support Kuwait mediation.
>Qataris say camels are dying because they’ve been trapped at the border since Saudi-let blockade began.
>>41654Everything for my crew! Tho it would be nice if other regulars would be willing to post here. Especially when plebdiit starts sperging around, or there are terrorists to lock-on and bomb.
>tfw they think ponies are degenerate>tfw they are ok with ani-meh (not that I am against it tho)Well, up to them I guess.
Will add SF in next bread.
>>41658Poor camels.
>>41658Is that Ziocuck Aussie still shilling over there Brazil bro?
>>41661It and it's crew are all gone ameribro. Threads are comfy again.
>>41660>Tho it would be nice if other regulars would be willing to post here. Especially when plebdiit starts sperging around, or there are terrorists to lock-on and bomb.This. Are there any new videos to geolocate? I miss a lot on the weekends and don't know if we have any new searches to start.
>tfw they think ponies are degenerate>tfw they are ok with ani-meh (not that I am against it tho)My thoughts exactly, there seems to have been an uptick in the amount of anime posting lately too.
>>41662I can only lurk right now, got b& this morning, haven't checked in for a few hours.
Thanks for keeping the Qatar updates going lad!
>>41666things slowed down so i stopped updating on them but today the bombshell fell about not selling weapons to GCC and I had to write up a quick update. Can't believe Qatar keeps getting away with it lol
>>41667Are you the Brazilian that made the meme with the FSA cucks getting bussed with the Wojak sitting with them?
>>41668yes! one of my only truly original memes. how did you know?
>>41669Took a guess that it was you.
I was the American that recommended cutting down the amount of Wojaks to make it look better.
>>41672ah, then we made it together anon
>>41673I've got to start making some OC before this war is over. So far the only ones I personally made were 2 for the bongroach. Haven't seen that guy lately.
Pony version taking time along with other projects. Have a filler
>>41677Wow! That looks incredible on the brick.
>>41677saved! looks incredible anon.
>>41677Check'd. Very nice, would paint on a wall in Sednaya prison.
>>41682Hey Bolan, just saw on 4/sg/ that you got your Masters, congrats m8, like I told you a week back or so keep studying and we will be here to celebrate with you when you pull it off! I don't drink anymore but if I did I would be pouring a glass of pic related for you lad!
>Bashar visiting wounded SAA personnel in Hama earlier todayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5m5W8XSnXw [Embed]
>>41704Assad looks like he lost a few pounds.
I think it is fine to stay as a "general" I have went through the Q and A as well and it seems like the general consensus is that /sg/ could be an exception to the rule.
>>41708Yes, it has got to be taxing being in a situation like he is in.
>Surrounded by enemies>(((Media))) from all countries painting you as le ebil dictator when half of your country has been invaded by head chopping, child raping, 70 IQ terrorists, but YOU are the bad guy>Israel bombing you>USA bombing you>Sanctions out the ass>And all you wanted to be was a fucking eye doctor
>>41703>this meme vodka of ours…Fam, pic rel is only serious choice.
>>41722Checked, but when you are a /blue collar/ fag like me Sobieski was the drink of choice. Either that or pic related.
>SAA seizes road leading to T2 Airbase/Pumping Station
>Kurds have Raqqa encircled
>SAA/Tigers advancing along Ithriya-Tabqa Highway
>>41990Thanks for the update, m8.
Developments Jun26
>WH: US warns Assad against another CW attack. Nikki Haley adds Russia & Iran also on watch.
>Jews attack SAA artilley positions & ammunitions truck for 2nd time ((coinciding)) with fresh HTS attack on SAA positions
>DeZ:Fresh IS attack Al-Baghiliyah district, Aiyash village, in the city cemetery, SAA managed to hold ground so far
>SAA about to capture Inthriyah-Resafa road,W Raqqa
>SAA tries to push into Jobar amid rebels resistance, several tanks destroyed
>10+dead, 60+injured in carbomb in Al-Dana town, N Idlib
>FSA backed by HTS foil IS offensive on Daraa CS
>clashes between YPG and TFSA in Afrin renewed
>report:IS suicidebomber blew himself up @ IS commanders meeting in Al-Qaim @ Syrian-Iraqi Border
>Mosul:Amaq claims IS took Al-tanak district(3km from oldcity), is storming Al-Yarmouk district
>iraqi commander:Iraqi forces liberate 2/3 of Mosul’s Old City, freeing hundreds of civis
>>41997>>41998Get ready for another wave of shills on 4/sg/…
>>42004it's been surprisingly not so bad tbqh
>>41998Wish this bitch would die of the AIDS she most likely has.
>>42202Plz no empty bump, try updating with info. >Like this.
>>42212It was a connection test m8, thunderstorm took out the power and froze my PC.
>>42247Ok ok, and more news:
>tfw king roach is attacking the wrong kurds.
>>42251Yeah I know, I am unb& early and on 4pol with you guys. I was the American baker for 2 threads this afternoon.
Bump with Libya map, cuz why not?
Another bump with Afghanistan map
And for where the real fun happens, a Syria map, with some Iraq thrown in for good measure.
Let's thrown in some Yemen for /our/ guys the Houthis as well.
>>42530>>42527What do the colors mean?
>>42535Why are the Houthis /ourguys/?
>>42536Red - Houthis
Blue - Saudi backed government
Green - Jihadists group
>>42538>al mawt li Israil (death to Israel)> they rekt Saudis on a regular level-it's hillarious seeing 3rd military budget spender losing to a bunch of sandal wearing guys with rusty AK-s>alternative for them is either Al-Qaeda/ISIS mixture or Saudi puppet regime.Plus most of 4/sg/ old-fags remember Houthi-bro - yes an actual poster from Yemen who was fighting there. One day he posted that his friend was injured and there are tough times ahead. /sg/ haven't heard from him since then.
Never forget!
>>42536Oh and Libya:
Red - LNA - Libya National Army (some leftovers of Colonel's people, might be considered /ourguys/.
Blue - Western backed militias, not any better than Syrian's FSA. Let them hang.
Pink(ie pie) - local tribes - guess they are like "fuck off we do what we want". Allignment unknown.
>>42538>Why are the Houthis /ourguys/?Houthis are just poor people who want the Saudis to leave them alone, they are vastly outnumbered and outgunned by the Saudi coalition but they haven't folded yet. Quite the opposite actually, they regularly BTFO Saudis with outdated Soviet 1980's equipment for the most part. Iran is helping them through Hezbollah to a certain extent but in a limited capacity because they still have to focus on Syria more. A few weeks back the Houthis shot down a Saudi F-16 fighter jet with a 1980's Soviet SCUD missile that they "modernized" so they could target the jet. Of the ones I know about they have shot down 3 or 4 F-16s in the last two years.
>>42536>>42546>Red - LNA - Libya National Army (some leftovers of Colonel's people, might be considered /ourguys/.This, they are as close to /ourguy/ status as we will get in Libya, their leader Haftar was a former subordinate to Colonel Gaddafi, who eventually fell out of his favor and left Libya to live in the US. He returned to Libya after Gaddafi was killed and has the backing of Putin and Lavrov.
>Blue - Western backed militias, not any better than Syrian's FSA. Let them hang.These are the militias aligned with the United Nations backed GNA (Government of National Accord) these faggots are such cucks that when they sailed into the harbor in Tripoli they couldn't even get off the boat, and earned the nickname "The Frigate Council" by Libyan civilians.
>Pink(ie pie) - local tribes - guess they are like "fuck off we do what we want". Allignment unknown.Basically just random warlords who control specific areas of the country, a lot of infighting and bad blood between these guys, but not much organization to speak of.
Here is a short article from the (((BBC))) that gives you a quick rundown on Haftar, the leader of the LNA
>>42540>>42546Thanks for answering these questions while I was away lawgoy!
>>42559Sure, got plenty of time now that I was b& from 4sg for 3 days for posting Aryanne with Pepe in front of Meme-schwitz camp gate. I guess jewy-jew got triggered, or some other fuckfaces that cannot get over drawn pastel horse.
Tho lokking at 4sg sometimes… I see that nothing of value was lost.
>>42561My 3 day b& ended early, it only lasted one day. I took the kike pasta that one of our Syrian bros did and turned it into an Aussie pasta for the Aussie shill that showed up 2 days ago telling us why we shouldn't hate Israel. I guess he or some other poster got triggered enough to report me.
Petty shit pham, but we will still miss you over there too. I wish we just had a few more lads over here at times as well.
>>42566Hey I am here, no worries. And how is discussion going back there? Are they enjoying their /ptg/ friends?
>>42566Why would they ban you for even one day over something like that?
>>42568>And how is discussion going back there? >Are they enjoying their /ptg/ friends?It's been actually really comfy today m8, barely any shilling at all compared to how it has been the last few weeks around this time.
It is close to the time that all of the /ptg/ neets wake up and start shilling but so far all is good.
I personally have baked 4 of the breads today and have been happy about the lack of shills in them.
>>42583Beats me, in every other thread the quality of each post is lower than the next, even a shitpost in 4pol /sg/ is worth more than a well informed post in any other thread on /pol/.
/ptg/ threads most of the time consist of 20 posts actually talking about politics, 20 people posting Pepes, and 260 dub checks, kekistan shadillay praising, or unintelligible blabber.
>But yet those threads don't get b& posters.
>>42631Aye, saw this. Pretty comfy tbh. And we even had a return of one of the founding fathers.
Finally, the gainzzz.
>3 villages captured by Government forces in southern Aleppo province: al-Atshana, Shurayma, Rasm Askar.
>>42636Yeah, it is good to see him show up, I wish I could say I was a long time /sg/oy from the glory days of old regulars but seeing you guys talk about them makes me feel like I am still a little part of it.
At least I can say I was in a thread once with Maghrebi and Countrycuck posting at the same time when /ourguys/ were making gainz and they were spreging out.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:25 P.M.) – Minutes ago, the Israeli Air Force launched an airstrike over the Golan Heights region of Al-Quneitra, targeting the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) soldiers that were advancing near Al-Samdaniyah Al-Sharqiyah.
According to a military source from the Golani Regiment, the Israeli warplane targeted the advancing units of the Syrian Arab Army in the Golan Heights, following the massive counter-offensive the latter launched tonight.
No details were given regarding casualties.
So far, the Syrian Arab Army has managed to recapture all four points they have lost to the jihadist rebels in the last five days; they are now pushing deeper into the Al-Hamidiyah area, where they are hoping to expel the Al-Qaeda linked rebels once and for all.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:38 P.M.) – Moments ago, the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) 30th Division, led by the elite Republican Guards (which represents the striking core of the Aleppo-based formation), launched a surprise offensive against the last remaining ISIS bastion in Aleppo Governonate that is represented by a belt of fortified villages buried in a mountainous semi-desert landscape to the northeast of the strategic town of Khanasser.
So far the SAA has managed to liberate 2 villages from ISIS. These settlements are Al-Sharimah and Al-Atshanah. In addition to this, two key hilltops have also been captured by the SAA. Some reports say that the village of Rasm Askr was also liberated, however, there is confusion over whether or not the settlement was already under pro-government control prior to the offensive.
In any case, this advance comes as the SAA has been trying to force ISIS to retreat from the Khanasser region whilst also leaving a safe route for terrorists to escape south across the Ethriyah-Raqqa highway. Whether ISIS has totally withdrawn from the area or not is now total irrelevant, for either by way of death in battle or retreat, ISIS has been marked for banishment from the province of Aleppo.
>>42643Heey I am not that of an old fag. Still don't know who was the first Syrian to post in /sg/.
>>42647>tfw rebshits suck even with le-mighty jewsrael air support.
>>42650The fucking Houthi news channel on Jewtube just got deleted for "violating Youtube's community guidelines."
>>42653I saw that. No worries, we have live-leak. And eventually they will come back.
>>42653ISIS terrorist are on twitter and dont get deleted either. Remember, those are private companies funded by marxists, globalists and jews. They have no interest in freedom of speech. They are agenda pushers driving a narrative.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Hezbollah continued their march from the ancient city of Palmyra to Deir Ezzor City, Wednesday, targeting the Islamic State’s (ISIL) positions near the Arak Gas Fields.
Backed by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah stormed the 10km area in eastern Homs this morning, inflicting heavy damage on the Islamic State’s defenses.
Unable to maintain ground in the 10km area, the Islamic State ultimately withdrew towards the Al-Hayl Gas Fields in order to avoid increasing their death toll.
The Syrian Arab Army is now attempting to advance at the eastern part of the Arak Gas Fields; this area has been difficult to capture due to ISIL’s stiff defenses.
>>42655Speaking of ISIS. Iraqi forces found some "important documents" in Mosul. I am betting 10 $ it is a gift-card from Saudis. ;^)
>https://twitter.com/iraqi_day/status/880048752446369792 [Embed]
>>42659Kek, probably a "Thinking of you <3" card from Maghrebi
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:12 P.M.) – Video footage has been released of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA) elite Republican Guards conducting offensive operations in the area of Ayn Tarma against the combined forces of the Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) terrorist group and Faylaq Al-Rahman Islamist faction.
>Good video on this linkhttps://www.almasdarnews.com/article/video-syrian-army-overwhelms-rebels-sheer-firepower-east-ghouta/The footage shows the Republican Guards deploying modern T-72 designs, decked out with various additional protection kits ranging from sandbags to reactive armour and cage armour, blasting away at rebel defences with high-explosive and shaped charge (HEAT) munitions. Moreover, the use of large-calibre mortars firing improvised, massive ordinance warheads with breathtaking suppression power is also shown in the video.
In recent days, the SAA has managed to advance against the rebel-held Jobar salient that juts into eastern Damascus and capture all of the Ayn Tarma Valley area. After repelling a noteworthy rebel counterattack on the valley area, the SAA has since advanced alongside highway bypass just south of Jobar in bid to cut all lines of supply that run into the district.
Qatar Latest Update:
*KSA UAE Bahrain & Egypt considering reducing commercial links with countries that continue to trade with Qatar - UAE ambassador to Russia
*In DC this week: Jordan King (will meet at least Pence, Tillerson), Saudi FM, Qatar FM, and Kuwait senior cabinet member.
*Saudi FM: Qatar must change its behaviour or remain isolated; list is nonnegotiable.
*Saudi king to visit Moscow next month in his first official visit to Russia
*Tillerson meeting Qatar FM & senior Kuwait envoy. Saudi FM still in DC.
*Sen. Corker, chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee, will withhold approving all arms sales to GCC til dispute resolved
*Bahrain accuses Qatar of escalating crisis.
>Yemen:Prisoner swap deal between all parties has been stopped due to UAE intervention
>Qatar Emir:willingness to cooperate fully with Iran
>Tillerson statement: Demands are difficult to meet, some can be discussed, negotiations needed, we support Kuwait mediation.
>Qataris say camels are dying because they’ve been trapped at the border since Saudi-let blockade began.
>tfw /ptg/niggers are agitated again
Have some high-quality maps from me!
>no Syria/Iraq because no significant changes
Russia, Iran, and Turkey to hold talks prior to Astana talks next week.
>>42870I wonder what they will talk about, prbly about US and the k*rd problem.
>>42871Getting reports from Padre that all Russian troops around Afrin have pulled back, expect Euphrates Shield 2.0 Electric Boogaloo
>>42872>Afrin not Manbij.JUST. Afrin kurds are decent at least, they have helped SAA with supplying and so on, but nooo… do they want Idlibstan connected with Al-baba?! That is whole Aleppo front opened again.
>>42873>That is whole Aleppo front opened againDon't put it past the roach king, this is exactly what he would like
>>42874Btw, I wonder if pic-rel is about that last hunt both mlpol/sg/ and pol/sg/ did. I bet that Croatia anon would be happy, he practically did it all by himself.
>>42880>he practically did it all by himselfDamn shame m8, 4/sg/ was busy with P!xel faggotry while he was doing the hard work.
I was looking at Google Earth with a few other lads just to confirm his thoughts on the position, but the P!xel warriors were too busy.
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (1:20 A.M.) – Weapons produced in the Jewish nation were seized by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the city of Homs on Wednesday after security forces discovered secret ammunition stockpiles across the former rebel stronghold of Al-Waer, an outer suburb located on the northwestern perimeter of the provincial capital.
According to photos obtained by Al-Masdar News, the SAA captured dozens of anti-tanks missiles along with tons of ammunition and explosives which had been abandoned by evacuated Islamist insurgents. Some of the weapons bore Israeli inscriptions, an indication that Tel Aviv may have smuggled armaments to opposition forces in Homs.
Late last month, the last batch of rebel militants departed the Al-Waer neighborhood for Idlib, thus restoring all of Homs city under government control for the first time since 2011.
Syria and Israel still remain at a state of war following three major wars in the 20th century. Over the past week alone, the Israeli Air Force has conducted three separate raids on the SAA in the Golan Heights.
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) launched a large-scale counter-offensive in the Golan Heights last night, targeting the jihadist rebel defenses at Al-Hamidiyah and Al-Samdaniyah Al-Gharbiyah.
Launching their assault from Al-Samdaniyah Al-Sharqiyah and Al-Ba’ath City, the Syrian Arab Army managed to recapture all of the points they lost to the jihadist rebels over the last six days, while also advancing west towards new areas that weren’t under their control.
However, in the middle of this attack, the Syrian Arab Army found themselves under by an Israeli warplane at the Al-Samdaniyah Al-Sharqiyah axis, forcing them to abandon their advance in order to avoid an increase in casualties.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson claimed their airstrike was in response to a random mortar shell that landed inside their occupied territory in the Golan Heights – Syrian Army denies responsibility.
The Israeli airstrike on Wednesday night marked the fourth time in six days that their warplanes have attacked the Syrian Arab Army in the Golan Heights – not a single attack targeted the jihadist rebels.
Poor rebels, oh wait, not.
>>42894its funny how war has become an interactice real time strategy game on the internet
>>42894>be FSA>get protection of USAF>they bomb SAA/Militia convoys headed to al-Tanf>they do this three times>SAA goes around and reaches Iraqi border anyway>Now you can't (((fight))) ISIS>attack SAA near Bir Qassab>get btfo>lose even more ground>USA leaves al-Tanf>an entire group of fighters redeploys to Shadaddi>entire pocket crumbles
>>42898>pic rel guy and his unit is just waiting to fuck you up from the 2nd end of the syrian-iraqi border.Feels bad, man.
>>42898wasnt this the infamous safespace from blumpy location?
>>42901It is. I guess they have to…
>puts on shadesgo back.
>Azrael is fucking bad ass
Here's the adventures of Badiya FSA from last year
>be FSA
>get training by USA/Israel/Jordan
>go into Badiya region
>seize empty desert
>go to al-Bukamal
>enter town
>ISIS counterattack
>get btfo
>lose third of entire desert force
>get pushed all the way back to al-Tanf
>require foreign specops to save face
>repel ISIS attack, but it was close
>foreign specops decide to have a 'talk' with us after al-Bukamal disaster
And there was not a single word out of them for several months after that fiasco.
>>42905>ohmyallah.png>>42904They say he even ATE one of the isis dude. Fuckin savage.
>>42905>Tfw shitposting with Ebin here and on 4/sg/
>>42909Oh if only more of /ourguys/ could join us, sigh…
>>42910They might if the mods decide to start cracking down on /sg/ at the behest of /ptg/
>tfw can't do it on MENAchan because dead site and MENA/pol/ is kikeshill infested.
>>42922I will.
>tfw when paki-bro thinks I am one of 2 different persons (law goy and World in Conflict seperate /sg/ creator dude). Hillarious.
>>42910Give it time. Im sure they will get over the fear of pones at some point
>>42923Kek, saw that too
Alright, feels time.
>Heroic battles in Jobar & Happy Eid from the SAA- subtitles onhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvb2bhrUT0M& [Embed]
>>42929heh. in beginning of vid, syrian soldiers are playing based totózinho.
4chan /sg/ is pretty shitty at the moment. It's horrible.
>>42954It's calmed down again now m8, looks like that shill got b&
>>42957An anon claimed that we got raided by [s4s].
It was pretty fucking bad, very low effort trolling, but tons of shilling all at once. It's /comfy/ again though, for the most part.
>>42954report anon. it works.
>>42959>we got raided by [s4s].Why?
>>42987because we don't pray 4 israel enough.
#pray4israel anons
pray hard
Hoholmaps admin on suicide watch!
Aleepo province is now free of ISIS pressence! Nothing stands beetween SAA Tiger Forces and their race to Deir ez-Zor!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj91_SWByMo [Embed]
Americans withdrew from Al-Tanf then THIS SHIT happens. What a (((coincidence)).
>>43176That's amazing! The light and colors of the original pic match the faces so perfectly.
The Syrian Army Today Seized Israeli Weapons Which Were On The Way To Arm Al Qaeda In Syria's Homs
https://twitter.com/sahouraxo/status/880131006703038464 [Embed]https://archive.is/G4L5mPics related
Oyyy veeeeeeeeeeey, gas attack!!!!
>US plz halp!
>The Syrian Army Today Seized Israeli Weapons Which Were On The Way To Arm Al Qaeda In Syria's Homs
>SAA makes stealth gains near al-Zaqf
>ISIS in Shubayt Plateau (E Aleppo) has been cleared out
>Ithriya-Resafa Highway is clear
>SAA is redeploying to other fronts
>New maps and devs!RECENT MAPS
>Raqqa Jul 1http://i.imgur.com/BKrGXVv.jpg>Mosul Jul 1http://i.imgur.com/Ef3ApHM.jpg>Raqqa CS Jun 30http://imgur.com/a/Lrhs9>SE Syria Jun 29https://i.imgur.com/oiIikbp.jpg>Palmyra Jun 27http://i.imgur.com/NPwEtCf.jpg>GolanH/Quneitra Jun 24http://i.imgur.com/4RHnf0V.jpg >Daraa Jun 14http://i.imgur.com/fiaHO5b.jpg>E Ghouta Jun 14http://i.imgur.com/DA9MA4H.jpg>DeZ Jun 10http://i.imgur.com/erzKYcC.jpgDevelopments July 1
>Quneitra: 2 Israeli missiles struck Samadiniyah Sh. and Brigade 90 in retaliation for errant shell in Golan.>SAA liberates Ithriyah-Resafa Road, encircles IS East Of Khanasir, liberate 13 villages>Palmyra: SAA advanced 13km on the Arak/Suknah axis>Idlib: 'Rebel' proxies fight each other>SAA Liberated Humayma From ISIS Near T2 Pumping Station>Raqqa: IS recaptures Al-Sana'a district, heavy clashes ongoing>JewAF target SAA position in response to ‘errant projectile’>SDF capture Kasrat Affan village SE Raqqa, stopping any IS attempts to break the siege>RuMoD: US Coalition’s actions encourage terrorists in Syria>SAA employs women police officers to defend liberated cities>Turkish shelling of Afrin continues, Russian efforts for diplomatic solution>40+ prisoners killed by US airstrike on ISIS jail>300 Al-Qaeda, ISIS members arrested after Lebanese Army cracks down on refugee campsDonate/click ads southfront.org
>did updating near E. Salamiya because it was outdated.
>now reflects current situation on E. Salamiya.
Battle for Mosul is at it's end. Few alleys remaining.
[YouTube] Counter Terrorist win - CS:GO Sound Effect
>>44067>not posting superior map
Qatar Latest Update:
*Saudi, UAE, Bahrain & Egypt accept 48hr deadline extension for Qatar
*Qatar FM arrives in Kuwait to hand over response to list of demands
*Unconfirmed 5 revised demands based on Kuwait mediation
1. Qatar must expel #gyptian spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Yusuf Qaradawi & all Hamas officials
2. All Turkish troops recently deployed in Qatar to go back to Turkey
3. Qatar to agree to have monitors on all financial transactions sent to rebel factions in Syria
4. Qatar to provide USA security services all documents of any organisation/group located on its territory
5. Toning down #AlJazeera rhetoric & any programs provoking strike AND pledging NOT to criticise GCC states & Egypt
*Trump calls Qatar Emir. Tillerson calls Bahrain FM
*Saudi, UAE, Egypt,Bahrain to meet Wed. in Cairo
>Qatar does not bow to ultimatums - Qatar FM
>Qatar prepared to 'face the consequences' for rejecting demands
>UAE FM played down the chances of an escalation, saying "The alternative is not escalation but parting ways"
>List of demands 'was meant to be rejected - Qatar FM
>Qatar FM meets members of UN Security Council
>Bahrain invokes WTO’s ‘national security’ clause in Qatar row
>Qatar's defence minister: Blockade is 'declaration of war'
>More Turkish troops arrive in Qatar.
>>44100 (Checked)
>checking post number count between then and now.
>>44100>>44182>82 posts between 13:41 and 18:07 (my local time)>5 hours and 34 minutes, and 82 posts in between>5*60 (to convert hours to minutes) = 300 minutes, so 334 minutes in between those two posts>82 posts/334 minutes = 0.2455 posts per minute>0.2455 PPM * 60 minutes = 14.73 PPH on Monday afternoon.It's been a while since I did real math, so I may have gotten it wrong.
>>44192fugg, it's FOUR hours and 34 minutes!
>4 hours and 34 minutes and 82 posts in between>4*60 (to convert hours to minutes) = 240 minutes, so 274 minutes in between those two posts>82 posts/274 minutes = 0.2993 posts per minute>0.2993 PPM * 60 minutes = 17.96 PPH on Monday afternoon.
>>44205i have no idea wut u talkin bout ebin
>>44205Posts per Hour on mlpol.net
>Also, I'm gonna bake new bread since bump limit seems to be at 250.
>>44268Bake away bro. I will post there!!!