https://strawpoll.com/23a5fgb = VOTE HERE =
Good evening gentleanons,
As you may have noticed in this thread
>>38126 → and partly in the football league thread, we were pitching around new ideas for a brand new Anon design exclusive for /mlpol/.net. One that represents our userbase accurately and can be used in future artwork for our place.
In this thread we would like to ask YOU to give us some final advice in what direction we should steer Your site incarnation.
So Overall we got now:
- either a white hood with eyeholes OR a brown wehrmacht M43 hat
- orange OR purple skin
- light brown shirt with a black gaiter
- red and purple tie
- red armbinder with a swastika and a yellow dot
- a /mlpol/ pin on the hat
- Reichsalicorn as cutie mark for planned pony version(s)
Please share your thoughts here. The more people tell us about it, the better it is. Artwork provided by Iron Guard Anon, US Drawfag Anon and /mlpol/-tan.
Also, It would be helpful if this thread received a sticky for a while until we have settled this, since it concerns the whole site. Thank You Mods in advance!
>>39048Of course, it's supposed to represent anons
>>39048If you could change something about it, what would it be?
I wouldn't set your mind on anything yet atm. Give it more time. Most of the things you've "got" were decided in a day or two. Give more people chance to input.
I don't know how many unique posters were in the previous thread but you're going to want as big a sample group as possible.
>>39055Absolutely, yes. I was hoping we could get more traffic into the previous thread, but we did at least get a moderately reasonable response.
If there is anything particular about the design you like or dislike, please say so. After all, this is supposed to be an Anon for all of us. Of course, it is impossible to come up with something that pleases everyone, but the closer we get to a uniting point the better.
The Orange Skin has grown on me but if someone can color it purple to see how it looks tat would be cool too.
Also like the idea of the mask being optional depending on situation.
I like the little Aryanne a lot though.
>>39060I've made a few versions mainly with the hood. Here's a
first draft brownshirt/purple and edit of a hood shop
>>39060Also, I like the hood for raiding/fishing tbh
The orange Anon looks good.
>>39067I think the hood has grown on me. It won't be real to me tho until he's immortalized in .swf form. File related.
>>39067The hood could be added when hes getting serious and mad. Hat is for chill time.
>>39067>raiding/fishing>>39070>madOkay, I'm onboard w/ a sometimes hood
>>39072This sounds great actually. I get to draw angry faces on him and still have beloved hood on him at times. Best of both worlds!
>>39075Iknowright? I have some recoloring to do tho for the first ones made
Should we stick with Anonymous as a name or add a nickname perhaps?
Some things came to my mind, like Agent Orange or Emil Polak.
>>390934shill is kill but not it's idea. I like being Anon
I never intended to leave my memes behind when I left 4chins.
I'm bad at shop but I tried.
Really I just love the pony version
>>39134Actually, this could work.
I like the idea of having access to all the colors.
>klan hood
we aren't hollywood villains dude
>>39203Honestly this.
Wermacht uniform looks good, but I don't know anything about the Klan. It's more of a thing leftards try to pin on right wingers, than an actual relevant group.
>>39209I don't even support the klan. I just find it amusing + triggering lefties
>>39209>>39210I honestly liked the hat better but the idea of him putting it on when hes mad or being an autist I thought was fun.
So, autistic raiding/ mad gets hood?
>>39200Wait… Ponies are all about happy pastel colors and rainbows sunshine blah blah blah…
So it makes sense for our anons to be whatever color we want!
The KKK is great and all, but I don't see us having any particular attachment to them. I'd go with the orange and m43 hat.
How about something like this? Not mines by the way.
I think you all are missing something. Isn't only important thing on our anon a skin color?
What clothes will artist give to him should be on each individual artist, am I not right?
>>39245You are right, but not entirely. One of the staples of anon has always been suit and tie that always draws a clear distinction.
>>39248Well, yeah but rest of the outfit can vary, no?
>>39251Yes. But, what do you propose?
I made a small list with different colors for the skin, I think we should start from here.
>>39258Extra one if you want to roll for it.
>>39265Nice work. I like number 4 and 3.
>>39265>>39258I still want to use them all, but if I have to pick, orange, purple or blue are my final 3
50 voters in after 20 hours.
This is a strong lead for the orange skin and the m43 hat. Since our artists seem to adore the Klanhood and want to keep it at least for special occasions, i'd say we could go with that. Since their seem to be newly erupted disputes about Anons Skin color I suggest we sort these out before we move on to give this an approval seal.
>>39200>>39258>>39282Personally I could accept 1,2,4,5,6,8 or 9
Since 8chan has chosen another color to distance themselves from 4chan, i would suggest we should pick our own color too. Not sure how to feel if Anon should change colors. Idea is not bad, but it will make the artwork look inconsistent.
Overall i like the look and the qualities that are associated with Orange.
>>39203Thank You for coming by Atlas. I do understand that you have some objections towards the Klan hood. I pitched it because i unironically like the robes aesthetics. You barely see people using this design outside of disrespectful artwork. Also, we do have some ideological common ground with the Klan people. Thought it would be a nice nod to our North American users to have something local on Anon.
>>39282>>39280I personally like the white one best, but those 3 (orange, blue and purple) are alright as well.
Had the idea to make a mane 6 one, it may give some ideas to you people.
>>39293also not bad, but that kind of destroys the design for the tie. I like 2, 5 and 6. The RD Anon is really neat.
Honestly, I could just do green Anon with the new suit.
>>39296I feel ya. We could do Green, orange and purple
>Green for our connection to 4shill>Orange for /pol/acks>Purple for horsefuckersGreen can be used for propaganda on 4shill, while orange and purple are used here?
>>39296I like green Anon too. Was the first design choice we had in the first thread. Green is in general my favourite color. The thing is, we are not 4chan. We are an entirely new site. Why would we use a character that is closely related to the place we left when we try to build up our own identity?
>>39300>we are not 4chan. We are an entirely new site.Yeah, but I feel like this community was created in the attempt to salvage something that was lost. It'd be sad to leave all of the old memes behind…
Anyway, Anon is not 4chan.
>>39299>Orange for /pol/acks>Purple for horsefuckersPic one color, m8. We're all on the same site here. Once you start to change Anon's appearance in terms of what his personality may be, he stops being Anon.
> Pic one color, m8. We're all on the same site herei don't mind having 2 /mlpol/ is an alliance of two different cultures, so i don't mind them both being represented in testament to our friendship
>>39302>>39305see pic related i think two distinct entities are good
>>39295It ruins the design of the tie because you can't ignore lines in a flat clear color, but since this was just a concept, I didn't want to add the extra detail to the picture. Here you go.
>>39305>>39306But this is the mlpol website, and we have more boards than just mlpol (and more that will probably come in the future).
We may have different cultures, but we are one nation, and I think we should represent that union with just one entity. We're not a nation of nations.q
>>39292>>39299>>39302What about the original tie that was supposed to be red and yellow for NatSoc and Libertarian? That was what I was trying to convey anyway before it turned purps.
Also. One color. One color. One color.
>What about the original tie that was supposed to be red and yellow for NatSoc and Libertarian?one of the drawfags thought it was a good idea to make the tie represent the 2 factions of our former boards in the tie. The represenatation of right spectrum ideologies was shifted towards the armbinder. The Libertarians/Ancaps got a yellow spot on it.
Also, if we choose to keep Anons orange skin color, he will be the color wheel equivalent of a Natsoc and a Libertarian/Ancap.
>>39318I really am not picky about it, I think we need one color though. I like orange and purple, possibly blue. Some other anons said the orange makes him look brown.
We should discuss more and then maybe make another poll and spread it all around the discords and whatnot.
>>39320perhaps we just need to change the shade of orange to make him not look like a sandnigger.
either way, may we take orange or not, it like these lighter color shades that
>>39307 posted.
>>39046Orange skin is too close to sandnigger for comfort
>>39321But I like the current shade…
Tiger is kind of nice though Can we at least keep him coversed in pony merchandise? The buttons and pushes are a great addition to add to our uniform wearing, swearing, sometimes unstable anon.
>>39324Yes I love that drawing because of that.
Also the tiny Aryanne is best.
>>39327my personal favourites, i like tangerine best
Added Anon to it. Orange works so damn well. Also the Luna request is done
>>39334Beautiful. Who is the guy in the center though?
>>39336Is it David Broch you are asking about?
>>39334does Anon have a moustache? i like that
>>39340Well as the anon who originally made the request I can say it looks fucking amazing. Great work!
>>39341It's just shadow. Srryfam
>>39342Long Live /mlpol/
>>39341Thats him frowning. Maybe someone could draw a decent stache to see what it looks like?
>>39350we could obviously go for a hitler moustache, or a reverse hitler aka a clark gable
>>39361I hate what hipsters have done to beards and mustaches but they still look badass on badass men.
>>39377checked, also that
>horseshoe makes a shocking amount of sense
>>39293I like white as well, but I could go for that shade of orange.
>>39427By the gods! That is so beautiful! Usually I like drawing clean shaven, but that horseshoe is perfect. I can't wait to see more shops of this anon!
>>39427Could you try it with a little more brum to the stache?
>>39625>>39627somebody should inform Dusty that he is now a mascot of a a white supremascist MLP site
>>39657Well, I sent a tweet and it says I'm blocked. I think one to many kept shitposting him it seems
>>39628>>39657>>39659Whos this? Im originally from /pol/ but have some fake twitters that ive hardly used, I can notify him.
>>39660I'm /pol/ as well. Think he's some mlp reviewer
>>39660some e-famous attention whore who was in a couple videos, praised himself as "the manliest brony" alive. /mlp/ hates him and thinks hes a cringy faggot for all i know.
>>39662lel all the better he become a hate symbol then.
>>39628>>39625Someone put a swastika or something on that pic so it pisses him off.
>>39666Check, but why do we need to piss him off?
>>39667idk, make him a hate symbol?
>>39666leftybronies and cucks already get severly buttmad at the sight of Aryanne. you can put an additional swastika on there, but i dont think you need to.
>>39667dusty has a lot of followers, could get us either some attention or some new users to fuck with him. also, für die Lulz
I tought that making things hate symbols is done to wrench them out of norman's grip.
>>39671I got blocked immediately as well. :(
>>39662>>39675if you made a post, please show. you can censor your name out if you want to
>>39673sure, but why not make a man a hate symbol.
>>39671>leftybronies and cucks already get severly buttmad at the sight of Aryanne.This makes me feel warm inside.
>>39676>why not make a man a hate symbolSounds fun, but let's just be a bit discreet and just use photos of him as the base for /mlpol/-Anon, like
>>39625 ,rather than using him as the symbol itself (don't care enough about this faggot to make use him as a symbol). Then Anons could just tweet the shooped photos to him to piss him off.
apparently this guy even has his own wikipedia article
if you want to mine for some pictures to edit, just look up Dusty Katt on jewgle.
>>39681Looks like a complete faggot.
>le I have facial hair so im tough XD >>39681That RD tattoo looks surprisingly not-terrible…
>>39681Ok, I'm game for making edits of him for other anons.
4 t3h lulz
>>39681>>39689Change the tattoo to Aryanne and make with windmill of friendship in view pls.
>>39676Just seems little harsh to me. Guess I haven't watch his videos so I dunoo why he is bad.
If you want to annoy people, there are probably better targets. Like that antifa dyke who stabbed police horse.
>>39657I checked his youtube channel and watched
[YouTube] The Cantering Cook Ep 5 - BBQ Time!
[Embed] for a bit.
To me, he looks like normie brony. Virtually no reason to harass him. He is far from as cringy as some of the bronies. Do we really need enemies in MLP fandom?
>>39701I dont watch brony channels in general. We dont have to, but its an option. Could still use his pictures as templates regardless.
>>39707Yeah, we just don't have to force the connection to be apparent. Lets just not pay him any mind.
Since this thread has just been unpinned, here are the poll results after a little over 2 days, 57 voters total have taken part in it.
Brown M43 Hat & Orange Skin won with an approval rating of 52%.
Unless someone has a major objection towards this (in that case, please raise your voice now!), I would ask the site administration to give this new Anonymous their seal of approval, so that we may get started on making officially sanctioned content with this!
>>39719But is this approval for Orange Skin or Orange Skin and Brown M43 Hat?
I understand it that conseous would be using hat instead of kkk cape.
>>39723The hood is optional. It's mostly for raids and such.
>>39723seeing as how there's an option for purple with the M43 cap, I'd say it extends to orange skin too.
>>39728not bad, i would change the tattoo though to something more similar to the original
>>39676So, I take it he has been informed about Mlpol?
Ah, but has he heard about the John Elway and His Denver Broncos?
>>39693I decided to try to learn how to recolor images two days ago. I dediced to practice on this guy, b/c he kind of reminds me of my uncle.
It's not finished, but pls r8 my draft.
Is the Manliest Brony secretly /ourguy/? >>39719>M43 Hat>orange skinI approve on all accounts, this is now my favorite anon, take from that when you will <3
>>39848Atlas approves. It's official now.
>>39848>>39865Thank you! I for one welcome Orange Anonymous as our new site represent.
>>39750Third ever piece of digital art.
Could anybody give me some advice on how to Change RD into Aryanne, without losing the definition?
>>40353There's a few ways to do it, it mostly depends on what program you're using.
Is this what you were looking for?
>>40529>Is this what you were looking for?I was just hoping to figure out how to make it look like an Aryanne tattoo.
I tried changing the vibrancy, intensity, and color offset, but it just looks gray.
>>40540There are shadows in there, if it is not gray, whatever color should it be?
If the tattoo is just white, then it just looks like it was pasted there.
You always have the option of selecting the white area and painting white over it, selecting the necessary opacity to get the results you want, but you are losing the details of the volume.
And if you're looking for a method, just desaturate the entire skin, then use either the curves ajustement or the levels ajustment.
Other than that, just paint white over and change the opacity, like pic related
>>40701Thanks. I'll get it eventually