I do not remember seeing a thread about this.
So, for possible future art and general reference, How does the /mlpol/ Anonymous actually look like?
Got any ideas yourself? I'm fine with using the normal green Anon. 8/pol/ uses a red Anon, but the difference ends there.
>>38126The same, I guess. Although, since we have creative freedom, I suggest a no-jacket look. with a swastika patch. You know, when he's not wearing uniform.
Long sleeve white shirt, pony tie, swastika patch and black pants. Also be green.
>>38136>>38137I do, but since this is a matter of public representation, I feel this will require more input if we are to use anything straying away form the vanilla design.
Personally, I do admire the design of the ku klux klansmen kit. We could use an alteration of that in cut and possibly color, with a patch for the /mlpol/ logo and a national flag.
>>38126Pic related a sample of how that could look like. I got the idea from the picture Atlas posted of himself a long while ago on /qa/.
Sample for 3 anons, taken from a /mlpol/ comic from 2015. This image used to be posted a lot on /pol/, also went viral on funnyjunk with view numbers in the 5 figures. I think the middle one would be a good represent.
>>38151Not bad, but that almost looks like the standard Anon.
>>38178Do like that one. Lets see if it gets more positive feedback. Also what
>>38210 said.
The idea with wearing face cover is not new, btw. The Russian did that before. Their Anon wears a paperbag on the head.
>>38220What I was kinda aiming for. I don't want to branch to far from what we where. 4chan may be kill but it doesn't mean it's idea is
>>38221how do you feel about a light brown shirt and a country pin on his tie? maybe a gaiter too?
>>38225I can understand that design choice. Maybe we will go with it after all. Who knows. But since the cement in that regard has not dried up yet i'd say, why not experiement a little?
the purple anon kind of reminds me of that one MC Donalds mascot. The yellow tie is a nice touch for the Ancaps, though.
>>38226light brown shirt light brown shirt.
>>38226>how do you feel about a light brown shirt and a country pin on his tie? maybe a gaiter too?I actually would have went with brown if I didn't want to colour much.
As for the other anon, I think we can settle for two designs. Just take off the mask and there you go. Of course, one design may dominate over the other, but the option will always be there.
>>38233Not bad at all. I like it. The Yellow and red tie is pretty nice. Maybe try it split vertically.
>>38221just showed this around, got the suggestion we should consider changing the shape of the hood to be more pointy.
>>38233still not sure about the purple skin, but this is going in a good direction. are we going to incorporate the ? somewhere if he puts his hood on? also that
>>38235Personally, I'd suggest we should stick with maybe 3 main colors on the skin and clothes or less, save for decoration. green and brown look good together.
>>38240not bad, that looks like something
>>38238I dont know I kind of like the way this guy drew it.
>>38240Someone said its spike colors but I dont mind it. Is purple like an /mlp/ thing?
I also like the idea of him being drawn with or without hood depending.
>>38244Yeah. Purple skin or might change armband to purple
>>38246Maybe even try a Identity Europa lambda
>>38240>>38245in that case, i would vouch for green skin with a purple armband. The purple i would suggesz would be the one from pic related. also, the armbinder is missing the white spot under the swastika/planned symbol.
>>38251not sure about the armbinder to be honest. same for the ? on the hood. What do You think about it Overall on this stage, you are the artist, you should have a word in it too.
>>38253Same I dont know about the band.
Could you try this for shits and giggles?
>>38253>>38255All in all, I think the purple armband could stay the standard swastika purple band. But, this is a community effort for this Anon doesn't belong to me
>>38255What even is that thing? There no point in having an armband of a symbol nobody recognizes.
>>38257Yeah nevermind
>>38258Look up Generation Identity.
>>38257>>38260>>38178I am obviously not an artist, but heres a suggestion based on Iron Guard Anons sketch i smeared together hastyly. Sorry for violating your picture.
>>38262Whatever I post is free game for all. Now we just need mlpol-tan to make a final finish. I can't into final concepts
>>38265We need your talent to finish making mlpol.net Anon
>>38269Why not just a white skinned anon w/ a green ? on its face?
>>38269I'd love to help! But at the moment, I am away from my tablet and computer. Sorry. But I'll be able to help in… a few hours?
But if another talented anon wants to go, then go ahead!
>>38269looks a hell of a lot better than what i came up with, thank you Anon! Wonder how the rest of the site thinks about this mold.
>>38270Maybe worth a try. But since this is Anon we are talking about, his unnaturally colored skin is kind of a signature to the character.
>>38271You are not forced to contribute anything at all, but if you would, I am sure nobody would mind. If you join up later, thats fine. I Dont think this thread will run away.
>>38274I could go either way, just a suggestion
>>38274The Hood is fine by me. Also helps to distinguish Anon more. Should the rest of the site object, we could still go for something else.
>>38277this kind of makes anon look more like a stickman/slenderman.
>>38282that was quick, lets see of i can find you some more templates to play around with.
>>38304seems like we have a chance for a resurgency of the Toth dove after all
Had an idea
>pronounced like Thermopolae except as indicated
>>38310is that meant to be a reference to leonidas and his battle to the death with the persias?
I fail to see the ties to be honest. But I like Emelpolee. Strikes me as a city name.
>>38318No reference, other than rythmically.
I'm trying to establish good relations w/ /adv/ and some in /r9k/ and I was pondering what to 'be'
Tho I do like the idea of 300 of us standing against millions of shills n trolls n shit
>>38262Why not have blue anon? RGB color code consists of red, green and blue color. Greens is usee by 4chan and red by 8chan. We can claim the third blue color!
>>38716i like how it looks, but blue reminds me of bluepilled. how about a nice orange? after all, red and orange, as on his necktie, makes for orange.
>>38718It could be good but doesn't that scream echochamber for natsoc and libertarian/ancap?
>>38721i dont think we have a lot of users who do not support either faction, if any at all.
>>38718We hijacking it now lol. ALL THE COLORS BELONG TO US
>>38724Are you sure we have any ancaps at all? Because every time we get Leslie Fairs with text they are like memeballs
>>38721I mean, it doesn't scream about it but some people could make the connection.
>>38726They are veterans and know the Anarchy is an outdated meaning. If anything, the Ancaps should get together here and debate a new name.
>NAP-CAPITALIST - NapcapI like that instead for em
>>38727I got this when mixing colors of the tie. What ya'll think?
Can anyone explain to me what this mask-thing is supposed to be about?
>>38729Thats pretty imperialistic, my man.
>>38733Gotta get thos arms deal for newest railguns going.
>>38733Do you have the Luna atop a dreadnought image? I tried to save them all, but I think the thread got deleted
>>38731Horsefuckers and /pol/acks lynched and burn a lot of reddick niggers.
>>38737So, like the KKK? Isn't that thing supposed to be part of the robe though?
>>38729What does Napcap stand for?
>>38741Alot of natsoc here. Brownshirt fits that well. Red for /pol/ yellow for napcaps on the tie. Purple for /mlp/
/mlpol/ logo optional
>>38742Non Agression Pact Capitalist.
>>38744Checked. Sorry, slow net/phone.
>>38745Isn't that just anarcho capitalism? I never heard of that.
>>38739Eek! Yes!
I um.. uh… I don't know, all the ponies with all the 40K Imperium everything?
Actually, maybe a pony space marine slaying hordes of redditors
>>38749Dude, you can't just make up political ideologies on the run. At least make it look it wasn't copied.
>>38750Wat. I was talking about 40K shops
>>38755Soory, I thought you was replying to
>>38747 >>38747It's the same thing. Anarchy makes no sense since they have NAP. I say they need to rename themselves. Imo
>>38760MinCaps? Minimalist Capitalists?
>>38760I guess they are anarchist because they believe that taxation is a theft. I think this video explains ancap pretty good.
Imo early America after its constitution was made looked pretty close to ancap.
>>38763When I get back I'm maken a thread about this
>>38730looks good to me but that means little when you suggest it. perhaps se should go for a red/purple tie and color the armbinder the combined color
alternative suggestion for the klan hood, this is a M43 Mountain Cap, were worn by both the Wehrmacht and the SS. They are also still in use in several european countries.
this is the color i would suggest for the armband, if we change the red/yellow tie to a red/purple tie
wasnt there an anonymous pony?
>>38784>>38787yes, 5th pic see here
>>38143many Anonfilly pictures are recolors or edits anyways. If we are to make a pony version of /mlpol/ Anon, we could use some old Aryanne sketches.
>>38800I like purple coat pony. Maybe we could transit this into human anon coloring?
>>38779It is less obvious, which could come in handy in places like Derpibooru, where stuff that is obviously NatSoc or racist or whatever often gets voted down and ignored.
>>38804seems like we are getting into that territory
>>38788That's a bit too easily recognizable as Aryanne to me, desu..
>>38800Red Anonfilly is already taken by cripplechan /pone/.
>>38813Early Aryanne is iconically cute~
>>38811it aint bad. the orange armband works better with the tie. on second thought i must say, the skin maybe works better when purple. /pol/ was famous as a place of getting redpilled, and many people regard /mlp/ as something bluepilled. fits the color theory at least.
>>38812it is a substitute before we find something more original and get a definite decision what to use. for now, it is just for showcasing purposes.
>>38813>>38812Wouldn't we want mlpol anon pony to be recognizable as Aryanne?
>>38816Anon is male, Aryane is female. Also, Anonfilly and Aryane are two different poners.
>>38815Shouldn't we be using anonfilly as ponified anon?
>>38816Anonfilly is female and basicly has no original design. As far as i am concerned, we could just go with Aryanne recolors, if we do not find a dedicated drawfag for mlpol filly
>>38818Well, FiM ponies default to female, and "filly" is by definition female, so I think we're fine with keeping our anon filly female.
Should we really go with purple as a coat color? mlp is not, as a matter of fact blue pilled, and I think orange is the closest to /pol/ red without taking /pone/'s red. A really light orange, I think, would look good
>>38823That just looks like a normal person.
>>38823hmmm… That's kind of a peach color, like human skin. I'm not sure about that on a pony. But whatever color is used it should be a pastel, since coats usually only really look good in soft shades
>>38832Just give him a real "face" if you're going to give him a hat. just draw a chin there, and you've got a re-colored Anon.
>>38832>>38815Used coat color of this pone.
>>38836Forgot pic, I should go to sleep already.
>>38846well, actually, its nice beary ponified. My bad.
>>38860Where did that come from?
>>38863just dragged some vector i had laying around under the paintbucket
>>38865>>38860I LOVE IT!!!
I see it's a rainbow dash recolor, but of course, so is Aryanne
>>38860heres the original if someone with better software and more skill wants to try his hand
>>38867The only thing is the eyes. The light blue looks almost purple against the orange. Maybe Anonfilly's green eyes? Maybe Politically incorrect/Rainbow Dash's Red?
So Overall we got now:
- either a white hood with eyeholes OR a brown wehrmacht hat with "?"
- orange OR purple skin
- light brown shirt with a black gaiter
- red and yellow tie
- purple OR orange armbinder with a swastika
- a /mlpol/ pin
still lacking a cutie mark for the pony version
>>38869I think the brown Wehrmacht hat works best. And I like the orange for both the human and pony versions. As for the cutie mark, will "it's cute" or the flag symbol fit? If not, maybe the /pol/ symbol, or at least a swastika surrounded by red, would be best
>>38870I too would vouch for orange skin and hat, as well as the Reichsalicorn as cutie mark.
the "its cute" insignia is well enough for the pin. dont think we need it twice
I had this done, but phone died before save. Orange skin works great, redid the tye to purple-red. armband red, yellow circle with black swastika. Purple band for hat, center mlpol logo, brown hat top, black brim. Brown shirt and Black gaiter.
>>38874sounds goods, the way how you plan to draw the armbinder overall and pin into the hat is even better.
>>38874Hotdamn, found another save. Hope to have it redone soon
Think we have a good start for a better drawfag to pick it up?
>>38884I think this is just about as excellent as it can get. After all the feedback we got, I'd say this is a worthy design for /mlpol/.net Anon. Even thought of putting int he Reichsalicorn.
If there was one thing i would change it be to in regards to the hat, make it look more liek a M43, but other than that, every design aspect we discussed is now incorporated ina pleasant fashion. Very good, Anon!
>>38884It looks pretty fine to me
Ok. I quite like the scheme. Input?
>>38889Recolored anon is fine by me, although orange is a bit flesh colored.
Also, make the armband normal and put the yellow somewhere else: ancap and natsoc are separate ideologies.
Who got the big cheese? >>38888
>>38889I do like the orange, but maybe a bit darker on the human version? It looks sort of like human skin tone
>>38893The Anon represents a few. I'm willing to change the armband, but the red/yellow is nice imo.
>>38896And now we've definitely got it
>>38896I dont know im still a fan of purple skin.
Id wear that tie as a signal though tbh.
>>38900Three anons styles? Orange or purple, orange-/pol/ greater influence, purple-/mlp/?
>>38909Meant 2, but white for /pol/, orange for /mlpol/, those who where cross boarding?
>>38869I think we should have a poll for these designs.
>>38938Sounds good to me. Once someone makes and anons vote, I can redraw, or another drawfag will
>I think we should have a poll for these designs.Should we do the poll for the master design here or make a new thread for it?
>>38995I suggest a new thread and let this one die off for the archives.
>>38749Also working the Luna shop
I started on one. I like the idea of anon wearing the KKK hood and decked out in pony merchandise. This is rough and not done, but what can I do with it?
>>39020Here is with a couple lines so far
I kind of like the idea of a Wehrmacht uniform with multiple plushies on the belt, sort of like the right side of pic related.
>>39020>>39021i guess we should wait until you are done with your picture. Draw what you feel is the most appropriate design.
Imagine my face when Sweet Home Alabama started playing when I drew the hood on him.
Alright, I'd say it's about time to make a poll now. Hopefully one of the mods stickies it.
(Um... Okay)
>>39036I guess your face was just about like that one
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCu_wd_bulw [Embed]Gotta say, the way you draw the hood of his looks really rad. Like it. Thanks for these, /mlpol/-tan.
>>39040I agree. Time to call in the jury.
>>39041No problem mate. Yes, that's how I was. Though I love the hood, I'm not sure if I like the hood more than the hat only cause the hat will let me draw more angry faces on him.
>>39043maybe we will keep both, but lets let the other Anons decide that.
>>39056I like that one, gives a good impression on the overall apparel Anon is wearing. Until we settle the question about that hat(s).