>>377282 Who wouldn't die in the desert for a face like this? Pledge your life and munitions to your greatest ally today. We will be sure to run your nation well in your eternal absence.
Ngl, I actually bought a lot of the liberal smearing that painted Vance as an awkward weirdo, but tonight I see the truth. Vance has exceeded my expectations.
>L-Law enforcement asked for the bill This guy can't stop talking about legislation when he is here trying to debate about a president. You aren't running for Senate Walz. You are trying to make your nigger queen look good.
Vance did fuck up on that question though. He agreed on the fundamental on abortion and just said it was ok that states could regulate it. Walz's argument has more weight in that geography can determine fate. He should have dodged better.
Republicucks are so fucked on abortion. It is so easy to demonize abortion and yet no one can seem to go hard on it. Just bring up the abortion buses and how people celebrate by killing babies like it is Ba'al worship all over again. I wish candidates would stop falling on their own blades by trying to go the middle road and allowing the opposition to make better arguments because why would you only support abortion in states where it is popular and allowed if you agree it is a good thing fundamentally? Just say it is a constitutional right to let states ban it or approve it. At least he is doing well other than that.
>We need to look at rural suicides, sometimes it is just the guns He is literally saying he wants to take away the guns in the country to prevent suicide by gun
>>377313 Because he is trying to balance out Trump being unlikable and trying to steal the image that the media placed on Walz, forgetting that it literally doesn't matter because he isn't who everyone will be dealing with, and the media doesn't give a shit. Everyone will forget he was nice and go back to thinking he is completely schizo like the media says. He should definitely go harder but he doesn't have the balls it seems.
Get rid of your guns to end suicide. Nothing bad will happen, we swear on the name of Rodney King and George Floyd, hollowed by their names. Sometimes the problem is the gun.
>>377342 there have been mass shootings in finland. but more relevant is the fact that finland is a small country of only a few million mostly homogenous population. it's diversity that is causing the eruption of mass shootings. i know it's just correlation, but as america grew more diverse, the more mass shootings there were, with the steepest increase during the obama era. diversity as also part of the reason africa is so violent. colonialism divided up african nations under economic groupings, and put rival tribes within the same border. this diversity has directly led to violent conflict. the same goes for every nation on earth.
>>377359 They care specifically about maintaining enough effort that they can justify to themselves and their supporters that they are in control of reality (the narrative). That second image/comment is either delusional or gaslighting (perhaps both), but what is important is maintaining a pretence that both sides are evenly matched to 'counter' an obvious slaughter
>>377359 Even a debilitatingly autistic man can tell those eyes are not the eyes of any positive emotion. I would feel insulted that the news is gaslighting my lying eyes again, but it's so continuous and obvious I can't even be bothered no more. If the news people aren't tarred and feathered in life, I better expect them tarred and feathered in hell.
>>377399 Those are some nice digits! But even a generationally inbred AND debilitatingly autistic man can see that NO, those are NOT the eyes of the lord. No, they are eyes that can come only from Seattle. This is the work of the Seahawks