>>372894>What the hell is with all the striped/blacked edits of aryanne on derpibooru.org?Because detractors do it to try to trigger people like you.
>Is the pony fandom is so autisticly divided between trannies and chuds?Yes. The pony fandom is primarily composed of autists, and those are two of the primary phenotypes.
>Is the website run by juden?Somewhat, but the content would still be there without them, for the reason stated above.
>>372894What do you think, dude? You're here because poners and nazis trigger people and you gotta ask why there are pics of poner nazis fucking niggers? It's really that simple. Silly.
>>372894Because glownigger shills get paid with your tax dollars to post blacked porn everywhere. It's not just limited to live-action porn.
They're hired by jewish satanists whose goal is to denigrate and humiliate humanity (meaning white people) and everything else good and beautiful, because they hate God and hate creation.
>>372932Either that, or because some artists find it amusing to troll easily-trolled people. Bored trolls or God-hating Satanists; it's usually one or the other.
>>372933Yeah I'm sure all the blacked porn is just a troll too.
All the anti-White hatred, just a big troll.
Flooding White countries with subhuman trash? Epic troll.
Wake up, dumb fuck.
>>372894Between the troon "infiltrators", the multitudes of goyim niggerfaggots, and the variety of cucks, there is a single answer:
They seek to destroy Epona.
>>372898Fuck off, champagne soycialist. Go die in your tankie hole for jewkkkraine.