Can someone explain to me why they draw something like this? You want to look for pictures of ponies with just a fat belly, and the whole rendition on booru is littered with this shit.
>>372692It's just a fetish. What is there to explain?
>>372706A fetish for dimensionless fat bubbles?
How are you surprised by this? More bizzare and disgusting fetishes exist.
>>372709Try filtering "-obese", "impossibly obese", "-hyperfat"
>>372692Derpibooru is the reason I got really good at booru tags, you can’t just search for things you like, you need a filter hard excluding all the things you hate and then you STILL need to score.gte:X00 all of your searches or you’ll get garbage (you can’t just hard cap your score limit either because it depends on what you’re searching)
>>372724Blacklists and Minus-tags are basically essential quality of life features for any *booru and booru-adjacent site. Anything that refuses to implement these or limits them is asking for trouble.