NAFOtroons seething already
Apparently also available on his website.>Social Network X app has become the most downloaded app in the App Store amid Carlson's upcoming interview with Putin - Elon Musk
Meanwhile, the announcement of the interview on Tucker Carlson's personal page got 84 million views in less than 24 hours.
>>371121I can't believe they're just openly putting American journalists on kill lists.
>>371121>>371122I can't believe Zelensky has the audacity to call Putin a dictator after this (he is a dictator, but calling him one is totally hypocritical).
>>371104>>371128Nice. The reeeing from the media and other have been fun so far.
Finally can talk with people that share same points of view.
Seriously CUCKranians think they are based nazi nationalists that fight against the soviet union. bruh
i have seen them in groups everywhere, even right wing ukranian "bronies" lol
talking about how Vladimir Putin is a liberal leftist progressive lgtb pro abortion evil jew that wants to destroy their beloved European union of white man.
Seriously what kind of propaganda is (((Zelensky))) using in Ukranine ? lmao
>yfw Putin goes on a 30 minute rambling monologue about Russian history
I guess this is a happening and I don't wanna ruin the fun but I'd like to add a reminder that: First, it's close to an e-celeb thread, and second, Tucker is definitely controlled op.
Again, I'm trying to ruin the fun but I don't feel comfortable not mentioning it.
Pretty much every question Tucker asked got answered with "I won't go into details but" or "why don't you ask them?"
lots of vague non answers mixed with a Russian history lesson
>>371140Sweden flag. ok Muslim. Putin bad beep boop beep open borders for CUCKraine
>>371137how has blown the nord stream?
JEW for sure.
>>371140I don't consider it an eceleb thread because Vladimir Putin is a tangibly relevant political figure, and an interview with him counts as real news.
I'm not one to fellate Tucker Carlson, but the saltiness caused by this interview gives me a chuckle.
EVERY goddamn Lefty liberal progressive degenerate pedophile fat bastard abortist feminist queer lgtb 2030 agenda jew circumsiced cock sucker NATO lover communist Biden Hilarry Obama Lover is now supporting UKRAINE against the CHAD PUTIN and hating on TUCKER CARSON and Donald Trump
BAD DAY FOR RIght Wing conservative Ukranians to exist. they have to see how the BASED department of the planet is saying "UGH CRINGE" at those supporters and losing the based fans.
[YouTube] Иван Царевич - Россия Вперёд Ivan Tsarevich - Russia Forward
[Embed]This song should be viral
>>371148No that's a good point. I didn't consider it.
>>371159>the goyim knows>Israel and Zionists are supporting the war so they can bring Ukrainian Jewish refugees to Israel. Ohio-based anti-Israel activist Abbas Hamideh, who has expressed support for the Iranian regime and Hezbollah, tweeted, “The Criminal Zionist occupation of PALESTINE supports Neo-Nazis in the #Ukraine so they can cause massive flight of Jews fleeing for their lives & then bringing them to Occupied PALESTINE in order to “save” them.” I. Em Cohen, another anti-Zionist writer, echoed Hamideh’s sentiments in a tweet claiming that Zionists are using the situation in Ukraine “as an excuse to build more zionist [sic] settlements in Palestine.”the best source to know what is true is to check what the sionists say is a lie: Question for those knowledgeable in the occult:
Is Tucker wearing a Kabbalah ward because he's on the side of the Jews, or because he wants to protect himself from them?
Hey guys, this isn't "Tucker Carlson General", this is a thread about the Putin interview. Please keep it about the interview.
>Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
<First we need to look at history of it all.
>Please do.
<Once I was the most mystical man in Russia...
>>37118888 get confirms CUCKrainie is the wicked envious sister that has to be put in place and then anexed to Russia Solar empire again
Honestly, I doubt the purpose of this whole thing is divulging any information the public wants to know, since anyone west of the prime meridian already considers Putin as literally Satan or whatever.
It is a massive flex, if anything, and there is a non-zero chance it'll bait America into adding to her exponential pile of mistakes.
>>371105Psyopping the psyopper doesn't end well. Don't forget that Dan "The Goodest Goy" Bongino is Cucker Carlqueer's best friend. One spent over 2 decades in the Sacred Service keeping pedos, murderers, and human traffickers safe, the other was covering for his best buddy.