>>3692161674-1676 cucKing Philip's War
1989-1697 cucKing William's War
1702-1715 cucQueen Anne's War
1744-1749 cucKing George's War
1775-1783 'Muricuck vs. britmutt not actually a (((revolution)))
1798-1800 Franco-American Naval War
1801-1805 Barbary War 1
1803-1806 Barbary War 2
1812-1815 War of 1812
1813-1816 Barbary War 3
1836-1837 War of Texass (((Independence)))
1846-1848 Mexican-'Muricuck War
1861-current US not even remotely a (((civil war)))
1891 (((Chile Police Action)))
1891 (((Haitian Police Action)))
1894 (((Nicaraguan Police Action)))
1894-1895 Sino(Chinese)-Japanese War where the JewS supplied chinks with several armies worth of supplies, weapons, ammunition, and training
1894-1896 (((1st Korean Intervention)))
1895 (((Panama Police Intervention)))
1869 (((Nicaraguan Police Action 2)))
1898-1910 1st Phillipine-'Muricuck War, in which a fruit selling corporate man named DOLE started because he wanted slave labor
1898-1902 (((Guantanamo Police Action)))
1898-1904 (((Guam Resistance Intervention)))
1898 Spanish-'Muricuck War
1898 Nicaraguan refusal that leads to MUHREENS taking over San Juan del Sur
1899-1905 (((Samoa Intervention))) where the US had zero right to invade on a throne succession challenge
1901-1918 (((Panama Canal Zone Police Action)))
1903 (((Honduras Revolutionary War)))
1903-1905 (((Dominican Republic Police Action))) which saw yet ANOTHER corporation being defended by US goyim
1904-1905 (((Russo-Japanese War Intervention)))
1906-1910 (((Cuban Democratic Election Intervention)))
1907 (((2nd Nicaraguan Intervention))) involving the """Dollar Diplomacy""" scandal with yet ANOTHER slave-labor using fruit company!
1909-1920 (((The War To End All Wars: World War 1)))
1910-1948 the US supports chinese neo-judeo-commiecucks leading to the starvations and genocides of >80,000,000
1910 (((3rd Nicaraguan Intervention))) in Corinto, ANOTHER slave-labor using fruit company also using the """Dollar Diplomacy""" scandal except this one creates the """Banana Republic""" idea
1911 (((Honduras Polie Action)))) to protect ANOTHER slave-labor fruit company!
1912 (((Cuban Civil War Intervention))) where ANOTHER slave-labor fruit company's interests are protected!
1913-1914 Mexican Civil War, the US evacuates 2,000 bankers, corporate oligarchs, and pro-jew politicians but leaves >30,000 across the border to die
1914 the (((US Army Colorado Mine-Strike Breaking Action)))
1914-1918 (((Mexican Anti-Nationalist Police Actions)))
1914-1936 (((Haitian Revolution))) which becomes the US occupation of Haiti
1917-1935 (((Cuban Economic Protectorate Actions)))
1918-1925 the (((Anti-Nationalist Russian Police Actions)))
1918-1923 the (((Panama Canacal Rigged Election Scandal))) which resulted in >100,000 Panama residents being murdered and tortured by US forces. Oh, can't forget the 500,000 or so raped by US forces
1919 the (((Honduras Rigged Election Scandal)))
1919 the (((Anti-Serbian Intervention))) in Dalmatia, Yugoslavia
1919-1922 the (((Rigged Election Scandal "Police Duty Intervention"))) in Panama
1920 the (((Guatamalen Anti-Union Police Intervention)))
1920-1922 the (((West Virginia Anti-Mineworker Police Actions))) which left UNKNOWN dead, UNKNOWN crippled, and UNKNOWN homeless
1922-1923 the (((Turkish Anti-Nationalist Intervention)))
1922-1929 the (((Chinese Anti-Nationalist Intervention)))
1923 the Mexican-US (((Anti-Rebellion Intervention))) in Callese
1924-1926 the (((Honduran Election Strife Fiasco)))
1925 the (((Anti-Panama Slave-Labor Strike))) where US MUHREENS killed >20,000 and helped enslave >150,000 into Central Bank shit
1927-1936 the chink (((Anti-Nationalist Interventions))) where more US MUHREENS were given dual shitizenship and tax free status if they accepted being stationed to prevent another (((rebellion)))
1932 Farabundo Marti (((revolt))) in El Salvador
1932 the (((Washingdown DC Anti-WW1 Veteran Bonus Police Action))) when WW1 veterans were denied ANY form of representation or access to the money they were supposed to be paid at the end of WW1 [HINT: WW1 never fucking ended.]
1933-1949 ((The REAL War to End ALL Wars: World War 2!!!)))
1946-1947 the Iranian-Soviet Fiasco. This one is odd for several reasons, most notably that the Iranians were anti-Soviet AND anti-communist, yet the JewS said this: "Iran shouldn't be telling the Soviets to leave, but the Soviets should leave.. ALSO WOULD YOU LIKE A CENTRAL BANK?!"
1946 Anti-Yugoslavian Armed Response due to the destruction of an illegal JewS spy plane
1947 the (((Uraguay Peace Keeping Fiasco))) where several hundred bombers were flown over the country to force them into staying a Banana Republic
1948-1951 the chink (((Pro-Communist Liberation Actions))) where thousands of JewS politicians, Green Traitors, and military """officers""" were evacuated, yet left, AT MINIMUM, 40,000 US noncombatants to die in the anti-nationalist riots that occurred
1948-1958 (((The Palestinian Intervention))) where kikes genocided over 2,000,000 Palestinians, all watched by JewS MUHREENS whom had standing orders to shoot and kill any Palestinian that resisted the invasion of their homes
1948-1956 the CIA orders JewS forces to destroy the Huk Rebellion in Phillippines... for YET ANOTHER SLAVE-LABOR FRUIT COMPANY.
1949-1954 Korea. Enough fucking said.
1950-1951 the Puerto Rican Anti-Independence Fiasco
1950-1953 the CIA and MI6 create numerous (((revolutions))) to overthrow Iran's earnestly elected leader only to install the Shah whom genocides >200,000 within the first week
1954 the CIA offers the use of VX, Sarin, Garin, Monsanto's "Green Piece" (((defoliant))), and numerous other chemical/biochemical agents to the French for use against the Dienbienphu siege in Vietnam where the Vietnamese were attempting to get rid of invading foreigners. The French accept, leading to >1,000,000 deaths in the following 20 years. Monsanto is paid 1 billion JewS petro-shekels for their (((wonderful help in eradicating problematic foliage)))
Est. number of US deaths with JUST these ones: 25,000,000. Want more?