And if this is the case how do we keep such individuals under control?
Horsefuckers tend to have supra-genius intellect on average, so perhaps there's some truth to it.
Source: I made it up.
>>355456Autists are immune to propaganda.
>>355457They aren't immune to punishments and rewards though.
>>355458When it comes to horsefuckers, the best course of action is to simply give in to our demands. We cannot be defeated.
>>355464Come to think of it a quadruped robowaifu would solve just about all the engineering problems with balance for a sex robot. I bet the brony community would pay big bucks for them too.
>>355468The tail could help with balance too.
>>355455Masturbate enough times to normal shit and you'll desensitize yourself and seek out stranger things. Intelligent people are naturally isolated from those who hate intelligent people. And they get bored easily. Isolation, porn addiction as a coping mechanism to cope with life in an oversexualized society devoid of meaningful intimacy, no wonder the same people who seek out new things to occupy their minds would be more open to the various forms of sexual strangeness out there. Degenerate subcultures create places where their take on perversion can be explored and encouraged. This lures in horny bastards and those desperate for stimulation. Intellectual stimulation or sexual stimulation? Sexual of course. Descending into coombrained faggotry just because it's trendy or easier to fuck gay horndogs than find a good woman in modern society isn't intellectual.
>>355471But this has been going on before society became fully pozzed. The society that Tesla and Turning lived in actually had real values and they still turned out weird.
>>355474They might have secretly been into weird shit but they did not make that their core personality trait and make their fetishes problems for everybody else.
The Greeks would not have made plays about Gods impregnating women or cows, or turning into swans and raping women, if man had never felt the urge to whack off to bestiality and share that perversion with others. Humanity has always had all sorts of disharmonious urges. A good society encourages men and women to keep these dark urges in check for their own health and the betterment of society as a whole.
>>355484>A good society encourages men and women to keep these dark urges in check for their own health and the betterment of society as a whole.Agreed, how would you suggest we do that in the modern world?
>>355486Jews are brainwashing people into thinking tolerance is the most important virtue. Eliminate jews or their hold over society and things can be normal again. Lunatics can be locked up and given therapy and cured, or at least convinced it is better to act normal around others instead of actively working to spread corruption.
>>355471Soph actually has an entire video which goes into more autistic detail on it. I'll post it if I find it.
We like Cartoon mares that could possibly exist in another dimension or parallel universe.
>>355484 it's called perversions because someone invented the term and is a social construction. for greeks sex was sex and felt good. catholisism or similar invented that some stuff is "degenerate" .. like fucking a mlp pony alien... but you know is not. is natural
>>355471 there's a point where people is so desensitized that porn doesn't work anymore. they are beyond porn and experiment meditation, tulpas, parallel universe seeking in dreams,. astral travel etc. they surpassed and won against porn. they aspire to find pony goddesses and not porn actresses sluts
>>355455Thinking weird isn't that special, honestly. The real issue is one of two things:
>no one there to curb unorthodox thoughts>everyone enables the unorthodox thoughtsUsually some combination of both. It's especially an issue for autists cuz their one big fundamental problem is the isolation of concepts. Abnormal ideas persist and are very difficult to update away.