The war exacerbated already strained logistics that were close to their breaking point because of corona.
Ukraine, one of the grain baskets of the world, is fugged.
Ruskies are courting poorer nations by claiming they will sell them food first, but the truth is russian seens come from abroad, Russia may be well off regarding fertilizer (they produce much of it) but most of their seeds are imported.
Historically speaking, China's governance has been btfo by peasant revolts as soon as food started being an issue, to this end, they now have the largest reserves of grain.
The US has practically no grain or corn stored for a disaster, not like the government would give you any once mass starvation started.
Lots of factories and warehouses in the US are suddenly bursting up in flames as well.
And last years harvest of grain was fugged, as the US experiences droghts, same for europe.
In short, shit has hit the fan, and we are now going through the motions, expending the resources we still have, which we will soon have none of.
What have you been doing to prepare for mass famines?
I will give some very general prepping tips on what you can do.
- Prepping alone is worthless, someone will steal your shit.
- Prepping for the safety of your family is fine, but historically, communities and neighborhoods who banded together have recovered quicker from a distaster.
- 2000 cal per person, per day, for 365 days makes 730000 calories per year. This means, for example, 500 kg of kidney beans aprox. Calculate around these figures.
- You need 4k calories daily for a man performing sternuous labour.
- Generally, you can store lentils in a sealed food-grade container with an oxygen remover thingy for several years. If you buy things you normally eat, you will use up these resources regardless if the collapse happens.
- Baking soda can be used to soften old hard beans.
- Learn how to cook your prepped food in a variety of ways, stock spices.
- Loose lips sink ships, if someone knows you have food, they will raid you first.
- Despite this, networking is super important.
- The only security can be found in numbers of people (with guns bullets).
- Normalcy bias, you have it.
- The collapse won't be what you expect it to be, the collapse can very well be a worsening of quality of life over a period of a couple of years, constant shortages, electrical grid failures, and one day, the shortage will be permanent.
- Manage your fear, you will buy things you don't need and fall for scams unless you prep with a cold head.
- This bears repeating: Do not fall into fearmongering.
- This winter looks to be mild in Europe, nevertheless, no electricity in winter means no heat, it won't kill me, but ask yourself: would it kill you?
- Rule of 3, or how long you can survive: 3 minutes without air, 3 hours without shelter (in extreme conditions), 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. A good shelter includes heating.
- the ability to organize a group, medical skills, and engineering know-how, are invaluable. Knowing how to make propane would mean you'd never starve. Everyone needs propane (and propane accessories).
- Where there's shit, there's food, shit in a sealable container, and empty it far away, at 4. If your neighbors aren't starving, don't bother.
- If you can, plan to get out of the city, call up your grandma and pay her a visit.
- Have a list of people you can trust your life to.
- Prepping is what our ancestors used to call "getting ready for winter".
- Guns aren't needed if nobody else has them, but are required if a few other people have them.
- The US and EU, and UK governments will do anything to maintain their governance even over a pile of rubble. This includes stealing from civilians. In commie romania, people learned to lie, and to butcher pigs in the root cellar.
Most importantly, when FEMA comes knocking after any food you may have, tell them this:
> No sir, we have no food here.
> Yes sir, we will comply with the search.
> Here sir, have some sausage... to aid with the search.
> I am glad you found nothing officer!
> Have a good day, officer.
Links of interest:
>levels of prepping: level 3; enough for a year
>beans 101
>China Is Feverishly Preparing For The Coming Global Famine
>californian rice is fugged
Also prepping thread I guess.