Which /mlpol/ discord are you referring to?
only niggerfaggots use discord
Discord is a fed's wet dream. Discord server are circlejerking hugboxes that leech activity from this site and lower the quality of discussion.
>>347279Is there a Guilded server then?
>>347282What makes you think gilded is any better? it has the same top-down structure. You don't own your data, and shit is (not likely) to be encrypted on their end for storage.
>>347280Where else will I get to gossip about anons that I don't like while harvesting data for feds? I'm cool on isolated parts of the Internet!
inb4 OP knows /mlpol/ is super banned from dick sword and just wants to pop some tiny sperg cyst to pwn le ebin not-sees.
>>347278There's Anon28's old discord which still sees daily posts. I could get you an invite if you want.
There's also the Teatime discord.
>>347295>/mlpol/ is super banned from dick swordSince when? I link /mlpol/ posts on discord all of the time.
>>347280>>347291>>347295What alternative platforms do you suggest?
The entire /mlpol/ staff has nearly all of its communications on one discord server, and has used the same one for almost 5 years, despite Atlas having lost his account number.
/mlpol/ hosts Teatime on discord too.
While discord has its problems, there are some things that can't easily be done on /mlpol/, like anything that involves voicechat or PMs. Anons have reasons for wanting alternative platforms.
>>347275You you want an invite? If so, I have to go get one.
Discord is a glow honeypot. Assume EVERYTHING there is logged and immediately turned over to 3 letter agencies.
Consider Element / Matrix or Mumble instead.
Telegram is super popular and better than Discord in every way, but it's centralized so I assume it has the same logging / fed problems.
>>347398>Telegram>I assume it has the same logging / fed problems.You're right. If zog allows it, it is because they already control it.
>>347398If discord is a honeypot, isn't it a problem if the /mlpol/ staff do all of their communications there?
>>347399>If zog allows itThat's a rather broad statement. Technically zog "allows" /mlpol/ to exist too, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're being controlled.
>>347401Telegram is weak because it's centralised and relies on cell phone numbers, and they still haven't released server-side code like they promised
Also it getting unlocked in Russia after it was locked when they demanded backdoor access is suspect like
>>347399 is kinda saying
>>347326>What alternative platforms do you suggest?Smoke signals and shortwave radio.
>>347405Unironically though.
For both staff, and other communications.