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Atheist hate thread
340569 340697 340713 340722 345749
Fuck atheism
If atheism was intellectually and morally superior to christianity they wouldn't be a bunch of postmodernized demoralized midwit consoomers simping for feminism and Soy Wars/Soy Trek while bitching about imagined Christian evils as Muslims toss faggots off rooftops.
340571 340651 346431
Not an atheist, but while a not-insignificant percent of atheists like to believe
>atheism is intellectually and morally superior to christianity
thats not an attribute of atheism, thats an attribute of douchebags who happen to be atheists.
I mean, I could castigate Christians as all being choir-boy rapists, but I have enough intellectual integrity to recognize it's a very small subset of Christians who have engaged in such behavior, rather than the entire group.
Lazy/juvenile rhetoric such as OP's statement really have no place in the perception of individuals who are actively seeking to improve themselves.
340572 340698
>Christians as all being choir-boy rapists
Thats called catholicism, which isn't christianity

>douchebag atheists
thats almost all of them. to be an atheist, you must engage in in the mental circle-jerking ring of pseudo-intellectualism. Friendship is Optimal is one such example of the circle-jerk ring easily found in this fandom.

big paint brushes work when there are obviously large surfaces to cover.
try again
340600 340732
Bible study thread fag here. The hell is this thread? Not only does it not belong on the main board here, but what on earth are the intentions with this? Are you trying to make people that view religion as elitist and needing to be removed seem all the more validated? Honestly, this is a pain to see and I highly doubt you even understand the basics of any religion to counter atheism to begin with.

Your arguments boil down to: your side let bad stuff happen.

Guess what? Christians let both that and atheism take hold and expand and they haven’t and still will not do a damn thing to halt it, meaning that should your claims even be correct, you have implicated yourself as the means to it even being a factor.

>Catholics aren’t Christian
Even if you want to make a theological argument here, which you aren’t prepared to do without more irrational finger pointing, you are still wrong as they are built on the foundation of worshipping Christ. Just as you pumped all atheists into a singular entity, Christianity is the same when dealing with such a broad topic as all atheists, including users of this site which don’t support any of the aspects of the world you claimed they do.

>large paintbrushes
Don’t even get me started on the amount of people that claim to worship Christ and are incredibly horrid people. Again, we are talking about the entire collective with no nuance as to true or fake because the same can be applied to atheists. I can make the same claim about all Christians believing they are above moral reproach based on interactions with several. This is a fallacy in reason.
Thank you, I concur
340689 340710
>I have enough intellectual integrity to recognize it's a very small subset of Christians who have engaged in such behavior, rather than the entire group
Congrats, you are smarter than the atheists who say all Christians are bad
And what of the Christians who say all atheists are bad?
Why would I hate atheists? Nihilism was an important part of the path that ultimately led me to God, yet away from ecclesiasticism.
340710 346431
Christianity is completely indistinct from them in nearly all ways that are important, and all ""right wing"" conservative differences from them are a clown show cope to deal with the fact that marxism has been their steady diet of indoctrination since childhood.
The average christian thinks
>race doesn't matter
>christ forgives everyone
>die for israel.
>I bad, jews good
>women can do what they want
>gay is okay if you pray
>circumcision good

Christianity is nothing more than a venear over the behavior of the white race. Having it or taking it away would change basically nothing about us. We lived in places where you have to get a long with your neighbor because food was relatively scarce and you where iced in for a third of the year. No idea where the seething self hatred comes but original sin has been a comment way before the times of Christ and whites definitely have an inferiority complex a mile wide.

If you look at the appeal points of Christianity and Atheism it's all the same shit.
>big unfathomable entity/place
>to feel small and unworthy
>reason to care about based blackmen and the disabled
about the only thing they used to differ on was women and gays but go back even just 50 or so years and athiest groups used to laugh at the idea of women being intellectuals so it's clearly a different pathos.
>catholicism isn't christianity
then nothing is christianity, marxist.
I think he means it's not the same thing, just a subgroup. You can't generalise all catholic traits to apply to every christian sect

You opened this thread with "then [other group] wouldn't be a bunch of [insults]"

It really is the most insane shit. I hate jews but hail yeshua bar yoshef our lord and saviour

There is neither jew nor gentile, neither free nor slave, neither man nor woman, for all are one in jeshua, but also I want Whites to be allowed to exist on their own

This is my representative from god but we're so much more based and trad than those tree worshipers larping as their own people instead of larping as desert jews
The deontological morality, or slave morality, of Christianity, was a direct precursor to the Enlightenment, deconstructionism, and, finally, Cultural Marxism. Christian morality espouses the ideal that there are inherent metaphysical properties of "good" and "evil", a baseless absolutist assumption that has no social utility and also pays no heed to the limitations of human perspective. Christians are taught that pride is a sin, no matter the context or result of their action. They are taught to be charitable to the weak, no matter the context or result of their action.

A more useful way to derive morals is to define them teleologically, by their utility. Is pride in one's self to the point that one is unable to recognize their own faults "sinful"? Yes, as this has a negative social and personal impact. Is pride in one's family, nation, or race, sinful? No, as these feelings generally lead an individual to feel a desire to be more productive.

This is an argument that predates Christianity, that has been waged in the west for millennia. It may seem familiar to Europeans now, but the reality is deonotological morality is a foreign set of ideals that was propagated throughout Europe by Semites, via a Semitic religion. Hence Christianity needing to adopt so many pre-Christian European cultural nuances and aesthetics to even be palatable to European peoples. Christianity is proto-Communism. God is dead and Europe and her colonial daughters desperately need a religious revival, but not a Christian revival.
340725 341441

I'm glad this is generating legitimate discussion, but if possible, could you try and steer clear of posting "_____ Hate Threads"? It's very 4/pol/ tier.
OP is clearly a 90 IQ emotionally charged edgelord that is incapable of having meaningful thoughts. Can't expect them to post anything worthwhile.
>Not only does it not belong on the main board here
Idk. I would consider the topic of atheism, as well as "hate C group" to be native /pol/ content.
>baseless absolutist assumption that has no social utility
Social utility is only relevant in "moral" arguments when it's used in law. Morality isn't necessarily defined by how useful things are to people, especially when you consider that you have to then find boundaries between the priorities of individual liberty and collectivism.
340735 340736
I agree, however OP did a piss-poor job of starting a discussion thread (assuming it wasnt intended as a "Grrrrrr, I hate this thing, we all hate this thing right?" thread)
I mean, it's no different from the tranny hate thread in terms of OP quality, but does that really matter?
>Christianity needing to adopt so many pre-Christian European cultural nuances and aesthetics to even be palatable to European peoples.
Deontological concepts of metaphysical good and evil aren't native to Christianity, or even Semitic religions. It's seen in eastern and western religions alike. Norse mythology had it, Greeks had it, slavic pagans had some, and even more in ways that are just different in ways you don't recognize. To say that pre-christian morality was based on "social utility" is really giving them too much credit: a lot of pagan morality is based largely on arbitrary superstition.

Judaism as well puts a bit less emphasis on good/evil deontology than Christianity does, as because they as an ethnic religion really define their own deontology by whatever is good for their own tribe, and define all gentiles as evil.
The deontology of abrahamic religions is largely derivative of similar religions in the region, most notably Zoroastrianism, which has a strong emphasis on deontology as it has a creator deity as the force of good, and an equivalent to devil/Satan as a force of evil. Zoroastrianism , however, defines morality in a peculiar way as it's based on animism reverence of the elements and the innate sacredness of nature: preserving the purity of fire/water/air/earth is good, polluting, corrupting or disrespecting it is nature.
Jews came in contact with Zorastrians a while ago, and appropriated the idea of their tribal deity being a force of good from them, and went on to use that mindset to say that everything they do it justified because Jews are good and gentiles are evil.

Christianity diverts from that concept a bit, as it starts off by saying that everything about this world is corrupt and sinful, because all humans are sinners, and instructs its followers to try to become better versions of themselves by admitting to and atoning for their sins. It also puts a lot more emphasis on the outcome of heaven and hell for souls, much like Zorastrianism does, but deviates from the elementalist animism of morality because it presents this life as transitory for the true purpose of creation, rather than afterlife purely as a punishment or reward for behavior in life as Zorastrian does.
Top part of this is meant for >>340734
340773 340870
You learn mathematics from books, geography from maps and human past from history. But no book in the world holds knowledge of how to be a good person. It's mainly because such notion is prone to subjectivity. That's why religion exists to throw the human factor out of the equation and judge our actions by someone a milestone ahead of our own capabilities. Atheism is bad because it allows people to withdraw themselves from following moral obligations that they've themselves wrote in the bible. Religion helps us see through the indifference of the world through a more welcoming, human-friendly light. But atheism, while rightfully pointing out the blanks, sends us back flying into the obsecurity of sin.

And for someone who cums inside rainbow dash twice a day, you fly into the obseurity of sin quite often, fellow brony enthusiasts.
I have no reason to think theyre larping as some desert jew at all, did you even read my post? from the start I am saying that white people are incapable of acting any other way than true to their own nature. Ergo any religion they have will be expressed and continue to be expressed in the ways they find pleasing, weather they prostrate themselves before odin or the universe or jeshua
>Atheism is bad because it allows people to withdraw themselves from following moral obligations that they've themselves wrote in the bible
So, you are of thr position that atheism is inherently a/immoral?
>atheism, while rightfully pointing out the blanks, sends us back flying into the obsecurity of sin
Ill take that as a yes
>for someone who cums inside rainbow dash twice a day
Speak for yourself, degenerate
I didn't say you were. I agreed and then made my own point ontop
>only cumming inside rainbow dash twice per day
That's a sin, alright.
God I want to breed book hrose
Catholicism > satanism > atheism > all other "religions" > agnosticism.

You either submit to Christ or you dont, being lukewarm is cringe
Wait, why is Satanism higher on the list than the others?
341510 345661 345753
Satanism has the most material reward, but it doesnt beat the reward of salvation. with agnosticism there is no material reward nor salvation so whats the point.
>has the most material reward
Have you read the bible in which the reference post has made?
Anyway, the imitators get nothing special. Unless it's useful.
The premises is that if the bible is real, the devil's principality is over Earth.
As in people getting in contact with the devil (and fellow fallen angels) get lots of stuff. Granted the devil more or less despises the dust (aka physical stuff, which means you).
That interpretation and spiritual contact is a pretty raw deal. As in it's a terrible contract.
Better to go to the one above that.

That's where the spiritual muddling happens, as in the who or what or whatever.
If it's book dude, get ready to get bundled up in soul clothes. Also rules and regulations and stuff.
If it's dead but actually alive dude, same thing just lot of the paper work is filed correctly.
If it's other interpretations maybe more meta or maybe more literal maybe something else.

Or another option which could be the same option depending on how wacky the reasoning is. Is self reliance. (This can go extremely far if done right. It just doesn't happen because inevitably shit happens.)
The next step is contractual NAP quid pro quo and rules lawyering. Technically optional step.
The next is developing relationships. Mutual aid and fun times.
That's about the quick and dirty of it.
341662 341691
Bitch, I'll be Atheist until we create the machine god, praise the machine spirit !
penis blastoise.jpg
>whoreshipping warhammer 40gay
Read another book
Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus OST  - Children of the Omnissiah[Extended].mp4
You don't need to wait, because time shit is wack anyway.
Besides the Omnissiah is with us at least in spirit and diminutive forms.
If you don't consider biological to also fall within that domain as well.
It all depends on how far you're willing to go. Granted there are beings that would like to take underserved credit and be fake and gay. So be aware.
345662 346431
Christianity is stupid. While Satanism is a useful inversion of that parasitic filth, and the (((Catholics))) put together an interesting grimoire: you won’t find any salvation or “moral goodness” in it. Salvation can only be found in yourself, do that and create something greater with your individual might. Strength and intelligence guides the masses from within, not without. Establish a new mythos instead of clinging to dated desert doctrine. Christianity was created to disconnect whole races from themselves, and White people of all creeds suffered the worst. I refuse to bow to any Jew.
345664 345669
People need myths to give them a moral framework when they're too young for empathy and real world experience.
If not stories of Jesus, then who?
>people need myths to give them a moral framework
I appreciate your admission
345666 345667 345671 345752
Exactly, that's where it ends for atheists like you. It feels like a victory if Christians deny Christ's divinity. If we look at Christianity through the "just a myth" lens, doesn't it say something that it's such a successful and universally appealing myth? Atheists lack morality despite aping Christian morality or substituting libtard fake morality. Atheists lack principles, despite all their "Logic is my mecha armour and reason is my katana and kindness is my religion and truth is my creed" talk they don't outperform Christians in the charity department. Posting race realist hate facts gets you banned on atheist websites. And their blind spot for Islam makes them worship and protect and enable kidfucking mudslimes they'd never have the balls to mock.
Many people lack morals (in some fashion) regardless of stories or faith or logic or blackmail or other things.
That's the bottom line.
This. I can strongly related to what your saying.

I'd say I don't really like the "hate atheism" OP of this thread though since I don't hate ahteists, since my best friend is an atheist nationalist and we get along perfectly well and can respect each other. But I can understand the sentiment; we are usually ridiculed by atheists with misrepresentations and such.
345670 345672
Why not Hitler?
Why not both?
>atheists like you
Not an atheist, but thanks for proving my point
345673 345674
Many people lack a lot of things. I think Christianity is good. It's not as if Christians kill Christians who become atheists after all.
I'm sorry if I come on too strong but I'm tired of atheists blaming Christianity for everything the Jews did to us. Victim blaming each other won't bring back what we've lost. Looking back I regret how aggressive and abrasive the post that started this thread turned out.
Hitler is cool.
What point is proven here? You can't just say a point was proven without explaining what the point is and why. Where's the argument to debate?
Yeah, I got you. Just keep it in mind for the future. I can totally related with that frustration though.
>what point is proven here
Indeed. You were quick to cite my post when you thought it complementary, except it never was. Literally, the point was to indicate that 'a point' could be made without having ever made a point. So quick to try and twist it agaibst "atheists like me" you neglected that you're dealing with a deist. Go on then theist, cite your veritas.
345676 345677 345678
Isnt christianity cucked
"most of it"
most of it isn't "Christ followers" though, even though they call themselves "christian".
shit, even mormans call themselves christian.
coming up with a different term won't help either. best thing to do is call them out citing the bible and why they are not a christ follower.
345685 346431
Yes and most Christfags you see online are just just coping larpers. Esoteric Hitlerism is the only legitimate faith.
It’s jewish garbage. Why cling to Jewish scripture? Because it’s contagious and you don’t want to reject it? People are too quick to trust Jews.
345680 345681 346431
Because Christ is Jewish and Hitler detested Christianity, He just infiltrated it so that it wouldn’t threaten the cause. It was useful then, but it’s ALWAYS been poison.
I may give this a proper response later but I feel like I'm stuck in timeloop. I knew that "kike on stick" would be the reply to my reply. I have already done this.
>Because Christ is Jewish and Hitler detested Christianity,
Shilling hard, aren't you?
1- Jesus wasn't a pharisee
2- Hitler supported Christianity.
Hitler’s spirit is eternal.
Go ahead and praise YAHWEH then. I’ll pass on the desert religions, slavery is for niggers and I refuse to consciously subject myself to any form of it.
I have heard before about the slave mentality that pagans speak of. Can you expand on that a bit more? I'm gonna be inquisitive rather than aggressive if you do because I'm curious about what that entails. I might even accept it if you explain it since I don't actually have a bad connotation to the word slavery in general. In my view, there's no difference between serving someone in any way and being a slave and hierarchies are societies' end destinations like how chaotic water becomes even in the end.

The Pope is an impostor
I see what that faggot is doing. It is part of the unification of all religions agenda (ecumenism and interfaith relations). The luciferian NWO requires an universal religion.
Fuck the pope! https://youtu.be/p-YXOT0HtCE
the fact that Hitlers religious views are contested is dumb. he could have only been that based if he were Christian, not some larping pagan or muslim
345714 345754 346431
Christians are insufferable retards. Epona please show them the way.
345715 345720 345755
It might be truth but Christianity, if properly applied, is the right remedy for de-judification.
345720 346431
full (3).png
full (2).png
full (1).png
I've heard Nazism is more effective and you don't have to worship a magical sand nigger.
Was Jesus even a jew to begin with?
Were Jews not something that can up after he died and a hebrew tribe got mutt?
345731 345751
Both failed pretty hard desu, working against each other won't help either.
Nazism provides the best way for Christianity to function for the good of the whites. I see no reason for Christians and Nazis to fight each other, as long as Christians don't say any "hurr durr there is only one human race and I love jews and jesus forgives everything and so should I" bullshit.
345762 346431
Fuck Christianity
If Christians wuz intellectually and morally superior to atheism they wouldn't be a bunch of postmodernized demoralized midwit consoomers simping for feminism and soy wars/soy trek while bitching about imagined atheist evils as Jews toss white babies into meat grinders.
Race is religion.
A race creates the religion it wishes to have. It rejects religions that do not fit it's perceptions of reality. This is why covidians are very close to christian. There's no point in religious struggle, you can't gaslight someone into adopting a religion that wont complement their racial behavioral propensities.
>doesn't it say something that it's such a successful and universally appealing myth?
No, you are putting the cart before the horse. Whites success spread the influence of Christianity, and places where Christianity exists in the absence of white culture do not at all closely resemble white Christianity, fundamental or zogged. People and cultures that adopted Christianity that are not white (such as native americans, japanese, etc) either where already monotheist, or engage in polytheistic Christianity. Please actually study other religions than your own instead of just sucking yourself off.
>What's the point
doing with my own power good works. If god actually has a problem with that, then we may as well be enemies, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go suck off a being who is only seething and coping that he isn't as loved. It's beyond my comprehension for why the adversary would look upon humans lot with jealousy.
Hail Epona!
345756 346431
Christianity IS judification. It made the greeks worship monstrosities like “Elohim” and “Jesus” when before they had their own personal pantheon.
Christianity is centered around the jewish god and the jewish promise of a jewish messiah. Worshipping jewish gods is fucking judaism. No more Elohim. No more Yahweh. Everything jewish can go back to fucking israel, and I wish open borders upon their land. I don’t need to please anything with a Hebrew name or Semitic origin. Why would the son of the creator be Jewish?
345758 345771 345772
>Everything jewish can go back to fucking israel, and I wish open borders upon their land.
Kek. Maybe you should go back to isreal then since instead of using regular warfare you prefer to attack via influx of immigrants. (I just thought the sentence was funny.)

Seriously though, your arguement is, "jews jews jews jews"? Can't you rather explain the core problems you have with christianity on a philosopical level?
Both covidians and their detractors are generally pretty retarded.
>can you prove my point of view for me?
I brought flowers for your dead argument.
>If Christians wuz intellectually and morally superior to atheism they wouldn't be a bunch of postmodernized demoralized midwit consoomers simping for feminism and soy wars/soy trek while bitching about imagined atheist evils as Jews toss white babies into meat grinders.
Most of that happened in the last three centuries. There were 17 centuries of Chruistianity before the enlightment bled all of the postmodernist cancer into the west.
Also, atheists do all of the things you just mentioned at the same rate as christians.
What? No, that's not what I said. I ask him to just tell me his views on christianity outside of his arguement about how its jewish. I didn't ask him to prove my point.
345765 345766
>there where 17 centuries of cucked bullshit I'm counting on you being too stupid to know about
>what? the onus of proof is on me? nuh uh you have to prove why you shouldn't worship my kike.
It still doesn't make sense though and you replied to my post twice.
>the onus of proof
What is this even supposed to mean? You're not making sense.
345773 345774 345777
He's basically saying
<"If yer worshippin' a kike, it is you who needs to justify yer stance."
Ignoring the fact that he unironically called Jesus a kike.
This is really just another example of what Sven was going on about here >>345756
I don't think this is a worthwhile discussion. But you nibbas can do as you please.
345775 345777 346431
I have experienced the presence of divine beings and have experienced Jewish indoctrination enough to know Christianity involves more of the latter than it does the former. Christianity was a deradicalization movement created by Jews, like the Hippie movement or BLM. Turns the vessel it infects into a useful idiot for the Jews, or “Rothschilds” if the word Jew offends you. Fuck Yahweh and fuck Satan too. Smut for the psyche, the Bible can be read allegorically sure... but so can LITERALLY ANYTHING including 2 girls 1 cup, which I now realize is a complex postmodern allegory for the regurgitation of Judaism (feces/shit) by men without cocks (lesbians/faggots). Thank you for enlightening me, I’m no longer a stupid goy and I love Yahweh!!! Can’t wait till Jesus comes back to ISRAEL 🇮🇱🇮🇱✝️✡️
What was Jesus then? Christian? A follower of Adolf Hitler?
345775 345776
Why should people idolize Jewish magicians? The last thing I wanna be is prey for the Jew-Gad. Aryan Christ is appealing to the kiddies but let’s not kid ourselves, Christianity disconnected Aryans from their native religions and there is no reason to propagate it anymore. Using Christianity is fine in the short term I guess, but it has done nothing for white people in the long term besides make them more submissive to the Jews.
Post your nose btw faggot.
The Judes had Jesus killed for uniting Christians from actual Israel.
The people of Judea are the villains of the Bible, and they stole the name Jew.
No, it really isn't, is it? I actually thought the same thing when I saw this post:
(you) btw wrote a pretty silly post imo. The only thing I got from it was, "Christianity was a deradicalization movement created by Jews". So the crusades were done by a pacified people? Isn't one of the /pol/ memes about jews on how they were banned from a bunch of countries in europe, remind me which religion has been the dominating one in europe throughout the last centuries.
It's interesting to me when I hear criticism towards christianity from different atheists and they basically contradict each other. You know, one day we're crazy fundamentalists that will blow ourselves up allahu akbar style and the next we're a bunch of complacent faggots that try to make God solve our problems for us.

I haven't gone over the tone of this post but I really do think that we would benefit more from having a serious conversation than having a small feud. Maybe, if we took the time to listen to each other we could understand each other and notice that we mostly agree about everything, whichI think isn't so hard to imagine considering where we are.
>Also, atheists do all of the things you just mentioned at the same rate as christians.
>no it really isn't
>wall of text
consider killing yourself for baring such blatant false witness """"christian"""""
why does someone who claims he is free from sin lying about his race?
345791 345797
>w-we're the real jews
I hate this fucking gay meme.
>another thread where every Christian is 'correct', even when trading jabs with other Christians who are also 'correct', nevermind they see the other as morally reprehensible for being heathens having different opinions
>it's another episode of the non Christian thinking he knows everything
>Why do the (((translators))) lie about His Race.
Really activates those almonds.
>another thread where every Christian is 'correct'
I'm following this bread and the term "correct" is a bit relative as such correctness may be used for subversion.
Let us see how evolve the shilling.
The Christians of Israel are not the Judes of Judea. The Judes forced the Romans to kill Jesus.
346023 346431 346443
To explain, have some excerpts from Ben Klassen, spoken in 1973:

"Throughout the bible, and especially in the New Testament, we are continuously urged to become more perfect, more god-like. We are continuously told that we are a collection of no-good, worthless sinners. We are told that our shortcomings and our weaknesses are as numberless as the stars in the heavens. In contrast to this, we are reminded again and again how perfect is the jewish god yahweh as portrayed in the Scriptures.

We are told that god is kind, he is loving, he is gracious, he is the incorporation of all wisdom; he knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen and not a hair falls from our head but that god wills it. We are told he is merciful and forgiving.

In the Sermon on the Mount we are told that we must be humble, that we must be meek, that our mind must become simple like a little child, above all, gullible, to the extreme. We are continuously told that we should forgive others their trespasses. We are told that we must be forgiving, and that everybody is our brother. Above all we are told again and again that our main purpose in life is to amplify the greater glory of god (yahweh), in other words, praise god (yahweh) continuously, fervently and endlessly. What scanty information we have about our activities in heaven, in fact, seems to be concerned mostly with the endless praising of the lord. If we are to believe the jewish scriptwriters, then, in fact, the only purpose that the lord created us for was to harvest everlasting praise from our automated lips into all eternity. We, on the other hand, are told that pride and vanity are a dastardly sin.

Having laid these few ground rules, let us examine how ridiculous is the jewish conception of their god, compared to those qualities that we are told we must strive for to become more perfect, more god-like. In so doing, let us remember that we are not really examining any real god of which we find a shred of evidence in the realm of Nature or in the realm of facts, but merely a conception of a god as set forth by a passel of jewish scriptwriters.

Let us first of all examine the quality of kindness. We are told that we must, of course, be kind and gentle and loving. If these are godly attributes, just how kind and gentle and loving is this jewish god?

When we ask that question the whole jewish conception of creation and philosophy of life breaks down and becomes a ridiculous shamble. In the first place, before he even created man and mankind (according to the jewish scriptwriters) he created heaven and earth. Evidently at the same time he also created hell, because it is the counter-part of heaven. He also, at this time, must have created the devil. Christian apologists lamely explain that he, the devil, was actually created a lovely angel, but he “fell.” This is, of course, a silly and ludicrous explanation. For a god who knows all, sees all, creates all, can destroy all, to accidentally have created something he thought was a lovely angel but turned out to be a vicious devil is too ridiculous for anybody to believe. It is a lame-brained explanation indeed, and one would have to be an idiot to swallow that kind of a preposterous and laughable explanation.

According to the jewish scriptwriters, we evidently have a god there that before he even created the human race had already created a huge, fiery, hot, torture chamber into which he would confine most of us poor miserable creatures for all time to come, into all eternity. By any standards, by any line of reasoning, by any evaluation whatsoever, this is about the most monstrous, the most heinous, the most cruel, planned torture operation that could possibly be conceived by god or man.

When we compare this long-lasting torture, which is not even mitigated by the mercy of ending it all by death, then all other ghastly crimes of history fade into pale insignificance. When we compare it to what the savage Indians did in scalping and torturing their prisoners; when we compare it to the beastly killings (by) the jewish communists of 20 million white Russians; when we compare it to the murder and slaughter of 50 million victims in China by the Chinese communists; when we compare it to all the ghastly crimes of humanity put together in all history, that of our most wonderful “loving” god as described by the jewish scriptwriters surpasses all a million times over.

No, a kind and loving god he is not. When we examine what the bible says he has in store for us poor miserable human beings that he himself created, then he is one of the most fiendish, tortuous and ghastly sadists that could possibly be conceived by anybody.

Then we are told that our god is just. We are told that justice is a godly attribute. We are told that we are all equal in the eyes of the lord. Let us examine exactly how just is “our” jewish god.

According to the jewish scriptwriters, in the old testament we are told again and again that the jews are god’s “chosen people.” We are reminded throughout the various chapters that Abraham (Ybrahim), Isaac (Ysak) and Jacob (Yakob) had special sweetheart agreements with this jewish god. The sweetheart arrangement wasn’t just merely limited to promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but was repeated again and again to people like David (Yavid) and Solomon ("A ONE Man") and other murderous whoremongers.

If we read Chapters of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Joshua (Yoshua), Isaiah (sp. contested), Kings, Chronicles and many other books and chapters throughout the old testament, we find nothing but bloody murders, slaying, killing, genocide, vengeance and retribution inflicted by the jews upon their enemies. Always the jews are victorious, and their enemies are slaughtered."


No matter how beastly the jews are, how many tribes they invade, rob of their land, kill their men, women and children, the lord yahweh is always with them, the lord is always blessing them, the lord is always looking with a kindly favor upon their murderous and treacherous acts. The israelites can violate every law set forth in the ten commandments or anywhere else, but the lord blesses them. They can kill, murder, lie, steal, cheat, deceive, commit untold treacheries, but the lord is all for them. After all, he tells them again and again they are his special people and he is all for them.

If by any stretch of the imagination a gullible fool can be brought to believe that condoning and promoting this kind of murder and treachery is justice dispensed by a wise and just god, then any further claim we might have to an ounce of reasoning goes completely out the window. How this can be reconciled with the claim that we are all equal in the eyes of the lord and that he is kind and just is about as stupid and ridiculous as anything that has ever been set down on paper by jewish scriptwriters or anybody else.

To substantiate the above all anybody has to do is read the Old Testament, especially the books that I mentioned above. The evidence is so overwhelming and so massive that I need hardly waste any further space in quoting page after page, chapter after chapter.

Nor should the White Race have any misconceptions about the god the jews concoct as also being “our” god, i.e., a White Man’s god. As described by the jews, he is strictly a jewish god. He is eternally and forever on their side, helping them slay, murder and mutilate their enemies. And who are the jew’s enemies? His most dire hate is directed at the White Man. He hates the White Race with an unreasonable, pathological hate.

Exodus 29:45, 46 says (and this is the Lord speaking) “And I will dwell among the children of Israel and I will be their god.” In Exodus 34:11 God says: “Behold I drive out before thee the Ammonite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite.” And further, verse 13: “But ye shall destroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves.”

In other words kill, ravage and destroy. Exterminate all other races to make room for the jews. God himself will lead the way for these pirates, robbers and murderers.

Where did we ever get the idea he was on our side? Where did we get the idea we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord?

In Deut. 7:6, again god speaking: “for thou art a holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.”

If that isn’t abundantly clear, I don’t know what is. He is saying again and again that he is all for this murderous tribe— the jews. He will lead them, he will fight for them, he will help them kill, murder, loot, ravage, pillage and destroy. And who is on the receiving end of all this mayhem? Why, we, the Gentiles are. Plainly, we are god’s (and the jew’s) enemies and plainly he is our enemy.

This is the way the bible tells it. This is the way the jewish script writers wrote it. We should have no illusions about it. This is neither the White Man’s god, nor is this any part of the White Man’s religion, nor is the bible the White Man’s “Holy Book.”

On the contrary, that book was written by our most deadly enemies for our destruction.

So far we have seen overwhelmingly that the jewish conception of god is neither kind, nor is it loving, nor is such a god a just god.

Let us examine the idea that he is so all embracingly wise, and that, to quote “not a hair falls from our head, nor a sparrow from the roof” but he is there, and wills it, and knows it, and it only happens because he wants it to happen.

In the first place, for such an all-wise and all-knowing god to choose a treacherous and perfidious race like the jews as his favorites is neither just, nor is it wise. Not only is it utterly stupid, but it is a treacherous betrayal of the overwhelming majority of mankind, a vast humanity which he himself has created, according to the bible. By their own account in the old testament, the jews are deceitful, treacherous, and almost their entire history abounds with murder, warfare, killing, and thievery. Any god that would ally himself with this kind of criminal element certainly has not earned our love or our respect, nor can such a god have any claim to justice, wisdom, reverence, or fair play.

I must again remind the reader that we are not really considering any real god in coming to these conclusions, but we are examining the irrational ramblings of the jewish scriptwriters who wrote the old testament. When we do start examining this mess of garbage we find it is pretty sad merchandise.

Pursuing further the idea of the jewish god as portrayed by these scriptwriters being all wise, we find it rather peculiar that he should have picked such associates as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom we have found in the previous chapters to be deceitful, treacherous, immoral and most despicable. We find it hard to believe that he would pick as his “chosen” such lecherous whoremongers as Judah, who fornicated with his daughter-in-law, thinking she was just an ordinary roadside whore. We find it hard to believe that such a god would be particularly enamored by such profligates as David, who betrayed one of his most loyal warriors, Uriah, stole his wife, and then sent him to the front lines of battle to be murdered. How such a wise and just god could be enamored of such a scoundrel, bless him, and heap special favors upon him, is beyond anybody’s comprehension of wisdom and justice.

Continued, part 3:

We read the story of Abraham and Sarah, whom the jewish god chose specially to be the progenitors of his “chosen-race.” We find that Abraham was a pimp of the worst kind, pawning off his wife (who was also his sister) as a prostitute for loot. This makes Abraham a pimp and Sarah a whore in the full sense of these words. That a wise and righteous god would choose such a foul and reprehensible couple as his special chosen to be the founders of a special and favored race is inconceivable. That they should bear their first son when they were 99 and 90 respectively would be laughable if it were not so idiotic. That they were brother and sister heaps incest and crime against Nature further upon an already foul and lurid story.

Why should the noble White Man worship such trash? We go further to King Solomon.

We find that this scurrilous panderer and whoremaster accumulated unto himself 700 wives and 300 concubines of many strange races. Reading through the jewish scriptwriters gibberish, we find that the wise and just god heaped upon this man another special covenant, another sweetheart agreement, blessing him and his seed. On reading further we find that Solomon was endowed with great wisdom by the good Lord himself. Reading on, we find that Solomon not only indulged in acquiring as many women as he could get his hands on, but he forsook the religion and worship of his own god and turned to the worship of the strange gods of the heathen whores and concubines that he had assembled. This would certainly seem to indicate that the jewish god’s choice of favorites was not only in bad taste but it was utterly stupid. Yet we are to believe that these kinds of villains, seducers, scoundrels and reprobates were the exclusive choice of a just and wise god.

Again, I must repeat that this is not at all relevant to any real phenomenon in Nature, but merely the gibberish and drivel of a passel of jewish scriptwriters, exact identity unknown.

Examining further how wise this jewish god was, we find that throughout the old testament this jewish god seems to stumble from one bad blunder into the next. In the first place he created Adam and Eve, whom we are led to believe were to live forever in the Garden of Eden. Hardly a day had passed but the programs and plans of this all-knowing, all-wise god ran into trouble. According to the jewish scriptwriters, Adam and Eve turned out badly and were driven out of the Garden of Eden. Nor is that all. Their offspring, as they multiplied, (with whom did Cain mate?) were such a bad lot that the good Lord, who had created them all, saw fit to kill and execute them all by drowning, except for one family.

One might well ask at this point, if god is so wise and all knowing, if he knows everything forwards and backwards, how does it happen he didn’t foresee how his creation would turn out?

Or, if everything turns out exactly the way god wills it, then isn’t it logical to assume that god had created man in such a manner that he would turn out bad? And, hadn’t he planned to drown them later? Hadn’t he further planned to send most of them into his fiery torture chamber which he created even before he created Man?

In following further the story of mankind as set forth by the jewish scriptwriters in the old testament, we find that this is not the end of the tragic torment imposed upon a long suffering mankind by their Creator. We are then told that this jewish god, in a desperate attempt to “save mankind” resorted to an attempted solution that surpasses all. We are told by the jewish scriptwriters that this God then descended upon a jewish woman, who, although being married, was claimed to be a virgin, got her pregnant, and she bore him a son. All this was done only so that this son could grow up, be nailed to the cross, and die for all the “sinners.”

This is, of course, an extremely ridiculous story when we relate the whole episode to the enormity of the universe itself; the timelessness with which the universe has existed over the billions of years and time eternal; the long history and development of mankind itself, spanning a period of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years. But even taking the jewish scriptwriters at their word, this caper evidently also turned out to be a disastrous blooper. So evidently the jewish God had blundered again. Two thousand years after this episode supposedly is to have happened, we find that most of the world doesn’t believe this cock-and- bull story, that we have more wars, crime and killings than the world has ever known before, that christianity itself is virulently sick. We find that the jews and the communists are winning the world and that neither one of these two (or shall we say one) believes in christianity itself.

So we find that seemingly god has consistently chosen the worst of the criminal element people as his “chosen,” and has made far reaching sweetheart agreements with this kind of people in reference to the rest of mankind. Certainly this is neither wise nor is it just. We find that he has continually blundered from one idiotic and tragic catastrophe to another in guiding the human race which he supposedly created. We find further, much to our horror, that he has planned to send the overwhelming majority of his creation into an eternal hell, a fiery torture chamber, in which these poor miserable victims are to be burned and tortured for time everlasting. We find that although the jews wrote the New Testament and sold the idea of christianity to the White Race, they themselves don’t believe a word of it.

For many years, long before I ever even saw through the jewish/christian hoax, I had been puzzled by the one-sided phenomena of thanking god, from whom presumably, all blessings flowed. I was not only puzzled but irritated.

Continued, part 4:

If a man worked hard all his life, used relatively good judgment, kept out of trouble, and built up a comfortable nest egg, why, then he should be thankful to god, because god “gave” him everything he had. No credit at all to the productive, responsible individual. If on the other hand, he was unfortunate enough to be beset by fire, flood, famine, disease, pestilence, war, death and disaster, why, then god was completely absolved of any responsibility. This is the way it is presented by the organized churches.

Having committed the “crime” of being successful and prosperous, a productive citizen is then beset by these jesus people to give! give! and give some more. And no matter how generously such a deluded victim gives, it is never enough. He is denounced as a greedy miser and urged to give more.

According to the christian creed, god does not bear any responsibility for all the evils and disasters that have plagued mankind throughout the ages. Usually the preachers will add insult to injury by implicating those unfortunate souls stricken with disaster by charging they deserved it. They will imply that somehow they were justly being “punished for their sins.” How strange! How idiotic!

It seems to me if god is to be given credit for all the good things in life, then he should also be held responsible for all the evils and disasters that befall mankind. If we must credit him for a productive rain then he must also bear the blame for a disastrous flood. If we should credit him for health, then we must also blame him for sickness and death. If he is responsible for a bountiful crop, then he is also responsible for famine and starvation. If we are to thank him for peace and plenty, then we must also charge him for plaguing us with war, revolution, communism, murder, famine and starvation.

Again this is another one of these inconsistent incongruities palmed off on the gullible. This, too, tends to destroy your own self-confidence and strengthen the idea of “blind faith.”

So in summation, we find that the story as set forth by the jewish scriptwriters in the old testament and the New Testament breaks down miserably when exposed to the light of reason and examination. We find that the conception of the jewish god as portrayed by these deceitful scriptwriters is completely incongruous, it contradicts itself, and is so absurd and preposterous that a person would have to take leave of his senses to swallow such jewish gibberish.

We find that their conception of a god is not at all kind and loving, but on the contrary, he is most viciously cruel. We find that he is not at all just, but on the contrary, is criminally prejudiced towards a murderous and treacherous race of people, namely the jews.

Nor can we conclude that he is very wise as is evidenced by one blunder after another through which he leads a long-suffering mankind. Significantly, all these blunders tend to heap suffering and misery upon us, the human race. Nor can we say that he is a forgiving god. We read continuously in the old testament about the lord threatening that “vengeance is mine.” When someone “displeased” him, (such as two of Judah’s sons) “he slew him,” much as a gangster would get rid of his enemy. Yet we are told that if we employed such tactics we would be committing the gravest of all crimes. What an idiotic set of double standards! We are told we should become more god-like, but if we follow any of these “god-like’ examples, we are condemned as the worst of criminals. No matter which way we turn we are wrong. No matter what criminal acts god commits, he’s perfect. How can we ever win with a set of rules like that?

Not only are most of his actions criminal, but are also viciously cruel.

In the end we find that not only is he not forgiving, but all the great majority of the “beloved” humanity he created is destined to suffer eternal agony in hellfire, a miserable suffering from which there is no reprieve, from which there is no escape, and to which there is no end.

We find further that whereas we are admonished not to have pride, whereas we are told to be humble, the jewish god himself is the most vainglorious and conceited phenomenon that anybody could possibly imagine. In fact, these jewish scriptwriters tell us that our main purpose in being created at all is so that the Creator himself could utilize us in harvesting eternal praise from our automated lips. Whether we like it or not, we are supposed to sing eternal praise to this jewish god because he is wise, because he is loving, because he is kind, because he is just. Since, as we have seen, he is none of these things, we are evidently supposed to be manipulated like a herd of stooges or robots to heap praise on an impossible and cruel tyrant.

There is one other serious credibility gap in this whole jewish story that no preacher has ever explained to me. If the devil is such a bad character, why did god create him in the first place? Why did he let this polished con artist loose on naive, newly created Adam and Eve? Or having created him, and having made the most monumental blooper of all time, why didn’t he quickly rectify his mistake? Why didn’t he just simply kill the devil, as he did to Judah’s two sons?

Why prolong this endlessly drawn out cat-and-mouse game where we poor human beings are the pawns? Why is god taking such a severe trouncing from his own creation? Since most people are going to hell evidently god is losing badly. Does this make any sense? It does not.

Continued, part 5:
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One other thing. If the eternal destiny of millions of poor souls is at stake, why is god so obscure, so coy, so terribly confusing about the issues? We have seventeen versions of the bible, we have the book of Mormon; we have Confucius’ teachings, we have the Mohammedan Koran. In fact we have a thousand and one different stories being circulated as to what is the “true religion.”

If the issues are a thousand times more important than life itself you would think god would reveal himself to the four billion people living today and make the issues crystal clear before sending them into the fiery furnace in all eternity. If he were real, he would owe mankind that, to say the very least. If in the days of the israelites, he could come down to earth and indulge in such nonsense as wrestling with Jacob all night, you would think the very least he could do would be to reveal himself to the four billion inhabitants of the earth today.

In any case, such is the story of the demented ramblings of the jewish scriptwriters, identity unknown. It is their story, not mine. I didn’t write it. They did.

They are rambling about a god as unreal and imaginary as are Zeus, Mars, Jupiter and a thousand others concocted by the imaginary meanderings of the human fantasy.

After you have backed these jesus people against the wall with their own incongruous and contradictory claims, they will make one desperate, last-ditch stand. They will come back at you with this non sequitur: “But surely you believe in a Supreme Being? Surely you believe in a Creator? Somebody had to make all this. If god didn’t, who did?

The answer to this old trick question is so obvious it would occur even to a ten year old. If “somebody” had to make everything first, then it is just as logical to assume “somebody” first had to create god. So, who created god? But, oh! They then abandon that line of reasoning and say, “God always existed.” Very well, if you want to go that route. Then it is also logical to assume the universe could always have existed.

In fact it seems more logical to me that it always did exist, rather than just pop up out of nothing 6,000 years ago, as these jewish scriptwriters would have you believe. Certainly, the evidence is massive and overwhelming that the universe has existed for billions of years, if not eternally. But how it ever “started,” if there ever was a start, nobody has the answer to this mystery of the universe, least of all these perfidious jewish scriptwriters.

The fact is, there are millions of mysteries in the realm of Nature the human mind has not solved, and the beginning of the universe, if there was a beginning, is one of those unsolved mysteries. In this regard I will venture two fairly safe predictions, (a) The human mind never will solve all the myriads of Nature’s mysteries, (b) The White Race of the future will solve more of Nature’s mysterious laws than have been solved in all past history. In fact our accumulation of knowledge is accelerating at such a fantastic rate that it is hard to comprehend. Whereas during a thousand years of the Dark Ages it progressed hardly at all, it is now doubling and redoubling in an ever shorter time span, such interval of doubling now being less than a decade.

Be that as it may, certainly the cock-and-bull story as related in Genesis is no explanation at all. It creates nothing but a mass of confusion and explains nothing.

Nor is it of utmost importance that we over preoccupy ourselves with this pointless pontification of “how it all started.”

This is about as useless a speculation as when during the Dark Ages the clerics indulged in the argument as to how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. We have more urgent and immediate problems to solve, and the most urgent is the preservation of our own species— the Crowning Glory of Nature— namely the White Race. This is what Nature tells us to do, and this is what we must do, and this is what we will do.

Again, I reiterate that all the truths that we have accumulated over the ages derive from our observation of the laws of Nature and the phenomena of Nature itself. Any conceptions or misconceptions that we might entertain in contradiction to the laws of Nature and the truths we have derived from the observation of Nature, can be rejected as the irrational ramblings of an unhinged mind. In this category we might well place the conception of the jewish god as set forth by the jewish scriptwriters of unknown identity."

Too long, didn't fucking read? Here's your abridged version: abiding by the whore-y babble's filth, all you have to do is be a good judeo-xtian goyim, shut up about das juden, NEVER try to go against das juden or their bitchfit deity. That's what Klassen meant when he called modern judeo-xtians: "the best slaves.. to have lived on this world, and to hate it (earth) more than their masters have done."
Wasn't really convinced. Most of it felt like misunderstandings of what we believe, or what I believe I guess. Many of the ppoints you brought up I have heard before so I'll come back with my answers for them. There were some points that piqued my intrested and I might look into some theology, though.
>In fact it seems more logical to me that it always did exist
>Certainly, the evidence is massive and overwhelming that the universe has existed for billions of years, if not eternally. But how it ever “started,” if there ever was a start, nobody has the answer to this mystery of the universe
Not that I really care too much that what authorities say but isn't consensus that the big-bang started the universe?
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File (hide): 3CC8B423E7E605D2D50241F2C6AA3F38-4475061.webm (4.3 MB, Resolution:640x480 Length:00:00:49, AntiChrist.webm) [play once] [loop]

found the (((antichrists)))
It's too complicated fren.
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I'll probably do this in parts, maybe, probably.
>Certainly, the evidence is massive and overwhelming that the universe has existed for billions of years, if not eternally.
>Nor is it of utmost importance that we over preoccupy ourselves with this pointless pontification of “how it all started.”
You emphasize how obvious it is that atheism is the truth and then suddenly it doesn't matter?
This is what I was trying to say with my last post and this is what the running point when it comes to atheists is, which is, that they are also a religious group. They cannot prove that God doesn't exist, despite how much they (not you in particular, more generally speaking) will talk about how they follow science first and foremost, they cannot prove their one common denominator, they simply believe like other religions.

>This is what Nature tells us to do, and this is what we must do, and this is what we will do.
>Again, I reiterate that all the truths that we have accumulated over the ages derive from our observation of the laws of Nature and the phenomena of Nature itself. Any conceptions or misconceptions that we might entertain in contradiction to the laws of Nature and the truths we have derived from the observation of Nature, can be rejected as the irrational ramblings of an unhinged mind. In this category we might well place the conception of the jewish god as set forth by the jewish scriptwriters of unknown identity."
So who decides what the nature of nature is?
I think nature is vicious so why care for it? Why would jews and their unhinged minds not be part of that nature?
I guess you will have to elaborate and define what you mean by nature because it can mean so many things.

>Evidently at the same time he also created hell, because it is the counter-part of heaven.
Evidently, your just assuming because this is no evident. I also assume things at times but you could just as well assume that God created hell after Adam and Eve committed the first sin and by doing so, brought death into the world.

>Paraphasing: If God is all-knowing, why does he create people that he knows will end up in hell? Aka: How can we have free-will if God is all-knowing?
Just because God knows what you will choose does not mean you didn't make that choice. God created beings with free-will so that they can choose to accept or reject him. Since God is perfect morality, accepting God is really about being a good person and rejeccting God is really about being a bad person. This is why God hides his presence so that we seek out God for the goodness he offers and not for his all-powerfulness. But if this is a test and God is all-knowing, why doesn't he just place people in their right spots to begin with? That's because, we're being tested, not him. We still have to do those choices to earn a place in heaven.
I posted before I could add a link to the next post I was replying to.
Also, the italics on certain words are there to emphasize them not to sound angry.
>I cant argue any of the points, but they make me MAD goll durnit!
>maybe if I dog-whistle THAT they're bad and that I think so, someone will come across and say things that will make ME feel good, and THEM feel bad
>Also, I am a good Christian because I think so
Anything else (you) wish to contribute?
As for you Sven, Im not saying shit about your position until you read my little short story. Yeah. Yeah.
I cant ignore these trips tho. Jupiter trips, even.